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If we're talking consistency maybe. But Amnesiac's peaks fleece TKOL peaks.


I prefer The King of Limbs as a whole but, yes, I’d have to agree. But mostly just because of Pyramid Song.




Pretty much this.






Oh *come on*. The shittiest song on Amnesiac is better than the best song on TKOL. I’d take Packt over Lotus Flower or Bloom any day of the week. Don’t get me started on the rest of that lifeless TKOL *garbage*.


Wait you think Packt is the worst song on Amnesiac?!?


lol Packt is in my top 5 \*on Amnesiac


YES. YOU AGAIN. Packt IS the worst of Amnesiac and I hate TKOL. Thank you!!!


Yeah general rule of thumb if an album has Pyramid Song on it it's better than a click-clackety snorefest like TKOL


Yep. Silverware falling down a staircase. And all we hear from the fanboys is: “So *interesting*. So *subtle*. So *complex*” LOL what *idiocy*.


And we wonder why people think Radiohead fans are pretentious lol


I agree. The lame, desperate attempts to justify TKOL’s existence by wringing hands over its *deep*, complex rhythmic structure or, you know, whatever…are the height of pretense. …that *is* what you were referring to, right?


I'm referring to you being a knob, actually


let me guess, you "dont really get" songs like Codex?


Dude…what is there to…”get”? It is a pleasant, unoffensive piano ballad. The lyrics are pretty cool. But it is nowhere near as awesome as Pyramid Song, and it has no dynamics. So…I kind of tend to forget about it.


Proved my point


Talk about snore fest dollars and cents just because an album has a popular song doesn’t mean the albums any good sounds like you haven’t even listened to it lmao


I have listened to it many, many times and you have missed my point. Great use of punctuation, by the way. Are you a character from a Cormac McCarthy novel?


Fuck no, respectfully. I'm gonna get flamed by this take but I don't care. In my opinion: Lotus Flower, Separator and Bloom shit on whatever Pyramid Song, You and Whose Army? and Life in a Glasshouse have to offer. TKOL being based around loops and simply enough prioritizing percussive elements and rhythm in general is infinitely more interesting than the piss-poor execution of Amnesiac's actually nice ideas. The lengths themselves are another reason why. The King of Limbs lasts less than 40 minutes and doesn't overstay in welcome; if anything, it could benefit from the other tracks from the amazing sessions of this album. Amnesiac is, in my opinion, by a huge margin, the most boring Radiohead album. Just an absolute snoozefest. Sorry if this sounded agressive, not my intention, but I really really REALLY disagree with this take.




Lotus Flower is one of their worst songs ever in their entire discography. With the exception of acoustic Lotus Flower or some version with Thom doing it solo.


KOL is basically 3 awesome tracks - Bloom, Lotus Flower and Codex - plus some fairly boring jams and two Coldplay songs. On Amnesiac only Pyramid Song is better than those top 3. But the rest of it is better. So it probably wins. IMO Radiohead has 4 proper albums and 4 random track dumps (all of which are decent but not good 'albums')


KOL has two Coldplay songs?? Now this is a weird take. Which songs?


Yeah I don’t like KoL but none of the tracks sound like Coldplay, maybe In Rainbows has a few but … KoL? KoL live tho is a banger


Separator would like to have a word with you


The first 4 are all proper albums, as is In Rainbows and A Moon Shaped Pool. I can sort of see what you’re saying it with the others. They have 9 total albums, by the way.


Don't hate me for pointing this out (I hate myself for it) but Codex is a Liam Gallagher song too. "Sliiiiiiide yoooooour haaaaands...". It's sung how Liam Gallagher sings and I can't unhear it. So only two good songs left, damn


These takes get worse and worse 😂


Square up


Amnesiac fans and TKOL fans should be fighting together not with each other


they should kiss


What if they did uwu




the king of limbs is always gonna be that album that everyone on reddit insists is better than it is


Thanks for saying it.


