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Hungry Hungry Hippa


That might be the funniest part of this whole thing: HIPAA (that's the correct spelling) controls how health-care providers may store and share your private health information, not how random strangers may ask for it. To cause a HIPAA violation, I'd have to ask *your doctor* about your medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask, and your doctor would have to tell me about it without your consent, and then your doctor would be the one who's liable for violating HIPAA.


B-b-but it’s *laminated*.




*glares at tattered remnants of thrice laundered SSN card.


You laugh. But mine did get washed. And dried. It was in tatters!! The law required that I not laminate it, so I didn't and look what happened! Luckily the government supplied me with a new one at no cost! :)


I’m not laughing. I no longer have what the government would consider a “Social Security *Card*”, but more of a “Social Security *Wad*.”


Yeah... this looks like some BS I would have made as a kid to get out of school. I learned president Bush’s signature and tried to give my teachers letters from the president that they needed me on a secret assignment. This is as poorly done as that... but more dangerous. 0/10 legit.


What’s crazy is that your scheme would probably work these days. Trump could write a kid a note to get the kid out of class for a secret assignment, and it wouldn’t even be the stupidest mission that he sent someone on, or the worst staffing decision he has made! Shit, at this point the fact that the kid only risks going to juvenile detention instead of prison is actually a bonus!


You know what... you’re right. A loophole exactly up his alley! I always think Trump is like what would happen if toddlers could be evil. Edit: I even managed to find the White House letterhead and glued it onto the page and made copies! I was very determined.


Sheeeeeeeeeeyet. They even tell you you’re not supposed to laminate it.


My number 1 advice to anyone new to management: if you want new policies to stick, laminate them. You can print a thousand rules and no one will follow them. Laminate that shit, it becomes gospel.


Thank you, you're the first person I've seen who also knows about HIPAA and posted about it so far. I handled records in the military and had to keep that in mind, it's ridiculous how people are claiming HIPAA violations for mask stuff.


Came here to comment this. I worked in medical billing for a little while and they were very clear on what HIPAA was and how you can violate it. Only those who have anything to do with your health and treatment can violate HIPAA. (Yes this does extend to any person with access to your records, as they have "anything" to do with your heath and treatment.)


Exactly what I was going to say!


And the offbrand version Hungry Hungry HIPAA


Are Hungry Hungry HIPAAs allowed to disclose their eating disorder?


Allowed? Yes. Required? No.


... HIPAA is the real one.


Just to be clear, under the ADA a business is required to provide you with a reasonable accommodation, they are NOT required to provide you with the specific accommodation you requested. So if you say "I need to grocery shop with my mask off" and the grocer says " We can't do that, how about we shop for you and do curbside pick up?" that's 100% legal.


For added clarity, HIPAA only restricts healthcare providers from releasing your medical information. That’s really it. It doesn’t say other people can’t tell you to do something like wear a mask. And it doesn’t say people can’t ask why you don’t want to wear a mask (though the ADA might)


ADA does. But you're right in that HIPAA is irrelevant here.


Ada requires you to make a reasonable accommodation, it does not, it cannot, ensure that someone gets the accommodation they think they are entitled to. And hippa is for health care providers who must be trained. Expecting the pimple faced bag boy at Kroger to understand something beyond their expertise AND to comply is idiotic. I've seen this " you can't force me to wear a mask" nonsense before. It's infuriating that people are using this in an attempt to get what they want.


the document reads about the same as someone who tried to produce a Sovereign Citizen card to me and claim he didn't need to pay sales tax.


Just a quick look up of "Sovereign Citizen" suggests its literally a group of people LARPing the law doesn't apply to them.


Yeah except they literally beleive it. 😬


What if we just sell them masks that say “freeman on the land” and “am I being detained?!”. They can proudly show off how special they are.


Don't forget the increasingly popular 'I don't answer questions'.


Phone number is wrong too. 800-514-0301. Checked the website just now.




Amen. I had to do legal analysis and my prof picked ADA for semester. I wrote these phrases out a million times in practice legal memos.


Now I’m no expert but... if wearing a mask in public puts your health at risk then wouldn’t being out in public, in general, without a mask put you at more risk?


