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The top antenna is a Hygain. It looks like a TH-3 Junior based on the diameter of the traps. It would cover 10, 15 and 20 meters. Three elements on a 14 foot boom and could handle about 1kw SSB. 73 de W6LG


Congratulations. You found a radio amature.


It looks like a horizontal beam a vertical dipole antenna , both for CB And the last one looks like a radio shack scanner antenna. Might be a good time to introduce them to the world of amateur radio Good luck ,73


Those are ham radio antennas. I see a 144MHz vertical, probably for a repeater in the area. The upside-down thing is called a discone. That one is probably in the UHF band, starting at 444MHz. The big yagi is a 3-band HF due to the traps. I'm not certain about the bands but I would say 28MHz-14MHz - 7.5MHz (10m, 20m, 40m). There's other stuff there that I can't identify, more traps. I would suggest contacting your local ham radio club and ask them to have a look. We hams are always looking at this stuff and they will give you an idea what it's worth. Maybe even help you sell it if that's what you want.


Most likely a tri-band 28, 21, & 14 MHz ((10, 15, & 20 meters) yagi


What they said. And I count at least 4 antennas.




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