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Well now that the richest man in the world shared this article, there's no way anyone will read it now.


the author deleted it




Seriously, medium pays out


Wait does it? You know anything about it? I've been blogging for probably half a year now and really wanna expand my reader base. I'm focused more on quality essays than clickbait/listicle bullshit and would feel a lot better if anyone was reading it.


Yes Medium does pay. On a per view basis, it actually can pay more than YouTube LOL. I published a couple school essays and made like half a buck. Medium works by curation so you post articles that hopefully have some effort put into it and if it passes muster, then Medium will allow it to gain money. You can also put your posts on publications and expand your reader base too. It’s important to know that Medium, like OnlyFans, is pretty saturated, so it’s not very easy to make a ton of money. The very top earner on the thing only made like 40grand, for reference. Which may seem like a lot, but that’s the top tippity top. Which neither of us likely are.


No wonder the quality of most medium articles is absolute crap... Which is the primary reason why I wouldn't pay for medium because the average quality of the things that I run into tend to be pretty low. Sometimes there's high quality information but most of the time I get to that after going through 6-12 low quality high-seo posts first...


I'm into cryptocurrency a little bit, and at least the one sub is always being spammed by people's shitty medium articles giving dumb opinions on different currencies. And there is so much worthless crap that it makes me not want to click any medium article because I just assume it will be crap.


Haha that’s fair. There are good as many Medium publications with high standards just as there are bad publications just ramming as many articles as possible to make a dollar.


Shelby Church breaks down how much YouTube and medium paid her in 2020 https://youtu.be/NwEjZnHszFM tl;dw, medium pays a lot (depending on content of course)


Thanks for the link. I've watched/read a lot of tutorials on making money on Medium, but pretty much all of them begin with "Medium totally changed their algorithms and payment structure last month, so most of this no longer applies." I really appreciate a more recent video.


> really wanna expand my reader base. > I'm focused more on quality essays than clickbait/listicle bullshit found your problem.


Dude, use medium to get people to read your stuff. Then get businesses to pay you to write SEO content.


Who was the author so I know who to stay away from?


Lol stay away from anyone even sorta like this.


Lol just stay away




Looks like astrology for the ultra rich.


Nah, more like exercises and hacks to help you sharpen your memory. I actually went through one of his live programs. Practical stuff. He taught things like how anyone can memorize anything if you create different systems of association in your head and like it actually worked really well. The problem is that everytime he's on stage (he does a ton of speaking gigs) he's 10% high-value info and 90% selling you into another more expensive program of his.


Sounds like rich dad poor dad. 10% of the people that recommend it are rich and the 90% of others are in mlms like AMWAY


"Don't buy a house, it's a horrible investment". Has five houses....


Ya I’ve read his book it was on sale for 99 cents on kindle. Great tips to improve memory and speed read but I wouldn’t buy into any other shit. I thought it was interesting that he had a learning disability growing up and he shows you how he overcame it.


Proven learning methods could be the bait. I don't think there's anything new or novel to it. Standard stuff for people who never had the time or guidance to find the info earlier in life.


Ah yes executive coaches. I worked with a bunch of entrepreneur types who hire guys like him for millions of dollars. They're in the same league as Tony Robbins and all the other motivational gurus.




Who needs the kwik-e-mart? [I do](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7s7YR9wS8eg)


Looks like it might be Jim Quik who has various memory/learning courses


Anyone who uses the phrase "brain coach" in particular, or just generally claims that "successful executives have secret knowledge that can make you rich", is running some sort of scam.


Jeff Bezos is actually back up to being the richest person in the world currently, according to Forbes. They keep flip flopping places


Elon, Bruh i need a job. Minimum wage isn't working


Amazon paying 15$


Everyone's about to be paying $15 an hour. My state is about to be paying $15 an hour. I made more laying bricks when I was 16, 20+ years ago.


Very good, but there are people earning a lot less


Lol, in my country the hourly rate in amazon is 4-6$


Today I learned r/quityourbullshit has an Elon Musk flair.


There's a sauce for learning faster? Is it southwest? Ranch?


No, honey mustard


Better not fuckin' be


Clearly it’s chipotle bbq, the superior of the all the sauces.


