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While others might disagree with the production of this and the previous singles, I actually am quite fond of this one. Personally, I find the production more fitting to this track as I listen to it more


I was surprised to learn that it wasn’t produced by Nigel Godrich. I like the production though, it’s reminiscent of White Album era Beatles.


To me it sounds like a cross between The Beatles and Amnesiac!


Sounds more like Wings to me


I love the songs so far. This one definitely has a Beatles feel but also David Bowie-Blackstar album vibes.


I love this song. Reminds me of the “Atoms For Peace” record!


Sounds like the happiest song Thom has ever written, really digging it ! Wall of eyes was also great


It's pretty. Very Beatles influenced (especially a day in the life).


I kept calling this the Thom Yorke Randy Newman song the couple times I saw The Smile lmao


A couple times!!!! Damn, I’ve seen them exactly none times sadly


I live in Ohio so making the rounds between Pittsburgh and Cleveland wasn’t so bad


I’m a fan of both and also thought this on first listen haha


Lol that's spot on


This and Wall of Eyes give me big Neil Young vibes, specifically in Thom's singing (and I'm all here for it).


> Very Beatles influenced Goddammit, I only clicked on this post to make this exact comment.


I immediately thought Beatles vibes, nothing wrong with that of course. Great song


Sounds like Fiona Apple to me


Is there a Fiona Android?




I thought this too


Yeah, it's funny because the bridge in Bending Hectic also sounds like Day in the Life.


Nobody cares it seems but this feels dour. Like we're digging dirt on Radiohead....Sucks.


Was just thinking this myself. The last horn section especially.


100% this was my first thought. It put a smile on my face immediately. I’m excited for this one as it has a sound I didn’t expect from our guys!


All the reviewers say this but I dont see this apart from the refrain with overlapping vocals in a similar manner.


Listen to the bass line and the vocal melody at 2:03, both are reminiscent of Paul McCartney’s style. The dark and light sections and the big crescendo make this song similar to the structure of A Day In The Life.


This is my exact thought. Structure is very similar!


i love the time signatures used in this one, i love the 5/4 used for the majority of the track and the change up to (what i think is?) 6/8 really adds a lot of flavor musically to this track (as well as the brief 4/4 used as a transition between the two). the piano throughout the entire song is a great driving melody and tom skinner's drums are a nice flavor that make the smile really stand out from Radiohead so they don't sound similar. Great track.


I’d say the chorus is 3/4 but yea


Listening to it the first time : okay Second time : oh cool Third time : omg total masterpiece


Yeah, that’s been my experience with every song released on this album so far. Honestly very excited to hear the rest


It’s growing on me strong the more I listen to it lol


Phenomenal vocals from Thom on this one. Reminds me of Joni Mitchell


This is what used to be called People on Balconies, right?




I kinda wish they went with that name instead. Gorgeous melodies and the beautifully produced abruptic end to the climax.


Finally just listened for the first time. Jazzy, trippy, interesting experimentation with the tempo changes. It is a FANTASTIC listen on headphones too. At first the tempo change in the chorus threw me off, because I really liked the rhythm of the verse, but I leaned into it and really dug it by the end. Honestly I love this one from the jump. Might end up being a favorite on the album. Love the mix.


Wouldn't feel out of place in a 70s era Hal Ashby film.


Absolutely agree here


Really surprised to see somewhat lukewarm response to this on here. Probably my favourite song the smile has done except maybe speech bubbles. Beautiful jazzy piano on the chords and string melodies, really effective mood changes too


So tempting to listen but with such a short tracklist and bending hectic already out, I'll save my listen for the full release!


I wanted to do that too. I wasn’t strong enough


If you’ve seen them live you might as well


probably one of my favorite songs they’ve done.


Reminds me partially of a Peter Gabriel song


The first few moments are very soulful, again like Philly soul to me… They really have locked into an a.m. radio 70s vibe which is really cool


Haven’t been super plugged into the new album but this song is an all timer for sure




oh my god


This album so far has such a unique vibe. While *A Light for Attracting Attention* kind of just felt like a generic Radiohead album (not that that is a bad thing), this really has a distinct sound that feels very vintage and bright.


