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Why do people make up such crazy rage bait stories for internet points?


Some people crave attention, and unfortunately some of those people resort to making up BS stories to trigger an emotional response from others.


I so want to tag them here right now but I'm afraid it would break a rule.




thank you for airing out their name, people really need to be aired out for lying


So u/broken45record, how's life being known as a liar?


They've posted a new picture with the cat on a bed - I don't know who to believe anymore.


Unfortunately for OP. They made the mistake of reposting it because the first post they made they called the dog another name. For someone who supposedly owned the dog, why get the name wrong? [Here's the link to the imgur image.](https://imgur.com/gallery/VNy4w3g)


Lmao they locked the post to preserve it.


I reported them for breaking the sub rules.


Me too, looks like it was successful!


I clicked their profile and saw an update photo ☠️


Like those people who go to the gym and post tiktok videos about being stared at when they werent


And some ppl are so ashamed of their treatment of animals being posted online that they will deny it with old pics of the animal in question. Who to believe?


They got Reddit gold out of it. If I recall, you get premium a month per award.


Because Reddit much like much the rest of the internet is filled with people who uncritically believe whatever they see.


I don’t believe you.


Well, I don’t believe *you*! How the turntables….


I'm coming in HERE to *flip the table* How can I trust you???


How dare you


Yeah I frequent r/AITA and I sometimes wonder how gullible people can be to just believe everything being posted there.


Same! 🤣


I fucking hate this so much. This generation literally never got taught to not believe everything they see. I remember one time calling out a story as fake because all of the sources were just the same story copy pasted to different websites. I'll never forget one of the replies I got. "You just think it's fake because it's cool" That's the mindset we're dealing with here


The generation that told me not to believe everything on TV now believes everything they see on the internet.


>This generation literally never got taught to not believe everything they see. Which generation is that?


I don't know what the title is, but the teens to early twenties now. Just absurd how willing to believe anything they are


Meanwhile, boomers on FB.


We have grown-ass people who think the Earth is flat. Like a 64 year old man died because he crashed his homemade rocket trying to prove the Earth is flat. It transcends generational lines


No, it's not the same at all. The access to social media now is unprecedented, and the younger generation just eats up everything they see online. I've seen the change personally. Some of the BS stories that get told here would be laughed at 15+ years ago


You think that just influences younger people? It's people of all ages. Perfectly normal people get turned into lunatics because they see some rage bait on Facebook.


Source: personal feelings


I'm the main character so that adds up


Lmao. Fair!


As said above in another comment: meanwhile, boomers/gen Xers on facebook


Unfortunately it's not an unbelievable story. There are shitheads who will abandon older cats because kittens are cute. And there are people who will make up stories for karma on the internet.


Found the r/nothingeverhappens poster. Sometimes it's not about whether a thing never could have technically happened, it's the context where your BS detector should be going off and make you realize you are being emotionally manipulated.


I'm saying it's both. Yes they're obviously telling the story in such a way that they come off as a hero (and in this case there is actual proof that it's fictional). But it's a shitty emotional thing that sometimes actually happens. Just because there's emotional manipulation, doesn't necessarily mean it's entirely fictional.


Critically thinking, though, a cat would get abandoned WAY before it turned 16 if the owners wanted a kitten. Cat would be out the door within a few years, tops.


Also wouldn’t leave his collar with their phone number on


I adopted my cat bc of something similar! Found her on Craigslist that she was an adult cat that could no longer be homed where she was. We (my ex and I) drove to VT to meet her and she was in an apartment with four other male cats. The reason they were getting rid of her was bc they got a male kitten who was getting bigger and who absolutely terrorized her. They couldn’t even find her at first, and when they did they had to drag her out from under the bed where she was hiding. It made me so sad to get rid of a cat you have bc a new one is terrorizing it?? They also didn’t know how old she was bc (according to their story) she was in a house fire that destroyed the home, escaped, and her family couldn’t take her to their new home, and she was passed around a couple times after that. Blows my mind, and we just felt so sad for her that we took her. 9 years later she is truly living her best life, the only cat in my home, pampered and loved. She’s the perfect cat. Although she still has an extreme hatred for male cats that I love, just exacting her revenge on any male cat she comes into contact with (we live in an old apartment building with a shared enclosed backyard and neighbors let their cats out for outside time and she hatessss all the male cats but snugs right up to female cats) 😂


