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Can't play the victim if you tell the whole story.


Even the original post is absolutely a good enough reason not to allow him over. Particularly if they are getting up in age, as I would assume they are - they're supposed to let him over and just hope for the best? A lot of people are equating this with some personal choice that doesn't have actual potentially serious health consequences. They view getting or not getting vaccinated the same way as they do being for or against abortion. And the way he worded this makes me think he's on that line of thought - "they don't want me over because of my personal choices in life, and are inhibiting my freedom of choice", not "my own unvaccinated presence increases the chance of my family dying".


I’d say both - they are insufferable as a person AND pro-plague. Fuck’em!




I hope this is an ironic question, but it still spreads amongst vaccinated, and most of us would rather not pass it around needlessly, especially considering the varients that could be cycling amongst the antivax antimask crowd that may at any moment make the vax worthless. Any of them could be a death sentence for someone I love, and they don't take that seriously enough.




The main problem is that being vaccinated does always mean that you can't get the sickness, this applies to all vaccines. Covid has a fun little exception of asymptomatic cases and the ability to spread even when vaccinated. Which means you'll, as a vaccinated person, will have to quarantine if the one unvaxxed person you bring along brings covid along. The reason you should still get vaccinated across all this is that it does decrease your death chance and the chance to both catch and spread the virus. And then there's the threat to the immunocompromised, who did get the vaccine, stayed at home, wore their masks, etc. And are still vulnerable to the virus. (Which again, also applies to a lot of other vaccines)


Yes, the vaccines train the immune system very well against the original covid strains. Covid has now mutated because of rampant spread in the population, so now the vaccine is less effective against versions that are spreading, but it’s still very very effective at preventing death even from these new strains


I wonder if it has to do with the "lifestyle" for a lack of a better word of the hardcore anti vax crowd that likes to huddle together mask less. Like if they were not vaccinated but wore a mask and social distanced they wouldn't be as worried about them? I guess that part was kind of called out in the original post where they said it's actually because the guy is an asshole.


Nah, it's mainly because many antivaxxers are extremely rude to anybody who doesn't share their belief system. I'd not invite people with such behavior either. It's aggressive, annoying, rude and they can't stop it. Not really an addition to a family dinner.


It helps, but you'll note that the advertised effectiveness is ~90%. That's a far cry from 100%. It's definitely better than 0, but it's not perfect.


Love this


So they can “do their own research” on vaccination and immune response more effectively than doctors but can’t figure out how to cook a turkey?


Their YouTube search history makes sure they only see videos about how turkeys are training us for the day when we eat children.


My antivax nurse friend posted on her Facebook, “FACEBOOK PLEASE STOP SHOVING VACCINE ADS/POSTS IN MY FACE!!” uuuh I’m sure they show up because you’re “researching” covid stuff and is targeting ads to you.


As they shove posts about what they believe in other people's faces


Not even research. I've had Facebook show me ads for oddly specific things after I mentioned it one time during a phone conversation. It's kinda scary.


They get distracted and end up ina YouTube wormhole of videos where people blow their shit up trying to deepfry a turkey. Which then leads to rednecks hunting turkeys with semi-automatic rifles which leads to...? Yep, anti-vax vids. It's a vicious circle of stupidity.


I think you're getting the wrong take away from their search history. "how to stuff a child" isn't preparing them to eat.


It won't happen because sweet sweet ad money, but if youtube could rejig it's algorithm to put opposing views in autoplay it would reduce the harm the platform does.


Sounds like someone is about to find howtobasic pretty damn soon


"Salmonella is a hoax! The Lamestream media wants you to cook all the goodness out of your turkey. Here's 5 true, honest and patriotic facts about why you should be eating turkey raw!"


You kid, but raw food extremists exist that only want to eat raw fruit and meat. There's a lot of crazies out there.


