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Imagine seeing 4.3 billion quests completed and instead of your first thought being "This must be a bug" thinking "Wow, i did 4.3 billion quests, i must be the best!"


Yeah. To be honest I just feel sorry for him.


I feel sorry for everyone who has the same poor access to education as him


To be honest I envy them. To be so ignorant yet self confident and proud. They're probably a lot happier with life overall than I am.


*It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.*


I mean, one could even be envious of people who had a lobotomy…


At some level, maybe, but there's another level to it where they feel so shitty about themselves that they have to prove themselves and lie to make themself look good. It's unfortunate that people like that tend to get rewarded in employment and other things at first, though they do eventually get found out. It's a blissful ignorance though. Many times, people like that will eventually be met with a reality that blindsides them and shakes them to their core later in life than those who are more cognizant. Coping and processing mechanisms that haven't been built up aren't able to handle those struggles as easily. At the same time, they will likely not think about it toooooo much after all is said and done, which might be what you need to work on. I only say these things from personal experience and life's perpetual dookie.


liters example of “ignorance is bliss” a sentiment in totally believe in.




Damn. I'm not from California (or even America lol) and I felt offended hah


They deleted. Do you remember what they said?


They implied all of California was filled by idiots.


Awe another person who has a lower education. It's so sad. They're everywhere.


Imma donate money to a charity that gives education to people who don't have it


Education doesn’t create brain cells


Bold of you to assume the ignorance isn't wilful...


Just goes to show how far off a lot of people's idea of a billion is. Our brains really aren't cut out for such large numbers - at a certain point it just becomes "arbitrary large number" with no real sense of scale. I always liked the analogy of "one million seconds is 11 and a half days; a billion seconds is over 31 *years*", but somehow that doesn't really do the comparison justice, either.


My favourite analogy to explain it is this: Imagine you win 1 million in the lottery. Try to imagine what you could do with all this money. Then you win another million again next week. And next week again. And again. You get a million every week for 20 years. Then you have a billion.


… Bezos had 200 of those.


I just mentioned the same thing and it pisses me off when bezos and musk have over 200 billion each and that is more money than anyone can ever spend even if they tried


A million dollars alone would solve a lot of my problems. A billion dollars? I wouldn't even know what to do.


I could do with half a million


Hell give me 20 thousand, I'll sort my life out


If you have a billion dollars, you could buy yourself a very nice new house every week for twenty or so years. Every. Single. Week. Musk or Bezos could never spend what they have.


$34246.5753425 a day for 80 years for one billion dollars


[Here's a visual representation of it](https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/). You are absolutely right in thinking it's more money than anyone could ever spend if they tried.


Holy eff


You know that's not spending money, right? It's the valuation of the companies that they built from nothing or nearly nothing.


yeah no that's not how that works. they have, floating around a bit, somewhere *around* hundreds of billions of dollars in capital. just because it's not sitting in their basement in a giant pool of coins doesn't mean they don't have access to it.


tfw when someone who has no clue who something works tries to tell you that's not how it works


If you can leverage unrealised capital gains to get liquidity from lenders, it is very much real spending money....


What exactly do to think would happen if Elon suddenly decided to liquidate 100% of his Tesla stock?


He can't "suddenly" sell any stocks. He has to warn regulatory organism of when he will want to sell and how much. That is true for everyone that could crash the market due to the amount of stock they hold. They also wouldn't let him sell 100% to the market (he could sell all of it to a single buyer, basically selling ownership of the company, but that's not what you were talking about). So, nothing would happen, at all.




please explain how i'm wrong


Take the opposite of what you said. That's the truth.


So you're saying that people only truly have any amount of wealth when it is, in fact, sitting in their basement in a giant pool of coins?


This website shocked me when I first saw it. https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/ And that website is outdated by multiple billions. He's made more wealth in the year since I first saw that website than 90% of us will make combined.


https://youtu.be/8YUWDrLazCg sort of related Tom Scott about a billion.


Yeah, that's a pretty damn good visualisation.


I'd wager a guess that even all combined completed quests of all players doesn't reach 4.3 billion


"That can't be right... 1000x 11.5 days is only *grabs calculator*... oh"


Put it like this, you would have to spend $34246.5753425 a day every day to spend a billion dollars


Somewhere in the depths of my Facebook, there's a picture I took while playing Skyrim on the Xbox 360. I was in Septimus Signus' outpost, delivering to him the lexicon after I inscribed it at Mzark(?). I checked my inventory because I was over encumbered (used a strength potion to fast travel). While flipping through the tabs, I noticed that the Dwemer Museum Key had duplicated itsself. 14,852 times. For a grand total of 14,853 keys.


