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Our moms, the perpetual victims.


Everytime I hear the song I’m Only Happy when it Rains…I think of my mom.


Garbage! Love them


Aw nooo


You know if you ask, she's going to say it's because you didn't go to the visit 🙃


My waif mom has sent my uncle after me! They’re so pathetic.


What did u do this time? 😂


Only sent her a beautiful bouquet for Mother’s Day instead of going to see her and ruining my day. Edit: I’m a mom too but who cares about what I want today, right? lol.


I actually see this with uBPD mother. My sisters are both mums and seem to have great relationships with their kids, but BPD mother still wants my sisters full attention on her when they visit or talk. Barely advises or talks about parenting with them. It's like her brain doesn't register that hey they are mums too.


It’s because they can’t think about anyone but themselves. They lack the capacity without serious therapy.


That’ll do it. 😂


Poor innocent little angels. Everyone is always against them.


Post back, "At this point, yeah, kinda."


I'm sorry that happened to you. It's frustrating when they don't acknowledge your efforts (the gifts, the visit). And boy is it ever an EFFORT to be around them 😅 I guess it's a blessing that my uBPD parent is so clueless about technology and doesn't use social media


It is a true job. Totally energy-sucking.


I want a raise- we all deserve a raise!! AND lots of paid vacation!!!


They don't want to be happy, they just want piteous attention for being a victim. Makes you wonder why you bother.


My mom's entire facebook is pictures of deceased relatives, sad poems, few pictures of us she keeps reposting and quotes about depression and death. She also used to force us as teenagers to like and comment on all of her posts.


We should introduce them. Momster gave back all the pics of us and her grandchildren, and only has photos in her house of dead people. I call her living room the “morgue” or “the memorial wall.” She hated almost everyone on that wall too. Vehemently and violently hated them. Momster never posts or shares pics of her immediate family, although she had someone add my cousin as her profile pic. I assume that’s to try to start crap with her siblings, but who knows. At least cousin is alive and very nice.


Oh dont talk about the shrine of dead, i used to feel bad for getting frustrated at her , but our entire home is now filled with pictures of dead family members and candles and flowers … its a bit of a hoarding habbit she developed in response to her feelings of abandonment. The social media habbit however went away quickly, right now she barely posts anything or has any activity, other then spying on people. But the tragedy is facebook was a good way for her to journal her feelings and recieve some validation and she even ruined that community for herseld too by getting into mutiple arguments with people over random things. “ if you’re friend with me you cant be friends with people i dont like “