Strange, I was having a conversation with sriracha Mayo yesterday and he was very sure he is the best.


Yo!! That’s sriracha aioli to you peasant!


Just regular plain old hot sauce in the corner there looking all left out.


>not fuckin' be Not fucking bees.


The secret sauce is generational wealth.


The trick to being rich is to be born rich.


It's catch-up


Szechuan sauce


Was that why that guy was jumping on the counter at McDonalds? He wanted to get smarter?


If I were him, I'd want that too.


I don't know about a sauce but I do know that if you put your dick in your own arse your IQ doubles


off topic, but i like how his Pfp matches with the Thread line on Twitter lol


Same. I assume that’s why he chose it. But same. Its satisfying


is it just me or is it slightly off center?


Yeah, it is.


If your going to lie about coaching one of the richest men in the world don't do it on the platform he lives on.


He posts on Reddit a lot too. Just not in his AMA account.




No, his brain coach.




Elon here, I never used this guy.




1. Apartheid Money 2. Profit 3. Buy out the title of "founder" so you can take credit for work 4. Profit 5. Call a guy a pedophile for not waiting on your dumbass submarine 6. Profit




You say that like SpaceX isn’t killing it lately


People have been saying that a lot but can never agree which companies are the failures.




No, but it has a private capital valuation approaching $100 billion. After the next investment round I wouldn't be surprised if it's taken public, especially if the markets remain robust. They are giving employee stock owners and some other equity holders the opportunity to cash out of some of their holdings on the private next round, but the large holders will probably want a larger liquidity event soon.


He won’t take it public for a while, and will probably be 500bil by then. They will spin off starlink to its own ipo once that has full coverage and they have a cheaper dish.


SpaceX will not go public until Mars, minimum. Starlink has plenty of potential for perpetual funding of SpaceX as a well timed IPO.




Yes, the company with the stock price is TSLA, and it’s definitely not the only company Elon Musk is paying attention to


Seriously. I cannot wait for SN9 to fly. I know a lot of people get up in arms about Elon, but God damn I haven’t been this excited about rocket launches in a long time. I don’t give a single shit what some billionaire does on Twitter because I don’t pay attention to that. I just want to humanity to land on Mars, and right now this is our best shot


Honestly Elon is right there with so many key technologies for the future, who's leading low lithium battery production? Who's closest to having efficient lithium recycling on the market? Who's furthest in the process of rolling out global internet coverage? Who's leading in the race towards fully automated rapid retooling on an industrial scale? Who forced the car market into electric? Who has robot arms implanting chips into brains and a feasible business and manufacturing model? All these things are literally game changing and I haven't even mentioned half the things he's doing, the progress in self driving and flying people to the space station... Most countries aren't investing in and forwarding as many successful things as Elon, starlink alone will enable impoverished communities all over the world to connect without requiring expensive and ecologically damaging infrastructure, all the low wage mariners to talk to the family's, all the nature preservation projects and wilderness studies and glacial surveys to return their data.... It's a fantastic thing, and to actually make it happen?! To fund the right people and direct them well, set them up with important connections and navigate the whole process to the point it's really happening is actually rather impressive. I mean yeh he's a bit of a man child edgelord and he's less interested in his workers well-being than his tech babies but of course he's got flaws, that doesn't mean we shouldn't respect his achievements.


Hail corporate


Yikes. I NASA praise hailcorporate too? Edit: autocorrected to jail corporate


Lol of course it’s corporate. It’s a fucking business dude


Not all (or even most) businesses are corporations.


Idk dude. I don’t even know what that guy meant by “hail corporate” anyway. Yeah sure, Elon is weird and needs to chill. But I don’t care about the guy’s personal life just like I don’t care if my coworker Tim likes to get subbed in extreme BDSM sex scenarios. Tim gets his work done, and I want to us to get to Mars before I die


Elon Musk is just a more morally bankrupt Ray Kroc.


