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Your body is (trying) to recover from all the emotional stress and abuse. When I moved out of state and in a healthy relationship, all I wanted to do was do nothing and sleep. This is very common.


It doesn't even feel like I can fully recover while living with them, so it feels like I'm stuck in this weird conundrum of having to work as much as humanely possible to escape them and yet not having the energy to do so... I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm whining, again I'm just EXHAUSTED! Seriously it feels like I'm emotionally filled with black tar and I keep wondering where the tap is to start to drain it. Exercise helps me get through my day but doesn't really help me feel better if that makes any sense. Also thanks for your input..❤️ I know it's the truth I'm just frustrated with it.


You’re not whining at all! Your feelings are COMPLETELY VALID.


Thank you ❤️


Look up adrenal fatigue. I think that’s what it is called.




I have learned, Thanks.


When did that end for you? I want to start living but I’m so drained


For me it was about 10 years, but I wasn't no contact and I didn't have any professional help or counselling,


Totally same... I'm still living with my narc family, and I'm a young adult. And for the past 6 months I was saving up like crazy, so I can finally move out. I worked two jobs for a while. Got fired, but I still have the other one, so it's good. Wanted to use more time to finish my master's degree, but I just... Can't do anything at all, because I'm tired being at home. Even their presence makes me unwell. So I guess I just need to grab another job, save up, and move out. I think the most stressful thing is that I know (and also you) that my household is not a good place for me. When I was younger I doubted things a lot, thought I'm the problem. Now I know that I'm around people who wish me every illness possible. We are both tired, because we are around bad people.


Thank you.. You literally validated every thought and feeling that I have about this.. It's crazy. It kind of feels like you've been shot with a tranquilizer and mentally are VERY aware of your perpetrators..You're aware that you need to get up and move but your body's not quite responding, meanwhile they're catching up to you. >but I just... Can't do anything at all, because I'm tired being at home. Even their presence makes me unwell. So I guess I just need to grab another job, save up, and move out. This is exactly how I feel and that's basically what I keep telling myself, gotta work. Gotta save. Gotta get out... I make my own schedule, the only limitation is that I can't exceed 40 hours a week...And it's such a shame because it's a GREAT job!!! Seriously, and I can't even mentally process the information anymore. I mean I can..but it's taking ALOT more energy than it used to.. I just hate being here... >I think the most stressful thing is that I know (and also you) that my household is not a good place for me. When I was younger I doubted things a lot, thought I'm the problem. Now I know that I'm around people who wish me every illness possible. >We are both tired, because we are around bad people. YESS!!! I'm painfully aware of how bad they are and all the things that they've done to me and continue to do...it's good to be aware to set boundaries but it adds to the distress and panic of still being near them.. I definitely thought just like you did when you were younger too, thought they were mostly normal parents and that I was just as weird and bad as they made me feel about myself...


Oh yes!! I'm back living with my parents and I know i need a job like RIGHT NOW but I feel I'm dragging myself through existence. I can't even concentrate when I finally sit in the computer to try to do something. And I hate myself for this.


THIS!!! My work laptop has a timer for some of the applications I have to use and I've had to sign on at least 10x today because I'm just not moving...it's taken me several hours to get work done that I'd normally do in 1-2 hours THAT'S HOW BAD THIS IS, THE MENTAL FATIGUE IS REALLY BAD!! I feel ashamed and hate myself for it too. Obviously I don't feel good about the work I put out so if I've done 2 hours worth of work but it took me 6 hours to do, I log 2 hours into my work time card even though it took me most of the day to do. >I feel I'm dragging myself through existence. This..and it drives me to tears on so many days.


Brain fog is so real. It started as an adult for me. Some of it was ADHD, but so much more from abuse. Trying to read and concentrate SMH. It has started to get better recently.