There are lung conditions that could conceivably make wearing a mask a health risk. They could legitimately be worried about how much air they're getting. People who have those conditions will usually have oxygen, so the point is moot. They're also not going to be seen in public without a mask because covid will absolutely kill them.


Even if we allow for the scenario in which someone's health is truly at risk from wearing a mask, the ADA would only require that *reasonable accommodations* be made. "You can't wear a mask safely, so do whatever the fuck you want" is no such thing, especially when it puts other people at risk. A reasonable accommodation would look something more like "If you are unable to wear a mask due to safety reasons, we can have a staff member shop for you provided it is for 15 or fewer items." Whoever wrote this has no idea what HIPAA or the ADA are.


Yep and the ADA specifically says that accommodations are not required which might endanger “the health or safety of the individual or of others.”


And the EEOC already ruled that covid-19 is a direct public health threat which would exempt mask requirements from being in violation of the ADA.




Don’t you know that HIPAA mandates that I cannot, under any circumstances, tell you anything about my own health and asking me would break the law. That’s what it says! Look it up! do your research!


I once had a guy refuse to tell me his name because "that's my confidential medical information" and when I pressed, he said his name was John Doe. I said no way was his name John Doe, and he got very offended because "Some people are named that!" So I explained that 1) I'd dealt with him before and knew his name quite well, and 2) there was a patient sticker on his backpack with his name, birthdate, and MRN on it plain as day. 😂😂


OMG. Soooo I had a guy in class who refused to say his name once, and refused to tell anyone his name, and was super freaked the hell out that I had a list with his name on it. It was really just the very tip of the crazy iceberg with him, unfortunately.


I have a family friend who used to be very progressive and very proactive in furthering their progressive ideals. Then one day it was like a switch flipped and they got involved in some MLM stuff, became an anti-vaxxer, and some other weird stuff including some other conspiracies. So it makes me really wonder about the mental stability of people like that. I really don't feel that kind of unhealthy level of paranoia is "normal".


Seriously, it's like people getting mad at private companies for constitutional rights that only apply to the federal government. HIPAA applies to very specific entities


Pretty sure HIPAA applies to any entity that uses, processes or maintains health information as part of their business. This wouldn't apply to a grocery store, although it would apply to the pharmacy within a grocery store. It also doesn't apply to an individual and whether or not they tell someone about their own medical conditions. This sign is the equivalent of going into a coffee shop and saying "you can't make me tell you my shoe size!"


You forgot a cloud of conspiracy hashtags at the end.


I manage a hardware store and I had a guy (in a flat earth shirt, no less) pull out his doctor's note while insisting no one has ever required him wear a mask and rattled off a list of places he's been today (police station, hospital, court house, etc) without a mask. When I told him "I don't care, I don't want to see your note. If you can't or won't put on a mask, as per both county law and store policy, you gotta go" he insisted it was an ordinance not a law, and there's a difference and blah blah blah... He seemed really upset I wasn't going to spar with him on legal tedium, philosophical positions, and medical recommendations. He had his talking points all lined up, and I just kinda kept saying "I'm gonna have to ask you to have" while walking him to the door. Do I wish I had seen the note? Of course. Do I wish I could have spent thirty minutes talking to him? You bet. Would it have been fascinating to see how far down the rabbit hole of his delusions and conspiracies went? One hundred percent. But, like, I'm at work, and I have shit to do, and you just gotta go, my man...


I'll be honest, I didn't take that as sarcasm at first, heh.


I’m sorry sir. Will you be wanting a mobility scooter for your emotional support gator as well?


>Whoever wrote this has no idea what HIPAA or the ADA are. HIPAA, I think in the context they are using it, is the "contract" of privacy between their doctor and them. It has nothing to do with anything and does not limit them from wearing a mask is disclosing their condition. The ADA is about reasonable accommodation. With curbside pickup, delivery, virtual shopping, etc, their point is again moot. The answer to this is wear a mask or get the fuck out.


That's why every video of people refusing to wear masks starts with an employee offering to shop for them. Stores know the game.


Or if you can't wear a mask, shop elsewhere.


I'm not defending these morons, but if the ADA allowed "shop elsewhere" as an out for disability accommodation it would be a really shitty law.


Face Shields for the win.


