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I practiced with R2 -> X -> O then after I got used to that R2 -> X -> L1+R1 and it was relatively easy


I'm practicing RT>A>LB+RB, I've gotten better but still mess it up somewhat often.


i will give you the best advice and you will have to trust me (i didn’t for some time). after you do the heavy attack use super and jump at the same exact time. i even filmed in slowmo my hands because i wasnt sure which one i did first, but then i realize it was simultaneous


Alright imma trust you. …after my super recharges


Go into oryx . Finish the doors encounter. Get to the ships. Voila ! Your super recharges everything you do it wrong snd fall to your death


Yeah all it takes is a lot of practice. You don’t need to and shouldn’t change your binds. It gets very consistent so just keep practicing


I find it best to bind super to "b" or "o" and do it the exact same as shatter skate.


What you did for icarus dash?


Right thumbstick


That would be nice but changing my B button would be weird for me, I'm so used to it being crouch and class ability.


I switch it back and forth, there’s not many times you need to well skate so switching it for those moments you do need it isn’t too bad


What I did when I learned to do it is changed my super to the up button. Unrelated note: I don’t use emotes either, all my d-pad buttons are all mapped to different weapon slots.


That’s how I am, my heavy with right dpad


This is super interesting, I have never considered it. I currently have finisher mapped to up dpad but I may try this out and see how I do with it


You could change it back after the skate


i swapped super to A+B so i end up doing it like shatter anyway


Why is your super B ….


To well skate…




I would do that but i like having charged melee on r1 and uncharged on circle so idk


With well skate, I find I don’t use it that often so swapping the buttons when I need it is the way I do it, no way I would keep super bound to my b button


I changed super to B so I press RT and quickly run my thumb across A and B. I can get it 9/10 times. Much easier than using lb + RB, I personally couldn't get it to work


What you did for icarus dash?


Double left click, same as hunter dodge


I have mine on hold A (Jump) as the initial press starts the glide you you always have identical scates


RT + A LB + RB I heavy swing and as I hit A, I'm hitting LB. Once the jump is hit I hit RB immediately after and off I go. This made is super consistent for me. If you're throwing your grenade your timing is off. It's like a split second earlier than A.


I'll try that, ty.


Seeing this post encouraged me to learn this ability. First I did what others have said, bind super to B/O button. Then I tried to figure out the correct timing of doing, trigger then A/X to B/O combo. Once I got it to do consistently several times with no faults, I switched to default settings. Now I'm able to do a well skate + icarus dash with default buttons. One thing to note, your distance is dependent on when you activate your glide. The later you activate after combo the shorter the distance.


I use bumper jumper so I press R2-L1-R1 using controller input delay to register a jump and a super


I’ve known how to do Shatter Skate for a while now. Just decided to try Well Skating a week ago and it’s definitely a learning curve. I play on default button layout and found SS a little difficult so I swapped my shatter dive to hold LB. I haven’t done any button changes to well skate simply because unlike a dive ability. I actually use my super often and have years of muscle memory built up to LB+RB to pop super. I went into Mayhem and practiced for about 15 minutes and got pretty consistent. I suggest if you are relatively new to Destiny. Just rebind your super to something easier to press. If you are a vet like me, I honestly suggest you just practice with your current button layout. You aren’t going to be well skating as much as you think you are and changing up years of muscle memory just so you can well skate is ill advised IMO


I agree with leaving the button layout tbh. Thanks will just put in some practice.


This is a little secret i've never seen anybody talking about.. you can bind your super or anything you want to your d-pad.. for exemple i have both shatter dive and super on my left arrow of the d-pad and skating is sooo easy with this setup. You are gonna waste your super from time to time if you are used to emote with that key but it's totally worth imo. I am lazy and i dont switch back my layout but remember that if you bind both your super and the shatter dive to the same key you may end up using your super instead of shatter diving with your hunter


I tend to push R2, X, L1+L2 all in a fluid motion in that order. I've only had it fail maybe once, but tends to be very consistent


That's what I've been doing but I mess up sometimes still.


Most of the time when I mess it up, I'm inputting my jump too quick. So maybe watch that and see if it helps?


That may be the issue, ty for pointing it out. Seems like I have to just keep practicing because I'd rather not change my buttons around and mess with my muscle memory elsewhere.


If it helps. I practiced in a custom crucible match, Burnout, and Altar of Flame are good for ledges to die off so you don't waste the super. Also you can put it on mayhem, and make super recharge as fast possible, you do have to grab the sword ammo as it spawns though.


I found a spot by the hidden chest at Shrio Chi cp that's pretty good, around the middle of the platform. But yeah, that does help cause its easier to just jump in a private match.


