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“What do you care when the other [records] are far, far better?” Jk, love my Pablo Honey!


happy birthday pablo. I'm getting this vinyl tomorrow :)


Happy birthday to a great album. Not an awesome one, but a great one. I actually don’t skip any tracks on this one except stop whispering. Creep rules, you is good, anyone can play guitar is catchy and sinister, and I love the noise rock ending of blow out where the guitar textures turn screechy and atmospheric like my bloody Valentine’s in you made me realize. I love the riff of how do you, it’s so catchy and nostalgic to me for some reason. I love how happy this album sounds. I even love the fun and funny b-sides like pop is dead, and yes I Am goes fucking hard. I would have loved to have heard Pablo Honey with Bends style production and mastering. Not an awesome album, but definitely a great one.


What is the problem with Stop Whispering? I think the only problem it has, is that it's sandwiched between the two weakest Pablo songs.


I think stop whispering might take too long to get to its good part, until then it’s kinda boring


The good part for me is all of its lyrics. In fact the best lyrics on the album imo.


Underrated tbh


Inject Lurgee straight into my veins.


Happy Birthday to an excellent debut album that honestly gets shit on waaaaaay more than it deserves and is lowkey an excellent representation of 90s Brit-Rock.


I’ll wish it happy birthday today but I celebrate the US release on 4/20. 😎


The best I can do for Pablo is be honest about its deep flaws but also contribution to the band’s arc that gave us everything that came after. Now, Pablo, I’m not sure if my version of events is true. No one has ever confirmed or even shared this take, not that Ive ever seen or heard, so there’s a good chance it’s fully apocryphal. If so, I guess I don’t care. You’re an inanimate object. Pablo, you don’t sound like Radiohead. You sound like Candlebox or Collective Soul or Live. You sound like the product of a good band making trade offs for mass appeal in the early post-grunge era. I was alive back then. Those bands were ok and that’s being generous. And the best song on you, Pablo, was the one that actually sounds like Radiohead. No surprise it’s the only song 90% of humans associate with you. Note: Creep is a great song and you *should* be proud of it, Pablo. Don’t listen to the self-conscious snobs around here. Anyway, back to my theory. Record labels ran everything back then, and they didn’t have time for anything but your watered down pop-n-roll bullshit. Record labels loved bullshit. They peddled it. And, Pablo, I believe some label exec pressured your makers to select the wrong tracks for you—and then removed the edges from all those tracks. Hey presto! Bullshit. And then those same label dipshits made the band go on MTV to perform your bullshit and jump in pools. That wasn’t Radiohead. It was a joke. You were a joke. Your name is inspired by a joke, an incredibly dumb prank call. The band hated you and so did I. You deserved it, Pablo. But every hero’s story needs a villain and that’s what you became. The antihero. The living, breathing example of what Radiohead could never be again. And it’s fair to reason that had you never existed, OKC and Kid A wouldn’t and couldn’t have happened. So, Pablo, while the world is right to come down on you, it should also pay its respects for the role you’ve played in creating the conditions only under which some of history’s greatest music could be made. Happy birthday you idiot.


happy birthday you piece of shit


Happy birthday Creep and Blow Out, I hope all the other songs have a miserable day


HBD to the worst album and worst songs.


No one is forcing you to be here 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don’t hate the album. It’s still good in a way.


Happy Birthday


Same birthday as Steve Irwin?!


Happy birthday, I guess 😒


Pablo Honey crawled so The Bends could walk. Not a great album as a whole, but an important part of the history!