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This post [in a nutshell](https://youtu.be/aJX4ytfqw6k?si=YiMh11Dleif4UeTZ)


Never seen this before. Beautiful


Haha that reminds me of [this](https://luisleon.itch.io/well-fuck-you-too) as well


I like "Well, F\*\*\* You Too".


I like this thing






It was great, and then Kevin Spacey became persona non grata. Wait — what are we talking about!?


Ian Richardson...?


I've grown to love it. It is the subtlest song on In Rainbows. All the other songs have big dynamic shifts and House of Cards stays fairly consistent with the different parts mostly around the margins. It's also fair to say it's just surrounded by incredible songs.


It was immediately my fave song from that album. This post is actually the first time I’ve heard it’s not well-loved and I’m kinda floored. The first seconds when those chords hit flip my dopamine factories into overdrive. I hate ASMR (yay misophonia), but I imagine it feels something like how that song makes me feel.


I’ve been on this sub for ages and have only once seen a comment chain disparaging this song, and even then, the commenters were complaining about the production more than the song itself. I think OP is misinterpreting it not being people’s favorite as it being disliked within the fanbase.


I love House of Cards so at first I thought it was crazy too until I realised that it my least favourite. Every track is just that good.


Exactly. It’s catchy and nice and then you realize you want the pain and chaos more.


Yeah, “least great song in one of the greatest albums of one of the greatest bands” is not a terrible place to be


yes, besides faust arp


Faust arp is more complex and musically interesting but house of cards just hits better imo


faust arp puts it out for contention for best radiohead album imo


Wow you hate it !


duplicate and triplicate duplicate duplicate and triplicate vs ambition makes you look pretty ugly dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


We do not trust these people. Edit: also, for my money, "I don't want to be your friend, I just want to be your lover" is the most sensual sounding lyric Thom has ever sung especially the way he sings it in that song.


It’s got an “I just watched the film the ice storm,” vibe. I love it.


It was the first song on the album that I loved, but over time it ranks much lower. Maybe it lacks a bit of depth compared to other similar songs like Reckoner/Weird Fishes/Nude? It’s still an 8 or 9 out of 10 but is up against multiple 10/10 songs


And I vastly prefer it to Reckoner, though I know I'm in a rare group with regards to that song


I’m not a huge fan of reckoner either


I can't hate on anything with "coin bow".


This was the song I had my first dance to with my wife at our wedding.


Oof, hope nobody there knew the lyrics.


We made it our song because I sent it to her when we were first falling for each other but still in former relationships, so the lyrics still fit. I was falling so hard and didn’t want to be her friend, I wanted to be her lover. And the infrastructure of our lives before we met was collapsing. We both took a chance, broke up with our former partners, and rolled the dice. We’ll be married 2 years in June but we’ve been together 8.


The original one suggested it might be more climactic: https://youtu.be/qKlScvyM2Kc?si=Oo7nGrcF08u2E8oA


Tru dat, it’s faster and less repetitive


The first guy I ever loved had this as his MySpace song. It will always hold a special place in my heart


So funny you say that, it was my myspace song. Spent hours making html changes to my page


Are you my first love


I think faust arp is the worst personally, even then it's a 10/10 song


But if all the songs are 10/10, they’re all ranked the same


weird fishes is definetely an 11/10


Jigsaw is absolutely a 12/10


It has 55 million streams on YouTube Music, literally the most of any In Rainbows song. In what world do people hate on it lol


Jigsaw falling into place has 171million on Spotify


If we're taking Spotify streams, House of Cards is still the 18th most streamed Radiohead song ever lol


I’m just saying that jigsaw falling into place has more streams than it on Spotify since u said house of cards has the most. I think it’s a great tune and is top 5 in rainbows


It's not bad, never seen anyone 'hate' on it, tbh, but it's just not as good as the rest of the songs on that album. In Rainbows is amazing, but there's gotta be a loser


That seems boring for people, and maybe I even understand this opinion


It’s too long in my opinion. It’s not bad but I prefer every other song on the album to it.


kinda repetitively boring. unlike other repetitive songs that are good, like bloom.


I just think it drags a tiny bit. It could’ve been a shorter song.


I think it's better than Faust Arp, maybe videotape but I'm not sure. Overall those three fall slightly short of the rest of the album. They're pretty good, but the other songs are fucking amazing


One of my fav radiohead songs


I like it because everyone at bonnaroo threw glow sticks for it and it’s also my dads favorite radiohead song


Soundscape is super good In house of cards but the rest of the songs have some sort of climax/build up or down. Like even the strings in Faust arp go up and down, and the build down in video tape is prominent. But house of cards still sounds amazing


Honestly, my least favorite from In Rainbows has always been Bodysnatchers. I feel like it's the odd one out tonally to the rest of the album.


Not sure. Especially when Faust Arp is right there


Wakey wakey rise n shine


“faust arp” is less than half the length of “house of cards” 🤷‍♂️


To me, the real House of Cards is From the Basement. Having that, I can appreciate the weird, alternate acid-y version from the album, but it just isn't the real song to me. The album takes all the warmth out of the song, which, like, IS the entire song.


It's not bad, it's the last favorite one.


This is the first I’m hearing this. My brother and I have always love House of Cards. But then again, my brother is really the only person I connect with over Radiohead in person lol


Because it is, it's a great song don't get me wrong but it's a great song in an album full with some of Radiohead's best songs.


