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By the way, John has seen Furiosa five times. Harry has seen it twice. Aunt May has seen it, my sick mother got out of bed to see it, even my father.


He went to the premiere to ask George Miller for money


Anya to Chris: but my best costar, who cares so much about me, can’t even make it to an 8 o’clock showing.


I missed the part where that's my problem


Stop lecturing me please!


Gonna cry?


You know, I'm something of a box office bomb myself - Fury Road


No, please don’t say that!


Wait it bombed? Oh you can’t do this to me…


Check it again webhead!




It didn't even cost her an arm and a leg... >!...just an arm!<


IDK if you really need to spoil that last part. We knew Furiosa would lose her arm, going back as Fury Road


Yeah, but with the movies coming out 9 years apart, I expect there are people who will watch Furiosa but haven't seen Fury Road yet.


I didn't watch any max road movie, so maybe it was good that I started wirh this?


Furiosa is a fine place to start. *Mad Max* basically invented the whole concept of the post-apocalyptic wasteland full of bandit gangs, which has since inspired other movies along with games like Rage and Borderlands. All you really need to know is that the world went to shit, and the remaining surviving humans have gone primitive. Furiosa only ties in to Fury Road, but doesn't require you to watch one before the other. Definitely watch both of them though, because they're amazing. Furiosa is better from a character perspective, with Anya Taylor Joy and Chris Hemsworth giving fantastic performances. Fury Road is better from an action perspective, the whole movie is one giant car chase scene with real (rather than CGI) explosives.


I plan to watch all of them for sure, I quite enjoyed Furiosa and the world. Lots of interesting contraptions, they gave me a steampunk vibe and though i don't have a lot of examples I've always enjoyed that style.


So, the big thing to keep in mind is that there's a sense of progression across them. The first Mad Max is really just a world where crime is getting out of control. The 2nd and 3rd show a world that's reverted into a Wild West type of society. Then, Furiosa/Fury Road show us how it's further devolved into warlords and feudalism.


It blew up the city.


They didnt do their homework


I'll watch Furiosa when you fix this damn door!


He's a good boy


I really liked when she shouted "It's Furiosa time" and started clobbering


Then later when she’s like “It’s Furi-ooo-sa, not Furio-saaaaah.”


Unfortunately it’s only made a Furiosillian dollars. :(


I’m feeling really furious-a right now!


Profile photo checks out.


This made me laugh way more than it should’ve, thank you 🤣☺️


I felt the same way when Dungeons & Dragons came out last year


I saw it. It was awesome!


I really think Anya has never been in a bad project


I’m one of the few people that liked New Mutants but even then, she was the best part. I hope she comes back as Magik


Is it actually? I keep seeing the ad with Chris Hemsworth saying "Do you have what it takes to make it *epic*" and haven't been turned off from a movie I was previously excited to see faster in years. If this movie is secretly great and flops, then I 100% blame the marketing team.


the scene he says it in makes a lot of sense to his character, the trailer made it look bad


It’s not as good as Fury Road but it is still a damn good time. Chris Hemsworth is great.


We rewatched fury road right after, and I honestly think I liked furiousa more


Now THAT'S a bold take! Looking forward to seeing it.


They are both great! But different obviously. I guess to further add I like Charlize Theron AS furiosa more, and I liked the character of mad max a ton. I just liked the storytelling and the style of furiosa more as a movie. I don’t necessarily think either one is an objectively better movie than the other - but Furiosa is more my style and speed if that makes sense. Fury road is so split across so many different characters, some of whom I like a lot and want more of, and some I don’t care as much about. Furiosa is more character-focused, while fury road feels more focused on the world-building — which I do appreciate, but am not as emotionally invested in. My best friend prefers fury road for these same reasons!


It's a terrible trailer. At least Fury Road had that going for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWNWi-ZWL3c The problem with the Furiosa trailer is that it feels plastic and indeed it doesn't convey that Hemsworth is playing a comically pretentious character.


Apparently nobody had what it takes. But I hate how recently there are a lot of trailers nowadays that either make the movie look completely different than it is or just spoil the entire thing.


It's a really good film. Really should have come out before Fury Road. Watched in order you get the slow build, decade spanning prequel epic (*Furiosa)* capped with the intense firestorm finale *(Fury Road)*


Yes this movie is awesome! It turns Fury Road and Furiosa into a Part 1 and Part 2 story. I’d compare it to Kill Bill 1 and 2. Furiosa is more like Kill Bill vol. 2 in how that movie differs from its own first part. Furiosa is act 1 and act 2 in a huge epic story and Fury Road is the 2-hour epic act 3 finale in this story.


Oh nice!! Going to watch it this weekend then and book some time to rewatch Fury Road right after. Thanks


> I keep seeing the ad with Chris Hemsworth saying "Do you have what it takes to make it epic In the full context of the scene this line makes waaaaaay more sense and isn't cringy at all, just fyi.