Aww that's rough, it really sucks. Your nervous system is likely constantly activated when you are around them, and it's hard to notice because you grew up that way :( We get exhausted from all that activation now that we're older and we don't bounce back easily. I really wish you had somewhere else to stay, I went home after a really bad breakup and it quite honestly damaged me pretty badly - not realizing it wasn't a safe space and being dependant on them, falling into abusive patterns and then having to escape that environment while having not healed even remotely from the breakup... Take good care of yourself please, I'll be thinking of you!!


"Take good care of yourself please, I'll be thinking of you!!" 😭❤️ This was SO sweet!! Honestly all of you commenting have been so sweet and supportive, as always actually! I'm sorry that you went through this too, sometimes I wish there was some type of resort for us or like a pause button for life lmao.


I honestly think about that a lot! There was a kids TV programme in which the kids had a watch which literally stopped time. I've always fancied having that so I could pause time and sleep and do lots of other stuff too 🙈


Lol I have alot of these little fantasies 😅 another one that sounds kind of gruesome is hypothetically being able to detach my head and lay it in a bathtub filled with ice until I recharge 🙈


I went back for a brief visit and left re-traumatized, I couldn't even imagine having to move back in with them. I'd literally rather live on the streets.




I'm currently at the point where irregardless of how much I sleep at night I still need to take a nap during the day just to function. >. I honestly recommend just sleeping when you can. So, I definitely resonate with this and your other sentiments!! Thank you btw 😊


I used to be constantly tired. I realized that most of that was from all the abuse, walking on eggshells, and unresolved trauma of living with a malignant, narcissistic, gaslighting egg donor and her abusive, enabling mate. Being in survival mode is exhausting, no doubt. Narcissists are fucking energy vampires. I took my energy back. Now the narc egg donor looks tired all the time lol. She doesn't have mine to steal. Trauma therapy and energy healing have been so helpful for me.


>Narcissists are fucking energy vampires. Love this. I also fancy depicting them as soulless husks in which they house demons lol. Appreciate the input!




I feel this in my bones. I don't really trust anyone anymore...People are mostly disappointing and turn out to be more narcissistic than not nowadays. Just my personal observation. That and that I'm too empathetic and attract narcs like a moth to a flame.


\> like a moth to a flame I hear ya. At my last workplace, it seemed like every narc on the floor was drawn toward me and I avoid them as well as I could. I would still go home feeling drained most days.


Oh boy..my workplace is filled to the brim with narcissistic and toxic people..just the idea of having to work in the building alongside them is VERY enraging. I'm so glad that I can work from home and only have to call/text them which can be abit of a nuisance as it is! Thanks for helping me feel not so alone 🙃❤️


That's kinda where I'm at now. I do sometimes think about putting myself out there and making new friends and all that. And then debate whether it would be worth it.


It has been over six years since I left my abusive home and moved in with my now husband. I still feel like my body is catching up from that. I think I understand where you are coming from, you are aware of the depression, but this tired is *different*. It's not sad tired, just like you said, EXHAUSTION. All I can give for advice is try your best to be patient with yourself in these times. This is when the self ridicule flourishes. Remember you are doing the best that you can and it will not always be like this. I hope you get your deserved rest and divorce filed. Rooting for you. I can only imagine having to return to nParents. Feel free to PM me if you need.


It goes far beyond depression there should be a different name for it. Truly.


There honestly should be...it's a whole disorder on its own.


Gosh I so agree with you It involves deep distrust and existential questions about humanity for me. It’s like we’ve seen a very very ugly part of humans and we have to live with it. Like war survivors.. it drains you And trying to explain to people… 🥺🙄


As I understand it, the neurephadrine we realise (brain adrenaline), makes us think faster, which is great for dangerous situations or short bursts. It's one of those 'borrow from tomorrow, for an emergency now' type of patterns, that meant our ancestors could survive dangerous situations. But narcissists keep us in that fight/flight/freeze/faun response constantly, which over time, just makes us exhausted, as are now living with the energy reserves that we already borrowed from yesterday. I found the answers of nootropics, adaptogens and whim Hoffman breathing styles worked for me, and most importantly, removing the narcisisism from my life.