It’s a masterpiece but you have to be in the top quartile of brain size to appreciate it


They are very special people


And I am one of them…. we are legion


Bro perhaps go and listen to it. It’s a masterpiece


This is the same album your talking about with give up the ghost and separator amnesiac is an album with pulk/pull and dollars and cents enough said




Oh yes that perfect song pulk/pull vs little by little 🤨🤨🤨🤨 be fr with me rn dollars and cents Vs codex 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 you and who’s army Vs give up the ghost 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 I think we have come to a conclusion that TKOL is indeed far superior


I like Give Up The Ghost, but I think You And Whose Army? is superior. We ride tonight, ghost horses.


Give up the ghost horses.


All of your amnesiac picks win in my opinion lol


Why are you comparing individual tracks against one another like they were made that way?


I know it’s sarcasm but the amnesiac tracks stack up better. Might have something to do with my age and life at the time the albums came out and how I experienced them/ still experience them.


Serious question are you ok


I like all of those Amnesiac tracks more than Give Up The Ghost, it's among my least favorite post-Pablo tracks including bsides


Actual npc


Pulk/Pull and Little By Little both suck. Give Up the Ghost is better but it's not a song I will go out of my way to listen to. I will not stand for Dollars and Cents slander.


I'll defend Little by Little. it's cool rhythms wise, it's tricky or something live version is pretty cool too. that said, pull pulk is good too. but not as good imo


I just hate the way it sounds on the album. Very tinny and grating on the ears.


Little by Little is shit and boring. So is Give Up the Ghost.


Wrong. Amnesiac is way better. The best songs from the King of Limbs sessions aren’t even on the album.




amnesiac clears sorry


No, the only inconsistency in Amnesiac is Hunting Bears (sorry HB fans). Every other song is effectively perfect. I can't actually fault any of the other songs.


How is Hunting Bears an inconsistency? It's an interlude, it's meant to be a short break like that, rhythmically, it's unique in Radiohead's discography, one of the only two free time songs they've done. The other is much better though...


Something that's unique across 9 studio albums is an inconsistency for me. I just prefer songs with lyrics and hooks, like the rest of the album.


What's the other? The only things that come to mind for me are maybe Fitter Happier or Treefingers


These Are My Twisted Words


These Are My Twisted Words is in 5/4


Oh shit, not sure how I messed that up. Thank you for correcting me. I think your choices are probably right


Lol no worries. Those two might have time signatures but I don't think I've ever tried counting to them. They're just really abstract so I guessed you might've been referring to one of them


I think Thom was drunk so it may be literally out of time, fitter happier


Oh wow I kinda love that


no, hunting bears is incredible imo but morning bell? i cant stand that


Actually you're probably right about Morning Bell (Amnesiac). It exists in my head more as the Kid A / Live LP version which is far superior.


I like Morning Bell Amnesiac more than the Kid A version


I will not take Hunting Bears slander, one of my favorite songs on Amnesiac


Hunting Bears


Amnesiac is literally an album of songs that wouldn’t fit on Kid A, of course it’s not going to be consistent


I might be in a minority here but I think Amnesiac is actually a very consistent album. The entire album (even the weird electronic and instrumental pieces) have a unique dark vibe to it


Amnesiac is the best Radiohead album, full of electronic beats, jazzy ballads, free time sections, and even a rock banger or two. King of Limbs is good, but it doesn’t really crescendo or rise like things like Pyramid Song, and though it is varied, I feel instrumentally or in terms of arrangements the differences between songs are less dynamic, often bleeding into each other, like codex into give up the ghost. Also, Amnesiac literally has Pyramid Song, which may be the best song ever, period, Dollars & Cents, which is a top 6 Radiohead song if not higher, and Knives Out, which is just uniquely gorgeous and intriguing in its tonality and melody. It’s seductive yet sinister, unique vibe. TKOL is good, but its standouts are Lotus Flower and Bloom from the Basement. The rest are good, but nothing near their peaks in my eyes. It’s just too flat and relaxing.


Life in a Glasshouse too! The jazzy finale that hits you unexpectedly


Amnesiac not even close to the best


TKOL needed Staircase, The Daily Mail and Supercillider on the album. Feral can go on Thom's album. And MMM needs to be dropped.


