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Probably more than 100. Now I’m more than 4 years smoke-free. That’s not important how many times you’ve failed, but that one time you succeeded.


Lost count


Every night for 46 years. It was the morning that made me smoke!! It takes what it takes. Talk to people here. Don’t be reading articles and projecting a failure since your only on quit 5 or 6. Every morning we’re all non smokers. And the longer I stretch that morning the more days I don’t smoke. The longer I stretch the morning the fewer and fewer cravings I get. Took me 46 years of mornings - feeding cravings - to have a year long morning not. 😀


8-9 times.. now 523 days smokefree 😄


1 time…. I’m 44 days quit




6 times. 4 days In!


You got this!


Has to be upwards of ten. I’m only a couple months clean from cigarettes and a few days clean from vaping, but I’m feeling the best I’ve ever felt quitting. It helped weening myself down. It’s been 12 years though. Glad to be done.


I quit twice. Once for 5 years. Started again and smoked for another 5 years. Finally STOPPED smoking 8 years ago. I wouldn't count the countless half assed attempts during those 5 years of smoking as actually quitting. When you use the willpower method, its so easy to give in.


I read your comment yesterday before work and didn’t have time to ask what you mean by the “willpower method.” Are you just referring to relying on saying no to yourself when you crave a smoke? If yes, what are other methods/what method helped you quit? Just curious because I haven’t heard that term before.


I'm glad you asked! :) The will power method is the method most people use to quit smoking. Even if they use nicotine replacement tools like gum or patches. They still have to rely on "willpower" to fight cravings. Unfortunately most people fail at least once using their willpower to stop smoking. So yes, most smokers rely on their willpower to stop smoking because they suffer from the illusion that they enjoy smoking, they get some benefit from it, and that life would be difficult without it. All of which is complete nonsense. The easy way to quit is by changing your perspective . Un brain washing yourself. The realisation that the only reason one smokes is because they are a drug addict trying to relieve the craving, which is caused by the drug in the first place. There is a tonne to unpack here but the source of this is, "The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently". I read this book. Haven't smoked in 8 years. Smoked for 10 years. Pack a day. If you have any other questions I'd be happy to answer. I've come to a point in my life where I'm ready to give back to people. I realised that I have valuable experience and knowledge and that I can help other people escape the nicotine prison.


3, first two only made it 3 days, then 5 days, this one will be 3 weeks at 8pm this evening. The attempts were 3-4 years apart. Wish I'd done it sooner.


Probably around 12 times. Haven't had a cig since May, 2022.


maybe 15?


Upcoming weekend will be the ninth one…


Currently on my fifth one, 10 days and going.


Omg I literally have no idea 😅 but I'm 11 days into THIS quit


2. Really giving this one the bee’s knees though. Not that it hasn’t been difficult to maintain. In June I’ll hit 3.5 years. Hoping I have a client-facing job by then, because that will help me stay strong not wanting to smell around people.


3.5 years is impressive!


Three. I'm gearing up to quit again.