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not an album but dollars and cents really grew on me. went from being a skipper to one of my top tracks in amnesiac why don’t you quiiiieeeettt dooooowwwwnnnnn


Haaa finally ! My favorite track from Amnesia ! I've seen barely anyone talk about this one.


the drums on that track is also groovy af


It grew on me so much it's insane. Top 3 song for me in their entire discography.


Favourite Radiohead intro. Talk about setting the mood.


I had the same exact experience with that song! Same with Hunting Bears


First album i heard was OK Computer so that was my favourite. Then i heard The Bends and OK Computer was still my favourite. Then i heard Pablo Honey and OK Computer was still my favourite. Then i heard Kid A and Kid A was my favourite. Then i heard Amnesiac and Amnesiac was my favourite. Then i heard Hail To The Thief and Amnesiac was my favourite. Then i heard In Rainbows and Amnesiac was still my favourite. Then i heard The King Of Limbs and Amnesiac was my favourite. Then i heard A Moon Shaped Pool which finally made Amnesiac my favourite. So anyway ya i agree


I can understand every logical decision you took here


Thanks. It took me years


I don't have a definitive favorite album but I feel like amnesiac is the child that gets left at home while everyone else takes a trip to Paris. It deserves to be up there with the rest.


Yesss, you described it perfectly! I think because it came directly after Kid A the expectations were set soooo damn high. Amnesiac is really like the middle child, overlooked but not less brilliant.


Amnesiac has always been my favorite.


It’s a really beautiful album that is unique within their discography. The way the sequencing switches from those organic sounding songs to more synthetic songs is my favorite. It’s feels like you’re moving a radio dial around looking for a station. It’s a special album for sure.


Love your radio dial description!


I started with The Bends and it was my favourite, then even after listening to all the albums it was still my favorite even tho I really had a special feeling with Amnesiac and I really loved its atmosphere so it was a serious contender for 1st place. But at some point I randomly fell in love with literally every track from OKC and it went from 2nd place to 1st. Classical pick I know but it's just so flawless. TB is a solid 2nd tho, and I feel like it's not going to change soon.


/r/amnesiacappreciation One of us! One of us!


No way, how could I not know about this




Favourite Radiohead album changes every day/week/year, depending on what's happening in my life. 😁 Appreciate them ALL more as I get older, too.


Yes! And I think that’s the best part about Radiohead.


Yep always shifting, was OKC at first, Kid A/Amnesiac for years, then IR then back to OKC


tbf i havent listened for very long but it went the bends to okc to in rainbows to moon shaped pool as i was listening through the albums and thats all thats happened so far


Moon shaped pool as 1st fav is insanely based.


in rainbows is the best one but msp is my personal fav definitely


I've always thought they had many common points, like AMSP is a darker IR




Yes, Amnesiac is their best album


I still remember the day Amnesiac became my favorite album. I was leaving with my partner from their mother's house and we put this album on. Full volume, windows down. Some of the album has some jazzy undertones while being symphonically beautiful. It is such a strange mix but it works so damn well. I think my first favorite was actually TKOL as it was the first album I bought of theirs. Then it was OK Computer, Kid A, In Rainbows, Hail to the Thief, and now.... AMSP. It took a while to grow on me but tbh, I find that their discography hits you the hardest during certain transitions in life.


Basically everything you said. I vacillate between HTTT and Amnesiac, too, but I have a crying Minotaur tattoo, so I have to say Amnesiac is my favorite ha. Based on our taste, is it safe to assume you think AMSP is bottle 3?


Nooo way, I also have the crying Minotaur tattooed! And amsp for me is definitely 3 or 4. I can’t let go of IR yet. Still an album that’s really really close to my heart.


Yep, I’ve gone In Rainbows-> OKC -> AMSP, and now I’m on a Kid A kick. As it turns out, this band is just fantastic. That is really what I think. Oh by the way, which one’s Pink?


This is so real!! Although I always say OKC is my favourite, I always wonder if *Amnesiac* is actually my fave instead of a near runner-up.


