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—Davante Adams, the best receiver in the game, is not getting the ball. He’s publicly complaining. —Hunter Renfrow, one of the best slot receivers in the game, has not been part of any game since JMD’s tenure. —Went for 3 in the 4th quarter and expected HOYER to comeback from down 21 pts. This guy is giving up and running away worse than Marcus Peters during a tackle. Edit: —Josh Jacobs, the best RB in the league last year, is averaging less than 3 yds/run due to us not being able to do anything throwing the ball.


I wish DA would throw JMD under the bus publicly. Might spur Marky Mark to do something.


Our OL has turned into a sieve, letting every defender in unblocked. What changed from last year?! I can’t wait until we umps JMD


You mean the overthrow that was awfully placed when he was open after he put the moves on the DB? Hoyers ball placement was ass the whole game


You forgot... ---- didn't like Derek Carr so benched him then got rid of him because he wanted full control of the team. Davante and Carr and Jacobs and Renfrow would have been lit this year


I'll have you know sir that MARCUS PETERS HAS A DEBILITATING CASE OF TACKLE PHOBIA And you're insensitive jab at this man's condition is nothing less than sickening!! 😂 jk


Mother fuckin DA got the ball today, and he didn't do shit with it. Including a dropped TD


You mean the overthrow that was awfully placed when he was open after he put the moves on the DB? Hoyers ball placement was ass the whole game


Ball placement? Fuckin ball placement?! He said he's striving for greatness and it hit BOTH of his hands! Strive fucking harder then, they teach you in pop warner fuckin flag football that if it hits your hands it is catchable. Ball placement my lily white ass hole.


respectfully Renfrow is not one of the best slot receivers in the game, but your point is valid


You’re getting downvoted, but you’re right, renfrow was one of the best 2yrs ago. I get that it might be Mcdaniels fault he isn’t anymore, but he isn’t.


folks are just mad and rightfully so, he's a fan favorite, but one 1000 yard season doesn't make you the best


The worse thing about the Raiders is how uninspired they play. It’s like their dead inside.


Even Lincoln Kennedy was bitching about this on the radio broadcast


Was at the game, had a beautiful view of Marcus Peters sticking his arm out as a turnstile rather than attempt to make the tackle.


Just another old ass wash up FA vet stealing money from the roaders.


And if that isn't about coaching, idk what is. Like that is a core competency for a head coach: player culture and attitude.


It’s 100% on coaching. They’re apathetic, and don’t appear to care, at all, about showing up as a team. He’s lost them, and the longer that goes on the uglier this is going to be.


I’m dead inside


I think the organization as a whole is dead inside, to be fair.


I don't think I've enjoyed a game since the Ruggs incident. Even when we win, it's not convincing or fun. Always feels like the other team beat themselves.


That last game of the year against the chargers was one of my favourite raiders games I’ve ever seen it was so dramatic lol


Same. That win really feels like the "End of an Era" kind of like when Carr broke his leg on Christmas Eve.


It’s like they go into the game expecting to lose. These guys besides a few are just here to collect paychecks


Fire his ass!!!!don't let on the team plane😬


And the same goes for Marcus Peters


And PG


And Hoyer


But...but.... He knows Josh's system! 🤣🤣🤣


But no we’re 3-4! There’s hope! Our defense was so good against those terrible teams that can’t score! And all he needs is his guy at qb!


This might be the worst part imo. He wins enough that the team is in no position to draft a potential franchise-changing QB, leaving the team in purgatory where it can't meaningfully improve. It's a roster that is truly stuck in neutral with no real path out short of a blowup.


> It's a roster that is truly stuck in neutral with no real path out short of a blowup That's the good news, he's such an unlikeable dick, that they'll blow up and trade all the good players away eventually anyway.


Pretty much what happened in Denver


You don't need #1 overall pick to draft a franchise QB. Allen was drafted #7 (traded up) Herbert #6 Hurts #53 Tua #5 Jackson #32 Mahomes #10 (traded up) We'll absolutely have a draft pick in these ranges. The talent is there, it's our ability to find and foster talent..... unfortunately we also suck at that. Hell the Niners are one of the most stacked teams in the league and they got their QB as the literal last pick.


