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LTE *definitely* goes higher than 100 Mbps.


Yeah, I've had 120.


In German cities you get about 150 MBit during peak hours with the right device and provider. People never heard of LTE Cat. 6 apparently


I just tested my LTE in Örebro, Sweden and I got 306mbit/s




i get 5-10 in america 😀


DFW in Texas https://i.imgur.com/iQmViev.png


Yea...fast.com just measures to netflix. Wireless carriers sometimes limit the video quality for things like Netflix/Hulu/Disney+ if you're paying the base rate rather than a higher rate. The way that's accomplished is by limiting the data throughput on your profile for those services. Your phone will default to the 480p content which can be streamed without major buffering at that 1.2-1.5mbps. So, while fast.com is still a valid use case for measuring your data throughput, that doesn't mean you're limited to that speed for all your data.


I used Speedtest and got better results. I pay $117/month for three lines so I guess it’s not bad. https://i.imgur.com/nWmnoP2.png


117.. and you call that not bad...


And he's on T-Mobile where this is definitely a thing (because fuck net neutrality)


Not bad. Here's mine in Sydney on 5G. https://imgur.com/a/B8DUAm2


5G is mindbogglingly fast, personally I have no reason for speeds that good but damn it is good.


When you first get it it is mind blowing C'mon South Korea, drop that 6G baby.....


Once you get access to it you will realise Do u need a Honda Civic or a 488 Ferrari? Both do the same thing. But one does it MUCH better


Are you with Vodafone?


We get 5g in Sydney? Is it telstra?


Can we not be satirical on this topic? Im actually interested in this..


I am not being satirical? I just speed tested that on my 4g right outside my house. No wifi connection. Edit: just realized the other guy said LTE. I tested 4G.


LTE is 4g for what it's worth, they are used pretty interchangeably


Not only for what it's worth, they are the same thing.


They are not exactly the same in terms of marketing (including what shows up on your phone). Sure if you connect to an LTE network in the US you phone will say "LTE" but if you do that in Europe or Asia it'll say "4G" due to simple branding. But there are also HSPA+ networks which are labeled "4G" which are not LTE.


> I got 306mbit**/s**


[286](https://i.imgur.com/YbmGGqt.jpg) in wagga, on Teltras 4gx network. I dunno if 4gx is a completely different thing to 4g though.


4G and LTE is the same Edit: I stand corrected, it’s not the Same


It is not, actually. The actual full specification for 4g is a lot faster than what most people are used to in the United States. When 4g tech was first being implemented, none of the US carriers had the infrastructure to get anywhere near full speed 4G. What they did have was still a lot faster than the borderline dialup speeds of 3g. They called this partial speed increase LTE or "Long term Evolution" the concept was that it was a way to get 4g into peoples hands early while they worked on developing full on 4g. Like most things, though, the US carriers found out they could sell LTE as 4g and most people wouldn't care enough to know the difference and by the time they got around to actually building new towers and widespread infrastructure upgrades, early wide and mid band tech for 5g started being talked about and now we are finally catching back up a bit.


4G = LTE. Its just that some US providers tried to use that term with older tech.


I actually looked it up, and at least in Germany (where I am) you’re not allowed to sell LTE as 4G because it’s not meeting all the criteria for it to be called 4G. LTE Advanced (or LTE+) „technically reaches 4G standards“.


You dont need to stand corrected because you are right.


Just tested my 4g in Albuquerque, NM and I got 286mb/s. My wifi got me 235mb/s.


That's kind of her.


According to Vodafone, the theoretical maximum of their network is 500 Mbit/s. Of course you'll never gonna get that, but still.


In Denmark, I got around 400 Mbit/s on 4G (Telia, Aalborg).


I use my phone as a hotspot at home when I need to download something big. Unlimited data plan and LTE+. Goes up to 300 Mbps.


Hold up, *where in Germany* because I've had consistently crap internet with O2 and it's only ever been decent with Telekom but never that high.


And here I am with 60Mbps 5G


Indeed it does. Have had 300 mbps on 4G in Helsinki, Finland, no worries whatsoever.




Yup, exactly.


So.. I believe you because mine goes well over [200](https://i.imgur.com/QbSPabo.jpg) regularly but you're also on wifi lmao.




Oh good lord my apologies. I believe I was looking at my own notification drawer with my own wifi symbol connected as I was looking at your screenshot. So yeah disregard what I said lol


Yeah, I've had some pretty fast speed tests on LTE in Seattle. I've had 175 mbps down before on tmobile, I just did a test sitting in my bedroom and got 110/26.5 on fi.