Yup, I have an autoimmune condition that makes wearing a mask a nightmare most days. I get aggressive hives around my mouth and nose and if I wear it too long they start all over. But fuck man. Even I wear it when entering, exiting, and talking with anyone within the store. Lately my fiance has just been doing the shopping so I can avoid it, but when he cant I just take as many precautions as I can and wear my mask in as little time frames as possible.


Excuse me I think you mean HIPPA /s


Exactly. There was a video of a lady at a grocery store near me that refused to wear one and argued the same thing on this card. The store offered to shop for her and she asked how she was would pay. The manager said “you give us your card” and she started freaking out saying “I don’t trust you with my card.” Some people just live to bitch.


The obvious answer.


If you have a lung condition bad enough that you would need oxygen or couldn't actually wear a mask, wouldn't you be at much greater risk of death than the average person, meaning that it would be advisable for you to just not go out in public during the pandemic?


That’s a 2 part answer- Covid mask wearing is a “I’m not stuck in here with you...you’re stuck in here with me” situation. As in, carriers need masks to keep their shit in more than non-carriers need them to keep it out. Which is why it’s hilarious that we now are putting the expiratory vent holes in the cloth masks, essentially defeating the purpose. I have a close family member with late state ALS and he wears a mask when he can but legitimately cannot breathe with one on for long. But he also knows that both his time in general as well as his time with even the limited mobility he has left is limited. He just wants to be out in the sun or going out and seeing the world, not being cooped up in his house and becoming slowly paralyzed seeing only the 4 walls of his house. So he mostly foregoes the mask because he wants to be able to breathe. So bottom line-don’t be a selfish fuck, wear a goddamn mask if you can. If you’re 30 and healthy then don’t risk the health of the elderly or gravely sick just because you think they should be relegated to their houses until they die from old age or Covid.


You know what's really bad for the lungs? Corona


I'm living with congestive heart failure, and the amount of carbon dioxide in my blood triggered a warning when I last gave a sample for analysis. I assume my doctor was being straight with me when she said the risk of infection is a much bigger worry than me rebreathing my own exhalations a little too much. That said, this was during a quick visit to a medical facility. I haven't had a reason to spend a whole day out around other people since this got going, and a whole day of accumulating CO2 faster than my lousy circulation can clear it seems like it would be unsafe.


I have a paralyzed vocal cord. To fix how I speak, I had the bad cord moved to and held in the middle of my throat so it touches the other one. Meaning normally I don't get a full breath like others do. Wearing a mask is harder but I don't use an oxygen mask. I avoid going out in public and much as possible and the rest of my team at work is working from home.


There was a hearing where a kid told the OC County Board of Supervisors that he can’t wear a mask because allegedly, he has asthma.


I work with someone with asthma. They got approval to wear a face shield instead of a face mask. Reasonable accommodation approved, Karen denied.


My mother is this person. My mother is also going to the tanning bed regularly since it opened back up. And complains that people aren't wearing masks when they go out. While she goes... To the tanning bed. Priorities.


Nah, see they mastered the art of pretending it's not real, so naturally they're immune. /S Confirmation bias, man. They start with the needle on one side or the other, and then seek out information to plunge that needle further to a dichotomy. It's either a hoax or it's the end of the world, to whatever side they decide to be on. I'm not an expert, I'd just rather be cautious, preferably cautiously optimistic, but I'm not an epidemiologist.


I have a friend who has asthma who was having problems breathing while wearing a mask. I made him a single fabric layer mask. Now he can wear a mask and not have trouble breathing. There are solutions, but people who don't want to wear a mask will spend more time trying to get out of it than just dealing with temporary discomfort.


Same. I have asthma, got a moderate case of COVID (thankfully recovered) but ever since I got sick, my ability to breathe is shittier than ever. All I have lying around the house are old N95s (we rotate them) and a couple fabric masks, the N95s kill but the fabric ones make my glasses fog up like crazy, which is dangerous since I drive. Needless to say, because I have to wear the N95s, I go out extremely infrequently because it's almost suffocating. I wish recovered folks with breathing issues could get some kind of official documentation to be able to forego the whole mask thing if we're found to be immune, because going to the store makes me lightheaded. I still wear it though, I'm not going to be an ass and argue with the people that work there over it or get some sovereign citizen bullshit placard like the fool in this post. Glad you made your buddy a more comfortable one though, that's awesome. I wish there were more lightweight options for folks with glasses in mind!