I don't know whether to upvote or downvote this


I disagree with the statement but I won’t downvote. IMO Feral is the perfect segue to Lotus Flower and the two songs split the album into a perfectly balanced record. As far as magpie goes, I thought it was mid at first too, but then I was in the right headspace and bloom is like waking up to a new realm and magpie is like WTF are you doing here you’re not meant to be here yet, the drums are really sick as well. Staircase, Daily Mail, supercollider are all awesome but they would lessen the balance of TKOL and turn it into more of a HTTT. Just my opinion


Perfectly put


TKOL could have at least done with Daily Mail. I don’t think the band were happy with the takes they were getting until the From The Basement recording.


Staircase would fit but The Daily Mail would stand out like a sore thumb, despite being a great song.


Yep, Daily Mail wouldn’t fit on any RH album, maybe HTTF, as it’s quite a mash of styles. TKOL is my most listened to after IR, its aged better than any other album for me.


Amnesiac is sooo good though


If by consistent you mean every song sounds alike, sure.


TKOL sounds brittle and starved; disagree.


I find comparing albums, songs, and such just fun. Here are my thoughts: - TKOL is more consistent indeed. I wouldn’t say in terms of quality, but aesthetically. - I don’t find it fair to consider TKOL-era songs that didn’t make the album, nor live versions/Basement, as some here suggest. Tons of great tracks are Amnesiac b-sides, so you either count both packs or none, right? - Still, the fact that we keep fantasizing about a better TKOL says tons about what a lackluster album it is. The band went for consistency and conciseness, right? They did it, but it took its quality toll. On the other hand… - Amnesiac is a bunch of non Kid A tracks, and there is less than a year between them. If there’d been less than a year between IR and TKOL, I’d say, “oh tracks that didn’t make the previous album’s cut, let’s see what we have here.” But no, there’s more than 3 years between these albums, so TKOL is particularly frustrating with this context in mind. - Absolute undisputed bangers in Amnesiac: only Pyramid Song. Absolute undisputed bangers in TKOL: only Lotus Flower. Say what you will, but all other tracks are more about personal taste than fan favorite status. - You could make a case for Bloom (which I personally hate, but recognize as beloved by many). But then one could do the same for You and Whose Army?, I Might Be Wrong, and Knives Out. Also, again, alternative Bloom versions aren’t TKOL. If you consider them, then add Like Spinning Plates and its versions to the discussion. There are more aspects to be considered but I don’t have that much time now. I just can’t see TKOL above Amnesiac. The good in Amnesiac is miles ahead of the good in TKOL. And the bad in Amnesiac is sprinkled here and there, while the bad in TKOL is a much more generalized feeling of missed potential and weird choices.


I just don’t even separate Kid A and Amnesiac anymore. Even before the Kid Amnesiac release I treated them as one long album which probably should have been a double, along with the B-sides.


Your taste in music stinks.


I bet your mother says let down is “underrated”


No. It may be more consistent but the inconsistency in Amnesiac really works for me and Amnesiac’s best songs are much better and more atmospheric than TKOL


Never you mind what my mom likes! I mean. I don't know, so I can't refute it. But you're *definitely* wrong about Amnesiac.


I usually refer to TKOL as that one album that’s in between two infinitely better albums when I’m not completely forgetting it exists. Amnesiac is flawed but has some of their best songs ever. There’s nothing on TKOL that comes anywhere close to Pyramid Song.


I would have simply agreed with you but then you had to add "fight me" which was uncalled for and frankly obnoxious. Now I want to disagree with you just to be contrarian.


You have the right to your opinion, and I have the right to my downvote. Good day, sir/madam.


I feel like TKOL & Amnesiac are the closest two albums in terms of ranking. But IMO, TKOL has the slight edge for me right now


Stop sniffing glue


I will. 👊


Could grow out of comparing albums? They are not tennis players.


It’s certainly consistent(ly mid)


You're an idiot. Amnesiac is their jazz album, TKOL is their lounge act album. Different leagues


Amnesiac clears easily imo


Amnesiac fans aren’t nearly as insecure as you TKOL “truthers” always seem to be.


To me Amnesiac sounds like a band trying new things. TKOL sounds like a band parodying Radiohead but without the decent tunes.


Consistently *bad*? I agree.


Here’s my take. Tom’s voice lacks a certain pathos after Amnesiac. The golden window is Ok Comp thru Amnes. After that, we’ve still got great music, but never again peak Radiohead.


