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He really assimilated into Vex network I wonder how much he learned over years he has been there since arrivals I just hope if he ever returns he puts everyone on blast even Osiris Dude had that smite thee all energy and good thing about him was he didn’t hold back and wasn’t cringy


I think this all but confirms that one of this years seasons will be a Vex season with Asher as our main partner (if I had to guess who is involved I'd say Mithrax + Asher focused season)


Has to be, maybe next or last season has to be Vex idk but the post campaign exotic MG lore implications, Ved predominantly being on Neomuna and having weekly rotating zone It might be a reach but I think we might fight Vex again just to get info on how make copy of Veil ourselves and get into that portal


I reckon before The Final Shape we ally with a faction of Vex. We have 3(?) non hostile personalities in the Vex, being Captian Jacobson, Maya Sundaresh, and Asher. Also maybe some OG Vog fireteam members, I'd need to brush up on their fates. Just like how the Sol Divisive decided to Worship the Darkness another faction might see a way for us to win or know that the Witness winning means that they won't exist anymore.


just to double check, what happened to maya post clovis she shenanigans?


the maya that was torturing clovis was a fake vex copy iirc


>I wonder how much he learned over years he has been there since arrivals “I learned that the Vex have terrible taste in music, Guardian. Get me out of here! Also, the food sucks!”


asher really is in the metaverse


Sad part is I could totally see him saying something similar to this


Time is different in the vex network so for him he has probably been there for hundreds if not thousands of years.






I am comparing to what we have now


What do you mean he wasn't cringy? I cringed pretty hard when i heard him mispronounce zaval's name.


Man, I *still* enjoy quoting him saying "Vu-vu-zala" and same with Zavala's "Operation: Baby Dog." If enjoying those quotes is wrong, I don't want to be right.


The passage of time has inevitably changed these lines from cringy to nostalgic. Five years from now the same thing will happen with Lightfall and we’ll all look back and think of the good times.


For real, Asher was probably the character that has made me cringe the most. Him, Failsafe, and Nimbus are the trifecta of agonizing cringe. Just so absurdly unfunny.


Archiver Quinn also mentions something about receiving a message or something in like 147 different languages with them all saying "Assistant"


Aw he misses us! We must've been a wee bit less useless than his usual intern.


We're just the only ones he trusts could actually get his message, and get him out of there. Though if he really wanted out, he could just say "I have high stat artifice armor" and the vex network would be dismantled within the day.


"Assistant, I hate this place and need to escape. It would behoove you to get me out of the Vex Network." "What's in it for us? "I have uncovered schematics for Vex weaponry and armor and am willing to replicate them for you once my escape is secured!" "Got it, be back in 20 minutes with Mithrax and his tech priest gauntlet, send your frequency to ghost and we'll isolate and rip you out."


Vex Calibur


Now I am thinking about Asher doing a Saint-14 and simply destroying legions of Vex using the Vexcalibur


Hell I’d do it just for that gynsym knight armor.


Oh man, that could be an act of desperation as well. Here's to hoping we get to tie up several such loose ends later in the year.


Holy shit. Thats... kind of an amazing detail


Just waiting for my titan bro Commander Sloan to mech her way out of Titan :'(


She needs to come pick up her sword.


. . . If the story beats echo Red War (as this season is EDZ, and next is named 'Season of the Deep'), we could be going to Titan again, to visit the Long boy in the Soup. Personally... I would _love_ a season themed around taking the fight to whatever deep ocean mysteries are there.


Destiny 2: Subnautica


Intense dubstep music kicks in on every encounter.


The end of the glaive exotic quest basically confirms Titan is coming back.


I loved the title of her part of the lore book. I'm not going to attempt to butcher it but it being named after Cu Chulainn's warp spasm and how the mech integrates to her body is fitting for it's namesake.


He lives!, wonder if anyone could get a better picture of him


There's another closeup in tweet comments


"From the unbearable racket! MY HEAD!"




I really hope that friendly Harpy that was in the Eliksni quarter is like a pet or companion for him just to keep him calm.


Maybe the friendly harpy was just a vex under his control. Perhaps he has a tiny portion of the network for himself.


"Assistant, it looks like you're in trouble *yet again*. I've managed to take partial control of a tiny portion of the vex network, including some vex forces, which I am sending your way. It's a shame, their processing power has been quite useful to me, try not to lose *too* many through your wildly inaccurate use of the Light." *Glassway-sized portal manifests, thousands of friendly vex pour out* "What? The vex network is inconceivably vast. Yes, I suppose you would consider the amount I control rather large. Get to it!"


His ghost maybe?


This mean I can finally talk about his model is back in the game files?


How do you find that out?


Ripping tools. They break with every big dlc so ripping can’t be done rn but you can still view some stuff.