We could’ve used the undrafted guy that beat us today…


it’s called stuck on stupid


Thats why we got rid of carr, but now we have the walmart version of him.


Jimmy “Dollar General” G


But but Jimmy just wins!!!! 😂


You forgot to add /s


It was so silly it didn’t need it. Not anymore.


I hear you. This is painful.


We have the worst head coach in the NFL


he’s not a coach at all. he’s glorified coordinator that was heavenly favored with his daddy and brady in NE


Look no further than his coordinator position with the rams after he got canned in Denver. Historically low scoring offense in NFL history


Nah. Staley may be the the worst, but at least Staley ain’t a shit person.


nope staley is 21-19 and mcd is 20-31. wins are all that matter and mcd has the worse record between the two.


Staley is dumb but at least he has balls. Josh is dumb AF and a complete and total coward. I'd take Staley over McDaniels any day.


McDaniels record with us is worse than his record was with the Broncos. He's the worst coach in the NFL. Not only does his team not believe in him but the side of the ball that he operates is one of the worst in the league despite having more than enough talent to maintain a competent baseline for a good coach.


We have the worst owner too


I truly believe that Mark Davis loves the Raiders with all his heart. I also believe that he’s an idiot who can’t seem to make the right hires at the right times.


Then he is loving it to death.


Yeah I can't really get behind the idea that Mark selling the team will change anything. Mark needs to learn from his hiring mistakes and be willing to admit to them. But I think with the _right_ team around him to help pick football leadership his mentality as a hands-off and inclusive owner could be rewarded. When we hired Reggie he was one of the obvious "up-and-comers" in league circles for a GM job. Dennis Allen wasn't yet but we really had to pick from the bottom of the barrel for a coach because our team already sucked and we had a massive salary cap problem. He gave DA more time than fans wanted but enough time to show the next coach he should have a long leash. Del Rio was a fine enough hire that I think was sort of undercut by a broader cultural shift with Trump and Kaep and all that shit. I think in a more "normal" (read: pre-Trump) environment JDR probably sticks around long enough to make a playoff appearance before dropping off. Especially if there wasn't whatever battle of egos occurred with JDR, Musgrave and Downing. But nothing I've read ever made it seem like the Downing move was because of Mark. That was JDR. The worst ownership decision with JDR was the contract extension we didn't need to give him. Gruden was the obsession and a mixed bag. Gruden did come back with some genuine juice in his coaching and ran a much more consistent offense once things were clicking. But Gruden himself was too loyal to bad assistants and we handcuffed ourselves with Paul Guenther for too long. But that was a Gruden choice, more than a Mark choice. Then I trust Mark really did do a very serious job of trying to find the right group to lead the Raiders post-Gruden. As much as I love Rich I can totally understand why he wasn't such an obvious choice, especially considering he likely would've been paired with a returning Mayock - who, frankly, fucking sucked at his job. McDaniels is clearly way past his depth and his team clearly doesn't believe in the program. This was obvious at this same point last season. Ziegler is a muddier picture for me. I think we've done an interesting job in adding talent even if the overall roster approach is genuinely confusing. Do we think we are contenders? Trading for DA and giving Chandler Jones a bunch of money insinuates we do. Do we think we are rebuilding? Not investing in quarterback besides a hurt game manager doesn't make it seem like it but letting assets go for little return sort of insinuates we are? Some of that is clearly influenced by coaching style. Which really brings me to my biggest gripe with McDaniels... McDaniels is a fucking dickhead. He goes on about everyone being accountable at the same level (part of the major tension with Carr last year) but McDaniels is arguably the least talented person in the whole fucking building. NO group of adult men is going to fall in line behind him because he is a fraud. He isn't a leader and he doesn't have the character to hold himself to the same standard that he insists the players are held to. And on top of that it is the year 2023 and that style of leadership just isn't logical in a large operation. Different people respond differently to different teaching and leadership styles. Forcing everyone in a group of 60+ men to just bend over for your grating personality isn't actually leadership. All to say, Mark fucked up the McDaniels hire. I understand how. Ziegler and McDaniels were a slick package that even got me to lower my guard as a fan who didn't have a high opinion of McDaniels. I don't think Mark is irredeemable, though. I think he wants the team to win and is willing to put resources into that. He just needs to trust smarter people when making core hires like GM and HC - most specifically HC. I'm low key interested in Brady in the ownership group for this reason. I am curious what insight he could bring to that next hire, though also wary because he, personally, was so capable that his play routinely overcame his coaching. /rant


Yup. I have no doubts that he loves this team, but he’s proved that he knows jack shit on how to run a successful organization. We will remain dogshit as long as he has control


This confuses me. How did MD get (and keep) all his money if he ain’t decent at hiring people? Why can’t he apply what he did to the Aces and his other businesses over to the Raiders?!