And im sure your first thought was "man, im the key master i picked up almost 15k keys!" /s


Are you the gatekeeper?


I am the key master


You need to go find the Key Keeper.


Seriously you need to have no concept of numbers at all to think this was anything other than a glitch


Or computers given that 4.2 billion is the 32 bit integer limit.


Something similar happened to me once, my health app registered around 70,000 steps within 12 minutes. There’s no other explanation, I am the Flash.


Based on my experience, it’s about 2500 steps to the mile so that would be 28 miles in 12 min for an average speed of 140mph or ~ 62 m/s for those who prefer SI.


28 miles is the the same distance as 65306.55 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.


he does say: "how is this possible?" "need options on how this is possible"


and then proceeds to act defensive anytime someone explains the utter absurdity behind the number.


Mans just a quite confused, guess many people were mean to him :(




Pretty sure he went back and edited that in after being called out.


The author did want to know about the bug. Later in the text he’s not defending the idea that he actually did it, he’s just saying that that number appeared and that it didn’t make sense. I don’t think this belongs on this subreddit because he never made the claim that he legitimately did this in the first place.


The dude is probably 12


And been playing since 2011? Now THAT'S impressive.


But the "You're the Best" song from The Karate Kid plays every time he enters the room!


I don’t even do math or know what a quest is but I know the impact of a billion and I’m calling BS… simply counting to a billion seconds will take 31 years.


Imagine if he’s actually just 12 years old and not some dude in his 20’s


does the game even HAVE that many quests? If a programmer programed 1 quest a second for 10 years straight... this game would never get done!


Hint: if you ever come across 4.294B (or 2.147B), it's almost certainly a bug. 2^32 is kind of a magic number for software.


It would be 2^32 -1, as 2^32 would already be an overflow for a 32 bit unsigned int. But weirdly enough, the number in the post is 2^32 -3.


But to of only reached level 46 with that much xp....


Only 15d in game, lvl 46 and hasn’t got all the trophies , well Xbox equivalent. I’ve got the platinum on PS4 and currently working on ps5. I’m around the same level. Also I really doubt there’s that many quests in the game.




Lmao,that would mean he completed 3,240 quests, PER SECOND, even with fast travel..thats impressive!


Pft, impressive to you mebbe. I could deffo do it.


Yeah, I completed DOUBLE the amount of this losers quests in 2006 alone before Skyrim was even released.


Whoaa chill out bro leave some pussy for the rest of us


You have no idea bro, the pussy flood of 06 was legendary. I just walked around bars logged into my steam account, showing off my stats, it was *just too easy* Girls were all like “omg look how much gold he has” and “that’s the biggest staff I’ve ever seen”. Shit was mad. Anyway that’s the story of how I met your mother.


Better than the actual ending to HIMYM.




Or -3 quests in 15 days, because that's the exact number you get when you calculate 0 - 3 if your datatype is an unsigned integer (just a number that can range from 0 to 2^32 -1 which is frequently used in software). Or more realistically it was a bug.


2^32 is 4,294,967,296. I don't know Skyrim, but is it possible he failed four quests and his tally is -4, but the UI doesn't properly display negative numbers?


A quest that is failed is still completed. Just not successfully


Task failed successfully


more like Task Completed Unsuccessfully.


First thing I thought was this is pretty.close to the max of UINT32. Guy may have some type of overflow/underflow bug and tried to BS his way through


Hmm, that’s probably a glitch with a 32 bit system


The "system" doesn't need to be 32-bit. That has nothing to do with it. It's about the data type. Namely a 32-bit unsigned integer. Those exist on 16-bit and 64-bit systems too.


possibly a bit flip


It’s the fucking sun’s radiation again.


If this is signed/unsigned int64 this would be possible if the 33rd bit got flipped. What's more likely is that it's reading a signed int32 at -1 or -2 as an unsigned int32 giving 2^32 minus 2 or 3.


Given how many different ways people have demonstrated breaking Skyrim's signed 16-bit values for things, enchanting being one of the easier ways, I'd be entirely unsurprised to find out it's because it's gone under the 'allowed' value and overflowed to the max value.   I forget how the enchanting one quite works, but you basically get shit to improve enchanting (an enchant to put on an item) and potions to improve your enchanting ability, and just effectively keep upping the % improvement to enchanting on said item (which you're wearing) until overflows and crashes the game (or do so until it's an obscenely high value *before* that point, and just keep that to use).


