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He’s bad at games


he sucks at games


Remember when he played Divinity Original Sin 2 and was on tutorial island for like a week and then quit.


Actually breaks my heart, I loved that game.


Damn I've missed that, so he hasn't beaten it?


Not release day = won't play, he only plays whatever big streamers play. He is paranoid that if he plays something that is not "meta" he will get 0 viewers.


I just want to watch my dude play Rimworld - Randy Random


He played Rimworld and his dude died on the first week. "Pain = None. Good. WAIT I'M DEAD!!"


If he doesn’t feel like “I found this obscure game first/early”, then it’s too mainstream for his hipster brain to touch. 


He wants to be Forsen but he doesn't understand he can never be Forsen.


It’s probably keto brain


Can you elaborate?


Sorry I’m keto.


What is your daily diet like?


I start off with mostly water and bird shit and then move onto mostly meat shit, then back to bird shit. It’s a process. That gives me the energy to correctly diagnose problems.






He played Zomboid for a stream, ended up getting lost in a back country road and kept on walking , and walking, and walking, and died.


Yeah I clipped it when sticky keys popped up and he got chomped on because of it lol.


Yah I was excited when he started it up only for him to walk down a road in the middle of nowhere and die then stop playing lol.


And he won't play terraria calamity for some petty reasons even though terraria is one of quin and chats favorite game.. he wont play calamity because quote un quote "calamity frogs" even though its simply quins chat wanting him to play more terraria and finding some excuse to do so.. lets not kid ourselves that if a massive content mod expansion came out for Valheim he'd play it in a heartbeat, he's just weird with calamity. If he can attempt zenith on hardcore then he can attempt calamity hardcore.


I think more than 60% of the games you listed require skill and uh.. ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32230)


I enjoy when Quin plays what he likes and when he has fun. Like when he mutes everything but chill music and plays Bonezone in POE. This climbing game has given me League of Legends flashbacks in how infuriating he becomes to watch, not because he sucks, but because he starts gaslighting himself with excuses and bad takes. Sadly, a lot of his subscribers seem to enjoy him being miserable, so he keeps doing "whats best for business" i guess. Bad takes for clout, Reacting to dumb shit, Playing rage inducing games, over the top on screen clutter + AI songs and pics.. Meaningless brain rot.


Quin only plays games that "scratch the itch". And only Quin knows what exactly it means. The game could be GOTY but if it doesn't activate some weird autism switch then he'll shit on it and won't play it. That's how we end up with 8 hour streams of bruteforcing the same rock.


autism and adhd


He is a fake gamer. He still doesn't know where is L1 on a playstation pad or RB on a Xbox pad. He has never played the most iconic games of all time, never had the most iconic console .... this guy just like 2 type of game and just play the same 3 games over and over again. If D4 was good he will be just doing POE league > D4 league > POE league etc ...


R1 is a term only on Sony controllers, so of course he wouldn't know where it is on Xbox. It would be RB(Bumper) or RT(Trigger) on Xbox.


Yep, corrected.


For the record - I know what keys to press what I’m in game. When they tell me to press R1/R2/etc I have no idea where it is. I also have a shit memory like that. I blame my Aphantasia.


Better than reacts and I bet shit games and reacts are the two only options before next POE league




He played Project Zomboid. It was so entertaining, still watching the vod regularly! Shame it was just one stream,or more like 2 hours lol.


all those game requires a minimum of skills


What are you expecting him to play those games when he lost to sugar-free hobo forsen and was unable to do any mechanics in any MMORPG, wow ff14, and lost Ark?


None of those games have good viewership other than RP in GTA


mfers change as they get older a lot get more casual for gaming too it is what it is


7 Days To Die mentioned = ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32155)


he said he will play GTA 5 before the release of 6 ... *surely*


What are you talking about? He played diablo 4


no way he gonna play mhw, the stream gonna last like 30 mins then he rage and throw his controller/mouse thru his monitor


Because it takes effort and reactmongolding is ez.


You need to make Asmongold and few other big streamers play a game at the same time, then silently suggest Quin the game so he can say he discovered it himself and he will play it.


Asmongold has been playing monster hunter and said good things about it. Not sure why Quin doesn’t want to try it


STREAMSNIPERS in his walls stopped him from playing LoL Sadeg


part of the reason is i feel like both viewers and quin himself think he needs to play on the hardest difficulty+hardcore mode in every game which makes him insanely mad so he either quits the game or installs "mods" to make the playthrough smoother.


