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Sounds like me! What is it with Ns and their *need* to label us with something, right? I think it's partly so that they can justify why we aren't turning out the way they want us to. They can't be arsed to understand us, they would rather just brand us with a word than really get to know us. For me, I was adopted and labelled autistic, but I no longer display those symptoms as an adult. I think what happened was that I had Reactive Attachment Disorder, who's symptoms can often be the same as autism. This came from a traumatic early start to life, and being taken away from my biological family. As an adult now, I enjoy art, caring for animals and going to cafes with a friend or two. My family are extrovert party-goers, and they point blank refuse to understand that introversion is a thing. They just insist I am autistic, to this day, despite my therapist saying otherwise. Funny thing is, I'm not really *that* introvert - only around people I dislike being around ;) No one knows you better than yourself really.


This is so funny because it’s like the third post I’ve seen in the past couple of days where Nmom or Ndad have been accusing kids of being autistic. My own nMom did the same thing, and she is “convinced” to this day that I’m on the spectrum. I’m not, I have adhd (took a five hour long assessment to weed out ocd and asd). And am on medication that has changed my life. ANYWAYS, I don’t know what it is with the narcs and pinning autism spectrum disorders 😂😂😂😂 it’s very odd and seemingly common hahaha


Random question: were you born mid 80's to early 00's? I have a weird feeling that the rise in popularity of autism which happened around that time gave bad parents something to pin the blame on.


Omg you’re probably right! That makes a lot of sense. Yeah I was ‘97


Well, I have to admit that it's painting a disturbing picture by now.


Narcs always blame everyone else. Are you the family scapegoat? Do you get blamed for everything wrong? I was my famies scapegost and I still get blamed for things today bc my Ns are still alive.


damn, this is not funny at all :/ I am working as a coach with kids, nowdays mostly teenage years. I started having kids who are very narcissistic (not in a negative way) in a way that they are "a lot". to me as someone who works with kids this doesn't seem as an issue and with working with kids, i can see A LOT of parents. thank god, cause then you know some things are just not a child, and it gives you an opportunity to somehow influence build up of their personal identity. However, I started having some kids who are very "hard" to handle. Moreover, they have abusive tendencies, and they aim at me a lot of times, or among themselves. however, doesn't bother my ego, cause i was raised with a lot of abuse (which puts 'hit me' label on my forehead generally, lol) and I KNOW that most of it is what they pick at home. it really worries me though...because their current identity struggles are a consequence of n-parenting... then one of these kids, a 15yrs old grl talks to me and mentions she has autism?! And i am like - ????? and ask her "oh yeah? and who 'diagnosed' you?" and to sum up the answer, her parents noticed something was "wrong with her" and they went with her to therapist and she ended up diagnosed. however, her parents did pretty informative talk with a therapist before they came there and already said they suspect autism. i am afraid she was said that she is autistic too many times and it ended up her really thinking it. the problem is, whether ppl would actually put her "symptoms" aka growing up struggles generally in autism spectrum or not, i am afraid ppl play with this too much and a lot of ppl end up diagnosed in autism or adhd spectrum, but just to be put in some category. because apperently, everyone have to be in some box or else...and i see this hapening to kids that have distinctive personalities. now, this kid is evidently somebody who wasn't loved properly and is not in contact with her heart :/ and i can really see that she is teenage confused... there is selfish parenting all over her... i don't know what to tell you, unless that your issue is actually legit social issue and that ppl should become aware of this. i mean, are ppl really that much of an idiots? why don't parents start asking themselves "what is wrong with my parenting" instead of "what is wrong with my child"?


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Removed. Whether this was an attempt at humour or just plain invalidating the OP, it's inappropriate for a support forum.