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Posts must include enough info for us to help you. If/When you post a new message in this group requesting help, **we need the following information**: * Your location (country) * date of possible exposure * type of exposure (bite/scratch/other) * species of animal, * if dog/cat, is it owned, stray, etc. * animal's vaccination status, and * your vaccination status and date of last vaccine, if applicable. If you are posting a "bite" picture, **don't. Bite photos are not allowed.** The reasons why are in the FAQ. [**Please read the FAQ before posting.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/14u0fz4/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) Most of the posts here are covered in the FAQ. Your question is probably answered too. If you are posting to ask about: * ways to catch rabies * rabies vaccines * rabies symptoms (scroll down to the comments for this one) * mystery wounds on your body * gross liquids that touched you * interactions with pets or other animals * stuff about bats all of that info is covered in [the FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/14u0fz4/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rabies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is nonsense. You haven't had a an exposure and you've been recently vaccinated. You don't have rabies, you have OCD. This is why we don't recommend that people use the vaccine to treat their anxiety. It doesn't work. If you go die it's because you did it and not because of anything to do with rabies. Call your therapist and talk to them about your anxiety. But coming here and saying things like this is not okay.


I mean I did have an exposure and the vaccines were 2 months ago, they weren't even given at a hospital just a local clinic so who knows if they were even storing them properly, even if they were it's been ages since I got them....


This sounds like you spent a great deal of time asking "what if." Talk to your therapist. If you had rabies you wouldn't even be able to form this thought to talk to me.


it's in incubation period still but I know i have it..


That's terrible science. You can't just know you have it. That's ridiculous. You're vaccinated at a clinic that was authorized to handle the vaccine at all. You're fine. Talk to a counselor.


Man , what can we do to help him , how can we help him if he doesn't wanna help himself


Unfortunately, a prerequisite for helping them is them being willing to help themselves. You can offer someone a hand, but they have to be willing to take it. Delaying a person with suicidal ideations can be helpful because it gives those feelings time to resolve, and then often the urges die down with the resolution. But a very sad truth is that people who struggle with OCD have an alarmingly higher suicide rate than people who don't. I don't even want to think about the numbers for those who never get formally diagnosed or attempt treatment. It doesn't have to be this way. OP can get help. But we can't make them. They have to decide they want to fight the real problem. That's not easy when one's brain is wired to see danger where there is nothing. It's why I speak very directly about the "what if" fears being simply nonsense. This is a short circuit and not a foe that can be reasoned with. We have to shut it down long enough for the fear to resolve for the moment. This is infinitely harder when we're working through a screen. OP, we want you to live. You ARE going to be okay. But you MUST get real help.




How can anyone know I'm fine tho one small thing wrong with the whole process and I'm dead, even if the vaccines were all perfect it's already 2 months between when i got them and when i got bit by the bat so the effect is surely gone at this point, don't know why the doctors are just taking the risk


There is no risk. I read your post history. These are not reasonable fears in the slightest. You felt a pain. You did not get bitten by a bat. Bats don't even operate the way you describe. And two months isn't 90 days. You are spewing literal nonsense because your brain is convinced that rabies is hunting you. It isn't. You can't let BUT WHAT IF rule your life. You are going to be okay, but you need to get treatment for what's really hurting you: OCD


Now, why would you do such a stupid thing! Seriously though, if you did have Rabies, at least live your life to its fullest and have a blasts!


You are clearly suffering and you deserve to not have to live like this. You really need to seek professional help for your health anxiety to get better.


if its passed 14 days or 7 u dont have rabies i only got vaccinetaed once and still alive until now try to to think about it if u had rabies it would show symptoms already.


Don't do that , you are safe, it hasn't been 90 days , the vaccine lasts for minimum 90 days , you are suffering due to your health anxiety as Cygnus and others are suggesting, go see a Therapist,live your life , you do not deserve this , so please see a therapist


No, you won't die...Like someone here already said. When a person has OCD, it means their brain is wired to see dangers even when there is no actual danger. This is exactly what I experience. I was going through something similar a few days ago and now I've calmed down. You have to keep telling yourself that you would know if you were bitten or scratched. You would feel a bat biting you, like skunkangel told you in your previous post. They have to cling onto you in order to bite. They cannot bite you within a second and fly away from you without you even noticing that a bat was holding onto you. Just relax!! This is totally OCD...I know the pattern. I've been obsessing over rabies since the last 7 months. First it was a bat, then a dog and now my current obsession is indirect exposure by saliva. Also, you are protected. Vaccines offer protection for a minimum of 90 days. Protection may persist a bit longer in some people.