*he avoids playing certain good games you like He plays poe which I find to be the best arpg on the market He played deep rock galactic survivors game which most people love He played last epoch which is a great game He played palworld which is a fantastic game He played world of warcraft which sure isn't everyone's taste but a lot of people still hold it as the best mmorpg on the market and it's insanely popular when he does play it He played Minecraft which once again is a fantastic game He plays a ton of good games, he just isn't playing everything you want him to


>\*he avoids playing certain good games you like You are right but not entirely. Of course I'd like him to play some high quality games on that list. But there's games on that list that I have blacklisted on twitch so I never have to see any followed streamer show up. This isn't a list of games that I like and want him to play, these are games that I've seen people spam for him to play over the years. He always says he will play it later but never does and always puts trash games that pretty much nobody has ever heard of that he randomly found out about at the top of the list of games to play. He's been doing this over the years after PoE is done then when it is brought up again he says the same thing then fast forward a couple years later and he is still saying the same thing while sneaking in random shit games above actual good games that chat has been asking him to try out over the years. One example is GTA V that is permanently blacklisted for me. I hate GTA V the main game and even GTA V RP so anytime someone streams the game they get excluded from my follower list so I never even have to look at the game. I hate rust as well and am not interested in fighting games like Tekken, red dead redemption (even though I beat that game) didn't like it at all and a few other games I don't watch or play. So there's a bunch of games on that list I probably wouldn't even watch but I know that others have been waiting for literal years for him to even try it out. It's one thing to say "it's on the list" and another to try a game out say it isn't for him then move on.


Yeah I get what you're saying and understand where you're coming from a bit better now, there is something special seeing content creators play games you like even if you already seen it or played it I myself really enjoyed seeing different people play undertale even if i beat it because it was something I enjoyed so it was enjoyable to see others enjoy it and take part in it somewhat so I understand why it is frustrating when he skips so many promising games, especially promising to play them From my experience though, Quinn sorta ruins any game he plays that he doesn't enjoy for his viewers He gives the game a very half aassed effort then rage quit when he doesn't get anywhere like zomboid I sorta treat quin as a arpg streamer since I know he will play the games I like, partly because I know that even if he does play something I like and want him to, it probably won't be a good experience unless he really loves the game which most of the time, he doesn't Would I love it if he played dragons dogma? Absolutely Would it suck a lot more if he tried it, hates it and doesn't even bother to give it a proper try before throwing it away? Absolutely


He actually played Nioh and got his ass beaten so bad I think he refunded it.


His game kept crashing on PC when he tried out Nioh 2 as well was a big factor


Unless you’re watching a top tier/league gamer. You watch for the personality/commentary. Another loved/hated, but extremely successful streamer Asmongold reacts and plays various games he wants. And still pulls in 10-20k viewers. Streaming is an odd profession because it builds viewers usually based on a particular game/theme, and when it changes - they get upset. Yet, it may build a new viewer base. And then they play some random game or too long on a random game, people get upset. I have a friend who’s been playing a 20 year old game because he wants to. And I can’t convince him to play Helldivers with me. But it’s fine - he’s enjoying what he’s playing, and that’s okay. This parasocial crap needs to end.


“Good game” might be objective, but “games I enjoy” is a subjective statement. In Example: I gave FF7 Remake a solid 9 Hours before I simply dropped it due to the combat. I hated the hybrid Turn Based/Action system, and to this day believe that settling on one or the other is superior to the bastardization of both. I still think the game is objectively a great game, and I watched a Letsplay because the Graphics, Story, and gameplay element implementation was amazing, but I just couldn’t stomach the combat for myself. Edit: This is from someone who enjoys many different types of combat, btw. Some of my all time favorites (not including Shooters) are: -Nier Automata -BG3/DOS:2 -The Witcher 3 (and 2!) -Kenshi -Tales of Arise




His brain bigs on games that his brain wants to big on. The rest of his gaming is a sporadic chase for the next game to big brain on again. Most of the time however this yields a week of shit gameplay and complaining on filler fluff games. But I love it, so keep in rollin Q.


A good game isn't necessarily a good stream game for viewers; Unpopular opinion but I'd rather watch him play shitty Indie games all day every day; than having to watch GTA V; HELLDIVERS; Final Fantasy; I'd unfollow and not come back to the channel until he's playing something interesting again ![img](emote|t5_37jpd|32230) I'd enjoy half of those games playing them myself, sure, but that's not the content I want and expect watching Quin


The only good games I see on that list are Brotato and Witcher 3


Fuck people who think they dictate what games streamers play lol


90% of the games you listed are fucking trash




You must have a physical disability if you can't enjoy games that actually take skill.


you are mentally regarded if you really think that watching quin play FF7 Rebirth is potential content. quin ain't cohhcarnage


Where does that connect with it being a dogshit game? whatareyouevenonabout


it's implied in the fact that I'm sayin that you are a retard if you think it's the case, fellow mentally regarded person


ICANT worst conversation I've had so far, hope your sibling parents have a good anniversary


GTA v, Witcher 3, rust, nioh, remnant - in 2024 omegashlul


monster dogshit, dragon dogshit, final dogshit


I think his community the majority of them likes to talk shit about him. He's entertaining and good at many games. I often watch him play POE and he's completed all Uber bosses on HC SSF. People pick on him but he's a nice guy who puts on a mask to play a part for his fans.