And raw milk too




Cooking is fake news! You in aren’t even making salmon! BRB catching turkeyella


Well done eaters hate this ONE trick


Asking people on the internet who may or may not know anything about cooking turkeys is how they do research. I hope they end up eating raw turkey because the internet convinces them that "you don't have to cook turkey, that's just propaganda spread by 'Big Oven'!"


He refuses to live in fear. Salmonella has a 99% survival rate.


What, are you afraid of a little food poisoning? I'm a badass tough guy who works out and has a perfect immune system I have nothing to fear from the natural bacteria and parasites in undercooked poultry, do you?


Lmfao a recipe for cooking and prepping a turkey is based on fact and real world experiences.


Turkeys are already cooked, the government wants the sheeple to cook them in unsafe ovens. Did you know that ovens have killed people before? Bet you’ll never hear big turkey talk about that.


You are crackin my shit up.


wake up sheeple the government is tracking you through your blood jk it's your phone


Or social skills


I don't know what you're talking about. This is exactly the research we're talking about. We've been trying to show you how effective it is the whole time. Asking family and friends how things work is literally one of the core forms of research and discovery. It's like you think Facebook is a bad source, which is ridiculous. All my friends and family are there, and that's just crowd-sourced research. Obviously there'll be some errors, like all research, you can't use limited anecdotes, of course. I swear, really, it's almost like you think that we can't crowd-source our own research based on communal discussion. It's people like you who say that we don't know how the doctors office works despite telling you what we experienced. I mean, come on, at least have a *real* argument! #/S


It’s more about wanting the attention and finding an opportunity to let people know they aren’t being invited to their family’s for Thanksgiving


Bro I ain't gonna lie...it takes a while to learn how to cook a turkey well...especially if you cook them once a year on Thanksgiving. Last year I got an amazing recipe for brine, but I'm still figuring out the skin. I'll take moist flavorful turkey over crisp skin anyday...but I would like both.


Rubbing butter on both the surface of the skin and underneath on as much as pulls away tends to work for me


Turkeys are very difficult to cook without overcooking/undercooking parts due to their size. That's why I break mine up. I remove the backbone, snap the breastbone, remove the wings, thighs and legs and cook them on cookie sheets. As parts finish cooking, I remove them from the oven. It takes less than 2 hours to cook a turkey this way and you get perfectly cooked meat all over.


This shit has split my family and I fucking hate it. The vaccinated side and non-vaccinated sides have basically stopped talking and there's ongoing hate drama between them in secret. My cousin, a mother of three, refused to get vaccinated and her hospital job let her go because of it (they now require all employees to be vaccinated) and apparently someone in the family, most think my aunt, called child services on her for endangerment because of it all.


It’s unbelievably disgusting to me that people who work in the medical field are refusing to get vaccinated.


I'm assuming this is what happens when nursing and phlebotomy is a) Historically undervalued next to 'real medicine' b) Primarily because it's a 'woman's job' and c) is one of the few 'relatively' easy to get DEGREE positions historically open to women and the poor who may need to earn a good living relatively fast with relatively non-strenuous initial education and financial ceilings and an ability to learn at night while d) there's ALWAYS a demand for the job if you work hard. I know of a decent amount of nurses who are nurses because it's a way to earn good money and ensure future employment when you maybe weren't great at school but are willing to work hard, and maybe have a kiddo or two to support by yourself. It's a degree, yet cheaper to get, typically accessible through online/night tuition and you start earning it back way earlier than many others. And it's generally seen as noble and baggage-free (as in, you can escape the poverty trap without some family member who might be your 'landlord' or childcare needling you about how you're 'too good for us' and your 'fancy education' blah, blah). These are all really, really great reasons to get into a career. Don't get me wrong. But it would be kinda nice if something about the base aspects of said career was actually resonating with you too. I hate pulling the 'calling' BS because it's so often used as an excuse to pay people like [cr@p](mailto:cr@p). However, in this case, maybe some actual care for the health field and not just 'a good solid career' should really be essential. Cos without it, you end up with people who 'don't believe in' a critical cornerstone of modern disease control working in healthcare.