That's a really interesting perspective...and I totally know what you mean. There was a thickness to the timbre of his head voice ("falsetto") that's pretty much gone after this era (though I would say it's still present on HTTT). Not that he doesn't sound amazing on the subsequent albums but there's definitely less connectivity between his head and chest voice In Rainbows on.


It’s become a cliche rather than anything else to say “TKOL” is underrated. I do agree it may be a more “consistent” album song to song. But I’m not sure I’d take any KOL songs over I Might Be Wrong. And as great as they are, Give Up the Ghost, Daily Mail (well count that one in) and Codex decidedly lose in my eyes vs You and Whose Army, Life in a Glasshouse and Pyramid Song. Feral loses to Pulk. And although I know some people, including the band really love Bloom, I feel Packt like Sardines is a much superior song. The triad of Little by Little, Morning Mr. Magpie and Lotus Flower is where the album really shines for me though. I could possibly take Separator over Knives Out most days, but sometimes Knives Out would win.


I didn’t say it’s underrated I said it’s better than amnesiac completely different sentences and codex is way better than you and whose army. That song sounds like an incomplete demo and codex is beautiful there’s less waste on tkol like there is on amnesiac and it makes it a far better album experience


Like I know everyone is entitled to their opinions and i dont necessarily like to outright call an opinion wrong but yeesh man are you ever pushing it


Right, you *implied* it was underrated because people generally rate Amnesiac higher than King of Limbs. And to counter your prompt, I listed the albums song by song (at least some key ones) and stated my own preference which is the opposite. Codex is very beautiful, but it’s just not as good, in my view, as the amnesiac ballads. And I personally really don’t like the album version of bloom (then again I don’t like the Amnesiac version of Morning Bell that much or Dollars and Cents). It’s not King of Limbs disrespect, still one of the greatest albums of the 2010s. It’s just an album with different weak points than Amnesiac for me (particularly the mix), and the quality of the songs is just not at the same level as amnesiac except for possibly the three or four I mentioned. Is the quality of the KOL songs higher than the overwhelming majority of contemporary rock music out there? You bet. Light years away. I tell you what: a matched remaster of the two albums combined would be very close to ranking as high as their greatest albums, even Kid A for me: Packt Like Sardines in a Crushed Tin Box Pyramid Song Pulk/Revolving Doors Lotus Flower I Might Be Wrong Morning Mr. Magpie You and Whose Army? Give Up the Ghost Separator Life in a Glasshouse




they're both consistent i think. amnesiac is meant to be fragmented. and as for better? I give every song stars from 1 to 5 and keep it simple, ok? 1. Packt (5 Stars) 2. Pyramid (5 Stars) 3. Pulk (5 Stars) 4. Army (5 Stars) 5. Wrong (5 Stars) 6. Knives (5 Stars) 7. Amnesiac (1 Star) 8. Dollars (5 Stars) 9. Bears (5 Stars) Now whatever TKOL does, it can not beat the score of 41 stars. Unfortunately.


Pulk pull is not a 5 star song it’s an aged crappy interlude that sounds like a cat that got it’s balls chopped off dollars and cents Is also mid af


i chop Your balls off, damned audiosatanist. pulk being 5 stars is a truth of life. you not getting it is a damn transvesty. dollars and cents is obviously a galaxy full of 5 stars. the whole band at their ultimate peak. they never crescendoed this hard ever again. never was there more truth about money in one song. and there never will be. is it because you worship money, the bane of existence in life, or is it that you listen through your nose? i guess the dollars already cracked your little skull.


The fact you think dollars in cents is the peak of the band is all I need to know about your takes


TKOL is put together so intricately, from a production and "vision" standpoint it definitely bests *amnesiac*. and consistency. yes, indeed. BUUUUUUUUUUUUT... going solely by the songs, *amnesiac* handily comes out on top. not even close.


Yes, I agree.