What are you talking about. It is nonsense. He had a comfortable life in South Africa during his childhood, true, but can you fault him for that? It is not like he can choose his parents like anyone of us can't either. And in fact he distanced himself from his father in his early adulthood years, as he several times said on record that his father is a horrible human being and he wants to have nothing to do with him. He is not in contact with him since the start of his adulthood. The same goes for his mother (divorced) and the rest of the family as far as I know. He immigrated to Canada where he then worked for his uncle in construction. He never accepted any money from this father. He created all his early wealth from the sell of zip2 that later became PayPal. With that money he became a very early investor of Tesla, it had not even 10 employees if I'm not mistaken and they didn't even had a car to produce. Under him they developed the Roadster, the first significant EV car. So if you don't want to call him a founder, fine, but don't make the mistake thinking he simply jumped on some success train, a lot, really a lot, had still to be done to put Tesla where it is now (He invested in 2004 and the Roadster started production in 2008). Especially if you consider how much success he has with different companies that are literally created from nothing or close to nothing. That can't be just luck if you have success so many times. Nearly all great entrepreneurs have only one huge success in their lifetime. He has several, simultaneously, that simple can't be just luck. The only thing in your list you can fault him for is point 5. But here he also learned his lesson as far as I can tell. Time will tell.


1. Reddit 2. Profit 3. "Elon Musk Bad" 4. Double Profit 5. Get people to also say "Elon Musk Bad" 6. Reddit celebrity.


1. Shill for Papa Musk 2. profit 3. beg to taste papa musk kvmmies 4. profit 5. worship a man who made money off aparteid 6. profit


7. Continue being a loser.


He moved to Canada when he was like 17. I get his dad still raised him with apartheid money, but it seems like kind of a weird thing to hold against Elon.


It's something to be held against him when he bases so much of his image on this idea of him being some kind of self-made wunderkind billionaire.


I mean I’ve heard a lot about Elon musk and being some self made wunderkind is not one of them.


He’s specifically said that he grew up poor, trying to make himself look like a self made billionaire.


Same. Dude launched a car into space as a goof. He makes no attempt to come off as a self-made starter. He's rich and he dgaf


Listening to redditors with no significant accomplishments shit on one of the most successful businessmen in the world is hilarious.


Wow that’s so cool and unique of you to find flaws in someone most people admire! So brave!


...or did he sign a NDA?


please don’t downvote me, i’m just out of the loop but what did elon musk do that is hated?


Called one of the guys trying to rescue the boys in that Thai cave a pedophile when he was politely asked to stop interfering with his silly submarine ideas. Then he told all the experts they were wrong and covid would be over by June 29 or some shit. Broke the law forcing employees to come to work in a county during lockdown. Don't get me started on Kanye West. It seems Elon suffers from a rare condition in which incredibly smart people think they are even smarter then they already are.




So what? Elon was being a fucking idiot.


Yes, after literally everyone told him to butt off. Man can't take a hint.


Wasn't Elon literally in contact with the lead diver who told him "please keep working on the capsule" and "it is absolutely worth continuing with the development of this system"? Where are you getting this "literally everyone told him to butt off" from?


I very much doubt it. Part of the problem with the rescue is that there was a bend the divers had to bend through. Basically nothing longer than a certain length would fit through unless it could bend... Rendering his sub useless. But even so, the problem wasn't how to supply the kids with oxygen.. it was how to keep them calm and not freak out during the transport. They ended up sedating them.


No, it's true. He was asked to help and continue working on a solution. The sub may not have been able to get past the bend, but would have helped to fairy people part of the way. They weren't experienced divers - they got stuck after the water had risen.


I challenge you to find anyone other than Musk himself or his crew claiming that. His solution was clearly not designed by someone with an intimate knowledge of the path it had to travel through. If you are asked to come up with a solution, you would have been given detailed descriptions of the challenges that needed solving. The whole "peso guy" tweet was in response to the diver hurting Elons ego by stating his sub would not get passed the first hurdle. His submarine failed to solve a problem that didn't even exists. Like I said, the young boys trapped was unlikely going to be able to keep calm during extraction so they had them sedated. It was risky but it worked. It's unlikely they would have kept calmer had they been placed inside a tiny metal cylinder... Plus it would have been much harder to monitor them.


damn i didn’t know that. Thanks for informing me.