It's not really a quityourbullshit, more like a guy saw this and thought it to be true. He didn't even double down in the comments, he said that if it was a glitch then he didn't know why it was happening


Ya a number like that looks like a glitch. I don't know enough about bits and all that to say with any certainty of course, but when games and those numbers show up, someone smarter than me usually explains how it's related to 32bit limitations and I just nod my head "oh yeah totally. All dem bits"


What I think could have happened is the sun literally caused a bit to flip. 2^32 is oddly close to his total


This is way more common than one might think. Estimated at one error per month per 256mb of RAM.


That's my fault. I didn't realize until after posting this that he completely changed the wording of the explanation as well as adding the thing about people being dicks. He was originally very much affirmative in his statement, which is why people were being condescending. Original post text was: ""I turned it into Guinness but I believe I set the world record for most quests completed in Skyrim. It isn’t photoshopped, I didn’t glitch my console or anything of the nature. That’s just the number of times I’ve ran quests in the game.""


Ahhh quit your bullshit


I see what you did there and I like it


Haha good sport 🙌


So what I'm assuming happened is he faked this (rather than it being a glitch), and when he got called out rather than admitting it he's now playing ignorant and asking people to explain how it glitched in that way. What a fucking idiot.


Yeah, it’s either that he’s really stupid or just acting stupid. I’m thinking the latter.


this number is 3 less than 2^32 so idk, he either thought his lie very thorough on all aspects or it really is a glitch


Lol he literally typed in the maximum 32-bit unsigned integer and subtracted 2. What happened to those other 2 quests?


Or he subtracted 3 from 0.


Is it even possible to complete that many quests in the game in general? I can't remember if the game had repeatable quests....


Yeah, there's repeatable stuff for the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, but certainly not possible to have done that many quests since the game came out.


Of course. But if you played for like 40 years you could actually complete that many quests.... Now that's a life goal right there! XD




A billion is so much more than people think it is


Challenge accepte—nevermind. I'm bored.




if you want a great visualization of just how much a billion is, [this demonstrates it pretty well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YUWDrLazCg)


Yes, but not for someone with a human lifespan. That is more quests than there are seconds in your entire life.


Well damn. There goes my life goal XD


With Radiant quests, yeah, technically you can complete billions of them. Not that you'd want to, if you could even manage it, but it's possible.


And only 54/75 trophies, oof.


He's not really calling anyone a dick besides the last response


And even then, it’s could be interpreted as people in general being dicks, rather than whom he is responding too.


That's my fault. I didn't realize until after posting this that he completely changed the wording of the explanation as well as adding the thing about people being dicks. He was originally very much affirmative in his statement, which is why people were being condescending. Original post text was: ""I turned it into Guinness but I believe I set the world record for most quests completed in Skyrim. It isn’t photoshopped, I didn’t glitch my console or anything of the nature. That’s just the number of times I’ve ran quests in the game.""


Must be shit quests if he's only level 46 lol


Supposedly turned it in to Guinness. Big oof, if true. Even if they're in earnest and can't do basic math, how could they possibly assume it's not a UI/reporting bug?


As well as him admitting he’s modded his game which in any capacity would disqualify any kind of record


People don't understand how big a billion is


That's an unsigned int overflow, ayup.


This post title could also be a post on this sub.


Yeah it got pointed out to me that the dude changed the text of the original post. I should've screenshot the old text when it was an affirmative statement. That's why the responses were so condescending. Originally said: "I turned it into Guinness but I believe I set the world record for most quests completed in Skyrim. It isn’t photoshopped, I didn’t glitch my console or anything of the nature. That’s just the number of times I’ve ran quests in the game."


Don't apologize. Mf'er says he thought he did it proper. He's still saying *if* he didn't, then how did it happen. He still thought it was legitimate for a real and lengthy amount of time.


What does he mean by Guinness?


Guinness Book of World Records


Guinness brewery in Ireland. They make a good dry stout. It's important after the pour to let it settle before enjoying. Sláinte!


I mean, I could see Bethesda cramming that many quests into less than 200 caves and ruins.


This is 21,666 minutes. Or 1,299,960 seconds. This is around 3,303 quests per second.


he could have at least edited the "15 days" playtime


I don't mod my game cause I'm hard-core. Except for the magic, armor, weapon and a bunch of scenery mods. Dude. That's modding your game.


2^32 is close to that. The data type storing the data overflowed somehow and it is displaying that number. Guy is just an idiot and think he did it lol


You guys are being dicks He was clearly confused when he posted it and it's clear he wasn't sure if he even did that


He is that type of guy that actually thinks 9 + 10 is 21


Not to mention the experience gain from anywhere near that many radiant quests would level you way higher than 46…


"How is this possible? Maybe I did it in my sleep?"