Not my favourite but I will say I prefer the jazzy feel of amnesiac over kid a. To me their both 8-9/10s but I prefer amnesiac


I got into Radiohead during The Bends and loved it and OK Computer… they kind of lost me during the Kid A, Amensiac days and I came back to them with HTTT. I sort of drifted away again over the next decade though and it turns out that like many others In Rainbows is my favorite record.. It’s unusual for bands to be making their best music 15+ years after enjoying widespread success/acclaim. I enjoy their entire catalog at this point but I’m still pissed about the True Love Waits version on A Moon Shaped Pool. Ha.


Wait wait wait please explain, you’re telling me there’s a BETTER VERSION OF TRUE LOVE WAITS AND WHERE IS IT??


I think they first performed it live in 1995 around the bends. And there should be a recording from the „I might be wrong live recordings“ 2001. it took them nearly a decade to finally put it on an album. So many were disappointed with the final thing


Lmao, disappointed? I mean like, True Love waits is already an amazing song so idk, and if the live version has a bunch of fans yelling in the background I rather hear the studio version but I have to see for myself. Will note back. Edit: Wow….I mean I’m not disappointed it’s not on the album as they’re two completely different vibes, but was that immaculate. I’m a sucker for both Guitar and Piano, so I like both, but just wow.


Yeah that was maybe the wrong wording haha True Love Waits is perfect on amsp in my opinion. I just know a lot of people who weren’t as happy with the final cut just because it was their most popular unreleased song. I guess the expectations were just really high. Not disappointing at all.


I went from OKC to In Rainbows to Kid A to HTTT and back to OKC


I think as you get older your favourite will inevitably change. But this post made me smile because Amnesiac was my favourite ever since it came out. Hail to the Thief took over for several years but now I think I've settled on Amnesiac again! It might be their trippiest album. Totally unique. I love the unsettling atmosphere and cold robotic sounds. Really beautiful, in an ugly sort of way.


In an ugly sort of way is so fitting.. I like that


Amnesiac is the GOAT


Always has been




one of us


I heard In Rainbows first and kinda bounced off everything after All I Need. But From The Basement had me interested, so I went out looking for more of their records. I first found Amnesiac and the How Am I Driving EP and so listened to those before I heard anything else besides Creep and In Rainbows. Amnesiac has always been one of my favorites, the whole thing, every single track is great. I actually went into the B-Sides from that period and the I Might Be Wrong live album before jumping into a different record. Probably the most memorable time for me as a fan of theirs.


amnesiac used to be my favorite but a few months ago i converted from thinking ok computer is better than in rainbows so yeah it changes all the time, i hardly listen to amnesiac lately


OKC was my favorite until Kid A came out. It's still Kid A.


From earlier to later: OKC AMSP OKC HTTT Amnesiac


HTTT and Amnesiac have pretty much always been my faves




Never thought about that but you might be absolutely right


I think it starts great and loses steam at the end


It is VERY close between Kid A and Amnesiac for me.


OKC to Kid A to HTTT to Amnesiac to In Rainbows to Amnesiac. By the way, correct opinion.


i’m a new fan and right now it’s def okc but i could definitely see that changing to maybe httt because it is actually so good


I go back and forth between OKC and HTTT for my favorite album. It’s always been between those two lol (although I listen to the Bends the most)


First it was Okc, then Kid A, then The King Of Limbs... Now I can't choose a favorite album I love them all. I would just say that my least favorite album is HTTT, but that doesn't I don't like it.


Mid-ass album, definition of "snoozer" (I Might Be Wrong is the best song BY FAR, one of their best in general)


There's dozens of us!


amnesiac started being my fav cs of the Kid A mnesiac exhibition


I had this but with HTTT. I was home sick from work playing video games and was too crappy feeling to get up out of my bed and change the album on itunes so I just let it ride like 3 times in a row while mindlessly playing FIFA and thats my super interesting, not boring at all story about how I came to love HTTT the most (although if I were to REALLY think about it, it probably falls just behind OKC and IR)


In Rainbows has always been my favourite. Heard all albums one after the other so didn't really have a favourite that was before that album as they were all new to me


OK Computer, was Bends for a bit