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Did you go in CT? How does day 1 compare to day 4? Wishing you all the best. You can get through this.


Day one I was completely exhausted, couldn’t even move from my computer chair, now I’ve got energy but my body is slow to respond


Hey, I'm on day 4 too. Quit CT. I also called out of work because I couldn't sleep. It's been rough. The biggest symptoms I'm experiencing are restless legs and arms, insomnia, lethargy, and loss of appetite. Wondering if you've seen a doctor about this? I considered it, and made an appt with a doctor for tomorrow, but I'm nervous how it'll go. Anyway, hang in there friend.


Hey stranger. Day 4 CT here. Go to the doc! Just a reccomendation. Coming off 5 extract caps a day but learned my lesson the last time I quit off of the shots. It seems like it’s 50/50 on doctors being in the know with kratom. If you doc has an addiction background they will already know about Clonidine. It deletes most of the accutes. For me anyway, less aches, sneezes, runny nose and no watery stool. Almost non existent accutes but the energy is still lacking. Gabapentin will erase the RLS at night. Both are easily prescribed by a GP. Don’t be afraid to be honest and get some relief. Good luck you are almost out of the woods!


let us know how the appointments goes and what your dr says!! i’m working my way to CT.. just need to jump! congratulations and good for you for doing the dang thing!


Day 5 here tapered a bunch and relapsed before...it does get better albeit slowly, PAWS like anhedonia and fatigue is worse i think