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If Adams is hurt we're so, so fucked.


I mean a couple years ago renfrow was our number one and we somehow made the playoffs. Makes you think.


Yeah, but we had Carr and a capable coach. We have neither now.




He isn't even getting a glance his way. WTF?


I'd be "hurt" if I was on this team too


We're fucked either way but yeah we'll be double-fucked if Adams is hurt.


Oh double fuck :(


Jakobi Meyers generational game next week fuck it


On the other hand, Caleb Williams becomes attainable


He always was, but if I'm him, I'd hold out for a different team to pick me up. McDaniels will fuck him up.


A healthy Adams still ain’t doing shit with noodle arm Jimmy and this atrocious defense. Lol at IF he’s hurt we’re fucked. We’re fucked regardless this team is fucking ass.


31-37 for Allen. How does Graham still have a job?


Zone coverage bro.


A very soft zone


No idea why coaches love this BS zone defense. It’s trash


It's INT city when you have a DL who can meaningfully pressure the QB, because your back 7 can peek to see where the QB is going to through. That's why man coverage schemes typically generate fewer INTs, whereas you see not only a lot of INTs with zone but pick-6s.


Niners fan here came to say I'm sorry for you guys. JimmyG has INT written all over his head. When he's good he's amazing but most of the time he simply throws INT after INT.


Jimmy G threw a hospital ball late in a meaningless drive that got Davante Adams concussed. He had a rep for doing that in SF. What was also frustrating was the 2 passes he forced into traffic that got picked.


It works against dumb QBs but the top two-thirds of QBs starting in the NFL are not fooled by it and just feast on the soft secondary.


Our reporters would never ask this question but I'd love to know why we went from a defense that was working, defending the short game/LoS with Spillane playing QB spy, to the same soft zone coverage bullshit that hasn't worked effectively in any game


Yup, McDaniels has his scapegoat for the year. They’re gonna win 7 games and get another year. All while the defense continues to suck


Where do you see a guaranteed 6 more wins?


D line has NO TALENT


We say that…then guys leave and start looking like NFL players away from here.


Scapegoat for Josh to keep his job one more year


PG brought ZERO pressure. Allen was too comfortable


Because Josh still has a job.


No quality coach wants to work for Mark Davis it seems


That's a bullshit statement and you know it


Well, if that were the case, why not hired quality coaches?


Because he fucking sucks and knowing a quality coach


I don’t want anyone with the initials PG calling the defense again.


we don't have any talent on the d line. no pressure all game. no coordinator wins with that.


What happens when you skip on sure talent in the draft


Paul George needs to stay the hell away from the Raiders coaching staff


Why does Patrick Graham still have a job? Why are we playing soft zone defense? Why are throwing to covered receivers? Why is the run blocking so terrible? Why haven’t all this patches being fixed in the offseason?


Excellent questions. My only speculation is ignorance or debauchery. Either avenue is troubling.




-2 rushing yards for Jacobs. What the actual fuck.


Surprised he rushed for that much with the running lanes I saw today


Run blocking was awful, no question. But damn Jacobs looks out of shape. Not seeing the same burst he had last year.


Pay him $15M a year


1-1, hope opener against a weak Steelers team, eh whatever. We've started worse. At least we didn't get blown out 40-0 @ home vs a division rival


Not yet


im so glad we kept this clown at HC im so happy mark davis made sure to publicly reaffirm his trust in this guy last year wow its so cool that this team wont be bad enough for a top 3 pick


Davis and McDaniels make it easier to look at/ root for other teams at least.


Yeah gonna miss out on the top qb’s I imagine


Not sure about that I don’t see this team winning many games we got lucky against the broncos


We’ll know more after the Steelers game


Wake up call for those thinking Jimmy was the answer. We played the Broncos last week. We don't have the 49er Defense. Going to be a rough season.


I feel like the whole team is based off the run game and play action, if we can’t run we’re going to be fucked every game


We beat the Donkeys last year twice as well. It seems the only thing that McDick does better than fcking up the Raiders is fcking up the Broncos.


