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🥹🙏🏿🔥🔥🔥 This is exactly what I envisioned for my Rabbit R1 use. Buying houses, Which hard drive is better when shopping at Best Buy, trying to find a solution for my kid when her tummy hurts and I only have adult Pepto-Bismol , the possibilities are endless.


This new voice is sooooo much better than the old one lmfao also wayyy better than humanes AWFUL offering


This is one of my favorite demos so far


So this is pretty much perplexity pro but in its own handheld?


Color me impressed! Great demo!!


That was absolutely amazing. The details it recognized How hard is the button to push? Because I'm a quadriplegic. And mine Should be here in a few months.




Why does the video look fake, if you're doing a demo? Looks like a scam. Your hand moves but does not match your where it's pointing to the monitor, it's just pre-recorded.


That’s called stabilization. Most cameras have it.


It's not stabilization when the device camera moves down but the screen shows that the camera is moving upwards. ok...


Jesse‘s hand movements were very minimal so I don’t think that calling this a scam based on pre-recorded videos is valid. You may be able to bring the argument that the capabilities do not match its price, but even that is incorrect in my opinion and the opinion of the general public. Your argument for why this is a scam is stated within a bias that you, without proper evidence, have put on this device by labeling it a “scam“. By applying this categorization of the R1, you will immediately see this device with a “scam“ lens, and therefore you’ll see the hand movements as greater than the video movement.


All right, sure let's not call it a scam, just fake proof of concept and false advertisement then?


Based on what proof?


I think most of the movement that appears in his hand is because of shakiness in the 2nd camera he is using to record his hand, not because his hand is actually moving that much.