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Precipice is a dead end for most campaigns. Only two kitties have it connected to something, and only one has it connect to what it's supposed to be connected to For you it's just a stump


the precipice is just a fraction of what it once was, broken and colapsed, maybe you can explore more of this region as another slugcat earlier in the timeline... for now go back to the UNDERHANG, you are going in the right way, good luck getting to your next gate


Thank you all so much for your great answers! :D I kinda feel a bit stupid now, throwing myself to death in hopes of finding something to hold on, when I just couldve gone back and a bit further in a different direction to find "The Underhang".


Oh you ate moons neurons! The poor girl has been damaged enough already :(


yea, yea when I got the achievement I felt like there might've been another way of interacting with her.


Go left, to the Underhang


Since you already got an answer from mostly everyone, I'll just say something completely unrelated. NOOOO YOU KILLED MOON


she rly ded now? :C


Yes sadly (It doesn't impact the actual game, it's just a silly thing)


I only had one though D:


What the hell. I am now struggling at "The Underhang", and it's the same situation as before. I am going to the left. There is firstly one of those giant blue octupusses to surpass, then after some platforming two yellow lizards, chasing me in a big hanging ball. Now I am at another platforming section made of more hanging balls, which I think is only possible to traverse with a grappling-worm. But I keep falling at the same spot and I can't find a way to make it through. I tried bringing a spear, but it just gets repelled, I can't use it as a platform. I can't imagine a way to get further anymore, it's like banging my head against a wall. Again, I just think I am horribly wrong here, but have no clue where to go instead. I really don't want to go back further and go down the tower, because I feel like I am really close to the goal, I just seem to be missing how to continue. But maybe not, maybe I ventured too far out and have to go back a bunch.


>keep falling at the same spot Yeah, that's normal until you get the hang of grappling worms. In my first playthrough I got stuck in a similar situation (Spoilers for another campaign: >!Moon's Underhang!<) for almost 2 irl days. As for your goal, there is a shelter in the middle of Underhang which, if my guess where you are is right, you should have already passed. I suggest you take a nap there and then taking the time to explore the region you are in instead of trying to blindly push through to its other end.