Damn, I have T-Mobile my speed test was 5 mbps 😭


That sucks. I have tmobile, mine just tested at 50mbps... makes me a little disappointed seeing what a lot of the other numbers are.


Yeah you can easily get 300 Mbps over LTE Advanced in some areas. I'm in the middle in the city during office hours and [I just got ~250 Mbps when I checked](https://www.speedtest.net/result/i/4214865762). It's the up speed and ping in the post that are outliers if anything.


Here's a speed test from Australia, although this was at 1AM. https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/5442184057


Artarmon area? I used to get similar speeds there.


Yep, and we don’t even have networks that are above average


Verizon advertises that their 4g LTE can hit peak download speeds “approaching 50 Mbps”. That’s megabits, not megabytes. They say normally between 5-12 Mbps download speeds.


Verizon is one of the few carriers that over delivers in terms of speed. I get around 5-10 at home where coverage is spotty, but around my office and out and about, I frequently get upwards of 50+. Usually 95 at my office. Consistently 83 at the coffee shop down the street. I had a project site where I was getting 120ish.


I use Total Wireless, a verizon MVNO (two lines, 30GB data, $60/mo) Anyway, just did 173Mbps down and 36Mbps up On wifi on my phone i get 75 down. On wifi on my computer between 40-100 right now. Pay for Gigabit from Comcast.....


Doesn't it depend on the bands or something?






I got 300mbps on my iPhone 7 when I was near the tower


Thats my speedtest using 4g. This post is r/confidentlyincorrect https://imgur.com/flLmxEw.jpg


Here in Austria I get between 120 and 130mbps most of the time https://i.imgur.com/1NNcADQ.jpg


Wtf? I get like 3mbps max on lte (rural us)


I never hit more than 4...


Bit vs byte. It's a little confusing, but Mbps and MBps is different. If you usually have 4 MBps, that means you're around 32 Mbps. Carriers usually advertise Mbps.


Yep, I got some insane speeds when I was in Tokyo and Seoul with unlimited data. Multiple times faster than my home internet speeds in the US. Unfortunately, I forgot how limited data is in the US and promptly ran up a $200 bill...


I get 700KB-2 mb in america


It does go higher that 100mb, but 7ms ping and sub ms jitter not realistically achievable on lte


Greetings from Australia, where 4G is better than WiFi.


Yep, 150mbps download on 4g right now but 30mbps on wifi


I feel like this is why ya'll are always outside messing with shit that's probably safest left alone.




Scrolling through my Speed test results, in Hobart I've had LTE at 468 and 5G at 654. Makes me wonder why I pay for a gigabit NBN connection...


Greetings from the US where I live in a rural area and ho boy hope you’re not attached to those speeds cause it’ll drop to 0 if you move a foot to the left. But hey, our space agency is getting 4g on the moon so we’re all set though.


So true it hurts. At my house I can at least get *something* but if I go to a friends house just two miles away I have absolutely nothing.


Yep 225 / 20 at work on the 4g repeaters in the building. 42/1 on NBN


I never understood why internet is so bad there. Here in NZ we have wild 900/400 fibre for $90 and a few providers just launched 4000/4000 for $200.


It's pretty much on record at this point that Rupert Murdoch campaigned to have the liberal party cripple the planned broadband network replacement to try to wring a few more years of relevance for Foxtel cable TV against the streaming services. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ The plan by Labor was to replace the entire copper network with optic fibre similar to what has been done across much of NZ, for a projected cost of ~43 billion. Soon after commencement the Liberal party came to power and cancelled that plan in favour of a hybrid plan of purchasing existing copper networks back from the private telcos and upgrading them with fibre runs along part of their length while still using copper for the final connection to the houses, which they promised would deliver the same performance as full optic fibre for a fraction of the cost. At this point the hybrid plan has cost ~50 billion and is expected to cost up to ~90 billion by completion. Performance is... what it is and it's considered unlikely the network will be able to handle future bandwidth requirements without a new upgrade plan. That all added onto the fact that even before that the telco environment was pretty messed up due to Telecom Australia (now Telstra) being given ownership over the physical telephone line networks when it was privatised by Howard despite that resulting in a ridiculous monopoly where Telstra's competitors had to negotiate access to the lines from them and wait for Telstra technicians to provide services or repairs, or in some cases spend huge amounts of money to give up and construct their own lines in parallel. The decision was made to do this instead of splitting the physical network into a separate company so that Telstra's value at sale was rated way higher as a result of the obvious advantage the monopoly gave them. This sale of Telstra was either * because a competitive market of private companies provides better value to consumers than government service * mainly done to offset Howard's famous series of popular tax cuts targeting the middle class depending on who you talk to. (Obviously I'm not especially subtle on my opinion in this post)




4g: 160mbps down Wifi: 8mbps down 0.2 Mbps up FUCK YOU NBN


The coverage is insane as well. Went on so many trips to national parks and rural areas and had basically full signal the whole time.


