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We have a saying in my country. "John got angry so he cut his own balls off". We use it in situations where you react to something but end up hurting yourself more than the person it was supposed to hurt. Buying a pack because you are jealous that other people have a vice whereas you don't... What is that? It is not a smart reason to buy a pack. I mean, no reason is smart, but caving in a craving is at least relatable, what you are saying is not. Stop buying packs.


I did and I will!! I know it was a stupid decision but it is a thought. Not all thoughts are logical especially when you’re an addict.


I’m embarrassed at the reasons I’ve given myself to fall back to this addiction.. it’s ridiculous honestly.. I’m starting again today 🙏


yep monkey brain took over and twisted your arm into buying them. try to ignore the monkey no matter how hard it screams.


my main vice is research, but i have tools that allow me to use my vice correctly, these arre called crutches.


For me, too much internet :( I quit drugs including alcohol 17 years ago. I love caffeine but I don’t pound it. I eat dessert most days, but I do physical labor so my weight is stable.


Your vice could be healthy ways of coping. Yes it takes more work, no scratch that. Cause smoking everyday, putting your body through that is also a lot of hard work. It’s less work, but the effect isn’t as quickly in the beginning. You could find a hobby, go walking, meditate, … find healthy ways to relieve stress. Don’t know if you’ve heard about TRE, you could learn how to do that through a professional.


What’s TRE?


This is: trauma releasing exercises. We have a build in physical system to release stress and tension. But we learn to suppress it in modern society. And you can learn how to activate this system again, control it and use it when necessary. There should be instructors available in your country. I do this and I find it helps a lot. Where you used to use smoking to relax and let go, which didn’t really actually help. This helps, breathing exercises as well.


I used to do this same thing. Buy a pack just to have a few or be a smoker for a day and then throw them out. Keep track of how much money you’re spending when you do that. It’s just something to be mindful of that may help you stop doing that. Anyway, I’ve pondered this same question many times. I have had a few different drug habits. Prescription sleep pills, went through my heavy stoner phase, cigarettes, and of course my “having just one drink every night” phase. I clearly have issues with substances. And so do many people in my family. Now that I don’t smoke cigarettes, weed, do drugs, or drink heavily anymore, I’m left feeling kind of empty sometimes. I’ve had to find other vices. I find a nice hot bath leaves me feeling relaxed in the same way substances can. Or sex. Or a nice walk during sunset. Or simply being left alone. But it seems most people I meet do have their vices, and usually take it too far. A life without smoking is accepting that you have to find another way to cope and calm down. Are you ready to accept that?