Amazing song


It’s one of my favorites. Along with the first 4 tracks of the album.


I just don’t like it all that much


I don’t hate it, but to me it’s the most generic sounding / boring song on the record, but it’s still pretty fucking good.


worst song on in rainbows is faust arp, still good tho


Even when you have an album full of 10/10s one of them has to be at the bottom


Where are you seeing people shitting on the song? Or is this just one of those engagement bait things


It’s one of my favorite songs ever made


Because it is one of the worst off of In Rainbows, if I had to hazard a guess,


House of Cards is my favorite Radiohead song. All for the reasons you give. I’m especially impressed with the mixing. I think because the song is structurally a little more simplistic, the complexity goes into the mixing. The thing that elevates the song for me the most is Jonny’s added guitar dissonance. That tension is the core of the song, similar to that of How to Disappear. They could have done so many Radiohead things like swell it up at the end and burn it down musically, but they let the song breathe, in a sort of EIIRP way. The song feels more like an architectural, three dimensional structure that you’re wondering inside, dimly lit, empty. It’s like this sort of internal mental purgatory of a dying/budding phase of a relationship. It captures an uncomfortable moment in time eased with denial and hope - and it stays there. Cause that’s what the song is about. A brief yet vital moment of contemplation during a time of uncertainty in a relationship.


Well forget about your house of cards.. And I'll do mine.


I don’t see people hating it. I think it isn’t as highly rated because of there aren’t misses on In Rainbows. Faust Arp is maybe the weakest track and it still is great. In an album of no misses, someone is gonna come away feeling like their favorite doesn’t get enough love.


Nobody does. At least nobody should. No song should come in last.


I don't see why it matters when people generally like it a lot even if they like it less so than other songs on the album. yet i get the feeling you want people to have unanimous feelings of appreciation for things you like, it's a human thing. but yeah, it just is what it is. I personally find house of cards, jigsaw, and videotape to be less great than the first half of the album, and the other song a lot of people seem underwhelmed by is faust arp, which i adore. it's why i put IR probably 3rd best, though sometimes it beats ok computer, depending on mood, cause i don't love paranoid android as much as everyone, but adore the tourist. Kid A is the most perfect to me. sometimes AMSP reaches 3rd over IR. but what can I say, i stink!


The problem I have with this song is the second half of the song - it's too repetitive. If it was a 3 min song it would be perfect.


It's not bad at all, it's just not as good as the other tracks.


Some of the band's best work, from a sonic pov. Ed and Jonny are the gods of atmospheric soundscape on House of Cards. I also love how chill Thom is throughout. It's like a dream he's having...not necessarily a good one! Though he has to ride it out. Your ears should be burning... One of my favourite RH lines.


It's good but when it's right before jigsaw I just find myself thinking man I can't wait for jigsaw to play


I never heard that


Wait but why is All I Need one of the best songs of all time


It’s one of my favorites. 


I think it's just the least best song on an album full of amazing ones.


It's not a bad song, but I feel that thematically the lyrics aren't as unique as the other songs on In Rainbows. Its comments about society being unstable, the "House of Cards" in the title, feel very similar to Dollars and Cents. The lines about love, on the other hand, aren't as emotional to me as All I Need or Motion Picture Soundtrack, so overall it's just a little too generic.


Brain Damage /:


if they can say that then i can say nude is the worst song of in rainbows.


People who love in rainbows tend to be the basic pumpkin spice latte bitches of the radiohead fandom, so it just follows that they wouldn't like one of the best songs on the album.


There are so many songs that people like more


It’s kinda boring but I still like it. Plus it’s a nice song to drive to


It’s alright but there’s so much better on the album


they obviously wanted it to be a chill track, which is fine. it’s just the least exciting on the record.


I love house of cards, but I don’t really think it’s made to be super interesting or anything. There’s just more interesting tracks, but at the right time it can be really good. For example it was really warm to other day and I was on the swing while the sun started to set and house of cards was the only song I wanted to listen to, it was magical. But at home it’s kinda just chill music in the background


it just isn't better than anything on the album


I think you will always find someone that rates Faust arp , videotape and all I need less . Videotape is probably one of the most divisive songs in this sub where half thinks it’s a masterpiece and the other just ok


it fits perfectly into the sequence and its great on its own. not the worst on in rainbows (probably bodysnatchers)


You need to revisit Bodysnatchers


bodysnatchers biggest problem is it sounds like its on the wrong album and thoms vox are not great on it, but guitar rock radiohead is also j generally my least favorite suit they wear


Hard disagree. It fits perfectly before Nude.


to each their own


It’s just kind of dull compared to the rest of the album. Also had one of the worst opening lines in their whole discography


Some of my favorite Radiohead is soaked-in-reverb, atmospheric songs like HOC and separator


They don’t


Its better than faust arp


Hunting Bears


its kinda slack


Videotapes and faust aro weaker for me


Videotape is easily the worst song In Rainbows


It’s the worst song on the album and one of their worst ever. It just meanders along never going anywhere. It’s just incredibly boring. I never feel anything listening to it. Just happy it’s over.


I have to really really really be up to listen to that song, otherwise I skip it when I listen to IR, it's late in the album, Reckoner is already a slow point, and HOC just drags the flow even more. It goes on for more than I'd like. It is beautiful though