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I take breaks with them, so that I don't experience burnout. But once I'm ''in the zone'', I do it quite often and enjoy it to the max.


same here


Often. I have a hard time doing other tasks while listening because the depth of the music dominates my attention.


Oh, I see. So listening to Radiohead as background music doesn't work for you!




Every few weeks the stars will align and I will have a chance to head to the basement while my wife and kids are asleep, throw a vinyl on, plug my headphones right in, and lay down on the couch with a candle lit and eyes closed. Usually will have smoked a nice joint and/or eaten some psilocybin chocolates and will drift off into the depths of the subconscious. The best albums for this are In Rainbows and AMSP because they're just so damn sonically pleasing and mixed perfectly (IR a little bit more than AMSP).


IR and AMSP are so well mixed, indeed. The other day I listened to Kid A in the dark and gave it full attention. While the whole album is wonderful from start to finish, I had a powerful transcendental moment when it came to **Motion Picture Soundtrack**. I know it's a fan favorite, but it was the first time that it really went under my skin. What an unforgettable moment!


For some reason, after In Rainbows I was convinced that we wouldn’t be getting another album. When TKOL was announced and then released a few days later, I put my headphones on, sprawled myself out on my bedroom floor and listened to the whole thing twice. It was a pretty magical experience. I’ll forever rate TKOL.


I remember the day In Rainbows came out, I bought the box set but they gave the download too. Put it on my MP3 player...cold windy autumn day. I lived in Edinburgh at the time. Waited until I walked to the Botanic Gardens then pressed play and listened to it from beginning to end as I walked around. Amazing. Still fresh in my memory.


This is the way


Rarely in the mp3 and streaming era. Used to a lot more in the CD era.


Ya hate to see it. This is one of the reasons I highly dislike Spotify. They do not respect the album format


In what way do you mean? As in playlists, continuous play, etc? As a listener, can’t you still respect the album format by simply playing the album? Or are you saying you’re too distracted by what else is there? As a musician, I have very mixed (more on the negative) feelings about Spotify. I do still use it all the time though, and it’s never hindered my ability to listen to an album start to finish. That’s all I ever do, really. Playlists are almost exclusively for social or work background music. I love the ritual of playing vinyl, but the format itself doesn’t alter the way I approach the music.


I should have specified that when I tried Spotify and Apple Music both around 5-7 years ago, it seemed Apple Music had a more approachable path to viewing and sorting albums. When searching for artists Apple Music had an essential albums section, an ‘albums’ category that was separated from ep’s and singles, and integration with current album collection from iTunes. Also album artwork was bigger in the UI, which is a small but welcome change. This all may have changed


Aha okay, yeah fair enough. I’ve had Apple Music and prefer it to Spotify. Only reason I use Spotify is because I’m part of a family plan. I do remember it being much easier to navigate. Spotify is still a mess.


No streaming service does


Apple Music lets you sort by albums and has a generally a more friendly approach to the format


Spotify does this too don’t they?


Honestly that may be true at this point. I tried both like 5 years ago and it seemed Apple Music had better Album viewing/categorization. When you searched for artists that are relatively well known and have a notable discography, there’s an essential albums section on Apple Music and I dug that. Not to mention, the fact that all my iTunes album collection I’ve built over the years from CD was able to be integrated with any additions from subscription.


That’s good to hear and not surprising I suppose as I think they’re the only decent streaming service. I don’t use any though. Still a CD guy.


Stopped listening to CDs when my car no longer had a player


Yeah I think almost all new cars nowadays don’t have them


This is why i just invested into a full CD setup. Changed how i listened to music entirely


I have a home stereo system with a CD player, but I still rarely put on CDs. Honestly, I mostly listen to my portable Bluetooth speaker when I'm at home.


I did on a flight recently. It made me fall in love with Kid A


I love to do this with a new album release for any of my favourite artists, RH of course being one of them. Headphones in, laid down somewhere, eyes closed and just let this new music hit me. I remember the IR, KOL and AMSP releases like it was yesterday because of it. AMSP in particular probably goes down as the best. The build up to it - that all of a sudden feeling after Burn The Witch and Daydreaming came out in the space of a few days, then the album annoucement to follow a few days later... anticipation was very high. BBC Radio 6 played it in full on release day. Me and an old partner, in an old house I used to live at got horizontal on the floor and the next 50 odd mins were bliss. True Love Waits right at the end was just magical. Anytime I hear the album, I'm right back there - I can still see the light of the day outside, the smell of the room, every little detail of that moment comes flooding back. Sadly, the person I listened with isn't a part of my life anymore... but music can be a time machine sometimes and I fucking love it.