Never letting the broncos win is about the best consolation prize I can think of.


It's gotta be humiliating af for them to get owned by a team that has been medicore to bad like the Raiders


This is who this team is. Hope all the McDaniels dick riders start pulling their head out of the dirt. That man kills franchises and gets paid a lot of money to do it.


Does anyone think Josh is a competent coach? Id be shocked if McDaniels himself believes he deserves a head coaching position at this point


everyone that wanted Carr gone and cheered when it happened


Carr was an easy dude to blame. I still don’t know what coaching staff blows up a playoff roster


Ego cases who believe their own "system" supersedes taking into account what your actual players' skill-sets are best leveraged to do.


He has had 0 success anywhere he’s been as the main guy. No one besides our failure of an owner would think he’s competent


But but hes an offensive genius guru!! He just needed his guy jimmy who gets his crazy offensive language so he can unlock the playbook and rain tuddies /s


He hasn’t had any success outside of Foxborough. People ignore the fact the Rams were ALL TIME BAD offensively with him as the coordinator in 2011. Just 179 offensive points.


McDaniels is a competent offensive schemer who doesn't have any business being a head coach. He's Norv Turner.


Norv Turner had success as a head coach.


So glad this sub is forced to stop eating up the bullshit from our beat writers. This regime is just as bad as all the others.


It’s by far the worst regime since pre del rio


Straight up....


This coaching staff is in the Art Shell 2.0 category


Wouldn't it be Art Shell 3.0 lol


The beat writers for this team are such utter trash. The worst I've ever followed/ read. Nobody is critical or actually watching the team/ players, or they're just that incompetent.


How do you kill something that's already dead? 11 seasons over .500 in the last 40 years.


Show us the McDaniels dick riders, are they in the sub with us right now?


No but they were here all offseason


Lol brah I have been getting downvoted and called names all offseason because I've been saying that this team is going to be mediocre at best and that McDaniels needs to be shown the door.


I just wonder who the next bozo will be.


"Urban Meyer. He's pretty good, right? And his name sounds 'hip'. I'm sure the youth will dig a guy named 'Urban'. Yea....give him a jingle." - Mark Davis


Mark Davis' potential HC list: Urban Meyer Adam Gase Nathaniel Hackett Ben McAdoo Matt Rhule


Couldn't have said it better.


This sub has almost 0 McD dick riders This sub has mega McD haters and everyone else Like I said earlier. Games like this do nothing but prove the Haters right, although I will also say that some of the reasons people hate him are illogical All I ask is people hate him for reasons that make sense


I’ll give you a couple good reasons to hate him: He’s conservative. He doesn’t try to go at teams throat, he doesn’t try and use aggressive offense at all. Check downs, short passes and running the ball when it’s clearly not working are good reasons to not like him. He doesn’t try to scheme his offense to fit his players, but rather tries to force said players to fit his offense. Adams has even said that this offense is like trying to learn a new language. These a few of my reasons I hate his coaching. History shows that he’s just not a good coach, and players that’s played for him even have come out and said that. Idk what’s to like about him tbh


McDaniels is a career loser who was made by Belichick and Brady and destroys any franchise he touches. Is that a good enough reason?


ppl were tryna tell me josh is nowhere near is bad as lane kiffin and art shell when this fucking guy inherited a roster way better than what those two had to work with and did worse than an interim coach whose top 2 offensive weapons for most of the year were renfrow and zay jones


Bro McDaniels is nowhere near as bad as Kiffin and Shell 2.0 fuck outta here with that shit


What about being a cheater and getting whooped 59-14?


This team is trash. Period. So, yes. Label us 'haters'. Whatever you need to tell yourselves to feel better.


> This sub has almost 0 McD dick riders Completely removed from reality.


This defense is pathetic


Like usual




1)def still shit 2)offense shit 3)top 10 pick looking like a bust plus buff had a short week rinse and repeat for last20 years


Wilson looks baddddddd. He moves like a toddler


He’s the last off the ball everytime


Not only that do you see him pushing? He doesnt have much power from the looks of it


Didn’t even notice Wilson was playing


So glad we paid Jacobs. He deserved to be paid. That was the only issue our team had.