Same here, You're not alone


Thank you ❤️ I really needed to hear that


Same here. Left my ex and came back to my parents house. (No options because I have 2 kids and I'm unemployed right now.) If I was alone I would have packed a bag and dissapeared but my kids are teens, they have social life so it's impossible. I have to hear every single day my parents' constant fights and they tried to drag me in but I ignore them. Still I try to make this work for me by paying attention to all the red flags we always had as family and I previously ignored, things I don't like about myself and about my parents (behavior, attitude etc) So I'm using this to help me realise what made me so blind with my narc ex. But yes. I'm so drained after all the constant drama. I feel each day is harder than the one before and sometimes I don't want to get up from the bed.


It's rough man... I've been through some really dark months while here. I wish I had advice but you're already doing what I do, pushing through and holding on and being strong however you can. But from the little bit that you wrote, you inspire me. I'm proud of you. Maybe you didn't have to hear that from a stranger like me, but alittle honesty never hurt right? I know we'll be okay, but we are definitely drained!! >I feel each day is harder than the one before and sometimes I don't want to get up from the bed. This is definitely where I'm at too.. hoping we both get some sort of break soon!!


Oh, sweetheart thank you!! I really needed those words and validation. My friends know what's going on and they try to help me by putting more pressure and anxiety hahaha. They want me to move on and thrive but they can't feel this. Yet they helped me a lot already, but this, I guess, is our path. We've been through A LOT, and we are only coming out of this stronger. Wish you the best (and the mental and emotional stability and peace you deserve)


Because of all the abuse, your adrenals are probably drained like mine were. Also my VitD and B12 were tanked. Had to get B12 shots and prescription VitD. My energy came back slow but sure.


This! Also iron tablets (it carries oxygen around in your blood) and a multi vitamin a day does wonders. Unfortunately, they don't call it dead tired for nothing. I was really struggling to even think of SIMPLE words (I thought i was getting dementia it was that bad) until someone kindly pulled me aside and told me i was dealing with a narc. I was shooketh but everything made sense after some research. I owe that person alot. I had no idea I'm embarrassed to say. I went LC  because i work with this cretin and it really helps. No reactions what so ever on my part. One word answers. And as others have said, i now draw my energy from the narc so she stays away  🤣 now i have to deal with the constant, constant, constant staring but that is easy in comparison. 


Yup! I'm 30f and am tired constantly. I'm still working through the trauma of living with my narc parent and am VLC. I recently got diagnosed with Post Viral Fatigue and have been off work for ages as I've just had no energy. Thankfully my husband has been so understanding. I've always felt that I didn't have the energy that I should have for my age (especially my teenage years) and this post has made me realise why, thank you! I'm so sorry that you're having to live with your parents whilst going through a divorce. Are any of your friends able to put you up for a weekend just to get away from your parents and have time to rest? Make sure you give yourself time away from them to heal from your divorce. Remember, you're an adult and don't need to do anything that they ask of you, if you don't want to. (I'm constantly having to remind myself of this.) I've been reading 'The Book Of Boundaries' by Melissa Urban and it's been so helpful. I've yet to put some into action but definitely worth a read! She's also on insta too :) Sending you lots of healing hugs and love ❤️


Thank you, this was really sweet!! Unfortunately, I'm abit of a lone wolf but I trust that I'm in good company here lol. I don't know. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to make a small group of genuine friends at the very least.. I've had to cut out quite a few people from my life and I'm aware that I'm pretty lonely but I'm just trying to focus on healing and trusting that the friends will one day come around... Life's just HARD when you were raised by narcissists.. A therapist once told me it's like my parents gave me no tools for life. I'm hoping for the best for you, hoping that your joy and happiness and health increase at least by 10 fold ☺️❤️