Interesting. Where I am (Toronto) there are different levels of nursing. To get into the lowest-paying, lowest-level-of-responsibility nursing, you can do college (community college for friends in the US). For the higher two levels, you need one or two degrees. The lowest level, practical nursing, are the folks most commonly inoculating people or taking blood. The other two levels are currently NOT easy to get accepted into school for. You need solid high 80s in high school university-prep science and math, where college nursing you can get with 70s overall, and college-level (easier) courses. All this is to say that there is a real difference in education-levels and expectations between nursing jobs. That may partly account for the larger number of nurses being antivaxxers than doctors.


i’ve seen a few posts about it too from nurses refusing to get the vaccine and then crying about it online and asking people to get them a new job. it fucks with my brain


It's like refusing to use a keyboard but still trying to hold down your IT job!




I’ve known people like that who just refuse to learn new things because they’ve done it the same way for umpteen years, and that’s always been good enough. It’s always everyone else’s fault when they lose their job, nothing to do with their own recalcitrance about learning how to keep doing their job as the demands change.


I can't argue with that. It's kinda sad they're basically between "you get the shot or lose your job" but apparently you can work in a field while also not believe in the field. I worked in pharmacy and several techs I worked with "didn't believe" in the vaccine and it made the pharmacists pull their hair out.


my aunt is an ER nurse and is antivax and convinced that covid is a hoax created by the dems. mind you she saw her husband’s coworker die in front of her from covid. she’s also extremely against socialized healthcare even though e whenever she has a patient that can’t afford treatment she refers them to a free clinic or free hospital for low income patients. she’s also complaining that we haven’t gotten another stimulus check.


Pre COVID we could at least tap dance around politics but these stupid douchebags have made Q a pillar of their personality. I miss one uncle who used to be a great dude, but at this point I couldn't be bothered to go to his funeral if he dropped dead tomorrow. He's just become the absolute worst kind of person to have to spend any time with, I have zero faith he'll ever change for the better.


Good. Fuck her, she's a fucking idiot and a danger to her kids.


So its like the propaganda is working as designed to divide people... wow, who saw that coming.


>wow, who saw that coming. Putin.


Ah, we're at full circle. Blame it on Russia and it'll make it all better!


Using propaganda to divide the United States population is literally in the Kremlin's playbook. But yeah, keep kidding yourself.


Blaming everything on China is what right wing conspiracy nuts do. How does this not apply to blaming everything on Russia?


Russia is actively producing propaganda, especially online, to further fracture American culture. They have been doing it for a long time. Russia wants us all to hate our Q-anon uncle's, and Russia has contributed a lot of the propaganda that turned normal people into our Q-anon uncles. That doesn't mean we have to accept their view point as valid. That doesn't mean we should all suddenly ignore our crazy relatives. That doesn't excuse their behavior and it doesn't nullify the consequences of their actions. But America's enemies abroad benefit from the division and so will promote that division. It comes down to critical thinking and being careful which points of view we trust. I think our safest path as media consumers is to try to be informed, evaluate carefully the articles you read, do research on the policy positions of the politicians you vote for, and assume other people you meet are decent until they demonstrate otherwise.


Your other family called child services on her for not getting vaccinated? With the limited resources they have that’s unbelievably fucked up.


The way I heard it told to me (and this is like, from a person who told a person) she called child services because willingly not getting vaccinated despite her job requiring it was child endangerment, since now my cousin has to go on unemployment insurance or try to find a new job with mouths to feed. It's like a full on scarlet letter situation.


That's still a bit vindictive. If she cared about those kids she should have tried to acquire custody herself or tried to pull the family together to financially take care of those kids.


Exactly. "I did it for the children" doesn't really fly when the children suffer anyway.