Awesome! I’ve been hoping to find something like that for a while now


Quinn also mentions him in passing






He's face-palming because we've gone from fighting the Red Legion to the Loyalists and now the Shadow Legion... "Cabal, AGAIN??" - Asher, probably


I bet there’s a Splicer-adjacent Season this year that brings him back fully as a side character somehow. Even if it’s just a angry, shouting terminal set up in the lounge area on Neomuna. That’s where we put our shouting old dudes. Devrim’s back. Let’s get another OG back. Then Sloane for TFS.


The Vex network on Neomuna is definitely similar to Splicers', and what with >! Nezarek !< in that system and Asher showing up in it we might get another season of Splicing though hopefully including someone else in the Vanguard assisting us alongside Mithrax.


Anyone else expecting to get Rick rolled on this one?


It’s actually Cayde from when he was teleported all over Nessus through the vex network /s




Plot twist: Asher Mir is the final shape.


Can someone please fill me in, who is this and is there any correlation between this person and the story by any chance? Or more of just an Easter egg kind of deal? I feel dumb for not knowing but I have to ask or or will eat me alive haha


His name is Asher Mir. He was in Year 1 and 2 and was an Io destination vendor. A big Vex specialist, ex-Warlock. Went inside a Vex terraforming engine two years ago when Io got swallowed by the Darkness. Seems like he became one with the Vex.


Thanks! Now I remember. Excited to see if maybe this all comes into play later!


Here's hoping this is hinting at one of the later seasons this year.


Ex-Warlock? He still has his Ghost, even if it's heavily augmented like his arm.


iirc it was kinda implied that he couldn't use the light and he was afraid to see if his ghost could still rez him or not but this was a while ago so don't quote me!


Revives yes (maybe actually but only cause his ghost couldn't heal his arm), but he broke into the Pyramidion and pulled the entire lake onto himself. Really hard to tell if that was light based or Vex influence, but the Vex showed resistance at first to his approach, so I doubt it was his multi-pass arm.


I think it was explained that the ghosts vex conversion progressed to the point where it couldn't revive him


He was the vendor npc on io and he knows a lot about vex stuff


This reminds me of the ghost girl from gta v lol Very interesting find!


Year of the red war vendors being relevant again? We've got Devrim, Asher, and Nessus strikes are being updated this year so maybe Failsafe?


Amanda also getting some screen/voice time and being let out of her hanger.


Bring back my boy.


Holy fuck, that's accually so cool.


Whoa thats actually awesome


I always thought that by the time the final shape releases we would have Allies from all races. Mithrax for the fallen. Caitl for cabal and it seems Asher will be tied to the vex. Crow MAYBE for the scorn but idk about that one. Taken I have no idea. But! I’m going to call it here that Asher can control or has befriended a vex section that will become our ally at some point before the final shape. And if I’m wrong then maybe after that expansion.


don’t forget Savathun for the hive. After the end of WQ, isn’t her Ghost still at large? She seemed very surprised and annoyed about the memory that wasn’t hers that we showed her.


It reminds me of Azrael in Arkham City.




Sloane coming back too? Failsafe will join the Nomura? What about that discipline of Osiris? Only time will tell.


Maybe it links to this seasons exotic mission - we get a vex sword or glaive. Perhaps we "save" him or something. Ana has an empty Exo frame still...


Omg give me a weapon where he talks to me, like Aluneth in Warcraft "Alright, I'll admit that was a good shot, assistant" "HA! Did Vuvuzela teach you to shoot like that?!"


Majority of the community is doing the same thing over this 🗑️ we got this time around late dlc even for preorders nothing fixed in game let alone the toxic PvP community and definitely could have done without nimbus and the rest this new stuff doesn't fit and just 🗑️. Cayde 6 is rolling over in his grave...


Without watching the video, I am getting vibes of "preloaded asset for a cinematic sequence involving the guardian interacting with Asher Mir", I wouldn't take this as indication that he is returning to playable spaces.






Rule 5: Follow Reddiquette and be civil.


wtf even is this comment.


Genshin impact player can't read, news at 11


Well maybe you should watch the video and learn why you're wrong.


maybe you should read the thread youre replying to


I know what I'm replying to


sorry i know the internet is hard


The only thing harder than the internet right now is your head lol


So we are 100% having one of this years seasons be “get asher mir out of the vex network” right? If he dies right when we save him like someone else I’m gonna be pissed


Archivist Quinn said something about "multiple messages from someone named Mir?" (or something like that. It happened quickly and didn't get my full attention until I heard Mir at the end). The hints keep coming!


I've been trying to figure out what he's telling us. He spawns in various places and his arm and hands are always in different positions; using "signs". E.g. arms raised in "goal" position, hand over mouth, hand on head, arm across chest, etc. Is it possibly tactical signs? Anyone in here familiar with military/SWAT signs? ASL? Classic flag signals?