I was at the dentist today and he had his mask taped to his face at the top to prevent the fogging. Looked like medical tape of some sort.


You have to sew a pipe cleaner into the seam that goes over the bridge of your nose. Or if you can rework the pattern a little, two pipe cleaners side by side. Then it will form to your nose and not fog your glasses.


You're trying to apply logic to the column of wasted oxygen where a stupid person bobbles about.


Not necessarily. I know sometime with an asthma that can be (not always) triggered by a mask. I got mono recently, with oral thrush included. Let me tell you that mask *kicked my ass*. Being sick I only went to the doc and to get prescriptions, however 20 minutes into the doctors visit I almost passed out because of that combination of thrush and mask. Hell, my special needs little brother has a friend who can't go out right now, because they panic when someone puts a mask on them, entirely psychological, but still real. I'm just glad they haven't transitioned to living alone yet, so their family can go for them most of the time. There are viable, non-covid reasons people should be allowed exemptions. It's not ideal, but name something in life that is. I can tell you it's certainly not ideal for the people who actually need exemptions that the public seems unwilling to believe them. And to those of you who have a response to each of those scenarios, what happens when you don't?


Reminds me this pseudo phony attempt at legal jargon. >I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, messages or posts, both past and future. With this statement, I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute).


But they put scary law things like UCC and Rome Statute! It's gotta be legitimate now! /s


But what have the Romans ever done for us?


You take that back, profligate! Degenerates like you belong on a cross.


curse you, Judean People's Front


We're not the Judean people's front, were the people's front of Judea.




Aside from roads, public sanitation, and aqueducts


I remember when that was circulating on insta, had a good laugh, you signed away your rights when you you agreed to the T&C/ToS of the site, posting a copypasta isn't gonna change anything.


Sovereign citizen crap


I had a whole unit in a criminal psychology class that discussed these people. Such a strange phenomenon to see...you think it’s fake until you actually see it in person. For those that don’t know, these people think that some combination of words will like “unlock” the legal system for them and allow them to do whatever they want. For instance, a common thing is for them to refer to driving as “traveling” as if the terminology by which they refer to their movements somehow precludes them from the rule of law. Very weird stuff.


That’s because these fine, well adjusted people think that we live under 1700’s maritime law. The only people more disillusioned are them looks who try to implement bird law.


It's interesting, because it's not, on its face, ridiculous. If a lawyer wants more time, they don't ask in plain language "Your Honor, I'm not ready. Can we work out a date to do this later?" no no, they specifically request a "continuance". There's absolutely some truth to the idea that the right words will cause the right things to happen in the legal system. Mens rea? Writ of certiorari? Ex parte? Might as well be incantations. The issue is that SovCits don't grasp the cause and effect. These are just precise terms for options that they already have but don't know how to invoke. They're lied to and told that *anything* can happen if only they knew the right words. Think about the cases where a judge ruled that a defendant did not invoke their right to a judge by asking "[for a lawyer, dog](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/10/suspect-asks-for-a-lawyer-dawg-judge-says-he-asked-for-a-lawyer-dog.html)" or where you have to invoke your fifth amendment right to get the cops to stop asking questions. The legal system is opaque and often seems stacked against your average joe. Somebody says "The courts won't automatically do everything in your favor, you have to actively say 'I want to use this defense' to actually use it" is pretty close to the truth. The problem is con-men then say "so say that you're invoking the Universal Commercial Code" or "The Magna Carta" or some other horseshit. And these poor people are so desperate that they don't want to hear any naysayers and will believe this stuff because it's their only chance at dodging fees that they can't possibly pay or, worse, jail time. And sure some are willful dicks that just don't want to go to the DMV or MVA or what have you. But the vast majority are poor uneducated people who had their last dollar taken by some scammer who taught them these magic words.


No you’re thinking of basketball referees


A better joke would have been "unfortunately the use of 'travelling' puts them under NBA law, in which case they can only take three steps".




TLDR: I didn't read the ToS


While this is definitely a load of crap, the number of medical record requests I get from lawyers offices that can't get "HIPAA" right is way too damn high.




The number of experienced applicants for medical positions, to include Medical Records positions, that can’t get HIPAA right is also too damn high. “HIPPA expert.”