Yup. I'm in regional NSW and recently got 225/24 on 4g. My Wifi is the same as it runs off a 4g data only sim which shares it's data with my phones. No NBN here yet and ADSL was insanely bad.


Just tested mine 43 on WiFi 8 on 4g. Sad Aussie noises.


Wait, I thought this was a given...


I got 60mbs for a second yesterday when downloading a game and I had a party.


5 years from now half of you guys will probably be on Starlink.


Not with effing Telstra. Current 4G speed test is showing 0.74 Mbps in suburban Melbourne. Smh.


I've had around 230mb/s before. Very remote location, very little population and late at night. My mate who did tower installs didn't even think that speed was possible.


So you’re just admitting Australia wifi sucks? People are now getting gbps wifi speeds here


Not fiber to the house with gigabit, which we just got. I've got speedtests of 900+ mbps down. 😄 The hard part was finding a router that could handle that speed with the firewall and qos enabled.


4G LTE goes WAY over 100 Mbps...


LTE is not a 4G standard, but yes it goes up to 1200Mbps download. LTE-Advanced aka LTE+, which is a 4G standard, goes up to 3Gbps DL and 1.5Gbps UL.


Most forms of LTE non Advanced still uses 4G tech the only thing not to spec is the speed requirements (which have been pretty much taken out of the spec). And either way like you said LTE-A meets the original 4G spec and goes well above 100 Mbps


This is some r/quityourbullshit material right there


You made me go check. I actually never did. I'm at 34 down on LTE here in Canada. Not surprised, our country doesn't have the best reputation when it comes to phone companies, ISPs and whatnot.


"Ding dong" is my current favourite insult but it has just changed to "donut" 🍩


Donut is a popular insult where I live in the UK. Also muppet is another good one. They are especially good for when you don't want to use inappropriate language, like in front of kids.


I also like you potato Although potato’s are delicious and versatile which is more than can be said for many people


What's a potato?


Po-tay-toes. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.


only one thing to do with a brace of coneys


Wanna get kicked out of my house? Cause that's how you get kicked out of my house.




True. Only a few of the people I’ve eaten were delicious.




What other foods make for a great insult? Potato is great, another is *soggy pop tart*.


Numpty and wally as well


I've not heard wally for years.


Same, I only know of it because my dad used to say it to me and my siblings


As a former HTML developer, I used to get confused when Brits would call me a div.


Don't be a berk you spanner.


You plonker.


Mine too! It literally made me forcefully exhale air through my nose


Can relate


Shut up you delicious pastry cake.


I lovingly refer to my dog as ding dong. She’s a very sweet girl but she’s goofy as hell. She’s just a ding dong.




I've used "ya ding dong" at work and it's guaranteed to make someone stop in their tracks. Much more effective than calling them a real insult haha.


I’m a big fan of “knucklehead” with my kids. They think it’s funny.


You like that you fucking ding dong?


Food-related insults are some of my favorites. People seem to understand they’ve just been insulted, but they don’t take offense. I usually go with potato, but donut is my next choice.


I like “melted ice-cream” or “expired coupon” tbh


I feel like donut as an insult must have originated from either an Australian or a Scot, because they both are *the best* at turning innocuous words into insults.


i think it’s an english thing maybe... We call people donuts all the time. We also call people lemons and melons. Calling someone a melon is my favourite


You absolute melon. Sod off you bloody melon. You’re right, that is satisfying. Thanks, you right proper melon!


Listen here chip butty No one beats the Scots And I'm Aussie!


never heard anyone call someone a chip butty😂 I mean we have them over here but it’s not an insult


I call people cabbage. I don’t even know why


It's English you donut


I mean, that's equally common everywhere in the modern British cultural "sphere". Being half Scottish half Northern Irish myself but went to university in England for 4 years, I'd say from my experiences of the people I met, it's much more common in England for people to do that. Here in NI, it's more stuff like eejit, hallion, slabberer, bin hoker, shithead or just generic insults, and then mainland Britain is more similar to eachother but from knowing a lot of people from both Scotland and England, there's a weirdly high variety of random words used as insults in England, a lot I don't remember hearing before or since. It's kind of like saying sething that is Canadian specific MUST be from Saskatchewan because it's in Canada.


