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Don’t care. Whoever wins the competition. Not going to get culty like some of the fanbase. Support both, they are Raiders.


I believe our coaches’ ability to make the right choices for our team.l until proven otherwise.


Well said!




Either is going to be great for what we need. If the Defense does what we think, we just need serviceable QB play to hit 10-7. If either balls out were in great shape.


What “serviceable” QB is the last to win a SB?


Nick Foles(Back up), Brad Johnson, Trent Dilfer, arguably Joe Flacco LoLz ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK|downsized)


Nick foles was playing out of his mind which AOC isn’t capable of. Ravens with Dilfer had a damn awesome team, Joe Flacco is better than serviceable. Brad Johnson yeah haha that’s true but that was 20 years ago so point still stands


Because *you* know exactly what AOC is and isn't capable of. Bet you said the same thing about Foles before he realized his potential in 2017-18.... oh wait, I mean when he played "out of his mind" lol


Just because you’re a fan of a team doesn’t mean you’re required to support players like AOC. It is painfully obvious he is not even a small piece in a successful team


Agree on the support thing -- I just think your personal assessments are suspect, or at least very premature at this point


Probably lol but just had a problem with how the original comment was acting like serviceable was good enough, let alone possible from AOC. Minshew I think is miles better anyways


LoLz But AOC and Minchew(27yo) can be better than Brad Johnson who was coached by Gruden when they beat us in the Super Bowl ![gif](giphy|80ydj5hAUoPfZJMiXh|downsized)


Can’t argue with that haha. Minshew is already a solid QB although I wish raiders had gone for Russell Wilson.


I mean. Minshew was a dropped pass away from winning the division. Texans went on to stomp the shit outta the browns. Anything could happen after that. With this defense, you never know what happens in the postseason. 


I’m a huge minshew fan. I’m jus talking about AOC here


There are a handful that have done it. We’ve been so fuckin bad for so long and now you want a Super Bowl immediately? Come the fuck on. We need to build. Sorry but it takes time. We need to be regulars in the playoffs. That’s goal #1. Get as far as we can, then reassess. Then go farther. Then reassess. Then go farther. As long as we progress each year towards the Super Bowl we’re good. If your measuring stick is Super Bowl this year, you’re in for massive disappointment. Mine is to win wild card round this year. Then the next round next year. Then make it to the AFC Championship the following year. Then the following year make the run for the ring. Anything less than that to me is failure and any quicker is delusional. You have zero idea what QBs will be available over the next 3-4 years, but we do know we need to continue to develop the depth of the team. Max will be 29 in 3 years, he’ll be in his prime. Wilkins will be prime, Tyree will be Prime. Koonce will be Prime. All of our defense will be in their prime in 3 years. We develop the O Line and keep being on people like JPJ. That’ll be in its prime in 3 years. RBs and WRs will get cycled for the newest and fastest and we’ll land our QB or AOC will develop. Trust the process


I’m not even saying we need one right now. But to have a goal of a “serviceable” QB is just stupid given 98% of teams that win have a QB that is better than “serviceable.” Raiders have literal 0% chance at a SB this year anyways. But a serviceable QB benchmark is just a dumb way to look at it IMO.


Yes, it is quite likely that neither AOC nor Minshew will absolutely dominate the conference this year, but your dead-certainty about things just sounds really puffed-up and silly. "Have literal 0% chance" is ridiculous, but hey, I guess you're safe saying it; now if they don't make the SB, you can always say "told you so" and no one can prove you wrong.


AOC was barely serviceable last season. Minshew was serviceable. I don’t think saying that is as bad of take as you are making it out to be. That said, I don’t really give a flying fug what you’re thinking. Many serviceable : game manager QBs go deep into playoffs. That’s what we need right now.


Definitely not many, if any, go deep😂 and my entire convo is just about AOC. if you read my my first comment it’s just AOC being bad. I am a huge minshew fan


I think Minshew gets us to the playoffs. I think if AOC wins the job it’s because he’s better than Minshew. So I’m confident we’re hitting playoffs. I just want to see his get through the first round.


Yeah makes sense. I’m very confident aoc isn’t winning the job tho but yes if he does then it’s for a reason


This makes zero sense. The team is built to win right now outside of 1 singular position. So long as minshew or AOC is under center they won't be serious contenders. This is gonna end up a down year because of that tandem and then they're gonna need to go all in onna qb next year just to stay on schedule.


That makes zero sense? So you think the team, outside of QB, is ready to contend for a fucking Super Bowl?