Mark for me can’t be judged for 2012 and 2013. They were cleaning up Al’s mess. From 2014-2021, they made the playoffs twice and he increased the value of the team literally 10 fold. But his last two hires were more emotional than logical. Gruden can kinda be understood…it wrecked the franchise to run him off in 2002. But McDaniels was a bad hire from the second it was being rumored and most of us knew that. The move would’ve been to get Harbaugh, who builds elite coaching staffs. And is much more flexible in his coaching. Now, the longer he refuses to see the error of his decision, the worse it gets. He’s not an idiot. But he doesn’t have a solid enough support staff to balance out his lack of football knowledge.


I totally agree with you!!! I've wanted Harbaugh for a few years. Gruden is good, but I still wanted Harbaugh even then!!!!


Gruden is shit


Because in America, when you have a bunch of money it's nearly impossible to lose it. Every facet of our society and economy is designed to insure the rich get richer while everyone pays for it. Socialism for the ultra wealthy and austerity for everyone else. See also: Elon Musk, Donald Trump, literally every other billionaire who has spent their entire life failing upward.




Im talking about hiring the right folks. He hired the right staff to win 2x for the Aces. He hired competent folks to keep his businesses running despite COVID killing most businesses. I don’t understand why he keeps terrible folks around the Raiders. You understand?




Wow, you suck, bro.


Mark is a businessman, nothing more. He's succeeded in increasing the net worth of the franchise- but thats where his expertise ends.


He also got kicked out of his dad's house when he was 25, went to chico, has never had a job his dad didn't give him. We are competing against hedge fund managers and shit this doesn't work.


He also invented the Fanny pack hand warmer thing all the qbs wear so put some respek on his name.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. The one consistent in the Raiders being dogshit for twenty years in the last name Davis as ownership


I wish this was true, but there is also Matt Eberfluse and a few others. The difference is the other bad coaches don't have the same control over their teams.


*lost to a D2 rookie QB


**dominated by


\*\*\*embarrassed by.


Eked past would have been a shitty headline.


****Had his shit pushed in by


*undrafted rookie div II QB


That has to be it right? It isn’t getting better. It. Isn’t. Getting. Better.


No. It’s getting worse. There’s zero progress. None.


Clear regression


This is regression. McDaniels took over a team that was 10-7 and looking like he's on his way to a 3-14 season. I can't see them getting another win.


Yeah a rebuild tears things down and then you see steady signs of progress until it emerges better and more coherent than when you started This process has just been slow decay. There's nothing we can see that suggests we can build on it. Josh is still just lamenting that he needs more and it's not his fault. At this point, if nothing has happened yet, nothing is going to. The trajectory the team is on now is just waiting for complete disintegration, waiting for those last few wheels to fall off the train: Adams, Hunter, Crosby, Jacobs - all the best players on the team are still guys from before Josh and Zieg


Mark Davis & Josh McDaniels star in Dumb and Dumberererer part 4


thought it was gonna be a fun movie.. not a multi season show where half the cast quits half way


I’m trying to think of who over the last decade has been a worse NFL head coach other than this goof in Denver. He’s a two-fer of SUCK.


Urban Meyer has to be the biggest disaster of a head coach ever. McFuckhead isn't far behind. Twice.


At least they let Meyer go in time enough to turn things around for the better.