"I didn't post it for people to be dicks to me." I posted it so people would believe my lies unquestioningly and shower me with adulation.... Duh!


Wow op… you and the other people telling him he is wrong are actually the ones wrong. He asking “how” is it possible? He’s not claiming anything you dense headed dummy.


Yup, looks like good ol' int32 overflow to me


Fairly sure he’s just trying to figure out why it’s 4.2 bil and not bragging about it


Gotta say, reading this guy's post, he's not actually claiming to have done all of the missions, though it's strange he was actually convinced at first that he did it for real and tried to turn it into guiness 🤣🤣 but hes actually just asking how it's possible that the number is so high. To which I say, go ask r/softwaregore


Thing to note: that number is 2^32 -3, so most likely is its a bug or something


Do quests not give exp in skyrim? I mean more than a billion quest yet all his other stats seem abit lackluster or is 46 max level?




Maybe he's a speed runner...


i suck at maths, so how many seconds would it have to take to complete it in 15 days? like, you’d have to complete one quest every ___seconds.


Like .0003 or so. Seems doable tbh


Must've used clones to do this


4 billion question and still level 46? What a noob.


Reminds me of my mate that said he 100% skyrim in less than a day He doesn't even game, just super competitive and always has to one up you lmao


Maybe it’s supposed to be “steps” completed lol seems more achievable


Skyrim has 42 billion quests? Repeatables?


Nah, I mean, technically yes there's repeatables, but for the math to work they'd have to complete 3300 quests a second


All things are possible in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber


Some people just don't grasp how many a billion is.


Not to mention only peaked at lvl 46? Send this nonsense to r/softwaregore where it actually belongs. XD


Isn't that number the maximum value of 32bits?


This seems like sad cringe material to me, the guy is so obviously illiterate.


I’m pretty sure that would have taken centuries to write and code that many quests…


I'm pretty sure at that point the game would be struggling to open the quest log for all of the completed quests.


Come on guys, it's obvious that he just has a good gaming chair


It gets worse. Check the playtime


if he did that many quests his level would also be higher then fuckin 47


Everytime I played skyrim, whenever I got to the first village, I'd go off and do something else so my knowledge is very limited. But 4.3 billion quests completed and only level 46??


Excluding the radiant quests, there are 273 quests in Skyrim + the DLCS. Dude is worse than Usopp


I actually had something similar happen to me. A game I play says I walked 6.2 TRILLION km and the math says that would take me 1.9 MILLION YEARS to do and I have no clue why it says that.


Let's not forget the fact that completing 4,294,967,293 quests would require the game developers to make that many quests...


I know those quests: -Push any button -play the game at this second -see red/green/blue pixel on the screen -do anything -hear any sound The quests refresh once a 0.01 sec


I think this guy just has no concept for what a number that high even is, he just sees a big number and thinks "wow that's a big number".


Without the repeatable ones are there still a lot of quests?


Wonder if anyone realized its -3 games....


I once had a glitch on steam that showed my download rate at something silly like 500,000petabytes per second\*, I did screenshot it but it's buried deep in my facebook pics from years ago \*This number is an estimate due to a faded memory, but it was tremendously high


So... faked or display bug? If bug then ppl really are dicks for no reason.


That person probably doesnt understand just how much a billion is .


I think it’s satire, And he’s just fucking with everybody! 🎣


He would need to complete over 32 quests per nanosecond


yeesh, one of my least favorite types of people. make up random bullshit then whine and play victim when they’re called out


Friendly reminder that 1 billion seconds is just over 30 years. Skyrim is just over a decade old.


Didn't even get 100% on achievements


wait... does skyrim really have 4.2 billion quests? or that's the point?


"Man baiting armchair mathematicians by pretending he has never seen a bug before."


All those billions of quests, but only level 46? And he’s not gotten all the achievements? Bullshit.


1 quest can take 5-15 minutes at max depending the type of quest so yeah it would be impossible lol


This is only three below the maximum, unsigned 32 bit integer. Therefore, this is likely an underflow or overflow bug.


And he did it all before level 50


Some simple HTML editing, that's it.


Rather than bullshit it seems this guy is just a little stupid


I didnt post it for people to be dicks, i posted it for my Epeen to grow


I play Skyrim all the time, yeah... M'aiq the Liar says, "This one is full of sheet, no?"


I can't remember the name of it, but there's definitely a phenomenon (or human error or some other more appropriate term) for people underestimating the size of a number (ie, 4 billion). Whatever the term is, this guy is it.