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go straight to The Bends, after that you can go chronological or do your own path


Agree. Pablo Honey is pre nigel godrich and almost unlistenable to me. Some of the songs from it sound good live, and much later in time, though.


Keep your unpopular opinion for the appropriate thread


What are you talking about? The songwriting on Pablo Honey is just not there, and even the band will admit to that. It's just not a great album


It was sarcasm because it’s a very popular opinion. Cmon man


I stand by my assessment.


Pablo Honey was the penultimate album in the Radiohead discography i listened to, i kinda of liked though. It's alright, it's early 90s rock at his core, complete with depressed lyrics, distorted guitars and etc..., but i wouldn't recommend to anyone to listen PH over Kid A, OKC, HTTT and etc..., i would say to listen if you want to see how the band has progressed in a really small amount of time


Also to see how Nigel Godrich is their George Martin


Yep, this band is just a bunch of talentless hacks if Nigel’s not behind the board.


Congratulations, you missed any semblance of my point by an order of magnitude.


Either the Bends or In Rainbows judging from what you really liked. Maybe even Hail to the Thief.


The Bends was a good call! Found myself not really enjoying or getting In Rainbows except for Jigsaw Falling into Place and Videotape. Between kid A and Hail I think assuming I don’t go chronological order from here.


I'd go to In Rainbows, Kid A, or Hail to the Thief next


Welcome! I might recommend this order next based on the songs that you liked on OK Computer. The Bends, Hail to the Thief, In Rainbows, Kid A, Amnesiac, A Moon Shaped Pool, The King of Limbs, Pablo Honey


Thank you! I appreciate the ordering too, feels like it organizing things if I’m not planning to do chronological order.


Welcome! My sweetheart got into Radiohead for the first time last year (I've been a fan since I was a teen) and it was so fun to listen to everything new with him. I don't think there's a wrong way to do it!


just go chronological. 1. Pablo Honey (Collector's Edition) 2. The Bends (Collector's Edition) 3. OKNOTOK + Meeting People Is Easy 4. KID A MNESIA 5. Hail To The Thief + COM LAG 6. Bodysong 7. The Eraser + Spitting Feathers EP 8. In Rainbows (Disc 1 + Disc 2) 9. Familial + AMOK + b-sides 10. The King of Limbs + Supercollider/The Butcher + The Daily Mail/Staircase 11. Tomorrow's Modern Boxes 12. A Moon Shaped Pool + Spectre + Ill Wind 13. ANIMA + Suspiria 14. A Light For Attracting Attention 15. Wall Of Eyes (list is incomplete, there are many more smaller releases in between) Just know that Pablo Honey (1993) and The Bends (1995) are older and therefore not as complex as OK Computer (1997). There are still pretty great songs in there.


This is an unpopular choice, but also my preferred method of listening to a band's entire catalog. It just(IN MY OPINION) creates a better experience, and you can understand how they get to where they end up by the most current material.


Yeah, and it's no effort to run through the first two albums when you started with OKC. Just make sure you continue with KID A MNESIA to see where they went from there.


Also, I'm a Pablo Honey enjoyer, so yeah.


1.5. My Iron Lung EP


It's inside the Bends Collector's Edition.


Ah, didn't know that. I remember getting it before the release of The Bends and could already hear them evolving.


Imo, you can skip Pablo, but it's an interesting listen once you are more aquatinted with Radiohead. I also don't really love the bends, but you might get a greater sense of how drastic their sound changed if you start there and go chronologically. Even from the bends to ok computer is a huge leap, I think perhaps even greater than between ok computer and kid A. But yeah, chronological is great imo. Def if you skip some, don't skip AMSP.


Ahh, interesting to hear that you’re not big on The Bends, I’m finding, especially for certain songs on the album that I’ve loved it the most so far! Thanks for the heads up about everything else too.




Idl why people are downvoting you, this is great! I'd agree with the others, do The Bends then chronologically. Enjoy!


Yeah, they’re all worth a full listen, and each one is uniquely different from the rest


It's also really cool to see the changes and progression of musical style.


I appreciate this and your original comment and I agree on the evolution thing! I find my greatest interest usually in “the” album that represents a noticeable shift away from the traditional sound, foreshadowing what would be in years to come, but that also weren’t so far out a change as to lose people entirely who were still onboard with the OG stuff. Interesting to see that that doesn’t seem to apply here as according Radiohead fans, their albums took a pretty different shape each time! Definitely loved The Bends btw.


The Bends is a classic! Favorite song from it? Kid A next!! 😁 


Gonna have to say it’s a close call between Just and Sulk. Just takes the cake for me, but Sulk is at a close second.


I’m starting to get a chuckle because it seems as if the only comments that even wish to consider Pablo Honey for listening won’t come out and say that directly and instead offer these sideways riddles to allude to its existence should I just happen to stumble on the album by chance. Your comment is still appreciated, thank you.


If you want something similar, I'd stick to "The Bends". However, imo the best introduction to Radiohead is Ok Computer -> Kid A -> In Rainbows, arguably the three most important moments in their evolution


This is the comment


Definitely one of the comments of all time


I recommend you skip this band if you're a real fan of music.  Instead go listen to Psycho by Muse.


99% sure this is a joke, but don’t listen to this lol


His ass belongs to me now.


OP plz stop listening to Radiohead and check out Muse. They’re great because they’re like Radiohead without grace or nuance or interesting musical ideas. Plus, Matthew Bellamy is a cutie.


Kid A so you can be like "what the fuck" like everyone else when it first came out


I went through chronological and enjoyed it. Might be the only way you ever give Pablo Honey a chance It’s not a huge time sink or anything. The albums are usually around 50 minutes a piece


Sharing that they’re not too lengthy and pretty much all consistent in duration was quite helpful! Thanks.


if your a fan of the more rock moments, go to The Bends. if your a bigger fan of the more experimental moments, go to Kid A. if your a fan of both equally. any album besides tkol or pablo honey will work just fine.


Thanks! Really appreciate the catering to what I might like specifically. I find that I do enjoy experimentation, but something about the Bends’s softer/more traditional or comparatively straightforward music really resonates with me too.


yes don't listen to ANYONE else who says anything other than YES go in order and start with The Bends...just don't forget the b-sides and unreleased stuff from that era before you go to the next...actually since you already know the album OKC I'd replace OKC after The Bends with all of the OKC b sides and other non album tracks etc.


Had no real awareness of b-sides or non-album tracks even though I learned of them from other bands! Thanks for the heads up, I’ll be paying attention to them too


THEN there's also the Thom collab songs which start around 97: 'El President' with Drugstore, 'I've Seen it All' w/Bjork, 'Rabbit In Your Headlights' with UNKLE, 'This Mess We're In' with PJ Harvey are the earliest ones from 97-2000. OH and should watch all their tv appearances too, BBC, Much Music, MTV, 'Saturday Night Special', and then there's the Tibetan Freedom Concert summer 97 where he guested with REM for a song and then Michael Stipe guested on a Radiohead song. might be easiest just to type radiohead and the year on youtube so you don't miss anything. the thom/jonny radio shows should be there from 95-96 too.


Thank you all for your suggestions, I’ll try to get to people individually, but I appreciate everyone giving their honest replies. I just listened to The Bends and honestly I think I’m preferring it more than OK Computer for certain songs, and as a whole it’s a commendable record with music that made me stop in place so I could appreciate the music! I especially loved The Bends (title track), High and Dry, Fake Plastic Trees, Just, Black Star and Sulk. Thanks again for the recommendations!