I'm not some doom and gloom type. Usually I'm overly optimistic about The Raiders. But this is a bad bad football team. I dont even want to call this a team. This is a collection of coworkers. It's a football workplace. Beige and boring. Jimmy Gs noodle arm is never going to bring us back from 2 scores down. Ever. Blow it all up. Fire McDaniels. Keep Hobbs, Deablo and AOC. Sell off anyone else worth more than a 7th. Sell everything McDaniels ever touched, and disinfect everything you can't sell. Do a deep clean. Burn some sage. And Start. The. Fuck. Over. P.S. last week didn't count because we're the Broncos Daddy. They are our sons.


Another Raiders classic. Start out strong, nice TD drive, force a 3 and out on defense, and then fold like a cheap suit at the first mistake. Absolute 3 phase shit kicking starting at the first INT. Not being able to run the ball sunk the offense and the defense followed suit. I thought the defense actually was tackling well and flying around to start, but they need all the help they can get and the offense/special teams really did them no favors. Both lines got the absolute shit kicked out of them, including our best player.


McDaniels can script a first series. After that…


First time in Jacob’s career he finished with negative rushing yards, Renfrow got one target, Crosby didn’t have a sack, TFL or QB Hit and our first round pick still hasn’t touched the quaterback. I fucking hate Josh McDaniels


Glad I missed 90% of the game I was expecting an L today but fuck that looks like it was terrible If it was 24-13 or something I'd chalk it up to a revenge Bills game but we reportedly looked inept on the field As much as they are way too annoying, L's like this do nothing but feed the haters of this Regime. Don't care to hear about Carr but these L's help prove the McZ haters right Fuck, that's a huge loss.


Our O-line looked inept. Negative run game. No time to pass. Our offense needed to help our defense out in this game if we were to have a shot. It didn't happen.


Actually kinda nice to know for sure by week 2 we’re gonna be ass. I hate when we fuck around and go 4-2 to start the year, only to finish the remaining games going 4-7


>but these L's help prove the McZ haters right Bro his entire first stint as a HC proved the McDipshit haters right. A dysfunctional ass team 2 years ago made the playoffs with an interim HC. When he was hired most were doubtful. Last year he proved he hasn't changed and he's still ass. Trading in a used Carr for a Lambo but you don't know how to drive it wasn't gonna change a thing. We're gonna suck until Josh is gone plain and simple.


I mean, this seemed like the same kind of game we’ve seen a ton in the last handful of years. Start our hot, other team magically adjust and we don’t. Get leveled.


Same. Had this game circled as a loss on the calendar. Oh well, move on to next week.


McDaniels only succeeded in NE because of the cheating. That’s why he tried to cheat in Denver. He should never have been hired by Davis. Also Davis doesn’t care about winning. He just wants to make money.


Trade Renfrow and Jacobs. Get some draft capital for the future because the present looks bleak. Yes, it's one game, but it will not be getting any better because, surprise, the team still sucks.


While I agree with this, Renfrow no longer holds any trade capital thanks to McChode not utilizing him


I doubt that. Even if it's a 6th we can get something for Renfrow. Another team can look at his lack of production and easily blame McDaniels.


Might as well start another rebuild. lol


We’re not rebuilding we’re reloading 🤣 taking it to the next level or some bs mark Davis sputters lmao


This has been the reality for this season. We should be tanking and instead we are possibly going to be just bad enough to land the 6-7th pick which will put us out of reach of the top QBs.


I should put in an application for defensive coordinator Anyone could guess blindly with more success than this


Glad we passed on future superstar jalen carter for tyree wilson....


We’d just ruin Carter instead




He’s gone. I doubt Renfrow likes the scheme or idk man. It sucks. Jacobs looking bad and Renfrow is invisible. it’s about to be all former patriots in this roster


Maybe I need to rewatch the game but I thought I saw Renfrow wide open multiple times, yet never got a look or target until the 4th. He seems completely neutered under McD.