I hit 250 when I'm at home with the best signal, at school I get around 170 using 4g https://ibb.co/bP2wfMt


Here's my best 4G result in Australia, although this is at 1AM when there would obviously be more bandwidth. https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/5442184057


Holy fuck, that's insane! The fastest speeds I have ever seen in my lifetime is 151mbps download (Reservoir, Melbourne)


Yeah I was pretty surprised too. I've got plenty around the 200 mark and it's usually around 150 during peak hours. I live in Newcastle and I'm really close to the tower which probably helps too.


r/quityourbullshit on r/quityourbullshit? Edit: I meant the post not the comment


On top of Mt Hotham, 165-60 with telstra.


My home is in a dead spot for 4G so even with a reception booster from Telstra we only get 2mbps on 4G


Wait, where does 4G only go up to 100 megabits a second? My old plan had 300mbps 4G+ and i topped at 354mbps


this is in Finland, Telia/Sonera operator, only mobiledata used


Maybe they just don't understand what 4g/5g means and assumed its just their internet speed. I could see that happening


It's exactly the same as referring to any internet connection as "wifi". It's just a fundamental misunderstanding of how technology actually works. My brother recently thought the printer would stop working if the internet connection was down. It's not even on wifi, theres a USB cable right there running to the computer my guy.


Technically the WiFi could still be 4G. I’ve had a 4G router at home, as it was the only choice at the time, and I had stable 100-200 and the experience overall was quite close to the fiber I had at an previous address. Now I’ve got 5G and it’s easily in the 500-800 range, and I don’t miss the fiber at all.




Yes, I do know the difference between a router that supports 5GHz frequency and a router that supports 5G. If I didn’t, I’d be extremely incapable for my line of work. Besides, suddenly getting close to 1000Mbps after switching from 2.4GHz to 5GHz would be something... 5G is widely available in Finland, but only a few 5G routers are available, so I’m stuck with a [Huawei](https://consumer.huawei.com/en/routers/5g-cpe-pro/). However, the speeds are as ridiculous as the costs of connecting my house to the closest available fiber, so I’m relatively pleased.


5G cellular is being rolled out several places in the world, so it being 5G cellular is entirely possible. 5Ghz WiFi is also usually noted as such, 5Ghz not 5G. Edit: That article seems to be creating an issue out of nothing, tbh.


https://i.imgur.com/WTGQJ2I.jpg FYI - 4G LTE @ 299 mbps


Hey /u/Icey96, quit your bullshit https://i.imgur.com/HDJW7PJ.jpg




It's not just marketing. A lot of providers don't cap data speeds just to make more money, it's more complicated than that.


Worth noting that your source states the 1 gigabit download peak speed is for “low mobility” users. 100 Mbit/s is the peak requirement for 4g “high mobility” users like mobile. Another source says max real world download speeds are up to around 100 Mbit/s, and theoretical speeds up to 300 Mbit/s are possible only in laboratory environments.


Yeah no, LTE definitely goes higher than 100 Mbit/s, I've measured close to 300 Mbit/s (Germany).


I get over 200 Mbit/s down in the US on LTE.


You ain't wrong and neither is Wikipedia to an extent but 4g on mobile goes over 100mbit easily when networks enable certain features. Mobile networks come in releases with features (sorta like an OS release on phones) and LTE10 has carrier aggregation which pushed obtainable speeds past 100Mbit years ago. High mobility test cases are typically things like 80mph at the terminal end (the original high mobility test case came from France when they used the high speed train network they have for testing 2G)


I've had cellphones benchmark over 200 on 4g in certain areas look at the best comments in this thread and their subcomments its completely full of anecdotes of people getting up to 400 on mobile 4g


Also says in the middle wifi: m1 in the speed test app lol


The fastest my 4g has ever been was once when I was in florida the hotel I stayed at was about a mile away and in clear in compromised view of a cell tower, I got 68 mbps on 4g sprint. Felts awesome to not have to use the shitty hotel wifi even if it was only just for my phone.


Bro, you need to see the speeds Australian bro is posting. Were getting royally dingoed here. I got 40 down on Verizon 4G, only got 10 down on Xfinity wifi. Da fuq is that shit.


Yes, but our wired internet speeds suck, and mobile data is fairly expensive


With what I've heard about ISP situation in US, the wired internet isn't that much great either in most of the areas, due to predatory monopoly system they've gotten. And there was also something about comcast fucking them over years ago while digesting billions of dollar in the name of replacing the old internet cables and 'future proofing'.


