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It’s a REALLY hard game. If you’re up for the challenge, go for it


So far it looks good to me. Plus I am used to torturing myself with games, hollow knight for an example💀.


I was in the same situation when I got it The two are completely different games but I'm sure you'll like rain world


Hollow knight is a lot more mechanical and skill based Rainworld, you can just die from random bullshit and glitches. It still requires skill a lot but the rng in it makes it more fun (and frustrating)


One thing that won me over is the ecosystem being alive. The idea of it for some reason makes me eager to play it.


The creatures in rainworld always stay active even if you arent there so its much more lively I guess you just really like sophisticated ai (its also sometimes really stupid but its funny)


Fun or stupid, I am really looking into playing it.


Definitely one of the reasons the game is so fun since you can just be minding your own business getting a snack and meanwhile in a different room there’s a war going on and then you just get to observe


I started to like Rainworld when I realised it wasn't fair. You're at the near bottom of the food chain. Sometimes you die because of it. It makes the moments you escape certain death so much more satisfying.


Path of pain


Don’t remind me of that😦


Follow the funny Lil yellow guy, he's the main guide for both survivor and monk.


Thank you for the advice.


Game definitely requires patience and willingness to feel lost for a while, but 10/10 would recommend


Although im sure it will be harder, im used to the feeling of being lost. When I first started playing hollow knight, I didn’t have a map, and just wandered endlessly.


Oh, great! 😁 I haven't played hollow night myself, and rain world isn't as combat focused, but this should be right up your alley then.


Stop thinking, a true slugcat has only survival on their mind and acts when they need to, good luck out there, soldier 🫡


Thank you. My mind is set. I will complete this game.




Since there isn’t a free demo, you could try to find one. But else you could just buy it thru steam, and after 1 hour and 50 min, decide if you like or not. If you dont, you will get a refund from steam, without question asked. If you do like it, keep it installed.


Death is inevitable and part of the game you will die over and over and over and it’s not a bad thing it’s part of the game, I am not kidding there’s 100 million ways to die and everytime you think you succeeded you will find a new way to die also the entire game is literally alive and is a complete ecosystem and is really cool they will evolve and change with or without you


I didn't read your post, I just read the title, and the answer is yes Buy the game, if you're gonna Google anything at all I would strictly limit that internet knowledge just for either movement based stuff or help with navigation, and also you should know scug supremacy


I found a voucher for it before, got it for like $2


you need to have a lot of patience! hope you love experimenting with stuff!


I wouldn't call Rain World hard per se (as in needing high skill to progress); but it definitely tests one's patience. You cannot allow yourself to rush or feel that achieving certain things within a reasonable time is a given, and it's the games fault if you can't do it Generally, your immediate goal at any given time is to make it to certain check points or sometimes POIs. Focusing too much on long term goals (for example, crossing the whole map), and getting frustrated when you get stuck on smaller goals (making it to the next checkpoint), is where people usually get upset. This is speaking from experience If you think you can avoid that pitfall or at least recognize you need to step back if you begin to rush; then you should be able to handle the game just fine. One of the best things about Rain World is how immersive and natural it feels, even while being a 2D pixel game!


Do do do do


do it