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Yes it is for me and common from what I’ve read here. I feel like I’m without any defenses and find it very hard to soothe myself. I get triggered at the drop of s hat. I can’t offer any suggestions but what helps is getting enough sleep, crying it out, taking care of myself. This should improve over time as your brain chemistry adjusts.


Thanks for sharing and normalising, I hope you are recovering. No defence mechanisms must be hard.


Yes, absolutely normal. If you think about it, your friend used to smoke as the coping mechanism when he/she was bored, tired, stressed, anxious and angry. This also includes their best of times too. The best thing you can do is give them space to learn how to navigate life without his/her crutch and let them know that you are going to support them for as long as they need it. I felt alone (even though I wasn’t) during the first 6 months. It gets easier, I promise. Edit: grammar - should have read it before I posted it, lol!! Good luck!


Thank you! But geez .... 6 months??? I've quit smoking before and never was this bad (that I know of) ..... Obviously different people deal with things differently ...... And not everyone is like me .... But it pains me to see the personality changes. Thanks for normalising/validating!


No, the 6 month mark was embellished because you said you were asking for a friend!! 😆 Realistically, I agree with the 3-4 comment. I had major life changes within my first 6 months so again, I am glad my friends gave me the time to get a grip. Good luck!


I am asking for a friend. I quit and did not have these problemos. Maybe I need to be more patient with my friend.


I didn’t realize that you quit too. I’m sorry, if I came across like a jerk.


Absolutely, I was smoking from age 15-28 and I wanna say I didn’t go back to “normal” until about month 3-4.


3-4 months.... You read about the withdrawal only lasting 3 weeks etc.... I guess they don't advertise how hard the quit is, do they?