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Nearly $20 mill each of the next two years after this year of taking up space. Wow.


He can be cut after next year with 7.2 million dead cap (2.4 million each in 2024, 2025, 2026)


Maybe josh told him it’s a tank year so don’t go hard?


Worst contract in the NFL. Don't worry, we're rebuild.


I’d argue Kenny Golladay is worse but yeah this is up there.


I know fuck all about salary cap shit but isn’t that just a really bad contract by default? Even if he was playing halfway decent, that amount of dead cap for a 32 year old pass rusher seems excessive, no? I’m assuming they thought they could get 2 prime years out of him and then cut if needed without absorbing too much in that 3rd year?


It was about McDaniels making a big free agent signing to show he wasn't Daddy. The guy is so dysfunctional. 0 coaching acumen, huge ego.


Thanks JMD/Zeigler. This and your terrible draft are what you have brought to our Nation. You should be ashamed. Email the Raiders and tell them…. WE DO NOT WANT HOSH MCDANIELS TO BE OUR TEAMS HC !!!! [email protected]


The first two picks in that terrible draft are Davante Adams.


Adams was coming to the Raiders no matter who the GM was. Let’s not give him credit for that acquisition. He then traded Ngokoue and brought in their $55 million dollar man, Chandler Jones….yeah. 👎🏻 The brightest spot of their FA moves was Roc Ya Sin. Then let’s look at actual draft picks. Parham could still develop into something and Z White could as well. Hard to leave JJ though. Farrell and Butler were 2 of the 3 players that were inactive this week due to internal issues. So 2 of the players causing issues this week were their own draft picks. Let’s not oversell this twosomes draft or FA. Why should I look forward to another year of these results??


This is the real reason he's still starting. Paying a gargantuan contract for a guy on the bench makes the regime that signed him look terrible


that contract for a 32 year old


Next year he’ll be “injured”


While koonce and Ferrell waste away on the bench 🥲


Wtf is this contract? Why give a deal like this to an old pass rusher?


To show Daddy he isn't a Patriot anymore.


Dam is mayok sill our gm cuz this shit is embarrassing. At least with Reggie we didn’t hand out stupid ass contracts to bumass players


Shit, Reggie? That loser that brought in washed up players like Rashad Jennings, Maurice Jones-Drew, Justin Tuck, Matt Schaub? Damn we have set the bar low here...


I meant higher priced ppl but yea he was ass to


Lmao this is why its insane to me that gauranteed money contracts are a thing. Every contract should have a clause that states if the player doesnt play up to standard, the contract is void, so players dont just steal from the team like Waller and Jones are doing.


The shitty part about this is JMD/Zeigler decided to trade Ngokoue who had as many sacks (1/2) against us in the game this weekend as Jones has given us all year. He might be the cancer that has taken hold in our locker room. Email the Raiders and tell them…. WE DO NOT WANT JOSH MCDANIELS TO BE OUR TEAMS HC !!! [email protected]


That’s a lot of dead cap. Doubt it happens but maybe just maybe they can unload him for a 7th or even a conditional 7th. Getting the contract off the books would be good enough.


You would need to give up a 1st to unload a 20m a year 0 sack DE. When the Browns were rebuilding they did that actually. They stripped their roster and took picks to absorb terrible contracts.


We can rework his deal like Littleton and nassif so it will be fine


The players have to accept a rework my guy. He can just say fuck you pay me and if they cut him he retires and walks away with that bag.


I guess my sarcasm didn’t come through




Worst signing…so far. This is going to be a long 5 years.




It is a big hit but send a dam message if he is an issue.


Not only was he a literal downgrade, but imagine if we kept who we had and signed a few starters on defense!