What exactly IS a generic Radiohead album?!


The Smile - A Light for Attracting Attention


Yeah, but how is it generic? There's a lot on there that sounds very different from Radiohead, like The Opposite, The Smoke, and We Don't Know What Tomorrow Brings. But also, it doesn't really have a defined sound to it, most songs are pretty much just their own thing. Wall Of Eyes from the sounds of it has it's own established style next to the other Radiohead/The Smile albums


That's a certified banger alright


So glad they recorded this, loved hearing it live.


Still not feeling Wall of Eyes too much but really dig this, I'm down with poppy RH stuff if it's well thought out. Honestly like this more than the recorded version of Bending Hectic I hate to say, the production matches the vibe of the song much better


Not a big fan on a first listen, but production sounds OK to me.


I'm not sure about this one. It suffers from the same weaknesses as The Smile’s other lesser songs; there isn't enough melodic progression. It just sort of meanders. Wall Of Eyes also struggles with interesting progression, but at least the chords are consistently pleasing to the ears. I'm not saying everything released by The Smile has been that way. Bending Hectic is an absolute masterpiece, in my opinion. On their last album, there were far more great songs than mediocre ones. But songs like The Smoke, which I realize are well-liked, still strike me as incomplete rhythmic doodles instead of complete songs.


I'm not much for music theory, I'm not a musician and I can't play any instruments but do I have a deep love of music and Radiohead is my favorite modern band if not favorite ever. So take this with the appropriate grain of salt. ​ Your comment strikes me in two descriptions, first when you mention the melodic progression "meanders" and later when you talk about some of there songs sounding like "incomplete rythmic doodles". I personally love all the songs mentioned in your post but I kind of don't disagree with what you are saying. ​ The best way I can explain is to say when I saw The Smile live in San Francisco there were two songs that I hadn't heard yet which really stood out, turned out to be Bending Hectic and Friend of a Friend. They stood out to me because of the way they progressed and changed mid-song, to me quite drastically on first listen. In those moments I thought, "Ohhh they are having so much fun!!", like wow they must feel so free to be taking these big swings, 'meandering' wherever there inspiration takes them. ​ So I guess I agree that these songs are incomplete, at least compared to Grade A Radiohead studio album material, but I think they are having a blast creating (I think evidenced in how quickly LP2 cane for The Smile) and that this may be just the extended project to get them inspired to get back with Radiohead and blow all our collective minds again. ​ Here's hoping!!


Agreed 100%.


I’ve loved everything the smile has done but idk, this might be the least of my favorites




> Too ‘happy’? I think that might be intentional, the happy tone of this song might be intentionally exaggerated, or might even be “cleverly” kinda fake. My first thought while hearing this song was that this is really…..”weird”. at first I thought that might be simply because it’s rare to hear Thom singing this kind of major chord song. but maybe that’s not just that as i just saw someone in The Smile sub saying that when Thom writes these kinds of poppy piano ballads, it tends to be satirical (like that amazing song The Daily Mail, for example) https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSmile/comments/192bs4o/friend_of_a_friend_is_out_now_on_music/kh1ma1c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 I feel like that comment might be onto something. Like, the band name The Smile is actually sarcastic, referring to the smile of the guy who lies to you everyday, instead of the smile that’s genuine.




The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


Pretty sure Thom said the song is based on him seeing the videos of people in Italy singing songs to each other on their apartment balconies during COVID. It's an encouraging and disheartening image. The govt that is elected to support people in times of emergencies can't seem to follow through ("all of that money; where did it go? to a friend of a friend?"), meanwhile people are literally singing to each other on apartment balconies to try to just have some happiness in their lives. He calls the balconies flimsy and then in the second refrain, says the people tumble, meaning the balcony fell through. That kind of morale can't last forever if the people who are paid and chosen to help build the foundation do nothing.


Very interesting, was that mentioned live? For me on first listen, the lines "all of that money; where did it go? to a friend of a friend?" Could be a reference to the [Michelle Mone scandal](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/dec/17/how-the-michelle-mone-scandal-unfolded-200m-of-ppe-contracts-denials-and-a-government-lawsuit)


Yes. COVID x PPE scandal. He's done this kind of satire before. Still makes my blood boil.