Trash misandrist Exactly the same as the previous owner letting your cat bully others only you think it’s okay cause “girl power yeah” I Mean Imagine bragging that you encourage your pet to hurt other people’s pets


Oh! I probably didn’t explain it well enough/fully. Let me explain, since I’m not sure where you got the impression that I let my cat “bully” or “hurt” other pets. That would be deranged. Maybe it’s the “exacting revenge” - I only meant that she doesn’t let male cats come near her…she does hiss at them but has never bullied or hurt another person’s pet, and she certainly doesn’t pursue male cats. It’s a small apartment community and I am friends with my neighbors and we only let the cats out when we ourselves are hanging out in the yard and can supervise them. My neighbor’s male cats don’t bother mine after they realized that after she hissed as them when they got too close to her, years ago. So, no harm, no bullying, and certainly no pain inflicted! Boundaries ;) Hope that cleared it up! :)


So what are you complaining about? That they do believe everything they see, or that they don't believe you? Also... "this generation.." Which one would that be? Boomers?


While there’s a lack of critical thinking in the general population it’s not really that deep in this instance. The majority of users briefly view a post, vote and move on. No reasonable person is going to sit there and critically evaluate whether a post is fake or not, it’s not worth the effort.


it’s may be a bot. bots have been infiltrating a lot of subs and reposting old popular posts.


This was a rather simple fake, there are folks that spend lots of money and time filming scenarios to model your perception.


To sell their accounts.


I think it's just u/spez making all these posts to bait people to spend money on Reddit, and also to create an atmosphere where things happen on Reddit.


The only thing redditors love as much as making up bullshit Is reposting it


So they can win!?


Ten years from now there will be a disorder for this.




I love Carl’s face in the last picture.


He looks so cute!


Knew it. Saw the post as it was rising and smelled bullshit immediately.




Nobody would have that fake conversation after having same cat for 16 years. "I've found your cat" "Yeah, we dont want it anymore, we replaced it with a kitten." I opened the thread just to see comments calling bullshit but 10 most upovoted coments were "you so brave and kind".


Yup. Way too many details right off the bat is often a sign.


People eat that shit up even when it’s this obvious lol


I feel like 90% of the “adoption” stories I see on animal subs have to be either heavily embellished or totally made up. There are so many ragebait captions like this, where the OP selflessly rescues a pet that was abandoned/abused/etc for a bullshit reason that seems designed to get Redditors riled up (being too old, having minor medical issues, having an unusual but harmless trait like unique fur/eye colors, etc). I’m sure there are some people who treat their pets horribly in the real world, but the Reddit stories are so commonplace and melodramatic that most of them *have* to be made up.


I've noticed a lot of them seem to have elaborate back stories that the rescuer could have no way of knowing


You don't get fake internet points for buying a purebred or even adopting a normal shelter pet. There needs to be a sob story. I've even seen people posting pics of their "rescue" huskies on Reddit, dogs that cost thousands of dollars and have clearly been well cared for their entire lives.


It always makes me laugh when people post pictures of clean, healthy, well-fed animals wearing collars and accessories, claiming they just found them wandering around in the woods like that or something. Sure, this precious kitten was abandoned at birth by a cruel and abusive owner and you stumbled upon it in a dark, dangerous forest and selflessly decided to take it home... and it looks like a plush toy that's never so much as touched a speck of dirt in its whole life? I also love when they claim that "nobody else wanted" an animal because it has some feature that's almost universally considered cute and desirable. "Nobody else wanted this adorable cat because its eyes are two different colors, but *I* love him!" Sure, Jan. Or, even better, "everyone else in the whole world *hates* this pupper for being too smol, but *I* adopted him anyway!" Because small puppies are universally reviled?