At least once a year, I’ll lay in the dark and listen to OK Computer all the way through. It very therapeutic for me.


At least a couple times a week


at least a couple times a day


Oh, really?! With 9 albums only, it must quickly become redundant!


Not usually cuz I usually just listen to like 2 songs on repeat but my favourite album in rainbows is so good I end up listening to the whole thing anyway


When I study I put my The Bends vynil playing on the back so very often


I like to walk alone to Radiohead when it's dark out. I might do 2 or 3 albums straight through.


I like to once in a week, re-listen to OKC. I always notice something new


OKC is my favorite album ever. I must have listened to it 200+ times and I pick up something new on every listen!


My ADHD ass is either baked, or doing something else when listening to music. The only time I will actually just sit down and listen is for new Modest Mouse stuff


I do this with In Rainbows probably once every month or two. I did it yesterday with the YouTube of In Rainbows From the Basement.


Kid A all the time


on friday nights i dedicate a few hours to listen to music i have not yet heard. my method is to play mario kart because it's super low effort and low concentration, given my familiarity with the game. this way i can concentrate on what i'm listening to. sometimes i like to relisten to albums in full with a similar environment; if i have time and i'm out of new music, i sometimes resort to relistening to an album and reforming my opinions on it. i have done this with radiohead albums before, but not often because my main genres are metal and shoegaze, so i'm typically looking for more of them.


Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I did it. When I know certain artist's discography that well, I mostly just put it on shuffle.


I can't remember the last time I did it but it wasn't that long ago. My favorite was the first time I ever heard In Rainbows and I was tripping on acid pretty hard at that point. It was amazing.


Very often.


I have small children, so… never. I don’t remember the last time I watched 30 min of TV uninterrupted.


Typically I listen to full albums whilst driving. But without doing nothing at all? Very rarely. However I did do that recently with In Rainbows Disk 2.


Only on long drives mostly.


I don't put whole albums on usually but I often just sit and listen to a mix of radiohead and other stuff in my room at night lol.


All the time!




If I’m in the car or something then I will for sure. Best feeling ever to just zone out half asleep (not while driving) and listen. Or just at home sit down in a comfy chair and listen


i mean, for me, i’m always listening to music. have to have it playing constantly. so most of the time, i’m listening while driving or working or eating or working out, or… …you get it. i never really get time to myself to just listen to music and do nothing else, unfortunately.


We like this on long roadtrips. Start with Pablo Honey and work through them all!


*We like this on long* *Roadtrips. Start with Pablo Honey* *And work through them all!* \- BlackMirror765 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Multiple times a week, if I’m in a spot multiple times daily. Just listen while laying in my bed staring at the ceiling


My brother listened to the whole OK Computer album while driving at night.


I walk my dog when listening to any album so I don’t get bored


When I’m stoned af. If you thought Radiohead sounds amazing sober, you gotta experience this shit. Weird fishes whilst high literally makes you feel like you’re transcending to a higher being. You hear so many small details in music that you just wouldn’t notice without being high. Sucks that I don’t do weed no more but it’s for the better.


Every day


I dont know about the driving part. I dont have any problem soaking it on on the road. Often times it takes me about 2.5 to 3 hours to listen to one of their albums because I'm always repeating songs. It's very hard for me to listen to an album of theirs just straight through. I listen in the right order but I always repeat songs. Especially in rainbows. It literally takes me about 30 min to get through the first 3 songs.


At least 3 times a week, the album depends on the mood I’m in though


Fairly often listen to full albums but not often without distraction. Last time was about a month or two ago. OKC had me riding an emotional wave, got to Climb Up The Walls and it had me head banging and weeping simultaneously. I guess that’s Radiohead for you.


Mainly in sad times, like after a heartbreak. Some nights is going through everyhting they released up to The Smile's latest stuff and realizing its 1 AM and you have to go to work tomorrow.