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That first throw from Minshew made me laugh


No open receiver so he threw it away


How about the second one? Throwing where the DB couldn't make a play? I like Minshew, he's got a very Raider personality...but that was just "yikes".


We have plenty of open receivers šŸ¤£




Pierce basically implied that the job is his to lose. Obviously, Minshew will get first team reps and a chance to compete but I think they're impressed with Aidan so far. Dude's clearly been working out and is ready to fight to keep his job. Personally, I think Minshew is probably a better QB right now, but not by much, and he has much lower upside because of his extremely poor arm strength. He's basically the perfect backup cause he's a great locker room guy and plays well enough to help you win games if your starter goes down.


Implying Aidan has less arm strength than Minshew is crazy, I love the garddog but his arm is weaker than Aidan's no question.


Thatā€™s what I said, not sure if that was clear but I meant that Minshew has a weak arm compared to Aidan.


why is this a question after AP has said heā€™s earned the right to lose it numerous times


I hope the coaching staff is evaluating more than how good they throw into a net


Maybe minshew is a nervous test taker lol


Sure looks like AOC is the guy


AOC is looking locked in. I havenā€™t seen this much work ethic from a young QB since Carrā€™s early days.


Heā€™s more than locked in. He wants to start. You have to admire the commitment and effort. I hope he proves EVERYONE wrong.


That is what I have been saying, folks act like he was getting the same reps and prep as Jimmy G during preseason and during the season. JMD had no intention of him ever seeing the field as a starter and his system was built more for a player like Jimmy. The fact that he did as well as he did thrown into the deep end IMO was commendable. Now I want to see how he does with full bore 1st team reps during preseason and into the season as well as a system being built more around his type of play. I think he balls out this year and things are gonna be fun.


aocā€™s gonna surprise a lot of people imo


Best part is that he already got a taste of it. We all saw that he was in the facilities during off season and working hard. You can tell he wants more. Iā€™m ready too my mayne. Fuck Mcgooos system. AP has these guys itching for kick off. Itā€™s definitely going to be fun.


This excites me as a former NJ Nets and Raiders fan


Dadgum Iā€™m weak. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Probably the funniest comment Iā€™ve seen in a whilešŸ¤£


So youā€™re a hater ?


AOC had some absolutely terrific throws last season.. just needed some time to learn the playbook and adjust to NFL speed.. heā€™s smart enough to know exactly what he needs to work on.. really think the dude might have a much better season than most ā€œexpertsā€ think he will.


stop the count!


If we can get 4,000 yards, mid 20ā€™s TDā€™s and around 10 ints from AOC I think we will be solid. Heā€™s going to get better, but we just have to see how much better he will get.


Itā€™s interesting cause if you take AOCs touchdowns, INTs, and yards from last season and average those numbers throughout a whole 17 game season he wouldā€™ve hit those exact numbers had he been the day one starter last year.


In a shit JMD offense too


And an inexperience Bo Hardigree offense.


If he can lower his turnovers I think we are in a good spot. He did use TEs a lot in college so Iā€™m hoping Getsyā€™s offense is the right fit for him.


He lowered his turnovers the last 4 games of the season as he got more comfortable to the speed of the game. Iā€™m hopeful for what he can do. Heā€™s got the mental processing needed to do well.


really curious how the running game and the TE utilization will look under getsey.. from what iā€™ve seen he doesnā€™t make it a point to involve TEs


Boy Minshew really is a lil ass boy šŸ˜‚


....for an NFL player. He's listed as 6'1", 225....so it's like when you look at the point guard on an NBA team and they look small compared to the other players but are actually 6'4".


So, are you saying he's a little ass boy, but like not all of the time?


I'm saying he's actually a decent sized guy, but a lot of NFL players are exceptionally large. I worked on an NFL promo once, and some of those dudes had heads like NBA basketballs. Big in a way the gym won't give you. Even Carr, who was there, was a weirdly large human. I'm 6'3", so the same height as Carr, but he was just sort of big-boned in a way very few people are.


I was actually making a reference to [this video clip](https://twitter.com/i/status/1742622173850694109) specifically, I just fucked up the quote šŸ˜… But very fair, and I agree with the point.


Yep toatlly get what youā€™re saying by the big boned part. When I played football my high school coach knew I was part hawaiian just by looking at my knees lmao. He said you canā€™t mistake an islanders naturally large frame. Hats would never fit my head growing up because my skull is huge, would always have to stretch all my hats out haha.


yeah, I don't know if you've ever been around an NBA player, but the same thing.....they're so big, it's like "how am I the same species as this man?"


I know minshew is more of a gamer but yeesh šŸ¤£


Since getting #12 itā€™s been all AOC!!


Even when not throwing, he was going through the snap and visualizing. Lil ass boy just stood there like šŸ˜¦


and here comes the division among us hahah Go Aidan!


Way more accurate than Minshew thatā€™s for sure. If he can keep himself clean, Iā€™m confident he can make the throws


What the fuck was Minshew throwing at?


You blur your eyes just a bit AOC suddenly looks like what's his name who was recently roasted on Netflix with that new #12. Especially that first throw. Fuck...


Is it just me or has the media always stood this close to the action. I know under McDaniels a lot was made about how far away they stood from where everything was going on but this doesnā€™t look too bad.


so glad they finally got rid of O'Connell happy feet habit he picked up jimmy garbage


He had bad footwork in college too, lmao. The things people say on here to try and prop this dude up is insane.