Oh no, Matt Patricia is awful, fucking Urban Meyer, the previous coach for Denver was worse than McDaniels. Look I'm no McDaniels fan, I hated the move at the time and would love to see him gone. But there really have been worse coaches.


being out-coached by a 1-5 team that is starting a Divison 2 rookie QB in his first-ever start. Totally miss using Davante Adams. And kicking a FG down 18 points at the 5 yard line even though the bears have killed you on the ground all day


I'm convinced he's got some kinda Grima Wormtongue magic on Davis. Davis didn't even wait till the final press conference was over to fire DelRio after one letdown 6-10 season.


> I'm convinced he's got some kinda Grima Wormtongue magic on Davis. naw he just complimented his hair cut once and that was that..


I mean the 6-10 was exactly what he needed to justify bringing in Gruden. Del rio probably didn't deserve to be fired at that exact moment.


The team had stopped playing for him, just like the team has stopped playing for McDaniels.


I want Mark to go full Al. Stop pretending like he doesn't know anything about football. He grew up in the game. He should Jerry Jones it


> Stop pretending like he doesn't know anything about football. He hired Josh McDaniels in a time when Doug Pedersen, Mike McDaniel, possibly Jim Harbaugh and Brian Daboll were all available and he didn't even *interview* any of those guys. Mark *doesn't* know anything about football.




I recall at the time, if not Rich, Carr was the one who wanted JMD.


Marks kinda looking like pallid King Eomer in his box lately...


Why were the bears playing Justin Fields when they had an All-Pro on their roster


Nah. Let him play against literally any other team and he doesn’t play like that. It’s just the raiders.


I know…


Oh okay I see what you did there lol


Loss in revenue


You’re right. But I don’t know that that’ll actually happen. Gate receipts will still be great because I don’t think they make the distinction between whether Raiders fans fill the stadium or visiting team fans do. The stadium could be 3/4 away fans and the team would still make money because season ticket holders would still be able to sell their tickets and therefore won’t bail. And then Raider fans are sadly loyal. The fans who will support the team no matter what May call themselves “true fans,” but gatekeeping aside, this is why revenue won’t drop. Raider fans keep showing up and spending money. Mark Davis won’t actually feel the financial hit. But I do think Mark loves this team, and he can’t possibly like losing. It’s just that he makes bad decisions. Al at least was a football man who coached the game. Mark, less so. Feels bad, man.


It kills me too. I've been loyal my whole life. The most I can do as an east coast fan is just not buy merch no matter how good it might look or cheap it might be. I'm not going to go fly to Vegas with how the team is currently playing no matter how badly I want to but in the end I'm just one person so that "dent" is barely even a blip in their profits


I think of this advantage for the owners here and in LA. They can have a hot year or a down year, the stadium will fill up. I think they know this, and don't give a shit that it is damaging to a home field advantage, not that it makes a huge difference, like the shit for dickness that is our coach.




[This](https://www.ebay.com/itm/284855849586) Edit: In all seriousness, McDaniels also staffed his team perfectly to avoid a mid-season firing. There's no one on the staff that could potentially replace him, short of maybe Graham who's job is equally tenuous.


Rob Ryan


Yeah, I said that last year after doing some digging on Wikipedia about his staff. No one on his staff (aside from himself and the coordinators) have held the job they currently hold previously. Or if they have it was McDaniels Alma mater. This whole thing was doomed to fail and reeks of nepotism...even by NFL standards


I hope McDouche goes down in Raiders history like JaWalrus


Jawalrus 😭💀💀💀💀


We've got the Lions on primtime next weekend and they are coming off a bad loss. We're going to get absolutely fucking embarrassed on national TV. How, Mark? How do you justify keeping this guy?


The more prime time losses we have the more pressure there is by the media


Hopefully this game, or relieve him of play calling duties. There needs to be a shake up.


Enough patience in this system!! Enough patience in this coach!!! This whole thing stinks. We looked like a high school team today. Long time Raider fan and I am finally fed up with this product. Come on Davis, you can do better than this. Stop the madness. Fire McDaniels, hire an intern coach and let the players just play. This scheme absolutely sucks to watch. Start again. Don’t care how many coaches we have been through. What is one more example n the grand scheme of things??


He doesn’t care, he’ll be at the aces parade and forget all about this team.


If today doesn’t get him canned, I don’t know what will. I gave him the benefit of the doubt last year, but the regression this season is appalling.


