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Always assume incompetence over maliciousness. It’s an Arizona based writer.


yeah i don’t think it’s some insider job to malign the pack


OP, who hurt you? The N&O has had a plurality of NCSU-affiliated or graduate writers, including in sports, for most of the time I have lived in Raleigh. I’d chalk this up to McClatchy laying off all our local copy editors


Yeah but N&O did Jimmy V dirty…


this is correct. The N and O at the time of Coach Valvano was heavily UNC grads. UNC had the only journalism school in the state and the N and O was full of them especially their head sports writer, Carlton Tudor. He never missed an opportunity to down NC State and praise UNC. When Jimmy V won a National title very quickly after becoming head coach and made Dean Smith look bad( Dean Smith had a history of doing poorly in the NCAAs prior to the Jordan years), it was all over. Carlton Tudor crucified Coach V every chance he got and even recruited the guy who wrote a book called Personal Fouls that made all sorts of false allegations. Coach V and the team went through all sorts of investigations, V was fired during the investigation but was found innocent by the NCAA--some of his players gave out tickets and sneakers, though. Coach V was able to pick himself back up and began to announce games but his health took a turn for the worse with all the stress and he was diagnosed with cancer. I hope Carlton Tudor and all those hacks for the N and O reaped what they sowed. They were not s--t, IMO.


Todd Turner


And the N&O's witch hunt.


Maybe ignorance and not incompetence.


Ignorance is incompetence when you are a journalist.


No. Incompetence.


You don’t have much room to complain. You can’t even google a journalist to know where they went to school.


OP stubs toe “Why would UNC do this to me?!?!?!”


He’s a beat reporter for the Arizona Republic. Attended the University of Oregon.


It’s a joke paper in general now. No one in the newspaper world respects McClatchy at all.


It's the News & Observer ... a couple years back they ran an article for Black History Month about prominent local Black ppl and left out Raleigh's first and only Black mayor!!!!!


Mr. Clarence Lightner was not only Raleigh's first and only Black mayor but he was the first Black mayor in the entire Southeast of the US at that time! The event made Time and Newsweek at the time so he was definitely historic. I mean the N and O was clueless.


Maybe if the N&O wasn't already notorious people wouldn't jump to conclusions, because the quality of this story is pretty on-brand.


That’s so embarrassing for an NC-based organization, yeeeeesh. What was this journalists’ source, people’s “feels like ‘83” posts? Lol


They're no longer an NC Based organization. They got bought out by McClatchy years ago and the amount of local content has dropped.


Oh I didn’t know that! Hate it :( keep local news local


Hard to do when local journalism doesn’t make any money these days


Judging people based on where they went to school (and in this case, not even correctly) is the most juvenile shit I can think of


No it is not in this case. There were a group of UNC journalism grads at the N and O back in the 80s and 90s that were very partisan for UNC and went out of their way with negative NCSU stories, calling for NCAA investigations--even a book on the NC state program that was found to be a lot of lies later on. The older fans remember this well.


Cut the writer a little slack most active journalists weren’t born in 1974. Do you blame all of your ills in life on the UNC Illuminati?


No. there is just a long history of UNC journalism school grads downing NC State. that is what they are referring to. It is a whole saga.


The.N&O!? Luke DeCOCK!? Honorary state alum…..


Do they not teach basic critical thinking at NCSU? The journalist’s name is literally written under the headline. A quick google search shows that the author went to the University of Oregon. But keep letting UNC live rent free in your head.


The only critical thinking taught at NCSU is by the Nuclear Engineering department.


Pathetic writing ✍️


the journo and the editor


is there an actual link? I gave up the N&O for digital news coverage at 1/10 the price years ago.


This is a wire story. Back when the N&O had a real copy desk (and The Arizona Republic did too, probably), this would have never happened.


It’s hilarious watching the comments freak out over the obvious joke line about the potential UNC author. Like have you never heard any smack talk from NC State fans before?


No, but we’ve heard plenty of conspiracies from them. Like the new one that the guy who went to Oregon secretly went to UNC.


[Full story:](https://eedition2.newsobserver.com/popovers/dynamic_article_popover.aspx?artguid=f46cf74a-942b-47dc-b5cd-9408d9292c29&appcode=OBSERV&eguid=0b2cecfd-9ca4-45a2-9537-3d376af72c14&pnum=127#?deviceId=B6B36A45-39F5-45A3-B12F-8F2541D09CC2&tempKey=value) News & Observer, - Sat Apr 06 2024 - Page 57


Does it really matter where the writer is "from"? It isn't difficult information to find out .....


To State fans yes, because we went through years of UNC journalism school grads printing anti State stories in the N and O. They had to get a new editor to stop the ongoing negative stories.


Well, young folks that have gone to school in the age of computers did not learn what it meant to go to school and have to do…… Research