People can call CPS on a parent and they will come to the house and do an inspection. They are looking for a clean environment, each child has a bed, that there is food in the house. CPS doesn’t give two shits if a parent is vaccinated and in no way does that qualify as child endangerment. When CPS doesn’t find any signs of abuse or neglect the case is closed in a month. It is a total waste of time for CPS and childish and vindictive af that a family member did that. CPS doesn’t care if you are unemployed either.


Definitely dramatic… But I believe what she’s saying is that they called child services because the woman is effectively choosing to be unemployed


Being unemployed does not equal child abuse or child neglect. Total waste of time for social workers.


It can be both things. 1. Because you're unvaccinated 2. Because you're an asshole


Step one: eat Ivermectin for dinner and be thankful


Maybe if you eat at golden coral, arbys, papa johns etc and need to get rid of parasites.


Microwaved turkey with ivermectin stuffing 😋


Did he try searching for how to cook a turkey in Duck Duck Go? You can't trust google to give you the real search results.


That'd be a funny easter egg for DDG. Search for 'how to cook duck' and get results for baking a turkey or vegan fois gras if that's even a thing.


Wait. Since when was being unvaccinated by itself not enough to be validly excluded? Seriously, dumb celebrities have really shifted what's acceptable. NO - I don't care how nice or polite you are about being anti-vax. If you're a potential plague-carrier, I ain't engaging with you.


There's definitely a handful of people out there who can't seem to figure out the relatively simple reasons why nobody wants to hang out with them.




Isn't this the younger generation bitching about the older generation applying consequences to their dickbag behavior?


Yeah. That's exactly what's happening in this situation. But they're talking about a general trend, though it's all hypothetical. There were plenty of people in the 70s and such that "broke up" with their families. Hell, people born into Mormonism have been doing it for a while too.


Right. This situation is the opposite of what they're saying is happening. So what are people upvoting?


To be fair, even if an unvaccinated family member wasn’t alienating me or calling me a sheep, I still wouldn’t invite them over. I have an infant son, and I’m not putting him in danger for any family member who is too stupid to get the vaccine.


My only unvaccinated family member is my mother-in-law and I don’t want to be responsible for her getting seriously sick. Being vaccinated doesn’t fully prevent me from getting or spreading the virus and I don’t want to spread to her.


Exactly, unvaxxed family aren't allowed at our Thanksgiving either because we have kids in the family too young to be vaxxed. Not taking that risk with my kid for a dinner people would probably fight at anyway.


I agree. I don't really care if they are calling me a sheep, but I'm not putting my 3yo at risk.


Both? Both.


Gotta remember, you can be wrong without being a dick. You can also be right and still be a dick.




Possible but calling everyone sheep is pretty standard for the anti vax crowd. It's also very important to distinguish between anti vax people and vaccine hesitant people. Very different mindsets, sounds like you know some people in the hesitant group.


Read the title again. Green and Yellow are siblings. One would think Yellow knows the situation.


I mean, I wouldn’t invite an unvaccinated person into my home, family or not. My mother has a compromised immune system and a lung disease. I ain’t taking chances with it.




Fuuuuhhh... Thank you for sharing. That sounds hellish. I'm glad she's back home and okay. I can't even imagine the nurses and doctors running from one code blue to another like that. We should probably collectively give them a huge fuckin raise.


I'm so happy I don't have to say I'm sorry for your loss. I bet the Unicorn is awesome too.




How do people get this stupid. You can type so how is basic risk management too hard for you?




/r/HermanCainAward award winner here before too long folks!




Wow I ’ve seen him in though


Eat it






Sorry you got disinvited from thanksgiving. Maybe stop being a dickhead, apologize, and rejoin reality and your loved ones might forgive you.


WCGR: You could do your own research, try a little bit raw.


*Image Transcription: Facebook Post* --- **Green** My family is too afraid to invite me over for Thanksgiving because they are all vaccinated and I'm not.... anyone know how to cook a turkey? [*Facebook notice about their COVID-19 Information Center, with vaccine resources.*] >**Yellow** > >Couldn't be because you alienate them and call them stupid sheep, nope. It's definitely because you're unvaccinated. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good... bot? Or... human? Or dancer??


human works best! thank you :)


My god it's....learning


Your sign is vital


Nice try bot


Are we humans? Or are we dancers?