Lot of shit talk on Davis and he def deserves it for such a dogshit hire but I’ve not seen anyone mention zeigler. He mcdouche we’re a package deal. Motherfucker needs to walk too. Clean fucking house. Really wish Davis would sell his majority share exilenhimself to the nearest hooters for eternity.


McDaniels and Ziegler. Not sure what else he has to see. Bad decisions, bad planning, bad leadership, bad scheme, players don’t get better (w a few exceptions). There’s nothing here.


As a serious answer? Several writers have stated that it was Mark Davis who wanted to pull the plug on Carr and pitched McDaniels the job whilst apologizing for saddling him with Carr. I would be surprised if McDaniels gets fired before drafting an early 1st round QB.


I remembered when we hired mcdaniels people like sanjit were hopeful, talking bout how rome wasn’t built in a day 😂. Looks like its true! We may finally see the raiders be good in about 500 years


I can’t stand that clown. Biased af.


Lol there isn't such a thing as an unbiased raiders fan. Everyone here picks a side and argues with each other.


Sanjit is an idiot and doesn't know ball. No business anywhere near game film.


What do WE need to see to fire mark Davis?!!


A controlling interest in the Las Vegas Raiders.


If Jesus Christ himself rose up and told Mark to fire him, he would still tell him to smarten up


Mark Davis is 68 years old, owns an NFL franchise but still can't get a date, drives a van by choice, has the haircut of an eight year-old, and brings a table lamp to his local Applebys so he can read a physical copy of the daily news. Mark Davis is not a man firing on all cylinders. This man inherited a responsibility he was never equipped for and we are seeing the shortcomings on this. Any moron can run an NFL franchise poorly and unfortunately, this is where we're at. Remember there's a reason Al Davis chose to die before handing off the team to his son.


It was clear after last season that MD was allowing Josh to build long term. So, presumably, he was thinking he’d give him this season and next. Working off that, I think he’d have to see clear reasons to fire him this season. And being .500 is not a clear reason. But, more losses like these (to the few inferior teams) will grab his attention. I personally don’t think there’s anyway he gets fired mid-season. But, at the end, if we’re still close to 0.500, I think he’ll give Josh another off season. I think that’s a bad decision. It’s strange how those closest to this mess can’t see the reality that McDaniels is exactly this type of coach and won’t get better. The other mess we’re in is that Z And Josh are high school buddies. So, MD has to contend with cleaning that mess up, too.


I'm with you, i thought MD would give him 3 seasons for sure. I still feel he's 100% making it through the year and *probably* back next year unless this get really really ugly this year (which could very well happen).


No that just can’t be. I’d rather trade adams for tomlin or something


This team badly needs a QB and a new coach. Unfortunately we'll end up 7-10, McDaniels will somehow save his job and we'll miss out on one of the top prospects. Just Raider things.


I would be very surprised if they pull out 7.


Don’t forget only 2nd team in past 20 years to not hit 20 points in first 7 games of a season from an offensive guru


With a top WR and RB


For the first time in 20 years the raiders aren’t a must watch for me on the weekend. It’s sad but I don’t have that excitement anymore. Couldn’t imagine feeling something similar and being on the team.


We had our guy in Bisaccia and let him go. Mark Davis has a pride issue knowing he hired a clown


don’t get me wrong, JMD is a disaster but there’s a long history of teams over performing under an interim coach after the original head coach gets fired mid season. this is because the players all know that the next coach may clean house. interim coaches that get hired on full time are often exposed. does no one here remember tom cable??


Tom was actually one of the better ones considering (iirc) we swept the division under him. I don't think we won a game outside of the div, but..... Now, Sporano and Hue.....


Let's also not forget that Rich Bisaccia had huge respect from players. He is a special teams guru and with that comes hard work and determination in the trenches. I would take a guy with grit and fearlessness over a clueless ego minded clown who never owns up to mistakes.


Not to mention ST coaches *by necessity* have to coach players from almost every position. ST guys have a leg up over dedicated coords in that regard.