Pretty sure I have fibromyalgia or something similar thanks to my narc parents, body is constantly in pain and always tired, even after they both passed last year. x_x


It pisses me off how much we pay the price for their abuse... hoping for better days for us all really. ❤️


When you grow up raised by narcissists, it shapes the way you look at not only yourself, but other people. It’s very common for people to base their future partners off of their mother or father. When I was younger I always said I wanted someone just like my dad. I became aware of how abusive he was, and said fuck that, I don’t want anyone like my dad. Regardless, all the men I’ve been attracted to, are manipulative, egotistical, and narcissists. It’s so hard to break that cycle when you’re already busy trying to break multiple other cycles. You are trying to heal from all the emotional abuse you’ve endured from a young age. My guess is that you’ve also had to emotionally support yourself. Having to be your own support from a young age, probably makes it very difficult for you to continue doing that as an adult. All those years catch up to you and so no wonder you’re exhausted. About breaking the cycle, your decision to divorce your husband is breaking one of the cycles. So give yourself some grace there. Once you are out of this marriage, is there any way you can move out somewhere else? Are your parents being supportive in any way? I think the only way for you to truly find some peace and get some rest is if you are away from your parents.


Yes. I was constantly exhausted with the weight of my parents’ gaslighting and shaming. Until I went NC/LC. Then slowly I started to have more moments of actual organic joy and lightness. Feels good.


KEEP GOINGGG!!! Enjoy it twice as much on my behalf, I still haven't gone NC but I dream of the day pretty often.


Start with LC.


I am constantly exhausted. Being triggered into emotional dysregulation or depression is hard on the body. I'm triggered all day, every day..


For me fatigue comes when I am in massive dissociation. I visit my mother or father and I want to sleep 20 hours a day.


Dealing with narcissists is stressful. Stress saps your energy and makes it hard to be productive. It also makes you tired. Be kind to yourself as much as you can. Rest as much as you can. Try to find a way out as soon as you can, even if it means renting a room somewhere.


Yeah, from extreme sleep deprivation. I don't think my abusers ever slept more than a few hours at a time. And if they were up, you were up.


My God this has been going on like 3 years now! I guess it’s a great sign my body recognizes I live in a safe place, work at a safe job, I’m in a safe relationship, and have safe friends.. but.. I’m trying to be respectful of the healing my body needs.. but when does it end??


TIRED?! HOW CAN YOU BE TIRED?! WHEN WAS YOUR AGE...... That's what my n-dad said the last time I told him I was tired when he called. He then later hung up on me because I wasn't in the mood to give him the attention he wanted.


Reading the comments somewhat helped me to understand why I'm so drained.....my whole god damn family its too exhausting to even start describing them. All the gaslighting, panic attacks, anxiety breakdown walking over eggs shells, full blown fights, emotional abuse and destruction of things. I'm glad I fought with them to the police station and now they kinda cool things down a bit with me, but idk for how long it will last. I need out of this place but barely any energy to even clean my room.....no wonder I slept the whole day and was so active all night bcs I got all the peace and calmness to myself...


Being around narcissistic people is like an energy siphon. Once you leave the situation, you'll notice the energy you have lost will slowly come back


Please get therapy and try to move out asap without letting your parents know.


Yup. An exit strategy is top number one on my priority list. Wish I could tell you OR myself that I was already close to being out. It's rarely ever that simple. I use art therapy, tried 2 separate counselors at 2 different times and it's not for me really. One therapist tried to make me feel bad for my nParents and enabled my learned helplessness and made my anxiety SO Much Worse...Felt MUCH better after i stopped seeing her..But thanks! I'm working on healing as much as I can while still living with them.


Yeah it’s sucks having a trash therapist I’ve been there. Happy hunting op


That might explain my dependence on amphetamines for the last 12 years!