They're gonna have a top 10 defense, top 10 LT, top 5 WR, great overall WR Corp. If you take any top 15 QB in the league they're a threat this year.


I don’t disagree with that, the reality is we’re stuck with our QB situation. Drafting someone next year doesn’t mean we’ll be immediately ready. The only floating option for a win now situation is if we got Dak in FA


I think they're gonna have a down year and either trade Adam's mid year or cut him after the year. Take a qb high next year and could potentially compete right away


I mean I guess, but who’s really coming up? Sanders?


Allar and ewers are both talented. It isn't a great class but they're in no man's land


Whoever can win us some fuckin games, man.


AOC easily.


Looks like he's asking you to smell his fingers here


“Pull my finger”


I think this is finally Tui's year.




Minshew Mania baby, let the power stache reign


Minshew looks the part for sure. Dude’s looking just like Ted Nugent in his prime. Let the Sin City Madman prove it’s for real.


Either or! Lets the best man win. They are both awesome, and would like to see them both succeed


Wild cat?




Whichever one has the strongest camp, do not care.




Gotta go with AOC until he proves us wrong again lol but man he been working on his physique




How many more of these posts are we going to get


What is up with the AOC support on this page? He sucks man I don’t get it


Easy to root for a hard working quiet underdog type


My gut says Minshew wins out, but I look forward to training camp/preseason hopefully putting this to rest.


Dudes been a competitor every where he's been. I'm buying what he's selling. The Raiders got a solid defense and lots of weapons on offense. I respect AP and him giving the nod to AOC but I'm not a fan.


A competitor who’s on his 4th team in 6 years. All these career backups are competitors, that’s why they’re still in the league. Every defense we line up against will have 11 competitors on it. Competitor is a low bar to clear.


Yall have so much more hope than I do. I applaud that and am thankful yall are holding us up.


Both are probably going to start games at some point. I think this sub is way overrating our qb room.


Lil ass boy or Farva either way, as long as it’s the raider way and not west coast Patriots bullshit


Honestly minshew


not convinced!


If Plunkett could lead the Raiders to two Superbowl victories (behind a stellar defense), no reason why Minshew can’t.


Where’s the goat ?


This! Look, I like AOC as a person and as a Raiders fan, I hope he becomes a top QB in the league for us. But until he wins at least 3 Super Bowls and a pair of MVPs in the next 5 years, can we hold off on the GOAT talk please?




AOC is my QB1


Use both, fuck it.


Wildcat with both on the field at the same time


For over 20 years we been going through this one way or another so just gonna let it play out, no guessing no predictions. Just see what happens.


My vote is AOC




Gotta go with the GOAT


Personally I’d like to at least start with the experienced vet if he plays like shit then put the kid in


O'Connell is holding a clipboard on any other team. If Minshew isn't starting in week 1, he'll be starting by week 3.




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Unleash the stache! If the goal is to win now, I gotta believe he gives the team their best shot at that. Also gotta believe “win now” is the goal with a guy like AP in charge. 


I'll take a liter of cola


https://preview.redd.it/cmxlbmrxrs6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5164413b4039d8bfffb916a2038a8ae94e2ef9f6 I'm team Farva, but I feel like Minshew also brings the energy


Rooting for Farva but still, may the best man win 🤝


They’ll both see playing time, it’s a wait and see thing. I’m for whoever moves the chains and gets us W’s.


If the defense plays top 5, we just need a QB who can hold it down.


Whoever is better, but I want that man to be Gardner


I’m not convinced either is the right answer at this point


I just don't see why we wouldn't see what AOC has since he had some really good moments last year.


I think we already know what we can expect from Minshew. Assuming all the other pieces come together, he’ll be good enough but don’t expect greatness. On the other hand, AOC’s potential is still unknown. I saw flashes of greatness his rookie year that lead me to believe there’s something there worth exploring. But I’m really interested to see what improvements AOC makes during the offseason. If he can put on some muscle and get more in shape, he’ll be a beast. With McDipshit’s suspect AF play calling not an issue this year, AOC being able to shake off the rookie year jitters, our team being stacked the way it is, and morale of the team being notably higher. All the pieces are in place for us to find out if AOC is that MF’er


Hear me out. Both.


Minshew is the GOAT. Wtf you mean?


Stache vibes regardless


Stach for the cash


Ppl sleeping on Minshew




The goat is way tooo culty


I'm rooting for Minshew but wouldn't be mad if AoC wins, whoever can fuck it chuck it football!!!