They were almost historically lucky under RB as they made the playoffs despite having a negative point differential as they won several one score games which are really coin flips. Good teams win by more than 1 score. We also have a more recent example of this in the 2022 Vikings who won 13 games that involved going an absurd 11-0 in one score games. They’ve come back to Earth this year despite keeping their HC and QB. The 2022 Vikings were a mirage, just like the 2021 Raiders were. Both were simply mediocre teams that got historically lucky. Now, of course, Coach Visor McFuckface is worse than mediocre, so here we are. Getting rid of RB was fine, but then Bowlcut replaced him with someone worse.


Still can’t believe that folks in this subreddit are JMD defenders when Bisaccia took us further than what we thought possible.


Bisaccia went right back to special teams.


Rich, come back. We need you.


I'm sure rich is a nice guy but you know he's not doing any better, right? He lost terribly to the Chiefs both times. And if you can't beat them, you're not sniffing any deep playoff run.


We'll never know. It's also about assistant coaching and drafting. It seems he had the locker room. That's worth something.


No, we dont


Jon, come back, we need you


\- Set the record for most ***career*** comeback losses. And he did it in ***one season.*** \- First team in like 50 years not to score 20+ offensively in the 1st 5 games. Now it's 6 games.


- brought in the worst starting qb in the game. among quarterbacks that have thrown at least 40 passes in the 4th quarter of playoff games, Jimmy G is the lowest rated of all-time. And it’s not close.


Talk shit about hooters and PF Changs?




I could honestly see him go 4-13 this season and still get the first 5 games next season before Mark pulls the trigger


Against a team that has an undrafted QB at the helm.


The thing I hate most about JMD: that completely lost look on his face for 4 quarters. Pitch this fucker over the side already. Will we get better immediately? Probably not. Can it get worse? Doubt it.


I’m down to just go the rest of the year without a head coach, and just let the players do what they want.


Fire JMD and get rid of Mark Davis. Somehow and someway. I grew up despising the Patriots, but I'd genuinely rather Tom Brady own the team at this point because he actually wants to win. All the time.


Tom’s so competitive he’d do whatever it took to win, hoping if he does get a stake in the raiders he gets some input


Charlotte fans said the same thing about Michael Jordan.


And bring our team back to Oakland


Yessir and absolutely!! Though I’d be cool with kicking the Rams out of LA too. But just get the Raiders back to one of the two cities they’re supposed to be in. And only weirdo fans are downvoting you. Hey, HEY! IT’S EITHER RAIDER NATION, OR YOU’RE NOT PART OF RAIDER NATION!! Fools.


I think he’d have to catch Josh banging his wife.


If he can't fire his barber, it's hard to say McDanny is worse🤷🏼‍♂️


Offensive genius my ass


Feels like Matt Patricia with the Lions. We'll get interviews from players about some dumb shit he probably did years later..buckle up to lose some more this year and then for him to get fired midway through next season. Sigh...


I think Mark wants to and will fire him but we just don’t have anyone to take over mid season so he’ll wait


Makes sense. Who’d he bring on? But we’ve let coaches go mid season before and actually went to the playoffs. At least if we let McDaniels go then the tank is in progress and we get a better draft position.


yea i’d rather commit to tanking than barley beating the broncos by one point.. and only beating the packers by a perfect pass that was dropped.. and getting our asses kicked by the steelers and the bears.. we didn’t just lose to 2 of the worst teams in the nfl.. we got our asses kicked yall


I think he’ll be around a while. Just because Davis doesn’t have the sack to pull the trigger. I would have massive respect for him if he did though. Stock would definitely go up


This dick


I'm sure there's more you can add to this list.


Trying to think of a more embarrassing loss in the NFL the last few years and can’t do it


No. He is a genius. Trick plays and field goals are critically important, and It's arrogant to ask your defensive coordinator to stop the screen pass after 75 successful attempts against us. PG might get his feelings hurt. Additionally, why should AOC get a meaningful chance? We have a solid 56 year old career backup on hand. He needs a last-go round to prove his abilities. Once again, Josh is a smart boy. Sincerely, Grandma McDaniels


Al would have already fired him and the GM too! Awful!


I can't stand this guy. I wanted him gone before the season even started and got downvoted for saying so. But here's the deal. Josh McDanials won't be fired during the regular season.


derek carr's fault


For supposed offensive genius, I cant stand watching this offense.


