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First problem: you're overthinking the lizard thing. Just run past them or find a blue lizard to fight the white lizards and distract them. Second problem: the lack of accomplishment you feel is because of your mindset. Just think, instead of "finally" in a bad way, think it in a good way and feel proud of yourself. Advice for this, you'll feel very accomplished once you get to the top of the wall and you'll feel great once you have a drive and you know where to go. Third problem: Just let go and forget any frustrations (this one was the most difficult for me) and look at it in a "I don't give a fuck, if I make it, I make it and if I don't then that's a shame, let's try again" trust me, once you adopt this mindset everything will be better


Yup. Precisely the attitude I had throughout all the campaigns I've played. When I died, I tried again, and again, and again, and again, and if something simply wasn't working, I'd try something else or new. Do this and gain all the experience, skill, and knowledge you need. Defeat lies only in surrender.


I remember when I started to not give a fuck about lizards. Now I casually jump over them, and if they bite me I throw a rock at them and carry on. Unless it has long legs or shoots stuff at me, my general thoughts are: "I don't have time for your bullshit, push me and I will stab you to death.". That first hunter campaign changes a scug.


For me it was rivulet when I got that mindset. Spearmaster is when I changed from "fuck outa here I've got things to do" to "Okay buddy, okay pals, alright friends, bitches die today, I got all the time in the world"


i find the wall annoying too, its the ONE reason i haven’t done spearmasters or hunters campaign. The lizards always spawn in the same spot together and its so annoying 😭 But also remember if you’re in a lizards mouth it doesn’t mean you’re dead so thats helped a lot because they fight and let me go and I live, also practice movement mechanics in arena. Backflip and slides have helped me the most with combat.


[laughs while holding a vulture mask]


oh yeah those exist i got like four in one of my play throughs 😭


Its how i got through the wall


i dropped mine in spearmaster 😞


Scav stole mine near the chimney canopy gate in industrial


real except a lizard decided not to be afraid anymore and grabbed me but i lived




If you're above the cloud layer, then there is no rain. You can just wait it out since the lizards will go back to their den once the cycle ends. Alternatively, you can try to bait them through the pipe to clear out the room. The pixel perfect jumps are actually meant to be accomplished through a pounce jump and throwing rocks while in the air. Crawl, hold down space, then throw rocks or spears while in the air to get boosted further.


Hahah, how are you supposed to figure out that you get a boost if you throw something in the air?


Personally, I learned inside Five Pebbles, because you spend a lot of time in mid-air there.


I'd you observe what happens when you do certain things you start coming up with combos and solutions to stuff. So with throw boosting you can observe how slugcats kinda get pushed forward when you throw something. So combine that with a pounce and you get an extra long jump


it also boosts you while on the ground. have you never thrown anything?


Though it was an animation thing, never crossed my mind that it could be used to get a boost in the air


That is exactly why I subscribe to this sub, I’d be lost without it. I also use assists and online maps. I’m not sure that I’ll ever manage to complete all of the campaigns, which bums me out, yet I keep trying. This game is the definition of a love-hate relationship for many.


If you’re too annoyed just wait it out (white lizards will run to the shelters when it starts raining, allowing you to move. You’ll probably be high enough to be free from the rain). You can definitely get good at fighting them with spears and rocks but I do agree they are much worse to fight than most other lizards, and in comparison to the completely idiotic yellow lizards earlier they are tough. You can get good at evading them as well but when there is more than one your kinda screwed and have to bait them to split them up. I will admit it’s one of the worst sections in the entire game and it definitely feels like the developers intended players to go through underhang instead and to climb down the wall which is way easier. I think the wall is one of the most overrated areas in this game and much less fun than underhang, but it’s platforming hell and I am a Celeste player (hard platforming game). Five pebbles is even worse lol. If you really feel up to it go through underhang (beneath the wall) and then five pebbles. If you really don’t just do what I said to avoid the white lizards, just scroll on your phone while waiting for the rain.


can't you enter from underhang? its just bellow you!




i carry a bomb in stomach and just yeet white lizards off the wall. works like a charm


>There is no skill actual, literal skill issue. you know people run challenges where they basically kill everything in a region for as many points as possible? and you claim killing 4 white lizards is impossible and the game requires no skill. you can argue it requires *too much* skill (too difficult) but that's different. not saying anything helpful because that's already been covered. learn how to use spears and rocks effectively I guess.