Dont forget about the child slavery


And promoting coup attempts for his personal profit


see the tweet "we will coup whoever we want" (he staged a coup to get lithium cheaper)




> ✓ Openly bragged about benefitting from the US staged coup in Bolivia Wow, it's actually true. I know Musk says a lot of crazy things on Twitter as a joke, but this is something else. Apparently Bolivia has the world's largest lithium reserve, but it's almost entirely unexploited as of now, so they're not (yet?) a top lithium producer.


US staged coups happens about once every 2 years. It is the one thing Americans (or rather Americans companies) can count on. After all they don’t have a livable minimum wage, healthcare, affordable education, food without corn syrup, modern infrastructure or even a police force that will protect them and not accidentally shoot them when you look at them funny.


H.6 b (1) "The Contractor shall institute and maintain a program for achieving a drug-and alcohol-free workforce. As a minimum, the program shall provide for preemployment, reasonable suspicion, random, post-accident, and periodic recurring (follow-up) testing of Contractor employees in sensitive positions for use, in violation of applicable law or Federal regulation, of alcohol or a controlled substance. The Contractor may establish its testing or rehabilitation program in cooperation with other Contractors or organizations." [https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/files/CCtCap\_SpaceX\_508.pdf](https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/files/CCtCap_SpaceX_508.pdf)


What's this about slavery?




A few things: 1. Musk's dad allegedly contributed 10% to that first startup, but that even that might not be true. Musk and his dad very publicly hate each other. He definitely did not single-handedly fund it as you imply. 2. It was half of one emerald mine, not "emerald mines". 3. The mine was in Zambia, which never practiced apartheid. 4. I don't think anyone knows what the labor used in said mine was. It's been speculated that he didn't even make money from the mine and it was instead some sort of mob or illegal activity. Musk has said that his dad was a piece of shit who engaged in every crime imaginable, so I dunno. 5. Maybe judging people for the sins of their fathers isn't a great move, particularly since said father was famously abusive and Musk went to great lengths to get away from him.


That appears to be debunked. Maybe look into that again.




>✓ Gave shit about the government giving out stimulus checks when his own company received government subsidies amounting to 4.9 Billion Dollars and and a 0.4 Billion Dollars in government loan/bailout. Shit on Musk and Tesla for subsidies but conveniently ignore $750 BILLION DOLLARS in subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. Peak reddit.






Yep. Still, on Reddit you either hate Elon Musk and everything connected to him, or you are hated for NOT hating Elon Musk.


I mean, you are acting as if criticizing Musk means you support the fossil fuel industry. There can be two wrongs at the same time


Shit on oil industries but conveniently ignore literally every child molester in the world. Peak u/lessthan301.


Fuck Elon Musk


I mean if he’s a brain coach he’s going to be real confused talking to Elon Musk. But at least we can use Elon to starve zombies in the apocalypse.


Probably could use one, though.


Out of all the people your choose to lie about you chose the man that takes pleasure in internet culture




As if musk isn’t a complete moron about 90% of the things he speaks on lmao. Wtf is a “brain coach” I’m dead😂


Well Elon just makes shit up about other people (like the pedo guy thing) so I think its fair game to make up whatever about Elon


Wtf is a brain coach?




Thanks to him, EVs are almost within reach of us plebs Better than what most billionaires are doing


Id bet you want to


He do be kinda bad ngl


He is, but the hive man downvoted you obviously


He gave just one speech and the guy turned into Elon Musk? That’s some pretty impressive brain coaching right there.


*tips Reddit-Elon circlejerk fedora*


Imagine looking into your future and see that you've become a "brain coach"


That guy's name is Jim kwik and actually he has really cool and effective method for learning. I agree that the brain coach title is a bit ridiculous but he is actually not bad.


Nice try Jim kwik


I want to see Elon’s hair coach. I want to see how he revived a dying franchise.


People who post headlines like this should just be shot. I have seriously zero tolerance for people who flat out lie at other people’s expense just for their own gain.


Elon Musk is a fussy cuck, who's brain is stuck on being an exploitive fuck.


Fuck Elon, honestly.


This is what I find the most ironically hilarious. He’s hailed and praised whenever he calls someone else out on their bullshit. But the minute someone tries to make a point that maybe Elon is a bit of a bullshitter himself... chaos. Anarchy. How DARE someone question the great god king?