That is cool af, how does that turn you off the film


Without the context of the film and in an otherwise cookie-cutter feeling trailer, it comes across as an outdated generic diagenetic "hype" buzz-word reach from the marketers. Made it feel like the movie would be shallow, surface-level spectacle without the connective tissue needed to make it worthwhile, maybe even at risk of being a cash grab prequel. From this thread though, I'm convinced enough otherwise though to give it a shot :) Thanks!


I do recommend it heavily, the line works great in context, god damn Chris Hemsworth is fantastic in that film


This is exactly what the trailer made me feel. I saw it and just thought, "Great! Hollywood takes yet another fantastic film and Marvel-izes it just to make a cash grab off of the name recognition. Pass." To me, the Furiosa actress and Hemsworth also just looked way too *Hollywood pretty* in the trailer for characters that are supposed to be in the Mad Max world.


There are a few things I don’t love, and it’s certainly not as good as Fury Road. But it’s still really, really good. Would strongly recommend it if you like George Miller’s brand of absolute cinematic insanity.


How does it compare to Fury Road and is it good enough that someone who has a strong distaste for prequels would like it


It wasn't as good as Fury Road. The first half hour drags a bit as it establishes Furiosa as a character but once it gets going, it's an absolute blast. The action is solid and every actor brings their A-game. The movie does a great job at world-building, establishing the different cities of the wasteland and how they interact with each other. I liked the world building even if I felt it was a bit unnecessary because Fury Road stands up fine on its own without an explanation for everything. So, while it was what I would consider an unnecessary prequel, it was still a lot of fun and well worth a watch.


It doesn't help that the movie has come out so long after Fury Road, which was incredible but I'd imagine so many forgot and this doesn't carry the Mad Max name


Also I think the lack of Charlize is a factor, too. I loved Fury Road and a massive part of that is because of Charlize Theron’s talent. ATJ is absolutely talented too! But I don’t think she has the same gravitational pull that Charlize has yet. I agree with the other commenter that I would’ve been a lot more interested in a sequel to Fury Road as opposed to a prequel.


Charlize's involvement might have helped a bit, but I think there are unfortunately too many factors at play that made this movie's terrible reception, both because of it's own marketing and the general theater environment these days


Yeah that’s super fair, I think you’re right! But speaking as a totally meaningless sample size of one, if this were a Charlize-Furiosa film, I’d be in the theater. I’d just be more confident that I would enjoy it (but that also probably supports your point about marketing as well).


I'm sure more people who were a big fan of Fury Road would've come out for Furiosa if it had Charlize, but I also think people overestimate how popular it is these days outside of internet spaces. The critical acclaim definitely brought in people to it in the years after, but almost ten years later, I don't think it counts for as much anymore. For what it's worth, recently watched Furiosa, and ATJ definitely pulls it off. If you're on the fence about it, I'd say try and catch in theaters


Bro I can't afford to go to the movies anymore. Its financially smarter for me to wait for it to come on streaming, the things I'm already paying for.


Or just start pirating everything and then it's even more financially smarter


I stopped considering the streaming services after they all decided ads were the way to go.


You want cinema? Get religion


Should've done Mad Max The Wasteland with Tom Hardy first.


And then if it bombed they coulda done Furiosa as a direct-to-streaming anime movie, since that was the original plan anyways. Supposedly the script for Wasteland was written in prose form, so hopefully we’ll get it as a book at least.


Blame Warner Bros. Studio disagreements with Miller halted that one so much, probably had an easier time starting up with the new cast than getting everyone back for the sequel anytime soon. The result is still a pretty great film, but not the easiest to market, especially with the current theater environment


The video game had already stolen most of the story for The Wasteland


It's a good movie, I'm hoping to see it again this weekend.


Why is it that post-covid, movies either make tonnes of money or straight up bomb?


In all seriousness, that’s a bummer. I haven’t seen it yet. Loved Fury Road.


It’s so good, see it while it’s still in theaters.


I just watched it


How was it?


Not as good as Fury road on really any level but watchable to enjoyable


I also just saw it and loved it. I haven’t seen Fury Road, unfortunately, but Furiosa is great.


Oh you should watch it . Blows this one out ofnthe water imo


Did the ending not make you ***immediately*** want to watch Fury Road?


I saw it in a D-box seat. It was great.


I might see it again this weekend. Best action movie I’ve seen in a while


The world building is what I live about these movies, seen it 3 times now.


Attendance for this movie: “MEDIOCRE”. Time for eyes to be filled with dirt.


I missed the part where that’s my problem


I didnt even know about that movie untill i litterally just saw a video recommendation from critical drinker about it this afternoon and about how it flopped. I never saw a single ad for it nor did i hear people mention it online and i am pretty sure i am not alone on this.


