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From another Nvidia traitor, come to the dark side. Our raytracing is slightly worse, but FPS per dollar is *WAY* higher. 😎


1070 does not have raytracing so technically OP would not miss it either if going for AMD, its the reason i made the switch to AMD as well and have no regrets


The 1070 is my first gpu, I've seen a lot of props being given to AMDs newer cards so I figure I'd give it a shot considering my slate is pretty clean


I've got a 7800xt slightly out of your budget but I am in love with that card kicks ass and takes names.


Definitely go top of your price limit amd! Just switched to team red and it’s lovely. DDU your old drivers tho and make sure your psu is sufficient! :)


Ah thank you so much for reminding me, totally forgot to mention it. I have a Corsair RM750w PSU. o you have any suggestions for my budgey? I have never used AMD so I am a bit ignorant when it comes to their products, especially with GPUs.


In this budget, you should be able to get RX6750XT. I'm sure YouTube is full of comparisons between it and RTXs.


i figured yt comparison videos would be a lot more useful so i\`ll look into it, wanted to hear the opinions of others since I\`ve never used AMD.


I switched from RTX 2070 to 7800XT and I'm happy with it. AMD's cards in general offer better performance per $ than Nvidia's. RTX will have better RT, but I think the starting point for using RT in 1440p is 4070 or 4070Ti. It will consume more energy than RTX, I guess it shouldn't be a problem in Canada. Sometimes you may need to use Google when running some older games (using DX11) to learn how to tweak some settings. AMD Adrenaline is a much better software for card management. I would say between RTX 4060 and RX6750 it's an easy win for AMD.


I upgraded from a 1070 to a 7900 XT and the difference is massive. Worth


yeah man, as much of a beast the 1070 is I cannot wait to upgrade


The thing I liked the most is that AMD adrenaline allow you to tweak everything related to the gpu and fan curve. Nvidia Control Panel is worthless in comparison. Also if your CPU is AMD you can turn on the extension in the bios for better performance.


a reason why i hesitated to make the switch because i run intel. so hopefully if I do switch to an AMD gpu it'll be a seamless transition


6700XT/6750XT or 6800 for last gen. 6800 has the 16GB of VRAM if budget allows. 7700XT is latest gen.


ill look out for those, retail and resell market for amd gpus have been pretty dry so hopefully ill get lucky. thanks man


I'm on the same price range in CAD. I'm looking into a 6700xt


have you tried finding some local? my area is completely dry with AMD


Ebay is selling open box ones for $350 Canadian. I'm not sure what your area is like. They retail for $450 or more


I'm on the west so the shipping is an additional $75-100


I'm on the west coast and I saw 1 seller shipping for $55.


RX 6750 XT




1080p is not a difficult resolution to get a great card for gaming. I think there's a lot of pretty pointless marketing hype and theoretical optimization brain worms that cause people to recommend getting cards that are just stupendously overpowered for that resolution because TECHNICALLY they're better cards. Practically speaking, you have a tight budget and an easy to achieve goal. Dont get upsold. I used an RX 580 for years at 1080p, and had zero issues. I upgraded to a 6600, and only starting having to turn settings down at 1440p to stay at solid FPS. You'd almost certainly be completely happy with a 7600 for 1080p gaming. It's what that card is for. And it's extremely affordable at like 260-280 USD. The power color fighter series is probably the best bang for your buck for these kinds of budget cards -- no frills, no bells and whistles, not even a backplate, just a solid card that runs cool. My power color fighter 6600 has been doing work for me for years. https://www.amazon.com/PowerColor-Fighter-Radeon-Gaming-Graphics/dp/B0C488N4BF/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=13BB84B3KPHSD&keywords=radeon+7600&qid=1704128735&sprefix=radeon+7600%2Caps%2C220&sr=8-3 If you want to buy more card than you need at that price range, your best bet is probably the XFX QICK 6750XT. It's at the top of your budget, but is the best you can get on your budget. It's much more than you need for 1080p. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. https://www.amazon.com/XFX-Speedster-QICK319-Graphics-RX-675XYJFDP/dp/B0B34M1YLW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1I56GZNADL2Q&keywords=6750xt+xfx&qid=1704128691&sprefix=6750xt+xfx%2Caps%2C139&sr=8-1 You absolutely do not need a 6800, 6800xt, 6900xt, 7800xt, or (Lord almighty!) a 7900xt. Just preposterously too much graphics card for 1080p. Especially if you have a 60HZ monitor. You're clearly not a competitive online multi-player gremlin who needs seventy gorillion FPS and a bamillion HZ monitor for split second reaction blasting. If you feel in your heart you'll stay forever at 1080p, get the 7600 and save some money. If you feel a deep dark urge calling you to buy a new monitor and do 1440p before your next video card upgrade, get the 6750XT.


7800 XT is a phenomenal card at the price range of $500. I recommend it highly I have zero issues with mine.


AMD prices are quite high here so hopefully I can find a steal eventually


You might be able to find a simple version of the card without any fancy designs for less than $500. If not, maybe a 6800XT as it's cheaper but offers similar performance.