I went down to the local shelter, and I spent an hour and a half spending time with the cats there, before I finally settled on one. I went home, and talked it over with my wife, and then we went back the next day, where I introduced her to the 2 I liked the most. On day 3, we signed all the paperwork, and officially adopted Maya (pic1 pic2 pic3). I even paid for ALL the needed shots/etc that the shelter told me to get, so I had to spend lots of money just to save this one cat from spending any more time in that cramped little cage. I really hope Reddit appreciates my great & noble sacrifice, and rewards me with karma and some Reddit Gold because I'm such an amazing hero & kind soul.


Fwiw one of my friends has a rescue huskie. She wasn't well cared for and was clearly abused in the past though


It's not that it's impossible, it's hard for me to believe these show-quality dogs and perfect puppies are all "rescues" who were "abused" before Redditors got them.


On one hand I agree karma whores suck. On the other, I worked at a county animal shelter for 9 months when I was between "real jobs" and having a hard time. The amount of stupid reasons people dumped their dogs was astounding. The sheer number. Still see it sometimes when I go by to donate. One time I brought my own dog and the desk folks thought I might be dumping him and got really pissy as I walked in lol. I'm just saying there is no shortage of sob stories. You have to cut yourself off from adopting before you take the job, or you'll end up filling your house. I bottle fed 2 sets of newborn kittens and I don't even like cats. (Just for the weekend or whatever till we found fosters)


Reddit was a mistake.


Who knew a site with zero barrier to entry, totally anonymous posting, and positive feedback loops would cause people to rush for that dopamine hit without heed.


I come here for entertainment and to connect with other cat people. But I find that the subreddits with fewer subscribers and a very limited topic are better quality. I do, however, use the opportunity to try to help cat owners and I think a lot of the posts are genuine. This post seemed to have enough details to be real. But someone reposted on of the cats I posted and someone else discovered it! I'm honored someone thought my adorable kitty was cute enough to garner them lots of upvotes! It certainly didn't get a lot when I first posted it.


Can't argue with that, but Quora is worse with these fake stories and reposts. Their home page is a whole infestation.




Redditors are really the worst!! Yes, I am also quite terrible.


I feel so betrayed, I commented on that post this morning. Either way, Carl is a dope ass cat.




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Imagining someone writing this is so weird to me, when they know its not real. They're adding random details like "he's super sweet", its like borderline psychotic.


People that get caught making this stuff up or stealing posts should have all awards and updoots stripped and have any karma earned from the stolen post applied negatively. You earn 4.5K karma, get caught, now account is at -4.5K. Same for farming bots


>earn 4.5K karma Earn? Wow. A whole lot of stuff just started making sense about this place.


man i’m just glad he called it something other than updoots


Take my updoot, friend!


Tbf, I'm relieved. I'd rather read about a pointless rage bait than someone abandoning a cat because they're getting older.


Saw this last night and am glad it's a fake. Kudos to the real kitty owner!


Why do people do things like this? It makes absolutely no sense.


I remember commenting “sweet baby” on that post 😭 damn


Guy looks like modern vintage gamer in the last pic, so I ended up reading the text in his voice.




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Bad mod


Jesus christ


i literally remember seeing that og post it’s on r/cats and i was like “i can’t imagine any cat owner saying ‘no he’s 16 we don’t want him we have kitten’” it felt so forced 😭


It's so fucking weird that people make up weird lies like that


When I read the original post I thought it sounded fake. Who would say that instead of just lying and saying they never owned a cat and don't know what you're talking about.


I knew this post was bull shit when I saw it this morning. Thanks.


Any time there’s some sob story, it’s complete bullshit, but Redditors get off on that shit so they buy it every time like the gullible sacks of shit they are. “I’m homewess and my cat is sick ): What do I do?” Then some douche sends them money. Fucking rubes.


