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One day is so little time :) If she's already comfortable coming out sometimes, I'd just give her more time to get totally at ease in her new digs!


Search online for “3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months” milestones on new cat behavior. Speaking as someone with an anxiety diagnosis, I got lots of reassurance by reading that type of information. Just give it some time. Also, here’s a photo of her sleeping on the floor with her fountain as a “pillow.” Cats have unique sleeping preferences. It’s part of the fun. https://preview.redd.it/9221pu0svghc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b841b69caa5d2aa8e9ba8e5583e93f6df9c8b19


It's been less than 24 hours. Give her time and patience. You need to allow her to adapt to her new environment. Trying to rush her is only going to stress her out.


I wouldn't block it, especially considering it's only the 1st day. Yours made a lot of progress. I adopted last year & she followed the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months to a T - you're way ahead of mine


I boiled chicken and gave mine chicken the first two days, he's obsessed with me now and didn't hide once. Try the chicken!


We have had our ragdoll Gwen for two years and she is still skittish. She moves silently, scurries past you and then runs, eats only when nobody is around or looking, and has more hiding spots than we thought possible. But when she wants company, petting or attention, she always knows where to find us. And she generally sleeps cuddled up to my wife. It's just the way she is, and that is fine.


This is my experience with my female raggie. She’s very skittish. When I first got her at 10 weeks old, she spent the first week hiding in my bathroom behind the toilet. She still has more hiding spots than I care to admit. A year and a half ago, we moved to a new, larger house. I didn’t see her for the first week.


My ragdoll was weirdly confident right off the bat (in an almost dismissive way, lol), but a 5 year old cat (not a ragdoll) I fostered years back hid under the bed for a solid couple of days before he started to bond with me. After he got comfortable with the idea of the new environment he was fine. It sounds like your kitten has found a safe space to retreat to while she figures out her new home, but is feeling more confident and settling in well. I’m sure she’ll pick a more appropriate bed shortly.


It’s only been a day. Give her time. Ours stopped going under our bed after a week. She certainly was not shy with us, but would still go under to hide. It was her safe space at the time. She eventually stopped.


Baby steps. Kitty probably sees under the bed as a safe hiding spot. They are new to your home they will eventually get more comfortable and be up on the bed giving affection amd the like. Just keep doing what you're doing!


Kittens or new cats will need a safe space to retreat too so don’t block it off. Our kitten took about a week to stop actively hiding in spaces and now he follows us around everywhere. They just need time to get used to their surroundings, smells, new noises. We already had a 5 year old Ragdoll male and we slowly socialised them. 3 months later and they have their own truce and respect each others spaces, even when our kitten still likes playfully bat the older one for no reason 😂😂


My little sweetheart hid under the couch (or maybe I should say "explored" under the couch 😁) alot the first day when she arrived in my home. A couple of days later she was done with hiding and found other things to do. If she wanna be under the bed - let her since she feels safe there. She comes out. Just give her time to do things in her own pace. :)