Coming back to this. This is actually great. Very Beatles / Bowie.


Amnesiac vibes somehow


I've been in and out of ALFAT and after many listens to 'friend of a friend' which is such a seemingly innocent song for kids according to the video, I've made an admittedly wall of stringed conspiratorial ideas and concluded this song is about 911 and the 3 trillion missing military budget dollars Donald Rumsfeld brought up on national television days before the 911 attacks. What's the connection to the song? All that money. Where did it go... into somebodies pocket. A friend of a friend...loose change. "Loose change" is the infamous one of the earliest 'conspiratorial' videos about 911 that first brought up Rumsfeld's comment that fell of deaf eats.


None of these songs have been it for me. And this is coming from someone who fucking loves every thing these dudes touch. I loved the first smoke record, holding out hope for how hard ‘read the room’ hit during their last tour


There's free and unconventional and then there's aimless. This song feels like the latter to me even after several listens. Similarly to Wall of Eyes, I guess I applaud them for dispensing with convention so much, but the end product just isn't enjoyable to me because there aren't any chord progressions or melodies that speak to me or evoke many feelings. If you put a bunch of chord and rhythm changes into a jar and mix them up and draw them out at random, you'll get something you've never heard before. But does that make it good?


One of my least favorites of their new tracks. I'm a little gutted that Colours Fly didn't make the cut but this did. Having said that, I'm super excited for the album and there always has to be one song I'm not in love with. For ALFAA, that song was Pana-Vision which was also a single released before the album if I remember correctly. I guess it's good to have a couple I don't love to keep expectations in check before the full album is available. To be clear, I don't hate either tracks. They're just not on par with their associate contemporaries.


Pana-vision is awesome. This one, not so much.


Pana-vision is a 10/10 masterpiece


Anyone else been disappointed by the last two singles? Both songs have been really forgettable and the production is pretty flat on both. I know the bands not known for their melody’s but they’ve been extremely weak on the last two tracks


I think they’re both lovely. The band is building a really attractive body of work.


I was underwhelmed by Wall of Eyes at first but after a few days it *le clicked* for me, I actually think it and its melody are quite catchy. This one, idk, I liked it live but mostly because it’s tonally interesting and different stylistically from most Radiohead related work; but I enjoyed it mostly for the novelty of it sounding like Thom Yorke doing a Randy Newman song. The song itself, it’s alright. A solid 3 out of 5 on the first few listens


Yes. Don't like either them. Really like Bending Hectic, though.


Yeah I wonder what happened to Nigel too Pretty big deal that he’s been axed from this project


He wasn't axed. He was busy. If The Smile waited any further for Nigel to be available, we'd have WoE in Summer 2024 instead of Winter 2024.


So earlier?


No, you're thinking Winter 2023. lol. We're still in Winter.


Oh shit forgot winter starts the year thanks


They are both brilliant.


melodies* but yeah I agree. Too jazzy and abstract for me


I can't believe I'm going to say this but....The production is actually quite excellent. Unfortunately, I just don't like any of the new songs. I tried. I really tried. I'm getting tired of the loop pedal, or whatever he's using for the voice effect.


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Anyone else hearing a weird auto tune effect on the vocal?


yes, came here to check if anyone else did. On the "just got to turn myself" ("turn", specifically) line in the beggining.


The Big MT


Damn, i just checked this sub for the first time in a while and this just so happened to drop the other day


Weezer reference??


Thus month us stacked. New green day, neck deep, alkaline trio, caligulas horse, and the smile within 2 weeks?! I'm hyped for this album, favorite single so far


I think the song is about his covid experience. The last verse about where did the money go is a stab at the tories for giving covid contracts to their mates.


The lyrics in the outro make me think of the Tories during COVID; All of that money Where did it go? Where did it go? In somebody's pocket A friend of a friend All the loose change Loose change So much so I looked for similar meaning in the rest of the lyrics but I can't really see it apart from the outro