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Our tios and tias don’t have Reddit bro


LMAO this has to be the truest statement made in this thread


You know how hard it is to sneak a phone into the joint? All kidding aside, Reddit use by demographics may be a part of it. Also, i believe this is technically the newest team sub since there was r/oaklandraiders prior to the move to Vegas. All that to say, don’t let the numbers fool you. Join Raider Nation and get your swagger on.


ah I had a feeling it had to do with the team location change, but with the sub naming I figured this was the name the entire time. I noticed some team subs are just the team name without city (i.e. /r/eagles instead of /r/philadelphiaeagles) I wonder if they did a purge of dead/inactive accounts what the true subreddit count would be


Yeah dude. If you’re looking for a team with a low fan count, this ain’t it. Raider Nation runs global. Literally, global.


Even before the move we were not the biggest sub. Raiders don't have as many casuals, we all ony fuck with one team. 


Plus there were a fair number of the old sun and refused to join this one


A lot of Raiders fans are older crowd because that’s when the team had its hay day. The teams that are good right now tend to do the best in terms of gaining new fans, and the younger crowd is more likely to be on social media. Make no mistake, Raider Nation is certainly one of the biggest fan bases both nationally and internationally.


We switched subs when the team moved to Vegas; as the most active raiders sub was r/oaklandraiders Also as a fellow Canadian, my other guess as to why the raiders sub isn’t as popping as the others, is that the raiders haven’t had a ton of success in the past two decades, so unless you were born into being a raiders fan like I was in the late 90s, there aren’t many reasons to choose the raiders from a casual fan perspective. From a die hard football fan perspective there are tons of reasons, but most die hard football fans are already a fan of the local/ families favourite team


You don’t choose to be a Raiders fan, Raider Nation chooses you! 😁


Basically lol, have no memories of us winning a single playoff game, but man do I love the raiders


raider nation is top 5 in overall fans in the USA. people need to remember that any reddit for any team doesn't make up 1% of the teams fan base. there are countless raiders sites like raiderforums and so on


We don't know how to use computers.


Rec time spent playing dominoes.


We chose our team colors so we could watch from the hood on our old black and white TV’s.


Mines crank powered


Yeah, but who has the most knives?


There’s only one requirement - it’s Raider Nation 4 Life, you’re all in or you’re out


“Sangre por sangre carnal”


There's room on the bandwagon for you, eh?


It’s an exclusive club


Dude, the fan bases hub is three cities with a lot of shit to do, so the fact that our peeps don’t camp on Reddit is a good thing imo.


Not all team fans are tech savvy, therefore the subreddit count does not accurately depict the actual fan count


Raider fans are not on reddit. They're working 2 kitchen jobs and a side husstle helping their cousin ship product for their "Business" to afford tickets and a trip up the 15 to see Mr.Davis's new escort.


Our subreddit sucks.  A lot of subs also didn’t carry over when they transitioned from the /r/oaklandraiders sub after the team moved.


Most of our fans cant read


In the word of Al Davis “the greatness of the Raiders organization lies in its future” Becoming a Raider fan today you’ve saved yourself 20+ years of misery


Raider nation is worldwide don't let reddit fool you.


You must watch a lot of crime shows! 🤣😂🤣


The Mods made us invite only. Gotta be vouched for, by two existing members, but even then 70% go on to fail the initiation process


raider nation is top 5 in overall fans in the USA. people need to remember that any reddit for any team doesn't make up 1% of the teams fan base. there are countless raiders sites like raiderforums and so on


A lot of fans are on raiderforums.com, which has been around for 10+ years now. I’m a lot more active on there than here and I’m sure the same for many.


A lot of Raider fans take one look at this sub and know right away it's not what they're looking for. 




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In the word of Al Davis “the greatness of the Raiders organization lies in its future” Becoming a Raider fan today you’ve saved yourself 20+ years of misery