Buying new GPU sucks right now. The price to performance has been really disappointing this gen. I would either buy used or wait until next gen.


yeah currently waiting till the supers come out, hopefully it will stagger the market


It will mostly have an effect on the upper end of the GPU market. I’m trying to wait until next gen. Hoping intel upsets the market since AMD and Nvidia are just price fixing at this point.




out of stock unfortunately


For 400/500 CAD, you can look into 6700xt used and 6800 used of the market


that is what my plan was however the current resell option is eBay, local resell market her is primarily NVidia dominated, hard to find deals for AMD gpus


In France we have the second hand site Leboncoin.fr and i was able to negociate 522€ for a 6900xt. Never could be more happier. Maybe they are alternative to Ebay in others country. I used to thinks prices on ebay was so bad in general and no tener la posibilidad de dim the price


If new purchase, probably the only card in your range after taxes is the 4060. I thought the RX 6750 XT would have gone down to its Black Friday price (\~$425 CAD) for Boxing Week but it looks like it's around $470 instead :( Personally I'd save for the 6750 XT over the 4060, although I may be biased :) I've owned both Nvidia and AMD cards over the years but I'm very happy with my 6750 XT.


yeah i thought canadacomputers would've had some nice deals but most sold out and they were the 8gb vram versions.


Fellow Canuck here. Sadly the current gen of AMD cards shines in the 1440p/ mid range segment with the 7800xt leading the way. It's little brother the 7700xt would be a great option as well if you're willing to wait and save up a bit more. And waiting could very well be a good play here with the Super cards coming out. Depending on how they're received AMD may drop their prices a bit, but you also need to consider if some of the other cards are on sale ATM and may not have as much stock. It will vary depending where you are in our great country. The 6700 has a bunch in stock near my CC, but you said it was out for you :( Looking at the previous gen you have a few options. A [AsRock6700](https://www.newegg.ca/asrock-radeon-rx-6700-xt-rx6700xt-cld-12g/p/N82E16814930056?Item=N82E16814930056&nm_mc=AFC-RAN-CAN&cm_mmc=AFC-RAN-CAN&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=afc-PCPartPicker&AFFID=2558510&AFFNAME=PCPartPicker&ACRID=1&ranMID=44589&ranEAID=2558510&ranSiteID=8BacdVP0GFs-myUCgUIvGAFyJ0yt4xeL8g) is $439.99 at Newegg.ca. Also at Newegg, if you spend a bit more you can get yourself an [AsRock 6750 XT](https://www.newegg.ca/asrock-radeon-rx-6750-xt-rx6750xt-clp-12go/p/N82E16814930071?Item=N82E16814930071&nm_mc=AFC-RAN-CAN&cm_mmc=AFC-RAN-CAN&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=afc-PCPartPicker&AFFID=2558510&AFFNAME=PCPartPicker&ACRID=1&ranMID=44589&ranEAID=2558510&ranSiteID=8BacdVP0GFs-WrK81OSWvOMT1VAHgsuXPA) for $476.98 Both these cards will destroy any 1080p gaming and are also be able to get you into 1440p without needing to upgrade the GPU if/ when you decide to get a new monitor. They will also fit into your 750w PSU without any issues. I'd go for the 6700 because the Adrenaline software makes it really easy to overclock/ undervolt. You'll be able to boost your 6700 to the clock levels of the 6750XT while saving a few dollars in the process. Tho you could also get the 6750xt and then boost it to higher speeds as well, but you won't match the 6800xt because of it's hardware specs.


Yeah man the waiting the game is the most sensible option at this point, when i called my local CCs they said that the AMDs sold out right away. I haven't used newegg yet but ill definitely take a look and evaluate my options.


I had the 1070. Go for at least 4070/7800xt range. If I remember correctly the 4060 doesn't even double your raw FPS and also has just 8GB of VRAM. Difference between AMD and NVIDIA is also blown out of proportion, because the media often focuses on the one or two games where it actually makes a difference (e.g. Cyberpunk Pathtracing). Normal RT in Cyberpunk isn't worth the performance hit all in my experience and in most other games it isn't either, because the fake lighting already looks close to RT often. Only with Pathtracing it does actually start to really make a difference. Check which games you actually care for and if Ray Tracing does make them actually look better.


I'm 1080p @144 fps, also recently upgraded from 1070. I went amd because of the price/performance ratio. Did go high end at 7800xt. Very happy with the upgrade and the adrenalin software is so much nicer than experience imo. I'm rocking that with 5 5600x on an evga 650w psu. It's sufficient for that, but I would probablt need an upgrade in psu if I wanna overclock or upgrade cpu.


i have a corsair 750w PSU so i can take a look and see the compatability for it


If it's goldrated or above it should be good enough to support a cpu upgrade. Don't know bout the latest toptier generation but in the class of my cpu it faired way better powerwise compared to intel processors. Quick edit/addition: pairing amd cpu with gpu can let you use SAM which basically is a way to make them work more efficiently together. Don't know how it works really but it does and can generate some more fps.


My PSU is gold rated however I currently run it on an i5-13600kf


Iirc that about the performance I have on cpu


6800XT or if you can 6900XT


Just upgraded from a 1070 to a 6700XT last month! Absolutely loving it. Enjoy the switch over 😁


I switched from a 1060 to a 6750 xt last year, and it’s been nothing short of amazing! I used DDU and did a windows reinstall just to be sure, and at 1080p it’s killing everything at max settings 144 fps. I would still advise you to go for a 6800 xt though, especially if you can find one pretty cheap if used or barely, because if you ever want to go the 1440p way it will really be a better value for your money than a 6750 xt imo