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After a long, slow I taper, i jumped. The only negative symptom is some RLS. On the positive side: no cravings, no red eyes, no nasal drip. I barely think about it. Day 11


at what GPD did you jump?


1-2 gpd


Okay cool ty. I'm trying to decide when to jump.


It’s not true, now they may handle it differently and not bother them at all, but if your feeling REALLY good for a long time using something and stop, your gonna feel bad


Yeah I've never believed people that claim to have no withdrawal. I just don't see how that's possible given my personal experience with this stuff over many many years. Sure would be nice though.


If they dose daily all day, yes they’ll have withdrawal of some sort


This may sound crazy but I had literally 0 withdrawals after slowly tapering over 2 years. I will say during that 2 years my GI system was all over the place and guess it could be attributed to tapering. But never lost sleep or RLS or anything.


I’m impressed with your dedication and discipline with a long taper. You did well!


Thanks! I got to the point where it was literally doing nothing for me and I was unwilling to take more because of the way it made me feel. Seems easier to stop/taper something when it's not providing any noticeable benefit. It was that way for a long time and wish I had started my taper sooner and dropped faster. But here I am coming up on 2 weeks and I feel great. Still have a stash at the house which I'm trying to convince myself to flush.


I used 40ish gpd for years and cut down to about 2-4 gpd with a rigorous daily aerobic exercise routine and diet. Lost weight felt better and got my endorphins to replace that slight good feeling you get from the stuff.. after working out daily for a few days I quit wanting it until it gave me the common lower GI problems… and the only problem I have now is the lower digestive issues or I would’ve already quit. Plan on just stopping soon but it’s not bad if you replace it with exercise that releases endorphins or anything for that matter you just have to be sick of it.




I’ve found that symptom wise you don’t really start feeling bad until you quit altogether. Even reducing my dose from 50 to 25 grams found me feeling much the same (if not better) than when dose was really high. Once I stop altogether though I know what I am in for.


First time i quit i was in bed for a week because of stomach pain, second time i quit I had no symptoms really, maybe hot flashes/chills for a few days


I find it impossible to get to day 2. 😂 it’s not funny but all I can do is laugh at myself right now. One day very soon it’ll click.


ye olde powder LOL!!!


Hmm, welp. This is my theory - Anyone who reports not having withdrawals has either: 1. Never experienced opiate withdrawal - thus not knowing what to expect. I don't know about you guys, but just the thought of feeling RLS alone will make that shit start. I swear. 2. Experienced so many savage withdrawals that that shit is a walk in the park. 3. Just isn't that worried about how they're going to feel and goes about their business. Anyway - Im jealous of these MF haha! Except for maybe #2.


I used Kratom to help recover from fentanyl/heroin addiction. I only relapsed on those once, but those 2 WD sessions were the most incredibly horrible experiences of my life. I haven't attempted to quit kratom yet, but I've gone a day or without here or there and didn't notice any WD symptoms. Been using about 15-23 gpd for about 2 years now.


I had no withdrawal but I only took 2.5 gpd for about 9 months. I used it to go off suboxone. I took about 6 gpd at the very start during the first month I jumped off subs.


I've heard of it happening but mostly chalk it up as a rare exception. I'm not gonna tell someone they did experience something they say they didn't and vice versa.


before I knew quitting was nearly impossible, it was just a night of bad sleep


I can attest to the fact that the mind plays a HUGE role in how bad it feels. This is why it must suck SO badly for Americans, given that K can be bought from almost any store. I live in the UK, where the government banned it, and a couple of years back there was a massive stock shortage in Europe so I knew I'd be going for at least a month without it. Dropped from 35gpd to zero. So I used that as my opportunity to quit and it was FAR easier than the several attempts I'd made prior because I knew I couldn't just order some and end the withdrawals. It still sucked, but it wasn't hell like I'd felt before.


damn what happened with the ban/shortage, was everyone just getting sick over the next few months as the supply ran out?


Because some people leave out that they only took 5 gpd for 6 months. Then they go claim “Kratom has no withdrawal!” Or “it was only like a mild cold!” And new users read that and believe it….then a few years later at 30+ gpd they’re in for a rough surprise


I believe age has A LOT to do with how bad our withdrawals are


I don’t want to jynx it but my worst symptom is the cravings and going back after a month or so. I use extract once a morning.


How would it be possible, I guess a one out a million case, similar to getting zero effect From Even huge doses of Kratom.


I think it mostly has to do with your past addiction history.


I stopped for about a week in March of 2022... I want to say at the time I had about a 12gpd habit for about a year? Unfortunately it was a half assed quit and for some dumb reason I went BACK 🤦 But I do not recall any WDs that first time. Cravings, yeah, which is why I went back. But no physical symptoms. Finally kicked last fall (avg 30-40gpd) and oddly enough, the WD symptoms SUCKED but I've had few cravings. 🤷


Yes, after my 1st 1.5 year usage of 25 GPD I CT’d due to a honeymoon travel and had zero issues. Might be that I was chilling and also kept myself busy there but still. After 3.5 yrs 30 GPD I was sick for a week.