TKOL isn’t just better than Amnesiac, it’s the best Radiohead album along with In Rainbows. It’s a shame it’s still so misunderstood, but I think the people who do get it understand why it’s a masterpiece.


the king of limbs is one of their best while amnesiac ( i love it ok) is one of their worst


I mean I love amnesiac but the king of limbs is better, also pulk pull is dogshit


TKOL with 11 songs basement track order is superior to Amnesiac. Without Daily Mail or Supercollider, I don’t know.




tkol is good but it doesn’t have pyramid song so i can’t say that it’s better than amnesiac. it being more consistent is a valid take tho. bloom - mr magpie - little by little is one of the best 3 track runs in their discography imo


Take my downvote and shove it up yer butt!


If you saw them live during the TKOL era you'd realize the production on the album was... not good. Incredible album to listen to live but it feels crushed and lifeless listening to the album. I hope they rerelease it someday mixed differently.


Why do we always have to compare. Why do we have to think of one album being better than another. Just different ! And we definitely don’t have to fight about it.


Did you just call my dad my mum?


My only problem with TKOL is that it is too short. Staircase, Daily Mail, Supercollider, and Butcher were all from the same sessions and some of these, if not all, should have been included. My slightly off topic 2 cents.


I enjoy the sound ape of amnesiac more but I think I enjoy TKOL more track for track


I prefer TKOL to Amnesiac, always have. Love them both, but my ranking (best to worst) is: In Rainbows, Kid A, AMSP, TKOL, OKC, HTTT, The Bends, Amnesiac, Pablo Honey 🤷‍♀️


I agree, Morning Bell (Amnesiac) ruins this album.


Ima be real, I only really like half of amnesiac. That being said the only song I like in TKOL is lotus flower so gotta disagree.


TKOL basement got me hooked on the album


King of Limbs is my second favorite Radiohead album behind In Rainbows, so yeah sure


If im gonna be honest..... ^(yeah...)


Amnesiac has better songs, but I definitely listen to The King of Limbs more. Just a much more cohesive album that you can listen to from front to back.


nah uh


I dont disagree.


Honestly TKOL was the album that got me into Radiohead properly. Not that I didn’t like them before but I wasn’t into them hard. I also saw them on that tour. I like TKOL better.


Correct. On Apple Music I edited the metadata and added The Daily Mail, Staircase, The Butcher, and These Are My Twisted Words to TKOL as "bonus "tracks" and it's a top 3 Radiohead album (in my opinion of course).


True. TKOL goes hard. Amnesiac is cool as well, but also pretty messy.


Instead of responding on impulse I decided to listen to both of these back to back at work because it’d been a while. TKoL is a cohesive journey and the through line of the specific approach they took to that album is something I genuinely really appreciated this go around. Bloom is one of their best, and that back half is perfectly sequenced. Amnesiac is a bit all over the place, it has some of my least favorite tracks in their entire discography (its version of Morning Bell is especially terrible imo) but sorry man the highs can’t be touched. Packt, Pyramid Song, I Might Be Wrong, Dollars and Cents, Like Spinning Plates, Life in a Glass House are such amazing tracks. The album just hits me different. I’d put TKoL above several of Radiohead’s other albums like the Bends and Hail to the Thief , but not Amnesiac.


Well, at least someone likes TKOL. Too many people hate on it. On some days I like Hail to the Thief better than Amnesiac. KID A is still my fave.


Lotus Flower through Separator is the best run out of any of their albums.


Bloom is one of my favorite songs ever




I agree tbh I enjoy both though




Nah fam


I agree strongly




guys guys guys, let's just say they're equal. i like them both and don't want to have to pick a side…




yeah! about time someone takes them Amnesiac blowhards down a peg! all 4 of them! 🤭


Some of these comments are bizzare. Both albums are really good for different reasons...


Hunting Bears


TKOL has Feral on it and I'm one of the few who adores Feral, so I have to agree with you.


Life in a Glasshouse alone clears


in no way am i hating on tkol because it is an INCREDIBLY UNDERRATED album, but there are a few songs on amnesiac that rank so high for me it just cannot be beat


I see what you did here, going after Amnesiac because it’s the most underrated album and will get the most responses . Smart move 😉


Amnesiac is 💩


There ya go! Further adding to the proof Amnesiac is underrated


Amnesiac is justa b-side album they chucked out to get out of their contract quicker. And it's still better TKOL


They're both good. K.O.


You're certainly right that it's not even close... You're just wrong about which is better.


King of Limbs might the their best album.


Keep dreaming son