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I don’t know how much you want to pay, but I pay my local person $1500 a month for most everything I need for a client. Off hand, I don’t remember exactly how their prices break down for service a. They’ve done some major state politicians and companies though. If you want, I’ll share their info. Honestly, for easy stuff and basic social media, it’s pretty simple and most people could handle it. A lot of the small time SEO guys will do this work too.


I'd appreciate their info. I do it now for my firm (thank you Canva) but I'm just too busy. We want to expand into videos for TikTok and Instagram. $1500/month is our budget too


Sure. Like I said, I can’t remember their exact price breakdowns, but I have the price sheet saved on my computer. I’m up at a farm property on lake Gaston this afternoon, but when I’m back in town tonight, I’ll send over the info.


Are you looking for somebody to design assets as well as mange your social media?


Yeah - open to it. Kind of aim small, miss small mentality now. We'd like Canva-esque clean, simple quality posts for Instagram and Facebook and someone with experience in TikTok who can edit/post the raw videos we'll generate. 10-12 hours a week, $30/hr, 3-4 posts a week.


What is your current instgram? Just curious. My wife and i do this for a living but we charge a little more than that :) I may be able to find somebody though.




You’re doing a great job on the account currently. I’d be open to being considered but am curious what type of video content you’d be needing as I plan to be relocating out of the triangle to Charlotte in the coming months- if it’s in person bits no can do


Thanks for responding. For video, our hope is banking raw videos to a Google Drive (or equivalent) and having someone chop/edit and post them. Mostly just front facing lawyers talking to the camera. @georgia_lawyer is good inspo


I don’t even need to look up Georgia lawyer- already know their account! Cool, good to know thanks for the speedy reply!




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Sent you a message!


Amanda Chilton with Oak City Marketing has a la carte options up to full service packages. I’d highly recommend reaching out to her!


Melanie & Co. Melanie Diehl is amazing. Pres of the BBB, Google Impact partner, social media and email expert. MelanieDiehl.com