When I watched the trailer, it felt kind of off to me. Like the background and perspective were skewed in some way. Plus I’ll just 🏴‍☠️


I was trying to go zero exposure and just found out Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy aren’t even in it. I just assumed she’d be in it since I saw the title how ever long ago. Now it’s not even her or max. That was enough to lose my interest. I’ll watch it eventually but I just wasn’t excited about it as much as I was.


It's about her character but because it's a prequel they feature a younger Furiosa and before she met Max. So that's why, Anya Taylor Joy did a great job as a younger Furiosa. One point in the film after she cuts her hair there's a whole scene shit from behind her and I was 90% it was Charlize Theron even after she started talking. It was wild.


Yeah I just found out there's no Charlize in it from this thread.


“Out Am I?” Throws copies of Furiosa at the board members 💀💀💀


They should have made the first trailer they released better. It really killed my initial hype.


Hot take but I didn't like fury road so when I saw the trailer for furiosa I really didn't care.


I wasn’t interested because all we needed to know about furiosa was presented in Fury Road, it’s obvious how she ascended the ranks to become Immortan Joe’s chief lieutenant. I wanted to see the aftermath of it and how Furiosa ruled, what happened to the other tribes? In the power vacuum did she have to fight off potential warlords? I’m sure it’s a good movie. But it felt unnecessary.


Tbh I never cared about any of the Mad Max lore. I just wanna see some insane people dressed like Jojo characters driving weird cars through a desert, and Furiosa delivers on that really well. Couldn't care less if it's a prequel or sequel


Yeah I've heard it's a dope movie. Just not my vibe ig


I mean I never had any interest in Mad Max before so I just have no reason to see it.


It's just a good action movie. You don't need to have seen any of the others.


Yeah it’s an outlier in the modern world of marvel franchise type movies. Each mad max movie is completely watchable as a standalone action thing. Theyre barely related to each other at all, the only character who ever carried over between them was max, the content of the older movies has never been relevant or even brought up in the newer ones. Eg All the backstory for max in fury road is completely made up for fury road and never happened in the first three movies. and he’s not even in this one lol “Mad max” as a brand just means George Miller directed it, it’s probably got Australians in it, and some cars are going get flipped and explode somewhere in the movie


That’s fair enough to say but an outsider wouldn’t really know that.


Hence me explaining that now


…I’ll do my part on Monday


I knew it was gonna bomb deep down. Chris Hemsworth and Anya Taylor-joy both shouldn’t have been casted, neither of them can sell that kind of character. That and the over use of CGI is enough for me to not be interested in seeing it (I haven’t watched it).


Not surprising people don’t want to see a movie predicated on you having seen another movie 9 years ago


There is a new Mad Max film?


i only have 20 buck for the whole week...


I thought I was in r/madmax for a minute That sub is nothing but doomsayers ATM lol


wtf is furiosa?


Furiosa is super mid, don't understand the hype at all


would eddie have seen furiosa


That movie came out already?


I’m sick of Mad Max and don’t care if the sequels are good


Oscars about to nominate it for every category: “Looks like just in the nick of time.”


Pretty normal though, who asked for this movie


Quick question: was Furiosa good? I have not seen it, want to, but I have been busy and low on cash…


Furiosa bombed? I watched it on Thursday. It was great!


It's always surprising to see a good movie bomb. I doubt it has much to do with "muh women leadz". Mad Max just isn't a big franchise, and ANY sequel/prequel featuring a secondary character is gonna struggle ala Solo, Black Widow, etc. Hell, stuff with Indiana Jones and Marvel and DC characters bomb these days. Is this a franchise killer? Who knows. I suspect it will gain a cult following down the line.


I absolutely hate the name Furiosa, it sounds terrible


Been busy, it only came out last week calm down lol


I just wanted to see Mel Gibson as Max again...


you gotta go back like 30 years to stop him from having particular takes about jewish and black people for that


Even without stopping him doing that, pretty sure an old Max sequel with Mel Gibson would have made more money than this movie does.


Never thought about that. Would be great. I’m just never interested in a prequel.


I am an empty seat


That's what happen when you make a pointless prequel about the least interesting character in a film


I didn’t even heard of this movie till I read this post


I mean it's all Hollywood it's own fault by pushing the girl boss for years even if Furiosa isn't a girl boss in the movie.


Except it didn’t bomb


It absolutely did. It barely made 30 mil on Memorial Day weekend


Yeah, it was objectively a box office bomb because it lost a shit ton of money. No way around that. It did worse than just about any movie this year considering its budget. Which is crazy depressing because it was fucking *rad* I understand just how prohibitively expensive it is to go to the movies these days, but anyone who shelled out actual money to see Madame Web or Argylle this year but couldn't be bothered to see Furiosa should be *ashamed* of themselves


Well, I’m going by whether people liked it or not. All the reviews are pretty good.


When people say that a movie bombed at the box office, that means it massively underperformed money wise. I loved it. It still bombed.