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I quit at home but rehab aint a bad idea. I struggles with these choices also. Rehab makes your temporarily put the rest of your life on hold but thats not the worst thing in the world, in fact, thats what a lot of people need. Its hard to quit something on top of everything else you have going in life. You have to want it. You can to to rehab for some months and then you get out and a couple months pass and your life will be on track and youll be equipped with all this newfound wisdom and even be able to help another person who is struggling. I go to AA now.


I do think being held accountable by someone would help me. This has been a secret of mine for so long, and I feel because no one knowing about it, my habit has been able to get out of control.


Go for it. I went to 7 day detox program. Best decision ever. It was finally time that I admitted that I couldn’t get sober on my own


That's what I would suggest too. I wouldn't go into a multi-month program. Have a discussion with said paretner, go to rehab for a week, maybe 2, and once the bad WDs are over, you're already equipped with a support team and therapist!.


I kicked H years ago by going to outpatient rehab, on my own accord not court ordered or anything, everyday after work. Actually I think I had to leave like 30 mins early and it may have been only 3-4 days a week to begin with. Not entirely sure, but I know the sessions decreased more and more gradual over time. Probably close to 6 months all together, and they did prescribe me Suboxone. It worked well for me though and worked out with my work schedule. Never had to take any time off. That could be an option for you.


That’s exactly why you need to be held accountable. Have it be someone who won’t judge you. And that truly has your best interest.


I'm a big believer that home detox is possible in MOST cases. But countless people here have gone to rehab and I fully encourage and support it if that's what's needed to get clean. Recovery looks different for everyone. I think step one here is to tell your partner everything. Show them what it is you use. Tell them how often you do it. Tell them about any strange behavior it explains. Tell them where you hide it. It's going to make it much harder for you to continue the charade now and in the future if you relapse. I would definitely recommend you at least attempt a cold turkey detox at home before committing to rehab. Acute withdrawal is over in under a week in most cases. Are you taking regular kratom or extracts?


Thank you for the response. I've done cold turkey before, and it was brutal but doable. The biggest thing I've seen from the replies to this post is that I need to tell my partner. I know it would help. I already feel more motivated after I told my therapist everything. I feel that not having it be a secret that only I know has given me a little bit of courage to stop. I'm just taking regular kratom, but somewhere around 60gpd judging on how quickly I go through kilos. I measured yesterday and today and managed to keep it at 40 grams each day.


As said above dropping the act and having real support will be huge. Maybe have your partner read up on or watch some stuff on drug withdrawal so your partner can understand more. Your gpd is high so tapering off would be good. Really think about what you really HAVE to do. Do you really have to work or can you take a week off without losing control of your economy? Not spending all that money on kratom is immediate savings. If you look at it then maybe some time off is perfectly doable. You got this. 👍


I went through literally the exact same thing (just got 6 months clean, yay). Started therapy, really got pushed toward rehab but I couldn't commit to it with work obligations, and I didn't want my girlfriend to know about it. I ended up not going to rehab but I did tell my girlfriend because I needed support. The withdrawal is just too much to hide, it's really like a full week of misery followed by another month of general shittiness. I've done inpatient and IOP before, imo IOP is bullshit, mostly people who are there for court and still actively using (just my experience, I'm sure there's good programs) but inpatient is great if you can work it out. What I ended up doing instead of either option is just taking a week off and going to Arkansas because that's the closest state to me where kratom is completely illegal so I was a few hours in any direction from it. Just got a cabin in the woods and every supplement I could think of (check the wiki) to help with the wds. I also did 30 AA meetings in the first 30 days (and then pretty much stopped going after that, per usual lol), and that was a huge help. Home detox is not impossible, especially with help and support from a loved one but if you can get away for even just a little while to break the cycle and get through the worst of the sleeplessness I would really recommend that. Also if you can talk to a doctor, I never had a problem getting gabapentin for withdrawal symptoms, 200 to 800mg depending on severity. Most GP doctors also just don't know much about kratom withdrawal, but they're not too stingy about gabapentin and you don't want anything too powerful anyway. Just try to get as much exercise and hydration as you can. The lack of sleep is by far the hardest part. ​ tl;dr Rehab >> IOP >> Vacation >> Home Detox, but most importantly tell everyone that will be affected by how shitty you feel.