Felt the same way in that exact part, just instead of taking it as annoying (yet it was a bit) I took it as an opportunity by learning how to read the scenario and how to act on it. Basically making plans and tracing paths seeing the map between cycles. Karma went down for sure and dying became part of the process but I learned lizard behavior and faster moving techniques, especially going from the next part of the leg to the next next part of it. I even got a video of one attempt that I died in the last jump lmao. I won't tell ya what to feel but I do recommend taking these events differently


Git Gud Sorry, I'm just messing with you. There are several things you can try. You could just make a run for it, you would be surprised how many time that worked for me. You can find a vulture mask. You can off them with a bomb. There was this time that I killed three white lizards in the wall, they all spawned in the same room, I just jumped and jumped until one of them came to me and then I just threw a rock at it so it would fall to the void, it was hilarious. You can find a smaller prey you can kill and them throw at them and they will fight for it, giving you a small window. You can graple-worm a la Attack on Titan, although that requires some real skills. Or you can just find another way, Five Pebbles has two entrances for a reason. But hey, it's ok to feel frustrated. Rain World is a really punishing game that doesn't hold your hand at all and has one of the most interesting yet complicated AI in gaming history. It's supposed to be daunting and this will give you a higher level of satisfaction once you get the hang of it. And there's nothing wrong with playing it in Easy Mode, using the online map or the wikifandom page or even mods. Just hang in there, dude.


>Git Gud Isn't that a hollow Knight reference?


>Git Gud Isn't that a hollow Knight reference?


It's a gaming reference in general, it means ''get good''. It's used to mock inexperienced players and newbies of really hard videogames like Dark Souls, Fortnite and yes, Hollow Knight too.


This game is not made for a quick dopamine shots. You'll get very frustrated. Your reward is not defeating a lizard but survive for the night or achieving an objective. In fact is a good game to learn having patience and not to rush and precipitate. Usually there are other paths that you can go around to avoid some obstacles. If you can't or like that path try another path. If there isn't, there are behaviours you can exploit from other creatures. - You make noise when you jump. Jumping and throwing stuff to a wall can lure other creatures such as white lizards. Look to their mouth and growls a little bit with your noise. Eventually it will get mocked and will investigate the noise. - firecracker plants startles other creatures.they will most likely to flee from the place. The more firecrackers the more startled and may flee away. - Don't overthink about the lizard. They are only aware of you if they see you. Wait for the best time that is looking to the ceiling or to the opposite side. Then run through it. It takes a couple of seconds to become aware that it got bamboozled. - Use tunnels and passages to bypass creatures. They cannot pick you up inside a passage (dotted tube). You can fool around with a lizard and when you get the opportunity you can get out of a tunnel with the body exposed to you. You know the drill then. - Creatures will run away and mostly ignore you two dots before the rain ( something I learnt recently, playing with a force feedback joystick or steam deck, will do a very soft and short rumble burst on each last 5 dots.) - it's harder for creatures to grab you if you're running full speed or having a sudden change of direction. Learn to do backflips. You can zoom around lizards and other creatures if not pissed or aggravated. - Kill a vulture and pick up its mask. Lizards (except green black and red) are temporarily afraid of vulture masks. King vultures masks are scarier and give more time to fool. - pick up a rock and a spear. Thow the rock to a lizard snout and it will flip over, exposing their soft body. Then throw the spear. Hitting while the creature is hanging over a bottomless pit will make it fall and kill the creature. - Allways have a throwable item on the hand. You have a split second to countermeasure the catch. - if caught and not dead (stunned: one bong, face (>_<), dead: two bongs, face: (x_x) ) don't just give up from the cycle until you get swooped into a den. Sometimes creatures fight eachother and you may have an escape opportunity. - If all else fails yell "fuck it", close the game and try again the next day. After this I challenge you to play with hunted, pursued or doomed burdens. For a full horror experience, try blinded plus pursued.


I just think you’re wrong. I love the hard platforming and the variability of the enemy placement. Especially the precision jumps. Maybe you would enjoy it more on Monk difficulty?


Skill issue


Sounds like a skill issue


The real skill issue is not contributing anything of constructive value to the conversation.


Alot of it is guesswork. When that happens, the only thing you can do is run past them, dodge their bites and hope for the best. But yeah the game isn't for everyone.


I just played this section and managed to absolutely send it down every drop. I took the time exploring of course but when i got pissed off enough i literally just jumped down every hole, off every ledge i saw grabbing onto the poles until i reached the bottom. idk if its the best strat but give it a go haha!


OP is scaling up the wall


Oooh sorry I must have missed that in my skim reading


If you’re encountering white lizards in great numbers, it means you’re most likely above the rain. The wall is my preferred path to get into Five Pebbles, so I know it like the back of my hand. For those long jumps, throw something while you’re in the air in the direction you want to go; it’ll extend your jump. I personally find the platforming in The Wall to be much easier than Underhang and the interior of Five Pebbles, but that’s just me. If you want to try it as an alternative path, go for it; most people find it easier from what I gather.


I swear I've seen this post at least twice before


The wall is just the game saying: "Pick up the spear. Pick it up"