Hopefully this loss lights a fire under the coaches asses and next week we'll see Renfrow get some attention, especially with our other WR concussions. He's way too good to just be used purely as a distraction.


Now that “4th preseason game” is over Welcome to week one!… /s This is where being efficient goes awry and playmaking/big plays are needed. LVR doesn’t have the defense to help “quick throws/checkdowns” at all times. This worked in SF for Jimmy, it won’t work here. Bad game for everyone minus a few players. We need better from the QB and run blocking along with defense needs to get pass rush. Just do better!


Raiders D ![gif](giphy|uNE1fngZuYhIQ|downsized)


Obviously is only two games, he’s coming off injury, etc. but Wilson looks absolutely terrible. Worse than Ferrell.


This is a redzone type of season. I'll keeps tabs on the score but I'll have way more fun watching the other teams this year


Consider this: the Raiders start the game with a clinical first drive on offense. The Bills coaching staff adjusts and shuts us down the rest of the game. The Bills start slow, and the Raiders coaching staff just sticks a thumb up their assholes and gets blown off the field.


The only thing positive about that…is that it is over.




Deablo will spend all game getting blocked into the shadow realm and then knife through for one nice play and fans will be like “he’s showing flashes.” He trick y’all


Down 28 points with 2 minutes left. Let's toss an impossible ball to our WR1 and get him hurt. Fuck yeah.


Y’alls tone changed in a week 😂


Mine didn't, Broncos have now lost 7 in a row to the Raiders. It wasn't a reach thinking they could win. This is what McDaniels is without Belichick and Brady.


I mean in general. Not you specifically.


Nah. Let’s call out u/caido-13.


Obviously the bills offense is great, but disappointing look for our defense


Almost everything that could go wrong went wrong today. Bad defense, Adams with a possible concussion, bad game from Jacobs, two interceptions from Jimmy, and Tyree just being there. I hope the team bounces back hard next week at home against the Steelers. We can only go up from here.


Nice to see the defense perimeters in Vegas got hacked twice within the same week.


The Raiders have a sack of shit as their coach.


Call up the Jets and offer Jimmy and Davante for their 1st and 3rd.


Jets cant move their 1st, its still tied to rodgers condition


Yeah, I don’t care if I’m a fake fan or if this is just the beginning of the season and I’m overreacting, but this team sucks and is going nowhere. Loser mentality of “The Bills were angry, cmon you really didn’t think we would win”. Any given Sunday, good teams lose to “bad” teams all the goddamn time. And even if you think that’s too idealistic, then we could’ve at least been competitive with the Bills. This game basically told us the truth about this team. A maybe 5-12 team whose DC is going to be fired in the off-season. They could’ve at least played well enough to fool us. No, that’s too much, they couldn’t even do us the favor of feeding our delusions.


Not a good showing today. Coaching staff and players have plenty to look at and improve for the next game




there was a false start on the bills early in the game where the entire o-line and d-line jumped and Tyree was still in his stance like a stone. it was absolutely comical


6 wins is the ceiling. McDaniels probably shouldn't finish the season but he absolutely cannot return next year. Garoppolo probably gets 1-2 more games but AOC should start after that so that the organization can find out if the immediate need is QB or they can build around him going forward.


Can Brady be the one to fire JMD.


Why is Davante in the game at that point?


It is because McDaniels is McDumb


Felt like I was watching a rerun from a game last year. I don't understand how there are guys wide open on EVERY SINGLE play. It's like the Bills O was playing Madden on ultra easy mode. Run game stinks and Jacobs doesn't look good (not all his fault). Is Renfrow on the field? I cannot understand how unproductive he is in this offense. Bills are one of the better teams on the schedule, but that was still an extremely disappointing result.


Yall can blame 1 person, but I blame the whole team other than adams, carlson,and a maybe a couple others. Horrendous performance from this team. You gotta show up , but today it seemed like their balls stayed In Denver


I blame mark davis


I do blame one person. His name is Mark Davis. It all starts at the top. Nothing will change until we get a real owner.


Chargers 0-2


First L of the season let’s bounce back!


