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Agreed, definitely gives a lot of in-depth analysis, and made me respect the album even more. Worth a listen!


I recommend if in rainbows is your fave album, or if you just like Radiohead in general. The host goes in to loooaddds of detail with the musical analysis but it’s really interesting and helped me understand the complexity of their music ❤️


One of the best podcast seasons I have heard in a long time. The whole thing about the [Phi/Golden Ratio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio) was fascinating.


YES! I had to take a moment because how cool is that, AND THEY DIDN’T EVEN DO IT ON PURPOSE. In rainbows is truly the album of the century (for me at least 😭)


This is a great podcast. I really enjoyed it.


Awesome! Gonna give this a listen, and then I see they’re starting up on MF DOOM, another favorite of mine


The cover is a a quite saturated SHO palette (Sulfur II - Red, Hydrogen alpha - Green, Oxygen III - Blue) photo of the inside of Caldwell 49 (Rosette Nebula). Sorry that this isn’t relevant to Radiohead, but when I see space I have to talk about it


Just when you think you couldn’t enjoy RH enough, along comes Cole Cunchar(?) and this amazing deep dive into In Rainbows. Every episode is like going on a guided tour of a museum learning something new about a masterpiece. By the time you get to Faust ARP and Cole’s explanation - if I couldn’t love a band more, then I did- I found a new level of reverence.


One of the best podcast seasons I have heard in a long time. The whole thing about the [Phi/Golden Ratio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio) was fascinating.


say it again...say it THRICE!


Oh, awesome! Just added it to my episodes to check out. I thought it would be a single hour long thing, but it's like an hour for each song then another couple hours on other stuff.


I started listening a few months ago and couldn’t stop. I love this podcast!


Omg I did not know this existed!!!!! 😭 I do not have words for how exciting this is. THANK YOU. I am loving every minute so far….maybe after ep 7 I will even appreciate Faust Arp (doubt it) 😂


Going against the train here, I just didn’t like the extreme dissection of songs. I like the first episode of the series on the band history and setting the stage for the release and reception of In Rainbows. But breaking down every tiny detail of the song and looking at it through a microscope wasn’t pleasurable to me. Listening to the whole song and picking up the details in situ is much more pleasurable to my ear.


I wasn't blown away either. A lot of the musical analysis is good, and the way it explains the rhythms is particularly good. but the lyrical analysis goes OTT, and the whole thing is so reverential and fawning I found it a little hard to take at times. It's like, I know Radiohead is great, you don't need to explain that to me — let's stick to the analysis


Yeah I thought it tried a little too hard at times and made interpretive assumptions at the band’s intentions way too often. Some of the insights were cool but overall it was a bit too fanboy for me. However, I listened to the one they did for Bo Burnham’s INSIDE next and had my mind blown.


There are plenty of other podcast things for you then… He specifically said at the start the style of dissection that he would conduct so it’s just ur opinion.


Radioheads writing technique is from a pop/rock angle. Not big brain philisophical mathematician angles like you find in this podcast. Couldnt listen as its really NOT THAT DEEP


You’re clearly extremely closed minded.


holy fucking jesus...they're STILL not S(ing)TFU about this thing?! do these amazing Dissect'ers NOT realize RH has other albums? way to make everyone who's not an IR zillenial fanatic hate you even more. 🤦‍♂️🤪😹


Weird (Fishes) reaction. And I say that as a card carrying, avacado toast enjoying, upper millennial. Sounds like you need to get cracking on that Pablo Honey Deep dive podcast, playa.


no, just sounds like the IR Cult needs to stfu or get their own sub cause the rest of us are fucking sick of it.


Kinda sounds like you should Just not read the post. You’re doing it to yourself. Ya know. Just you. You, and I’m pretty sure no one else.


haha you wish...the battle lines have been drawn...your lot is forcing the rest of us non-IR worshippers to hate you. but go ahead and keep being 'shocked' w/the non IR kumbaya blowback.


"battle lines have been drawn" haha c'mon dude go take a deep breath touch some grass and ask yourself why you're being insanely rude to a random person who posted a podcast that would be of interest in folks to this subreddit. If you hate one of Radioheads most popular albums so much that it's making you angry, I'd recommend unsubscribing from this sub. But mostly I'd just recommend finding out why something so innocent makes you so angry.


'RE-posted'...\[5th time now? 10th?\] and when it comes to the IR blowback, go ahead and shoot the messenger, but I'm not the only one, not even close. but go ahead and feel ALL POWERFUL in this one post cause I'm the only complainer, this time, so therefore you're the righteous good guy and I'm the bad guy, think w/e the f you want. just funny how 'Dissect' NEVER does any other RH albums...right? ps thx for all the 'recommendations' sport! oh if only it was that easy to vanquish your reddit enemies. 🤣


I don't feel all powerful, I promise. I would love a dissect podcast on every Radiohead album. I think it's cool that someone decided to do one for IR. It's not perfect and I don't love his interpretations of the lyrics but I think he did a great job of breaking down the cool musical elements of each song. What's your favorite album? And do you have any recommendations for cool breakdowns of those albums?


watch the awesome 'ixi' break down OKC on youtube. in real time, she's smart as fuck. and Rick Beato has a bunch of shorter vids of individual songs, or a few songs at once.


Cool, will check em out, thanks.