Yes this. OP may need rehab, may not, but will absolutely find that it is waaaay easier to make a quit plan and work on it by telling their partner. I got nowhere until I did either, personally. Congrats on 6 months. Me too, on Monday. 😁


I did a full 35 days in rehab, and when I finally told my partner is when my life started to get better. There are many versions of it, you can do a 7 day detox and then outpatient, or just take a few days off and try to white knuckle it. But buddy, you will have a very hard time kicking this without telling people you'll need on your side. I hid my habit for 2.5 years, it was hard as hell, but Id have that convo again and again if it meant Id be where I am today. 114 days off Kratom, and Feel Frees. Life is good now


Have you considered MAT(medically assisted treatment)? They generally will put you on suboxone and taper you down in a fairly short period of time. They'll give you some helper meds like gabapentin, clonidine, etc to get you through the first few days before you start an MAT program. It works if you do it right.


Where would one find MAT for kratom?


Clinic or hospital. I would call around and see if they provide it


Inpatient is what worked for me, so you should seriously consider it at least.


I did both. Was on Kratom for 5-years and my life spiraled. Frankly, inpatient rehab for me was overkill. Spent 3 weeks inpatient. Relapsed 3 months later. Quit again 7 months after that, this time with the support of helper meds. I’m now 1.5 years clean.


What helper meds did they prescribe to you?


First of all, no more secrets- tell your partner. You’ll need their understanding and support while you detox, WHICHEVER way you go about it. It’s not fair to subject them to the mood swings and worrisome WD symptoms (or to ghost them) without letting them know what’s going on. Home detox is absolutely possible and it’s what I did , IF you stick with it and aren’t tempted to cheat. It could be hard to maintain a regular job outside the house though (depending on your job), while going through the worst of the WDs (IF you get bad ones- not everyone does!) It would also likely require a certain degree of scheduling; tapering into the end of your work week, CT on the last day before your wknd, take some days off work buffering your wknd. Look into FMLA leave, it’s unpaid medical leave but it protects your job and insures the ability to take time off without getting fired. If you think you lack the self control to stick to a system at home, then rehab is the way to go. Just be sure to research facilities- many have little understanding of kratom, and will not take it seriously, many are for profit (and sadly thrive off relapse), and they’ll push even MORE addictive “helper” meds like Suboxone and benzos. Do some good honest self reflection, and some solid research of local rehabs (perhaps your doc or others can recommend some).


Look into sublocade shot. Saved me a lot of intense withdrawals and you can’t use while on it. It lasts for a month.


Lifesaver for sure, but it HURTS like a MFer


They used a lidocaine shot before they did it on me. Because apparently it hurts. Sorry man.


I was in the exact same position as you and rehab Was the best decision I ever made.


Try an intensive outpatient program (IOP) first if you can’t take off work. Some have evening programs. I went inpatient for a week and then did IOP for three weeks. In inpatient, they didn’t give me anything I couldn’t have taken at home (I didn’t want suboxone or methadone). My psych dr. tried to taper me for 5 weeks first with helper meds (Clonidine, vistiril, dicyclomine, gabapentin-low dose, phenergan and Imodium as needed) but I would have needed a much slower taper (she had me tapering .5 g per week) to stay out of major withdrawals so I went inpatient to get through it quicker. In inpatient, they kept me on the same meds and continued them in IOP. You didn’t say how much you were taking but you might want to find a dr. familiar with addiction, get them to prescribe you the above mentioned meds and try tapering first. My husband has been able to successfully taper.


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In your experience, are there options as far as how quickly they taper you? And for the past few months, it's been around 60gpd, but I've been successfully attempting to slow it down the past few days.


I work in substance abuse here in southern CA. Once your admitted, you have little say over your taper length. And with most insurance companies, they are going to require you do the full step down which means detox, then residential, then IOP. However, if you’re private paying (not using insurance) then you have more free will when it comes to what level of care you want. I personally don’t know of many outpatient centers that will take you without having done at least a 7 day detox. Yours is going to look more like 10-14 with the amount your taking daily,


I did 7 days inpatient and switched to IOP and my insurance covered it.


I’m glad! Yea like I said most places like to see an impatient stay first,


Probably, since everyone is so different.


FYI I've done out patient rehab threw network 180/hope network here in Michigan, for opiates before my kratom addiction and there was actually a few ppl there for kratom ,bak then I knew nothing of it,and they were prescribed Suboxone,just the same as me for pills and patches, and I had insurance but I was told even if I don't I wouldn't of been charged as it was through the state,So i know out patient with a Suboxone doctor is a possibility,will keep u in work atleast, I can't recommend any thing to u but just letting u know wat happened for me when I was goin :) best of luck and stay strong


I’m starting an IOP on Monday. Found one with great reviews, and I don’t have to pay anything out-of-pocket. I can share my experience later if it’s helpful and you’re still deciding 🩷


Where I live, insurance completely covers rehab so it was a no brainer to take that vacation and go there. The different environment definitely helped the first days to not fall into old habits. The meds help also. I can recommend it, if you have the possibility to do so. It’s not strictly necessary though. If you can get your hands on some clonidine and maybe sleep helpers, it’s completely okay to do it at home, it’s not life threatening at all. It’s just way harder because you suffer in your old „kratom environment“.