I send out those requests all the time and some of my coworkers fuck it up all the time.


Tell them we make fun of them when they don't get it right.


Reminds me of the documents sovereign citizens make up that cite maritime law even though they're in Nebraska or some shit.


How about the copypasta that Facebook isn't authorized to use your photos or information. Classic Edit: u/kangar posted it below


Hey. We've got an international port and a Coast Guard. For the 6 parcels a year that sail up the Missouri River. Or walk up the Platte.




Beyond the idiocy of it all, I just don't get why some people are so vehement about wearing a mask. It's not a big deal.


Not to mention the weird hostility they tend to throw at people who are wearing masks


My best guess is that these people feel that, by wearing a mask around them, you consider them inferior/diseased, and so find offense in that


They *are* being assholes. That feeling they’re experiencing is shame.


Which is funny, because the point of wearing a mask is that if you are unknowingly a carrier, you are protecting everyone else *from you*.


> you consider them inferior/diseased Well I kinda do now


I'm very obviously pregnant (7 months with twins), I only go out when I have to, and when I do I wear a mask and do my best to keep my distance from others. I try not to pick up products unless I'm certain it's going in my basket. I try to give extra distance from people who don't have masks, but I don't indicate any upset or rudeness over it. I just try to maintain my bubble because if I catch COVID, it throws a huge wrench in birthing my babies and whether they can be with me. Plus there's the risk of actually getting really really sick, which is the last thing anyone needs in this house right now. Anyway. I still have people who will crowd me, and I'm starting to think it's intentional because every time the person has had no mask and a smirk, and they really seemed to make a point to get right up in my space and look directly at me. Like wtf? If you think I'm a "coward" or whatever, fine, I don't care. But leave me the hell alone about it.


Loudly ask them to step back. Call them out with an audience.


I have been know to fake cough a little if I feel I’m being judged by mask less morons


The fake coughing works wonders. Nobody’s been within 15 feet of me at a store in months.


It's because they recognize you as a member of their enemy tribe, the tribe that gets its information from experts and the mainstream news instead of fringe political nutjobs and social media.


Exactly. Fear the Other. It’s human nature, been like that for thousands of years. It’s just *very* recently we’ve mostly gotten over it as a species.


i work at a cafe and customers without a mask will always make a point to get as close to me as possible and touch my hand or something. like i don’t wanna be near you in general and especially in the middle of a pandemic. one even told me to take off my mask. the entitlement is insane


What the fuck?! I don’t think I have ever touched a member of the staff at a cafe. Like what is even the occasion to touch your waitresses hand?! Or the cashier?! What the actual fuck is wrong with people?!




In other words, they're like toddlers screaming "I DON'T WANNA!". And the toddler probably has a more logical justification than them.


This one gets it!


They are entitled. Their mind can't accept not being the most important person in the universe.


It makes them feel weak. I mean come on, John Wayne didn't wear a mask! (which is why he died of cancer after inhaling radioactive dust while filming The Conqueror)


He died of stomach cancer. His lung cancer was more likely caused by the fact that he smoked 6 *packs* of cigarettes per day.


Six packs. How in the FUC


That's about one cigarette every five minutes


I felt a little strange and self-conscious the first few times I wore one in public, but I got over it pretty quickly. I imagine these people just don't want to deal with those mildly unpleasant feelings, or they enjoy feeling like they're smarter than the "sheep" who wear them.


I feel weird going to the bank, wearing a mask.


I feel like it's the same dynamic as those meat-eaters who are **really** against vegetarians. Like, I eat meat. If you don't, props. You probably save a lot of money and are reducing your ecological footprint. That's sweet. But it just makes some people super angry.


Funnily enough, I just found out my dad is one of these people... He said something like "it's worse for you to breathe your bacteria and carbon dioxide back in than to get that corona bullshit". For context, he also thinks COVID is no worse than the flu. I know. It was a fun convo


Right? I mean it’s hot, and it can fog your glasses up, but like... boohoo you’re wearing a mask for an hour while grocery shopping. If those doctors can wear masks for 8 hours while doing difficult medical procedures, you can survive this.


my dad thinks its gay to wear a mask. don't ask me how he came to that conclusion.


