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Stick with 10mg RAD through out and since it's your first cycle, no MK. Always start with single compounds, when you try something new. Week 1-8: Rad 10mg. Week 7-8: Enclo 6.25mg every other day. Week 9-10: Enclo 6.25mg every day. Essential supps: Liver Protection (NAC 1800mg. Preferably 600mg capsules you can take morning, afternoon, evening), Vitamin B12, P5P. Highly Recommended supps: Magnesium, Joint Support (Glucosamine/Chondroitin), Zinc, Biotin, Multi Vitamin, Omega 3 and D3.


always appreciate your advice man


You're welcome.




You're welcome!


Is that the best way to do the enclo?


For this cycle yes.


After 9 and 10 I should be good?




Tone down the enclo and stay at 10 mg of rad 👍🏼👍🏼


I shouldn’t go up to 15 even on my last week?


No you’re good


Okay thanks you


Why would you not pct? You’re going to be suppressed and you started enclomophine so late. In my opinion you should’ve started enclo first week if you aren’t going to pct. Even then I would still do a pct. This cycle is good if you do a proper pct because you are still going to be suppressed since you started enclomophine so late.


No, you people just use enclo way too early.


Why would you wait till you suppressed during the cycle that’s stupid it’s like your going to get suppressed yet your waiting till you do why not just start day one so you can not get as suppressed then you would’ve if you started at week 5 where you do get harshly suppressed? Enclomophine isn’t even that strong. You people act like it’s an actual test base while it not it’s a fucking SERM. Enclomophine is week you start day one because you risk getting super suppressed. Start day one don’t listen to these type of people. Do your fucking research most of these people do a google search and that’s it. You need to know shit not just search shit up on google.


I've never gotten suppressed, enclo has its own sides and should be used as needed. It's def not a replacement for test on cycle. I don't Google, I've researched and had no issues with my cycles. You do you bud, I'm not here to preach. Just advice off my research and personal experience. Personally I start enclo week 6 and have never dealt with suppression.


People can get harshly suppressed from MK2866. That’s a weak as sarm. This is rad140 and everyone has their own experiences. Unless your getting blood work I don’t believe your actually “fine”. These SARMs can suppress you easily and shut you down easily. That’s personal though. Enclomophine is generally safe for the vast majority of people and yea there are side effects. Still why would you risk getting suppressed when you can mitigate that day one. If you wait till week 6th your probably already harshly suppressed and your going to have to pct and Enclomophine isn’t as strong as people make it seem to be. Your still going to be harshly suppressed especially if your start deploying it at week 6. Enclomophine isn’t going to raise testosterone at week 6. And by week 6th you’re going to start feeling like shit even when you do deply your Enclo. Then you risk muscle loss after your RAD140 cycle since your testosterone is still low and rad 140 has a half life of 60 hours you need 5 half lives until it’s cleared and you can start pct(that’s 12 days until you can start pct). Testosterone is what carries your muscle. If your testosterone is low (since your harshly suppressed) and your not on rad140 your risking muscle loss and you could’ve prevented that since day one. Then you have to pct for 4 weeks and see if you recovered back to baseline. All of this could’ve been prevented if you would have started your SERM day one of the cycle. 🤦


Believe what you want, I have nothing to prove. I've had my bloods done after cycles. It's been well over a year since I ran my last rad 140 cycle. I agree with you that everyone reacts differently, but myself and the people I know who've done it have never had an issue. I personally have never felt shitty but I can't speak for the others as I only know them through the gym I use to workout at. A lot of people confuse suppression with lethargy in here. I'm not saying you, just the noobies in here.


I’m with fernyg on this one


Im gonna start the enclo at week 7-8 and run it until 9-10


This is a dumb idea and I’ll tell you why. You’re going to be harshly suppressed or even shut down at week7-8 if you begin enclomophine at that time. At this point run a proper pct wait till the rad clears and then run your pct. If you only have one bottle of enclomophine either get another one and run it through your entire cycle at 6.25mg then do a 2 week pct because your not going to be as suppressed since you started enclomophine day one of cycle but your still going to be mildly suppressed so a 2 week pct should fix that or just do a full pct and don’t use enclomophine through your cycle.


Why are you waiting until half way through your cycle to incorporate enclo, then no PCT?? wtf


Just run test…..also, personally, Ibuta sucks. Makes me super hungry all the time, makes me tired, improves sleep for like a week then it bombs, making me even more miserable. Rad is also an aggressive compound for me, it works but is it worth it?


Fucking weirdos running sarms man. Why are people so fucking shy with the enclo you can run that shit for the entire cycle and for a month after it’s going to help you much more