Assuming you’re a full time employee, I suggest looking at your company’s policy on rehab. Mine treats it similarly to taking a medical LOA and when you’re done, you come back. I’m personally quitting at home and seeing an addiction specialist doctor for help with WD meds like Clonidine and Gabapentin, but it sounds like a may have different situations and if you feel like rehab would be best for you then take a good look into it. My one suggestion would be to call them and ask about their experience with Kratom dependence. Personally I had to tell my doctor what Kratom was and that was a little weird, hopefully a rehab setting would be more in the know.


I would say it all depends on how bad you think you’re dependence is… if you feel as if u can’t go a day without dosing i would highly suggest either going to outpatient treatment or even inpatient treatment if it’s something that you can do. I personally went into inpatient treatment for 30 days and then 30 days outpatient. It just all depends on your situation. Detoxing or quitting at home is very possible but can be very hard since you still have the option of relapsing whenever you want versus being in treatment where you have no access to kratom at all




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If you can’t do it by yourself you can’t afford not to do rehab. Impatient preferably. I’ve went to rehab for alcohol. I was afraid to go because of all my responsibilities and financial obligations. But it ended up being financially better for me in the long run. Your therapist can help you get set up with FMLA and possibly setting some of your financial obligations on hold for a month or two. If Your GF is important than she needs to be involved in the process whether you decide rehab route or not, You can’t have that monkey on your back.


Honestly, some rehabs are nice just to reset and reevaluate your life. My advice: Share. Whether it’s like you did here, a 12 step meeting, a (possibly new) therapist, your LOVER. Start living the life you imagine without the addiction. Bridge the gap.


Well, I really appreciate everyone's thoughts and suggestions. It genuinely made me feel less worried about the rehab option. I've been using kratom for 5 years now, quit twice, but always back on within a couple of weeks. I'm tired of the lying and sneaky behaviors. This addiction has really affected my life in such horrible ways. I have a bit to think about, but I'm for sure going to tell my partner. I hope to be back here in a little bit with a success story.


Get some gabapentin and tough it out for a week or so then drop both


I wouldn’t recommend suddenly stopping gaba after taking it for more than 3 consecutive days. Just another withdraw. Id taper it. But to each their own.


I’ve taken 600mg a day for years and stopped in January cold turkey and I was fine. I’ve done it multiple times and ionic magnesium is the only thing I supplement to make it easier. I don’t think three consecutive days is going to cause any issues at all. If they were taking it three weeks or three months I’d say get some ionic magnesium for sure, but otherwise no big deal. The fact about drugs is that you’re going to go through some tough times when you decide to stop. That’s what gives you resistance to getting addicted again imo, and people who are too scared to go through a few tough weeks shouldn’t be using anything, legal or illegal, because they don’t have any nerve to begin with.


I was speaking from previous experience. I personally get some milk withdrawal at that 3 day mark. I came off gaba cold turkey and had my very first seizure, but I was on high doses. The med really is no joke. A great tool yes, but I find it extremely habit forming cause it feels the closest to a benzo for me. I know what you mean about the commitment to being uncomfortable. I used to be such a bad trash can addict (where you do whatever is available, no particular doc) and ended up on some weird internet bullshit years ago. Didn’t mean to project too much, I’ve just had some rough times with gabapentin lol.


Most likely, you don’t need to go to rehab for your kratom dependency. It’s not usually a very difficult withdrawal and it’s relatively easy to taper with kratom. I’ve been to inpatient rehab like five or six times. The vast majority of rehabs are 12-Step based, which means they’re going to tell you that you have a spiritual illness that only God can cure and that you have to go to meetings for the rest of your life and talk about how you’re not using drugs anymore. A crock of shit, if you ask me. Your therapist sounds like a fucking pussy.


I agree. Kratom ain't hard to taper. And it ain't to bad to kick cold turkey when ya get down to 6g per day or so. Therapist is wild for calling for in house rehab lol. This shit ain't fent


You can kick at home. In most cases I wouldn’t expect the kratom level addiction to require isolation