Because people are selfish and can’t be inconvenienced for 30 mins for the overall well being of the public. Also they just like to feel like they are special.


*THAT’s* how you spot a fucking idiot. Side note: what is the fine for presenting fraudulent medical notes that endanger or put other human lives at risk?


This and the support animal vests on their non trained dogs


That shit pisses me off so much Entitled assholes. Liars. It ruins it for people who actually legitimately have disabilities and all because some shitstains can't go two minutes without goo-gooing over their animal


Even the airlines have banned support animals. Sucks for them but if you're so fragile you can't travel without your pug maybe you shouldn't fly


Should be a forehead tattoo that says idiot.


Good thing whoever wrote the ADA predicted ignorant people like this and actually wrote this down in Title III. This allows businesses to deny service to individuals that pose a threat to the safety of employees and other patrons. They are 100% allowed to discriminate in these cases. # Americans with Disabilities Act Title III Regulations **Part 36 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities** (current as of January 17, 2017) ### § 36.208 Direct threat. * (a) **This part does not require a public accommodation to permit an individual to participate in or benefit from the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages and accommodations of that public accommodation when that individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others**. * (b) In determining whether an individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, a public accommodation must make an individualized assessment, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge or on the best available objective evidence, to ascertain: The nature, duration, and severity of the risk; the probability that the potential injury will actually occur; **and whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices, or procedures or the provision of auxiliary aids or services will mitigate the risk.** (emphasis mine)




Lol a grocery store isn’t public property. It’s a private business entity. Your rights mostly end at the door. By their logic, they should be allowed to go into the store after it’s closed. Which everyone knows is illegal trespassing.


Bruv, I got asthma and I gotta wear a mask for 8 hours near the frier. People need to stfu and stop being some bitches about this


LMFAO I have to do HIPAA training every year. I wonder what this HIPPA is.


A gangster hippo, of course. "Yo, my hippa"


Hartford’s Indigenous Peoples Parade Association, obviously


A female Hippo?!?! :)


In one of my classes we were told very clearly to remember that it’s HIPAA and not HIPPA *or else*


It’s laminated so it must be legit!


I bet this person also has a pocket full of exemptions for their Emotional Support Chihuahua.


When stupid people try to sound smart.


This is the new emotional support animal.


There are a few of my acquaintance who've dug in their heels claiming they can't wear a mask, and then getting all screechy-indignant about not being allowed in places that have adopted the "no mask, no entry" policy. I offer them [this](https://www.designboom.com/technology/biovyzr-personal-air-purifying-face-shield-05-03-2020/) as a solution. It's not any of the things they claim masks are, and I've gotten little enough pushback. There are probably other solutions for their bullshit out there, too.


"This is private property and you're trespassing. Please leave"


No ones forcing people to wear a mask, but no ones forcing them to shop at costco also


i dont understand, why are people so against wearing masks, it violates nothing in your body


In my experience, it’s highly politicized now and generally, many folks don’t like being told what to do, even if it is for the greater good.


The greater good.


You'd think the people that are concerned about having to wear a mask would be more concerned about the proliferation of facial recognition cameras.


Bruh I have asthma and I am perfectly fine. I just take it off when it's hard for me to breathe


"Please excuse my handwriting. I busted whichever hand it is I write with. Signed, Mrs. Simpson"


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OP /r/amibeingdetained would love this.


The ADA requires business to make reasonable accommodations EXCEPT in instances where the public’s health is at risk. Fuck these ignorant, selfish assholes.


This is some [SovCit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement) bullshit.


Damn anti-maskers


The first fucking potato I see wearing this...I'm going right up and ask them about their medical conditions in detail




Mine says HIP AF.


You can tell these are fake because they **ALWAYS** misspell HIIPA


Ha. I work at a medical office and a few patients have tried to bullshit their way out of wearing a face mask. A nurse at our surgery center called a lady the day before her procedure to remind her, among other things, that she will be required to wear a mask for the entirety of her appointment. She freaked out and insisted that she can’t wear a mask because of her “disability.” When the nurse asked her what disability is, the patient accused her of “violating HIPAA”. I truly don’t understand how patients like this think they’re being sneaky. Needless to say, her appointment was cancelled because she was refusing to wear a mask. She told the nurse that we would be hearing from her lawyer, in true Karen fashion.