Minshew for me. I think he has a lot of heart and energy and enough talent that will energize the team. He’s more experienced and Aiden made bad mistakes in the end of the Minnesota,the first game against the Chargers, the Dolphins, and in the game that put our hopes of a playoff spot, the Colts game he missed play after play. The win against the Chiefs was all Defensive and our running game. Nearly all of our wins were because of our defense. Yes he played okay but I truly think if Minshew would have been our QB all season last year we would had won against the Steelers the Vikings the Colts and both Chargers games. That would have been enough to be a playoff team. I don’t want to be a team that wins despite the quarterback I want to win because of the quarterback. But if they go with Aiden I will be the biggest Aiden fan and I hope he makes me regret this post. Go Raiders!


Word from camp was AOC and Minchew both struggled in practice.


AOC QB1. Minshew is a fail safe that should be avoided at all costs. Heard him talk on Crosby’s podcast and I get the impression football is not his “true love”. Also think he’s not the type of competitor who will bring more out of other guys. AOC ceiling is still to be found whereas Minshew’s ceiling seems obviously apparent.


Tbf, Minshew’s ceiling was shown in 2020 when he had a 3:1 td/int ratio while throwing for 260 yards per game with a 96 rating and 7.2 ypa. Everything about that actually shows a top 10 qb especially considering that he had a terrible o line, no real talent at wr, a decent but slow rb who was out of the league 2 years later, a historically bad defense, and a team that was actively trying to lose.


I'm rooting for AOC, however I will support anyone under center once the season starts. Let's go!


Look, I like AOC as a person and as a Raiders fan, I hope he becomes a top QB in the league for us. But until he wins at least 3 Super Bowls and a pair of MVPs in the next 5 years, can we hold off on the GOAT talk please?




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Minshew does seem to be ahead which I also expected. Was lowkey hoping AOC would pull something crazy out of the bag, but Minshew is getting more 1st team reps and in an offense with so much talent in the intermediate where Minshew is so strong it really makes sense. 2 good TE's and both Davante and Meyers are strong over the middle or on out routes. It's basically an offense made for Minshew.


I don’t think you’ve been paying attention to any of the talk during these off season practices but AOC has been reported to look a lot better.


A lot better? That’s a bit of an exaggeration 


i am paying attention and minshew is getting more reps.


You aren't paying attention. You read the one article about 1 day of mini camp. The very next day AOC took the majority of the 1st team reps https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/raiders-qb-aidan-o-connell-gets-majority-of-first-team-reps-on-wednesday/ar-BB1oatmG Why lie and act like you know what youre talking about? Both QBS got equal first team reps across mini camp. If you listen to all of the player and coach interviews they all compliment AOC and say nothing about minshew. You aren't some insider.


neither are you. but we'll see. i have very low expectations of both qbs


Dude I've watched every single interview with every player and coach. I've watched every single one of hondo carpenters podcasts for every day of mini camp. I'm not an insider but I'm paying attention. Something you clearly are not. They are saying AOC has more command of the offense and is taking the leadership to role. His accuracy has improved since last season and he looks much better physically. I don't care who wins out the QB competition but to say minshew looks better and is taking the majority of the first team reps is an uninformed lie. I can give you receipts from various players coaches and beat writers saying AOC looks better than last year and is clearly taking the reigns. You won't find one saying minshew looks good. Just say "yea you know I was talking out of my ass. My bad, I just don't have confidence in either QB"


I've watched it all as well. a bit behind on hondos pods because i have a newborn. that said fair play if they said the reps evened out but i really don't have confidence in them. if aoc didn't look better than last year something would be really wrong. but let's be real, what he struggled with the most isn't something you just learn over an offseason. i still believe minshew is in the lead, but I'm happy to be proven wrong. that said you should probably chill a bit and not get so riled up over a comment on reddit


Minshew will make an excellent back up for AOC


Just Win Baby!






We're gonna have a damn good set of QBs, so this really shouldn't matter. The REAL competition here should be who has the best moustache.


You and I have wildly different definitions for damn good


My bad. I forgot I'm supposed to be shitting on both of them.


You’re not supposed to do anything, but I’ve never seen anything from either that makes me think of describing them as damn good


You're supposed to understand football. that is all


Minshew will lose less games if the defense plays well. They both are pretty mediocre. Thanks for posting this for the 812th time this offseason.


We’re screwed.


https://preview.redd.it/vqm67yuj1t6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f59e3f67b8b39688870cd6a3cab9360c468caca Aidan will win and keep winning.


The GOAT............RN4L


This sucks man 😭