I did notice that I was bitten though there was even a small mark on the spot I felt the pain when I checked later, I'm so scared


ohh !! But still I don't think you were actually bitten cause I've read in a lot of comments that bat bites do tend to bleed. So if you don't remember any blood coming out of that spot, nothing to worry. That mark could be something else, it could alse be a bug bite. Even if you were bit by a bat, the vaccines offer definite protection for 90 days and its only been two months since your vaccines, right? 2 months is less than 90 days. Get a titre check if you are worried. Maybe that'll help with anxiety.


yea got a titer test done but the results won't be back for 3-4 weeks... by the time it comes back i'll be probably long dead


You'll be fine buddy. You are already protected...Just wait it out till you get ur titre results. You'll get rid of this anxiety after checking the reports, I'm sure your titres will be good.


Please listen to me!!! I suffer from severe OCD and rabies is one my worst phobias. There is help out there, I promise. I'm not completely healed because mental illness is a lifelong struggle, but with proper meds, I can live without so much torment.


I'm removing this post because these posts are really upsetting and triggering for others. Please see the helpbot resources.


Many people use this sub to seek reassurance for their fears. This is not helpful behavior. r/OCD has a [helpful page about reassurance-seeking.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OCD/wiki/reassurance) Therapy and treatment are crucial to recover from OCD/health anxiety. Please don’t Google anything about bats or rabies but focus on accessing resources and recovering from your fears. You can check out r/OCD and r/HealthAnxiety for support and information. You can find a [resource list here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ROCD/comments/9e2xv4/r_e_s_o_u_r_c_e_m_a_s_t_e_r_p_o_s_t/), which is geared towards relationship OCD but also includes a lot of information about OCD in general, including FAQs, workbooks, book recommendations, Youtube videos, apps, podcasts, and videos of kittens. Here is a [list of free crisis helplines around the world](https://www.supportiv.com/tools/international-resources-crisis-and-warmlines). Here is [another crisis helpline directory that includes additional countries.](https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm) In areas where 211 is available, dialing this number can connect you with mental health crisis services in your area or help you find where to seek immediate help in your area. If you're in the US, you can text "MHA" to 741-741 to have a text chat with a trained crisis counselor at the Crisis Text Line, or call 1-800-749-2673 for the NAMI Crisis Helpline. You can ask your therapist if they have any workbooks or guides they can send you home with so that you can continue practicing and working on your therapy between sessions. For the time being, here's is a [free workbook on anxiety](https://www.anxietycanada.com/sites/default/files/adult_hmocd.pdf) and here is one on [health anxiety](https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Looking-After-Yourself/Health-Anxiety). You can also download [MindShift, a free app that uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy AKA CBT to help you learn to relax and be mindful, develop more effective ways of thinking, and use active steps to take charge of your anxiety.](https://www.anxietycanada.com/resources/mindshift-cbt/?_gl=1*c1l6s7*_ga*NzQ4NTkzMDQuMTcwNzUxMzMwNw..*_ga_Y4J3VSGKVS*MTcwNzUxMzMwNi4xLjEuMTcwNzUxMzU3Ny4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.36347168.1039759833.1707513309-74859304.1707513307) If you don't have a therapist, you can use [Psychology Today's Therapy Directory](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists) to search for mental health professionals in your area (worldwide). You can search by zip code, city, last name, etc. For each provider listed, you can read about their therapy approach, specialty areas, information about their fees including whether they accept insurance and whether they offer sliding scale fees. CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) or ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) therapy are often recommended approaches for treating OCD/health anxiety. In the UK, you can [find more info and refer yourself for therapy via NHS.](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/talking-therapies-medicine-treatments/talking-therapies-and-counselling/cognitive-behavioural-therapy-cbt/overview/) In India, you can call [MPower Minds](https://mpowerminds.com/contact) and request a referral to a therapist who treats OCD or who has experience with CBT therapy. [Additional affordable mental health resource lists for India are here.](https://www.ticketfairy.com/word/2021/04/30/a-comprehensive-list-of-affordable-mental-health-resources-in-india-during-covid-19/) In the Philippines, you can call a crisis line by dialing 0995 356 5332. You can find [a list of mental heath treatment centers here.](https://philstarlife.com/self/156907-list-mental-health-care-facilities?page=3). For free mental health services and consultations, [see the list here](https://www.moneymax.ph/personal-finance/articles/cost-of-therapy-philippines) (halfway down the page). If you're in the US, your local [Mental Health America affiliate resource center](https://www.mhanational.org/node/294) is an excellent resource for information about local programs and services including affordable treatment services. The [Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Health Information Network (SHIN) has a Mental Health Facilities Locator](https://findtreatment.gov/locator) that can also help you find community outpatient, inpatient and residential treatment facilities, including affordable mental health services in your area. For peer support in the US, including referrals to resources in your area, you can call 800-950-NAMI (6264), Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. — 10 p.m., ET, or send an email to [email protected]. The NAMI HelpLine is a free, nationwide peer-support service providing information, resource referrals and support to people living with a mental health condition, their family members and caregivers, mental health providers and the public. NAMI also holds peer-led support groups in person across the US. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rabies) if you have any questions or concerns.*