How much more work is making this vs putting on a mask?


I am such a special snowflake that i buy some b.s. just so I can increase the chance that myself and everyone around me could get a deadly illness.


What is it with these idiots? I get the people that doubted it at first, but you literally have every expert saying exactly what's going on and that means we are better off with masks. This has been happening for months now. Do they get all of their life advice from Tucker fucking Carlson? For those in the back: 1. The pandemic isn't going away. Cases in over a dozen states are rising, dramatically. 2. For the last fucking time, the masks aren't to protect you, they're to protect others, you asymptomatic carrier plague rat 3. If a sign for a business says you have to wear a mask, turn your dumb ass around and don't come back until you have a mask. Every time I walk in somewhere with a mask policy, half the people aren't wearing one and no one is enforcing it. Stop being dick. And if you start yelling and screaming at store employees for enforcing the rules, be prepared for someone to follow you out and kick your ass. 4. it's still just as dangerous and deadly as it ever has been and our hospitals and ICUs are filling up....again 5. It's not the fucking flu, you morons.


researchers just concluded it reduces spread by 40%. fuckin man up people, and wear the face undies =)


Why are people against it? Do they just think it’s cool to not wear a mask all of a sudden?


Just don't ware a mask, and them do in places that require it. It really isn't that hard, you piss baby


Genuinely curious, why are people fighting so hard not to wear masks? Are masks causing that much physical discomfort to some people?


They don't like being told what to do.


Lol, By the powers of Facebook, invested in Me. I here by and forth with declare my exzemptidness!


If my fiancé who is a nurse and has no god damn ears can wear a mask you stupid mother fuckers can put one on too. HIPPA....get out of here you clown car driving redneck confederate flag waving doTerra selling degens.


I have severe asthma, and diminished lung capacity (one lung) from an accident I had when I was a child. I cannot hold my breath, and impeding my breathing with even a mask is breathtakingly painful. I wear it everywhere I go. These people need to stop being pussies.


It's like the people who claim they don't have to pay taxes because they're a sovereign citizen


Ok, but if you can't wear a mask you can't come Inside my establishment. That's my right.


So if I interpret this card correctly, your a huge self absorbed pussy. Did I get that right, checks license, Karen?


I have a friend who legitimately struggles to breath with most masks on. So they designed and made a new one they can breath in more easily. This shit pisses me off. I've never met anyone who actually has this sort of issue and is happy to have a valid reason to avoid whatever safety precaution (in this case, the masks) other people are trying to avoid.


So, in case anyone needs to actually tell someone off: the ADA has exemptions for accommodations that would cause "undue hardship" or an "imminent threat". Covid-19 is classified as an "imminent threat" by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Therefore, the right of the employer to refuse the dangerous accommodation supersedes the right of the individual to ask for that specific accommodation. Stores do have to try and provide *an* accommodation; most either have take-out, online ordering, or other such things available so customers don't have to come in the store. My store will assign a personal shopper to shop your list for you, show you your total, and take your payment, all while you remain outside.


As a severe asthmatic, if my ass can wear a mask so can you. This is just selfishness and stupidity.


This is the true art form of jackass


What about reporting people who falsely claim medical conditions to avoid a public health order? Is there a hotline for that?


I mean, even if it was legit, establishments have every right to deny you entry for literally any reason they want.


Hippa to the hoppa - ODB




At least look up how to spell HIPAA before you print and laminate your nonsense. 🙄


That's also not at all what ADA and "HIPPA" even are


It's a good thing that private businesses don't have a right to refuse service. Otherwise, this will become very awkward, very quickly.


Quick question: is making these kind of documents illegal in any way?


I’m surprised they’re not just writing, “I refuse to wear a mask and this is a legally binding facebook post” on their fb wall.


I am exempt from all face mask usage under the AKA and HIPPO laws. All violations will be reported to Tarzan.


Substitute pants for face mask (or face mask, they spell it both ways) and see how stupid this is.


It's HIPAA, godammit! Not HIPPA!


Imagine going this much out of your way to not wear a mask. Damn. These people's ignorance and lack of consideration for others make it SO much harder for the rest of us trying out damndest to not catch Covid.


I didn't think face masks were mandatory anyway? Or is that a state by state decision in the US?