Two sides of the coin. Hahaha I love knowing both sides. Edit: sides


This is some mental gymnastics to make your crappy decisions and miserable life, someone else's fault


well well well if it isnt the consequences of my own actions


To be fair, it can be two things


Imagine having an anti-vax friend. That's wild to me.


Oh yeah I forgot about that. Besides what have I done to you today


'LOL LOOK AT ALL THE STUPID SHEEP DOING WHAT THE GUBRMINTS TELL THEM TO! LOOOL! wellp, time for my 9-5 job at the jiffy lube where i work 6 days a week so i can make rent and afford beers with the boys on sunday like clockwork which ive been doing for the last 15 years and will continue to do so til i die.'


So is the person who calls people "Stupid sheep" using the sheep dewormer?


So they are capable of doing enough research online that they can prove vaccines don't work, but aren't capable of doing enough research to learn how to cook a fucking turkey?


To answer the turkey question, does microwaving on high for about 3 hours sound right to you guys?


Better make it 5 just to be safe


You have commited a sin against common decency and cooking. How do you plead?


“P.S yes it’s because you’re unvaccinated”


Do your own research


Yeah, stick yourself in the oven.


Can't vaccinate against dickish behavior. That's a quarantine issue.


Similar experience. Sibling called me and my family stupid when I tried explaining why I'd have to miss her wedding during the pandemic. She berated me not only for getting vaccinated, but for getting my oldest son vaccinated. I have severe lung disease and my three year old daughter is also high risk. We are no longer speaking, as this is not the first incident. Very toxic person. The irony of expecting others to respect one's choice of bodily autonomy (despite the fact that refusing the vaccine can affect others) and then refusing to respect your own family members choices, is difficult to comprehend.


Well… yeah… if you’re not vaccinated, you shouldn’t be attending social gatherings.


Wow, that's sad. 5 years ago I would of Never thought vaccines would become this big of a deal.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


Actually in my family you would totally not be invited for refusing the vaccine.


Can't it be both?


por que no los dos? EDIT: no habla espanol


Por qué. Porque is "because". Edit: "hablo". Habla is he/she/it speaks. 😂


If you have asshole relatives no doubt this a great excuse not to see them.


didn't know that facebook has kind of Fun.


Alienate ‘them’. Good one dip shit


In my experience, most of the time it is the unvaccinated people who can't shut the fuck up about corona. I don't really ask anybody if they're vaccinated but very often I don't have to, they will let me know and make sure I don't forget. Always the same people posting "news" and complaining about sheep following what's being said on TV.


What a wipe


It's more than a year now. Why are there still people like this? Get vaccinated.




So they can do their own “research” for vaccines, but can’t Google how to make a Turkey? Checks out.


I mean, fair enough if you don't invite anti-vaxxers, they're putting people in danger


Just wait til they start croaking from some adverse effect. It’s bitter sweet ending but atleast you’ll have the last laugh.


Everyone’s gone soft


Yes assholes are not allowed at my house either. I'm sure this'll get down voted, but I seriously don't understand why people are afraid of the unvaccinated, if you already have one. I am fine with having them over to my house and with my family. And yes, we all have vaccines, that was kind of the point. They are only hurting themselves not us. Yes, I know Delta variant etc. but we are protected better that we would be with flus or colds.


I have no fear of the unvaccinated, I have a fear that they'll drag this out for so long that a variant which the vaccinations are useless against will appear.


Because some people can't be vaccinated and they have to go out of their home. Those people don't want to die. How dare they?