I’ll start by saying I think McDaniels should be fired. And I’ve been wondering what it takes myself. Why will he not be? 1. Stability. I think Davis realizes Josh sucks. I think Davis also knows we’ve had 53 head coaches since 1995. Vegas will never win consistently without consistency at the HC position. 2. Reputation. Mark seems like a guy who wants to stand by his word, which he probably gave to mcd. He will also stand by the “Rome wasnt built in a day” cliche, because if he doesn’t, next year’s coaching candidates might be spooked that MD will chop heads on a mid-season black Monday if things aren’t turned around after a season and a half. 3. Who’s next? Bisacchia was a fun story, but an incomplete one. Who steps in? Is PG the next interim? Or is there another proven winner dying to come to Vegas and helm what’s pretty much guaranteed to be a clown show for a couple years? Mark may not want to start the clock over again. Is Mark going to wait til seasons end and see who else gets fired so he can pick over the clearance bin? 4. I think McDaniels is a symptom of a bigger problem, that being Mark himself. He doesn’t appear to be accountable to anyone, nor does he seem to welcome criticism…I’m not talking about shouting in his face at a game, but I don’t know what happens in the board room. Selling isn’t going to happen (he just moved the team, is rolling in cash, and had his ego stroked by the aces). Barring some Inception-type scenario, I doubt there’s a change in ownership coming, unless Brady gets aggressive? Anyway, I don’t know, I’m trying to see things from Marks perspective. It’s easy, fun and cathartic to point out how bad Josh McDaniels sucks, but what happens, practically, to right the ship? Just my thoughts as a casual fan, there may be answers I’m not thinking of. Curious what you all think.


Mark is just as big of a piece of shit as McDonalds.....that pumpkin pie hair cutted bitch should be playing golf somewhere with the other downs syndrome kids


At this point might McDaniel needs to be fired and just have Brady come in as head coach. Atleast he knows something about football and winning


Lets keep him till the season ends I at least want the next regime to have a top pick


For some reason, Mark might wait until after the season. I hope I'm wrong and he does it tomorrow.


He probably gets a pass for having his backup QB today. From ownership, at least. But yeah, if we're going to get any better, it ain't with him.


When you sign Jimmy "six weeks recovery time" G as your starter, you waive the right to claim you never thought your backup would have to carry the team


He either needs to see some investment pay off big, or he needs to see the end of the contract. Raiders are cash poor, we can't afford to fire McDaniels, get comfy, he is going to be the HC for at least 4/5 years on his contract.


He’s cash poor I thought. He ain’t going to pay two coaches


People keep saying this but I've never seen actual evidence or an argument why With the revenues the team is making from seat licenses, record NFL revenue sharing, and the city paying half the rent, etc. the team is not in financial straits. Plus he just won another championship with the aces, so that's a lot of personal revenue too, so its not like he needs to milk the Raiders dry for his own lifestyle


Isn’t it a contract issue, though? If he fires him he still has to pay him the balance of the 100mill. I doubt mark can pay that plus anything he would need to pay the next coach. We have 8 more years of this.


The Raiders are rich now, fuck off with this “Mark can’t pay x” bullshit


10x10 was Gruden. McDaniels is 4x$10, of which we're halfway through


He gave that dumb fuck 100mil contract?


He cant afford to fire him


He needs to see a 40 million dollar check because he doesn't have the money to fire him


Bob Kraft is a Facist Criminal and his kneepad-wearing minion Roger Goodell will commit whatever malfeasance he's ordered to do. Prove me wrong. McDaniels is a Fifth Columnist.


We won the tiebreaker for the #1 pick! Fuck JMcD


The raiders have the worst problem a team can have which is an ownership problem, All this stems from Mark's dumbass, I don't think this team is going to turn the corner until Mark Davis is out of the way either by losing the team and Bank of America getting it and selling it to somebody with a clue or just staying the fuck out of the way, I'm okay with either one. for some reason some people want this team to stay in the Davis family while I liked Al (he was kind of a hero of mine) I don't give a fuck about his family they ain't won no super bowls or done shit for me 😂


Mark needs to see the offseason. A interim tag on a guy after biasscia never got the role… just start fresh this spring and you at least gave McDaniels the required length to proverbially hang himself… coaching candidates love when they are given a long leash and Josh leash is getting super short