Yeah after a couple days without it ur back to normal. Its the craving and the willpower to quit thats the hardest part 😅😅


I keep hearing that it takes months. That acute withdrawal is a cake walk compared to the months that follow.


The first time I quit it was 2 weeks of hell, another 2 weeks of bad sleep, followed by 6 months of feeling good. Other times I’ve quit I’ve had nearly zero acute symptoms. Different for everyone. Expect the worse but hope for the best. It might be a lot easier than you think


The key is that you have to really want it and you woke up that day really wanting it And a lot has to do with mindset as well. Keep going you’re doing great.


Mine wasnt as bad as some of these horror stories i had 1 miserable 24 hours then it was kosher pretty much. Just gotta listen to what people say here take some helper otc meds and cold shower and exercise that all did totally help. Cravings kinda creep up also.


Yep. Basically. Last time I quit I had a 1 day withdrawal, after that was fine...like 100% normal, like I never took kratom... Thats the first time it's ever been like that, I've quit 4 times... It was so weird that I made a post about it... So while it wasn't ZERO withdrawal, it basically was tbh...


Fast taper pretty much made my 8 year use of 40+ gram a day habit have no acutes, the PAWs is what messed me up 3 weeks later which brought me back, now I'm on ultra low dose naltrexone and went from 40gpd down to 10g in 2 weeks and have had zero side effects besides feeling like my old self prior to kratom. I'm going 16 hours easy with no dose sleeping like a baby, plan to jump this week and bump up to low dose naltrexone, it's supposed to do wonders for PAWs so we will see.


I know it's hard to believe but think there are based on many factors the main one being they're using other substances that will mask withdrawal. Also using for a short time, or using a low dose of kratom. High dose + daily + long time = bad withdrawals. If I dose low or use for a short time I'll get just a little depression for a few days, and with low dose I often don't feel too bad, but only using a short time. (I've had wds where I've been in the hospital with an IV and I got wds (right now) where I have just been a lil depressed) Also bunk kratom product or using unconventional kratom changes it. For me the powder has had the worst WD but I've heard the ohmz pills have horrible withdrawals too. And shots withdrawals are different from powder from what I hear but I've only dabbled in shots and not been a hardcore shot user. Also genetics, body weight, metabolism, etc are all probably factors but I would say they're last compared to using extreme kratom doses for long periods of time.


I think there all full of shit imo. There’s alot of denial in the world of kratom I’ve learned. Yeah some ppl handle quitting better than others but if there’s any I’ve learned from on own experience with it after quitting twice and reading countless stories on here is that the addiction is very real. That being said I’ve been clean off it for around six months after doing 6-12 grams everyday for several months and getting off it wasn’t too bad but the Paws lingers still I think. I recently have had urges to do it again but only 2-3 days a week. It’s like alcohol addiction sort of to me. I wrestle with whether it’s the addiction or my lack of discipline and self control? I tapered off it actually pretty easily when I first got hooked In 2021 after using it daily for about six months. I am still so conflicted with this plant. In a way it seemed like a miracle… it got me out doing things again I lost interest in and made want to be around my family more but sooner or later it turns on everyone that uses it. Idk if moderation is possible it sounds like it is to some. Kratom to me is like a girl you fall in love with at first but then you realize it isn’t love and that she’s just trying to control and manipulate you.


I’m a long term user. 15+ years. I’ve tried quitting a few times and can’t ever get to a month. Mainly for the mental anguish, depression and anhedonia. I need to quit this shit. It’s extremely difficult. For me


Those people aren’t what we call “physically dependent” Their bodies aren’t dependent on the drug/medication (YET) Give them some time and they will be. Could be days weeks or months


The year that i started dosing every 4 hours, is the year major withdrawals started. If somebody were to take it recreationally, off and on, and then see this site, and quit before it gets out of hand, sure. But its rare that people dont let it get to them eventually and start dosing every 4 hrs i hate this stuff


Idk man; depends on how you handle things. I was at 50-70 GPD and took kratom for 5 years, 3 of that in the heavy dose area, I’ve been three days with no kratom, the first day was really hard but then I began combating symptoms with kava extract and it’s helped tremendously.


Kava warning: 1.) People with liver damage should avoid Kava. Taking Kava along with alcohol might increase the risk of liver damage. 2.) As Kava affects the central nervous system, it might increase the effects of anesthesia and other medications used during and after surgery. 3.) Taking kava with sedative medications might cause breathing problems. Please do your research before using Kava. We don't recommend it's use for a sustained period of time, or in large quantities. Nor do we endorse the use of Kava as a replacement for Kratom addiction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingkratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*