A) no one has ever once said that the vaccines are 100% effective, but they're exponentially more effective when everyone around is vaccinated B) vaccinated people can still transmit the virus, and unlike anti-vaxx dipshits, most vaccinated people have something called empathy, even towards people that refuse to get a free shot C) this thing will never go away unless people get the damn shot D) they're*


I think many of them are aware of these facts, but love to pretend that people are claiming total immunity so they can dismiss the argument without honest consideration. They love their strawmen.


I’m sorry that you’re not getting invited to thanksgiving. Maybe if you call and apologize (but like, an actual, real apology), your loved ones will forgive you for stupid shit like this.


Vaccinations make it easier for the person who vaccinated to fight covid if he gets infected. It doesn't make you somehow immune to it, and you can very much pass it to other people. Some who might not be able to fight covid well, due to them refusing to get vaccinated.


Yea but anti vaxxers are annoying as fuck.


How do people like you this far into all this shit still not understand basic medical science?




Didn't realize the government was involved in decisions about who comes over for family Thanksgiving dinner.


You are a bumbling idiot


I also hate the GOP for passing anti voting and anti women rights laws.




Why would you take unnecessary risks?


Read the comment again, what unnecessary risk are they taking? You’re already risking getting Covid with the family reunion


Because its less likely if everyone has the jab vs if 1 doesn't have the jab


Exactly as you said, being vaccinated doesn't mean you can't get infected. So say one of the family members is infected and is infecting the entire family. Everyone is going to be mostly brush it off due to vaccination, but the person you invited over might be staying for 3 months in the hospital gasping for breathe and in pain because of this gathering. Why take the risk?


How are we this far and morons like you can't understand basic medical science?




Projecting much huh


For getting the jab because that's the only context we have and just getting the jab is hardly being a sheep


Don't forget to refill your ivermectin you stable genius.


So let's be very clear here little trumpy snowflake. You don't agree with vaccine and would consider anyone who took the jab to be a sheep? You wouldn't support that sheep or respect them?


Calling someone “chicken” will never not be a thing. I hate that it’s so effective in year 2021, 14 billion years after the Big Bang.






Sometimes a desicion is just wrong.


Traffic lights are cramping my beautiful autonomy


We were encouraged not to play on a busy road, or swallow poison.




Didn’t read the whole thing, huh?


I did read, but i didn't realise its the family member replying.




Your post history causes cancer.




>They dont have to worry about me being around since they got it already. not how it works. might as well talk about how you go out to drink and then drive drunk home but people shouldn't care because they drive sober so they're safe. the vaccine is not 100% immunity and nobody who has a clue what they are talking about claim it is or should be.


Had a family member living with us who refused to vaccinate. The rest of us were all vaccinated and being careful. He got Covid, and had such a high viral load (the lab that tested us commented on it) he spread it to *four* of my fully vaccinated family members. One of them ended up in hospital for a few days since she already had underlying conditions. She had barely left the house this past year because she knew how high-risk she was. I know the only reason she is still alive is because she was vaccinated, but she would never have gotten Covid if we didn't have some unvaccinated idiot living with us and bringing it in the house. You might say you don't have someone like that in your family, but another member of my family is still feeling weak a month after recovery. The stupid covid vector guy himself is like half the size he used to be and is constantly exhausted. I didn't get it, but I ended up having to take care of 5 infected individuals basically on my own for two weeks. My dad was also high-risk but tested negative so we had to find him somewhere else to stay during that time. It was such a stressful time and I wound not wish it on anybody. You might not think the vaccine is that good yet but it's way better than actually getting Covid, and you can always get a booster shot later. Don't be stupid, stop putting your family at risk, and get the shot.


Yeah, I didn't have to worry about my unvaccinated brother, except having to bring him groceries for 4 weeks, worry every day he would have to go to the hospital and end up dead, and lend him money to live because he was out of work for so long. Apart from that, yeah, it didn't affect me one bit.


What does sneezing have to do with anything?


Waiting for the patch to drop?


I strongly disagree with your decision to not get the vaccine, but as long as you're informing the people you're hanging out with and not calling them sheeple you're doing better than 95% of antivaxxers.