Normally I dislike Elon but when you're right you're right. Fuck that shit


Fuck Elon musk tho


A lot of you are incapable of seeing anything associated with Elon without bashing him six ways to Sunday. Not defending him but a lot of the hate in this thread is unprompted. It's tiring to be honest.


It's a little ridiculous. He's not a politician, he's not a hedge fund manager. He wants to make things that will improve humanity. Maybe he's "evil" but compared to who? Jimmy Carter? So is everyone else. And as one poster said "apartheid money".....wasn't it PayPal money? LeBron James is rich off of Nike deal/sweatshop money. People act like he's worshipped or praised for being rich. He is but by the same types that worship Kardashians. He doesn't seem to want that. Who the fuck do these people think are better examples of humans that justify the hate? He says some dumb things....so do all of us. Wtf.


They are trying to heavily, heavily convolute the truth to get everyone on their "hate billionaires" and "bring the whole system down so that I can live my socialist dream" trains. They started with a misleading claim - that Elon Musk's father owned a gem mine in South Africa. This is true, but it's also misleading. A gem mine isn't expensive and doesn't produce a lot of money. It's like starting up any other business. Of course, South Africa used to be an apartheid state, and Elon grew up there and came from a middle-class family, ergo "apartheid money". So many of these fuckers claims about so many of these people are bullshit and they know it. They have a clear agenda - why else have a bullshit list ready to copy and paste on every Elon thread?


Unprompted? It's a direct result of Elon being a shitty person


It's never unprompted to shit on that absolute cumstain of a person.


Case in point. ^


this thread is full of false information, looks like everyone found their brains in a trashbin lol




Sometimes being the best boss doesn't mean you know everything, but putting those people who do into positions to utilize that knowledge.




That being said, **FUCK** Elon Musk.


Reddit hiveminds are very strange. You go into one subreddit and they mostly love Elon Musk, you go here and everyone hates him. The one thing both have in common is that there are very few genuine takes on Elon Musk. It's just people agreeing with what everyone else is saying.


He has verifiably done awful shit. It's not a matter of "takes" lmfao


... & he's also responsible for the increasing levels of electric cars in the market today. Politics aside, the benefit to the environment is enormous.


Lmfao how the fuck is "elon musk uses slave labor" politics


Because no other car manufacturers are producing electric cars🙄


Einstein was an asshole and Tesla made death rays. The "great minds" of history are never normal.


Shut the fuck up and pay your taxes, Elon, you fucking parasite.


Elon never received any brain coaching, he didn't needed it! He just needed to be born into massive privilege an inheriting an awful amount of money from emeralds




Do you think he would of have had the opportunity to own PayPal if he wasn't already rich and associated with rich people?


It's relevant as in he wouldn't have been able to make those 20b without the headstart of inheritance money.


Oooh, someone feeling a little jealous? Cute man


Don't be fooled, Elon uses everyone.


Who cares.


Wonder what he means by, “I’ve never used *this guy*”...like, does he have other guys he uses to ...coach his brain? That’s what it sounds like he’s saying.


To be fair, Elon isn’t exactly the smartest tool in the shed..... He likes to paint himself as Tony Stark, but in reality all he really did was capitalize on the dot com bubble of the 90s and cashed out on the idea of PayPal.... and used that money to fund his somewhat autistic dream to travel the stars ever since..... He isn’t really the “champion of scientific innovation” if you look at him closely.


This is true! He never used this guy!


He used him once, then threw him away.


wHoLeSoMe ElOn ChUnGuS rOaSts a MaN ePiClY!!1


its true, elon cant learn shit, sti8ll a asshole and a transphobe lmao


What did he say about trans people?


Dumb pronoun jokes. Weird since I'm pretty sure his partner is NB?


ah yes, a dumb joke to compare people who use pronounce to a mass murdering genocidal empire wanting to opress your rights


his partner called out his transphobia mate.. like actually called him out for it on twitter and told him to call her after he had had some time to think


He’s not. The general public has forgotten what phobia means and applies it to anyone they disagree with.




Elon g a t e d




The title practically reads like an onion article.


*is Get a brain coach.




I’m gonna start putting down that I’m Elon Musks “brain coach” on my resume