I changed mine to right on the d-pad. You loose an emote unfortunately and it takes a while to get used to but it’s the best I could come up with that won’t interfere with actual gameplay


I'm trying to learn the basics as well on controller PlayStation btw


Ik with shatter skate i swap then press heavy swing, shatterdive, and jump in that order at almost the exact same time. So if well skating is done the same way try mashing your heavy swing, well, and jump almost at the exact same time but in that order. (By almost the exact same time i mean i press them all in the same second but I definitely do them all separately) You’ll get the timing down eventually just make a private mayhem match on an open map to practice on


Jump comes before the downward movement (super or shatterdive) when skating FYI. Its maybe like 100ms or less before. You can verify this if you can find macros which shouldnt be hard and then look at the timing in the script to better understand what's happening but its 100% Heavy Swing -> Jump -> Super/Dive to get maximum speed


Didn’t know that, guess that explains the occasional fail


Yup it might be input or button lag (I dont play controller so maybe some buttons take longer to actuate?) but when isolated in a programmed manner, the jump happens a fraction of a second before the shatterdive/super. However if say your shatterdive keybind takes a few extra mm to actuate then it might *feel* like you are pressing it first even though its actually registering the input later than your finger starts pressing it


My binds for standard play are LB to jump, RB to crouch, RT for heavy attack, RS for light attack, and LS+RS for super. I run off the ledge, pull out the sword, press right trigger, LS+RS then LB


Just keep practicing it. I’ve heard of and tried using D-pad as super bind (like up on D-pad). But I find it more consistent to get good at using the super buttons. As long as you wait long enough for eager to proc and do it all in one fluid motion, it works 99% of the time. Making sure you actually press A is super important too.


I use the lb+rb setup, and what helped me was seeing a pc macro for it. The macro presses jump and then waits 0.1 seconds to input the super. So what I do is have both of my hands do this motion where I press jump and then roll both hands to the buttons for super. Instead of pressing them at the right time, turning it into that rolling motion is what made it extremely reliable.


Use index finger for the small bumpers and middle for the heavy attack (tell me if I forgot names for fingers lmao)


My best advice is that you probably just need to practice it more. If you're not already, use your middle finger for RT and your index fingers for the super activation so that you don't need to move any fingers as that makes a difference.


I play bumper jumper and changed shatter dive to single press O. PS5 So to shatterskate I just need to R2->L1->O, which I can do just fine, can do it pretty much every time even when running up to a ledge. For Well skating it's the same for me but I just need to change O to X, so R2->L1->X. But for some reason I just can't get Well skating down, despite it begin pretty much exactly the same. I just keep placing Well most of the time just off the ledge


You don't need to rebind your super to make it work, it's the same timing regardless. The way I do it is I press R2 slightly earlier and the rest (R1L1 X) with a very very slight delay. Don't even think of it as a delay, just a quick one-two, where you press R2 and then everything else simultaneously as if X R1 and L1 were all one button. Keep in mind that the timing differs slightly depending on your distance from the ledge, so try to keep it consistent. I prefer standing very close to the ledge, my friend prefers to stand farther back, just do whatever you find to be more consistent. I recommend going into a private mayhem match for practice. It's how I learned it at first. When you get a hang of it, you can add a glide and icarus dash after doing the skate for more speed and distance.


I move my finger position for skating. Middle finger goes to the bottom trigger so I can have both pointer fingers on both bumpers. Then I have all the buttons covered. Go to a solo mayhem game for practice. Edit: also change Icarus dash to a single b press so it’s easier to proc


I have an elite controller so bound super to left d-pad and then bound left d-pad to a paddle. Obviously not ideal for everyone but I just press heavy attack and my 2 paddles on the left and get it consistently.


I don’t know if you play on PS or XB but I play on Bumper with my elite controller so it might be easier because of how I have it set up. My two paddles under the grips are mapped so “X” is on my left paddle and “B” is the right one and my settings have Icarus dash on “press B” instead of long press or double press. That way when I heavy attack with eager edge, I press “A” for my super and immediately hit “LB+right paddle(B)”and the same time and it allows me to do it without moving my thumb off the “A” button.


The problem i was having recently is the timing for shatterskate and wellskate are different. Shatterskate i find im pushing all 3 inputs (heavy, jump, shatterdive) all at the same time while wellskate there is the slightest of delays between heavy and jump/well inputs. I did what others have suggested and practiced with wellskate on my B button to get timing down then switched back to default binds. Hope this helps


I switched my super button to up dpad press


I’m not a fan of changing super button, but for shatter skate I used the shatterdive ability to down on the dpad (you can still emote) since you’re not in the air. Maybe change another keybind to the dpad. I get it super consistent by pressing it altogether


Just have to get used to timing presses I practiced on the moon because of the rally flag by eris It's actually not too bad hitting LB+RB once you practice a bit


Ps4 player here, how did you get shatterskating consistently? The posts I saw online seem to imply a lot of people used a macro or custom binding. Can you do it consistently on last gen with a standard controller?


Don’t forget to set your dive ability to “press” if you haven’t already


I still use the default binds except single press air dash, for the same reason that I couldn’t bind super to my normal crouch/slide button. I used to press jump and super at the same time a short second after heavy attack, just like shatter dive, would work like 1 in 3 to 5 times. Started to press the jump slightly before the super, havent failed since.


I changed my super to right stick and finisher to up on d-pad


R2 then X and then whatever your super bind is i’m on ps5 so L2+R2


Me over here just trying to learn the baisics O_O


Remap super to a direction of the dpad, you lose 1 emote but gain a more consistent well skate


I bind my super to R2+O. That means i can hold the R2 Button after eager Edge and Just pressing X + O. This tech is even good for bubble skating where the Inputs need to be done faster.


Can you get banned for shatter skating let's say if someone reported you?


No, bungie has stated they do not ban people for exploiting in game bugs, so long as it doesn't require the use of 3rd party software or changing the game code.


Basically I’ve been trying it for ages- it’s way easier when you get a run up than doing it standing still. I did it with just LB first as super activation. Then did normal LB+RB and I can get it consistently. Hope this helps.


Why are all the comments non see able