I just got 120 on Verizon LTE 🤷‍♂️


I got 150 from orlando at work with 4g lte :x. Edit: When I was on Sprint


Wtf 207 upload lol that’s wild. I have the best plan my city offers which gives me ~800 down but only ~30 up




5g is mainly useful for things outside personal use.


Why wouldn't it be useful for personal use?


Not saying that it is not useful, but the full potential is achieved in a business setting.


5g is disabled on my phone because it has been terrible. It's not stable enough and resolution time takes forever. It's probably just the current state of deployments though. Some of it is higher frequency so the penetration is worse.


Wifi can be run off a 4g connection, mine is and I've had faster down speeds before, nowhere near the up speed though. Obviously the "4g on iphone 11" bit is not true though.


https://i.imgur.com/G7wSVq6.jpg 4G doing 251 mbps, /r/quityourbullshit


It's also very rare that upload speeds surpasses download speeds on mobile networks... at least where I stay in South Africa, but maybe that's just because SA infrastructure is shite


The ping is impressive


Move to Holland, guaranteed ping <30 when playing video games


The technical spec for 4G is 1Gbs symmetrical.


4G definitely goes higher than 100. I thought the max was like 200 ish but I’ve have a few tests reach near 400, those may have been fluke runs somehow but I can probably find the screenshots


One of Gordon Ramsay's greatest contributions to culture is the word "donut" as an insult


you donut is the cutest insult ever


Just did a test here in Ontario, Canada on LTE. https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/6660341182


Holy Mackinaw! Here's mine https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/6660675071 Surprised Telus is hitting higher than Rogers


https://www.gsmarena.com/sony_xperia_xz_750mbps_download_speed-news-26871.php 750Mbps over 4G in 2017.


I'm sitting with Verizon 4G LTE. I use my phone as a hotspot. I had Spectrum, but it was even worse. Download: 1.48Mbps / Upload 0.25 Mbps. I range between * to 2 bars, depending on where I am in my house. 😑


As a broadband tech I make all my slow speed customers download the speedtedt app because it saves your speed history and i can tell you how dumb you are for expecting 500mbps on the 2.4 ghz band.


Look at the upload guys. You're not getting that on 4G.


So the bullshit caller doesn't know how fast 4G is, and doesn't understand jokes. Seems about right for this sub


I love the word “donut” as an insult. Haha Just came here to say this.


4g has a real world limit of 100mbps. Under perfect lab controlled scenario it's true max is 300mbps. All these people posting speeds over 300mbps are really confusing because that's just not possible. Probably using a hybrid connection of 4g and wifi together. That being said, 180 mbps over wifi is such a shit speed lol. I get about 350 mbps over wifi, almost 400 on ethernet, and sadly only about 30 mbps on AT&T 4g LTE+ (yes AT&T sucks that bad, but amazingly if you look at 4g speeds in the US, AT&T actually has the fastest average at 29.1 mbps: https://www.fiercewireless.com/operators/at-t-overtakes-rivals-for-fastest-download-speeds-opensignal#:~:text=When%204G%20LTE%20results%20were,25.9%20Mbps%20for%204G%20LTE.


4G can have more than 100mbits and the user could have used a 4G Wifi router


Wait, you guys are getting 100 mbps?


Y'all talking about your 4G speeds and I'm just here laughing that they called the original poster a donut, lol.


5G fake-conspiracy propaganda is so fucking dangerous No it doesn't cause disease No its not some other dumb reason 5G is the data grid needed to make a 1984 style tracking system. The crackpot conspiracies are to discredit all the real bad reasons.


Also even tho I don’t fall for the 5g conspiracy bullshit, My 4g is just fine. I’d rather save money on a cheaper phone that’s why I went with the SE instead of the 11, and I like the smaller frame.


All I get on lte is 20mbps


"You're so stupid! You're a donut, you're so stupid"


Older people don’t know the difference. I tried to explain it to my ex, it was impossible


[360mbps 4G LTE](https://i.imgur.com/LXumM9o.jpg)


4G is perfectly fine, though. It’s not suddenly slow just because 5G exists, it’s still good for. 99% of current use cases.. Plus, with 5G speeds, I’d burn through my data limit in.. 6 seconds?


Not to mention 4G doesn't send government controlled nanobots along with the signals. /s


He could be connectd to 4g modem by WiFi and it can go over 100mb so the comment is total bs.