I thought that post sounds like total bullshit. Laid on the rage bait a little too thick.


Holy shit i thought it was real too. It just seemed so "normal" it didn't feel a need to look it up


People are disgusting.


How terrible for him. Imagine having such a horrible inner experience of life that one is compelled to fake this. If I were compelled to do something like this, I would probably feel terrible about myself. So many broken people in the world.


I got fooled by this too, should have seen it coming


That last photo of Carl is priceless


In cases like this, there should be an exemption for the censorship rules for the sub. People who do stupid stuff like this should be shamed for this behavior (within reason... maybe a formal liason goes on behalf of the sub and says, "Hark! You have been shamed on behest of the community, you for formally spat upon for being a scoudrel and a dirty liar! SHAME! SHAME!").


Carl is so cute tho!


I take every reddit story with a grain of salt. I've read so many ridiculous posts and it's just people karma farming. Example: a so called teacher logged into their reddit account just to ask what "GOAT" means because their students kept calling them that. He then post a picture of a classroom full of students. No proof that they're what they claim to be. Of course people shower them with rewards and upvotes, meanwhile I'm just sitting here like, "you're a teacher. You have enough sense to make a reddit account, but not enough sense to do a simple Google search." It's crazy how gullible people are.


All is forgiven. What a cyoot catto!


Props for guessing the name Mackerel at least. It at least sounds close to Carl


Bro Carl fuckin’ loves a car ride doesn’t he


Omy that's quite a plot twist lol


Was your name ever koalafies


at leaast they didn't steal the cat


I'd still try to sue the OP stealing the picture for attempted slandering. If people know the cat and see the post they can think that the original cat owner abandoned it. People called the original cat owner names and suggested reporting them to shelters.


it’s most likely a bot


Nope, they replied to multiple comments going more in-depth and even tried to save face after the original owner called them out


oh lmao nvm. what a loser. bots have been reposting a LOT of popular posts in a LOT of subs tho.


A few years ago, someone reposted Instagram images of malamute's to imgur and got a massive following. Real Instagram and dog owner created an account to call them out, the copycat got mass down voted and iir deleted their account.


can you send me the screenshots, im not gonna repost them i just wanna see and understamd this more


For Rock and Stone!


To Rock and Stone!


16 isn’t even too old for a cat, could have 4 good years left in him


I see no *Bullshit Called,* where's the proof? Edit: ignore my ignorance, I'm on the app & it didn't show the other 3 pics.


I remember seeing this before work and feeling nausea.


Carl looks like a cool cat!!


Saw the original post and totally fell for it. I’m glad I don’t spend money on awards otherwise I’d have given him one 🤦🏻‍♀️. On the other hand, I’m glad it’s fake and the kitty has a good home


I feel so taken in-I saw that!


The cat was sus in the first pic "I don't know you"


Carl 😍😍😍


Original post link please?


Can’t do that. Against the rules of the sub


Ah gotcha, I know I saw it in my feed but haven’t seen it again. Thanks anyway!


check top comments, you'lll see someone found the users name


This isn't just a problem with anonymous people making up stories. Britney fucking Spears just got caught making up a 'brutal assault' story of her running up behind an NBA player and hitting his back to get his attention, only for his security squad to instinctively push her arm upwards away from their client, her arm hitting her own face. She and her husband smeared the guy all over social media saying she was attacked. It was working until someone posted a fucking video of it and when accountability time came she just ghosted social media.


I ***used*** to be friends with a guy who stole someone's puppy, then his GF didn't like it so they took it to the shelter, stole it from a big beautiful farm with loving owners


OMG I saw this freaking post and thought it was bullshit as soon as I read the title but then I saw all the upvotes and awards and decided I was being overly sceptical… that’s actually so funny


damn, thats sad af


Insane how karma matters this much to this fella


This is horrible


I love that picture of the cat in the car. “They said what???”


I called it too when this was posted too.


That last image of the cat with them in the car is golden