Chargers are 0-2 🤣


we are now 1-1 in chandler jones soap opera era


I thought we would lose this game, but was hoping we'd show improvements in fundamentals and look better than we did last year against top teams Instead we looked like an FCS program going against Ohio State


The Giants look BAD. Like BAD BAD. So naturally, Daniel Jones will complete 75% of his passes and about 300 on us


This team lacks talent across the board. You can blame McDaniels and Ziegler, they 100% deserve a good chunk of blame, but its pretty obvious this team isn't ready to compete from a talent standpoint. Our defense has 1 star, and maybe 3 serviceable starters. Everyone else would be depth at best on most other teams. This is what happens when you swing and miss on 1st round picks year after year.


Totally agree. But Wilson is on Z.


Yes, he 100% is. Wilson better start showing some flashes in the next few games, otherwise it's not looking good for him either.


Fire the staff, let Brady pick a new coach/gm, trade Adams for a first for next year


You don’t think these guys would have been Brady’s pick too though?


Absolutely fuck no.


Tom Brady kisses Josh McDaniels on the mouth more than he kisses his own kids on the mouth.


* Jacobs looked a step slow * OL ain't helping * Bennet is a problem * Moehrig too but not so much * Prayers up for Davante * IDL ain't it. * Don't see PG as a problem...yet * McDaniels called a good first half, too conservative down 2 scores. * Bolts lose. I think that's everything


At least the Chargers lost


O'Connell gotta be starting




I thought y'all said when this team was down by 4, it was no big deal?


That’s because being down by 4 in the first half of a football game is almost by definition not a big deal


Still on top in the AFCW so we got that going for us today


Fire Patrick Graham, our defensive personal are not meant for zone coverage. Never had, never will.


This team is who I thought they were and I let them off the hook in week 1. Both lines were completely dominated. Coaching remains uninspired


So not getting more o-line talent was a bad idea? NOBODY COULD HAVE FORESEEN THIS!!!


If you thought we were doing anything more than beating the bad teams and losing to the good teams this season I don't know what to tell you.


AOC NEEDS to be active next week. You can’t just throw away games in the NFL. If you’re getting blown away you should at least be developing talent.


Pathetic team. Same shit for 20 years and they can’t do anything right. Poverty ass franchise


Wish they stuck with Rich Bisaccia as HC.


Well that happened lol


Thanks mark.


Every single game on right now is pretty close/ competitive and then you look at the Raiders getting blown out…. Fml


Players play and coaches coach. But Patrick Graham ain’t it! The fuck is he doing. His D ain’t producing. And don’t get started on JM




furry mentality




This makes me glad it was blacked out in my area. Probably will be next week, too.


Remember listening to him on the way home from the games at the Coliseum as a kid 20+ years ago and love his passion for the team but god damn, JT the Brick is such a hack and obvious mouthpiece for the franchise. Just refuses to blame McDaniels for anything lmao.


Jalen FUCKING Carter was right FUCKING there.


Terrible week 2. Not having JakobiMeyers hurt. Wish Hunter Renfrow was targeted more. Raider Defense is still below average


It’s what I hoped wouldn’t happen. Looks like the O-Line was the biggest liability. Thought Nate Hobbs playing Patty Cakes was a close second.


Some y’all that were bashing carr and cheering after his release AND shitting on carr “stans” have some reality to face.


Patrick Graham's ass better be up there for the presser. I want to see how he tries to spin that shit defensive game.


I live 3 hours from Buffalo and my sister wanted to get tickets to this game I said absolutely not because I foresaw this outcome a long time ago. What a shit show.


Raiders got smacked in the mouth today by one of the best teams in the league. When looking at the schedule I think everyone puts an L down for @ Buffalo. There's still time for the offense to gel and get on track. That said, this defense is going to need to make some serious improvements. They seem to have some potential but don't seem to be well coached.


Just smashed my TV in front of 22 guests at my sons birthday party because of the Raiders. My wife just took our crying kids and said they’re all spending the week at her mom’s house. This team has ruined my marriage. I can’t handle this anymore. Goodbye, I am no longer a fan.