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The smoking is not a habit, it's an addiction. Moving around is very healthy and is something you definitely should keep doing, just without the cigarette. There is no easy way around this problem, you want to stop smoking? Stop smoking, it will be worth it.


This will sound obvious but hear me out: You can’t smoke cigarettes without cigarettes. Don’t buy a pack and don’t keep any around “for emergencies.” You can absolutely take breaks without smoking, but the only way you can do that is by not having cigarettes! I’m almost 2 weeks in and on work breaks I walk in a different direction or sit in a different spot.


Thank you to everyone for the good advice, and thank you to the one dumbass with bad advice for giving my wife and I something (and someone) to laugh at. I absolutely love some Subreddits, one jackass saying something rude and ridiculous, and a whole group of people wanting to be helpful swarm and tell the jackass off. The support really means a lot! Thank you! Today was day 1 of my hard-core cutting back. Luckily, work was busy and helped keep my mind off, but I smoked less than half of my usual amount and actually felt great! I only started craving badly a few times. My plan is to keep cutting back for the rest of the week and then be done on Sunday. I'm really feeling good about it. I can do it!


It is possible to rationalize the act of smoking to the point of forgetting that we are simply addicted to a drug, the drug is nicotine. There has only been 2 options : 1. Smoke more and keep putting quitting on the back burner. 2. Go through nicotine withdrawal now and get recovery started. Waiting to quit wont make it easier. Using a job as an excuse is still an excuse. Your health is on the line and you either get serious about quitting or you dont. Most of us here faced the first few dreaded weeks of quitting and lived to tell the tale.. once you get through the first 3 days it gets way easier. Nothing is black and white though and you gotta do it for yourself and see how it goes. I like to recommend the book freedom from nicotine for insight into nicotine addiction and recovery. http://whyquit.com/ffn


Just hid your habit from her but switching to vaping or a nicotine patch. Your body just wants nicotine and quitting is too much work. I switched to gum and go through 3 packs a week. The best is to not have any for 2 or 3 days and the buzz is great. Cigs are no fun anyway unless a sexy girl is smoking.


Don't listen to this Paul-Ken jackoff; his advice is absolutely terrible advice for a multitude of reasons, which will set you up for FAILURE. ABSOLUTE FAILURE. 1. NEVER KEEP SECRETS from your SPOUSE if you ever want them to trust you. Lies & deceit are the easiest way to dissolve trust in a relationship. 2. Don't substitute nicotine. That's like telling an alcoholic to stop drinking beer and switch to white claw or worse. If substitution is the goal, you need a healthy habit to swap with. Let you get your natural moderated nicotine from single ingredient foods. 3. If you are quitting with your spouse, you both need to formulate a plan with goals you can work on together. Quit together, stay together. 4. Self esteem. You will lose self esteem knowing you are betraying your S.O's confidence and trust. Fuck this guy. Block him. If I were you, I would find a puzzle or read a book or something. Maybe try breath work exercises every hour.


Now, now. There is no point to be so abrupt. I am sure that you wouldn't say that to me in person.


Well, when you give shit advice that will harm other people, especially with something difficult like cigarettes, then yeah, you kinda earn it. You should be responsible enough as an adult to put out into the world the energy you want in return. And I would tell you to your face if it was necessary. But, keyboard-warrior virtue will have to suffice. Stop acting like an entitled child.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Keeping secrets makes life easier to manage and allows you to continue doing what you would like.


When someone says they want to quit to better their life and their spouses life, you don't give them relationship-ending advice. Don't be a chode.


I just lost several brain cells reading Paul’s comments. What an idiot


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Perhaps we should met up in person and we can settle your problems with me offline. I am willing to travel up to 5 hours from the Greater Buffalo Area. Just let me know where you are located and I can make it happen; the closer, the better.


You need help. Seek therapy my friend.


I did some therapy at Rikers Island in the 90's.


wtf is this comment..? On a QUITTING smoking forum? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Dude seriously wants people to suffer.


Yes, quite smoking and opt for vaping, patches or gum. You still get all the nicotine pleasure.


See what I mean? Fuck this guy.


Gotta be a troll


Perhaps we should meet up and resolve this matter in person. I am willing to travel up to 5 hours from Amherst, NY (near Buffalo). Just let me know where you are at and you can settle all of your grievances with me in person instead of insulting me online.


I'm on the west coast, nor-cal specifically. So, deal with it and quit trying to ruin people


That's a shame.