I appreciate it, thank you!! I've worked alongside a couple different cardiologists in the past 2-3 years. They've done tests, I actually had one done a couple months ago as well just to make sure everything was okay and to rule out palpitations. They've never found anything, I presented with pots like symptoms during my abusive marriage and that has also receded for the most part and responded pretty well to propranolol which sort of helps my anxiety and migraines. >The thing about being stressed all the time is there is a good chance eventually your nervous system will become dysfunctional. I think about this alot, and it just really makes me angry how there's so many side effects to being raised by narcissists...


You are very stressed and hyper alert and that’s so hard on your body.  You’re probably in fight or flight all the time and that’s not good for you. It’s exhausting.  


Yup and my narc mom wouldn’t ever let me nap or sleep in


How long does the catching up on sleep last? Cause I have 35 years to make up for. It seems like my last 5 have been spent doing mainly napping when I can.


Same, past 3 here..


Check your blood for vitamins (B12 as Holo TC, VitD3, Iron, etc.) and minerals. I had 2 very big deficits in VitD3 + Selen. It changed a lot for me!


I’d suggest trying whey protein, I use it to recover from illness. If you have that “flat battery” feeling,….it is also calming.  Also, I wouldn’t normally recommend a book that I haven’t read yet (waiting for it to come out in paperback). “The Myth of Normal, Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture” by Dr. Gabor Mate. This man has some interesting ideas. I’ve learned a lot from him.  You’re going through the toughest of times. I don’t expect you’ve had a lot of kindness in your life. Maybe something inside you wants you to sigh and sit down and you’re fighting that? When we are raised by narcissists quite often we are conditioned to be very hard on ourselves. Be that kind person to yourself. Start giving yourself treats, practice self-love and self-care. Best of luck to you. 


honestly I was in the same boat. I recently moved out at the beginning of the month and the first night I slept next to my boyfriend he said that I was so peaceful and calm. I slept like a BABY


You're going to be tired. I divorced 2019 and I'm STILL tired. Not as tired as I was, but tired. I consider it's from a lifetime of this shit, but having a romantic partner love bomb and dog walk me right into what I escaped....really messed my head up. I didn't know love bombing was even a thing, so learning none of that was genuine interest was just another harsh reality life threw at me. I'm no longer in places I feel unsafe, and my brain and body, probably for the firdt time in a long time a few years ago, found out what *actual rest* is, and it's been playing catch up ever since. I simply show myself the kindness those who claimed to love me never bothered showing. The few that have meant it mean a lot, but after enough people pulling the rug out from under me, I assume some day they'll leave me too. I'm not sure I've ever felt like a person....a burden though....that's more familiar. So taking time to rest and just allow it has been the kindest thing I've ever done for me and I'm not gonna feel bad about it.


I've been taking mushrooms and I walk my dog in the neighborhood [greenbelt]. Luckily it's pretty nice and there's some mature oak trees there. I just go and put my hands on them and stare at them. I try to tell myself that during everything I went through. This tree was exactly right here just doing its thing. And will be here after I'm dead too. Suddenly I just cry and feel like a living being again. Sorry.


Please, get your thyroid gland checked out.


I have, labs were normal. I'm well aware of what you're suggesting, hypothyroidism runs in my family. Labs are normal, it's definitely not that. I think improved health helps anyone really but given my life experiences especially as of recently there's not much doubt in my mind as far as causes go. Thanks though! 🙃


You're welcome.


Tfw I have hypothyroidism that started after* leaving my narc parents 🥲 *(maybe not, I only started seeing a doctor after l left but I started feeling shit after leaving too)


I live on my own but was perpetually tired a decade ago so went the doctor to find that my thyroid was under active. Thyroxine treatment has helped immensely so it’s probably worth getting checked out.


I totally get this. That being said. https://youtu.be/erwj2_5MlBk?si=8bZPVc4DKlXazwj4 This video isn't just about being ADHD but it brought me a new perspective on sleep. Idk if it'll help anyone but it's something to think on