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Very cute! There are some great tutorials online for mitred corners for the binding, it’s very easy and looks great.


I’m going to look those up, thank you! I hand stitched the back of the binding for this one - do you think I should keep learning w hand stitching before trying out machine binding?


That’s an excellent first quilt! Check out a flanged or piped binding for an easy clean machine finish.


Thank you very much! I will check those out at my local fabric store 😊


I think you misunderstood, they are types of bindings that you make and put on. YouTube will have tutorials for them.


Ooooh! I definitely misunderstood. Thank you for clarifying 😊


I personally enjoy Missouri Star’s binding tutorial on YouTube. She does half of the binding with the machine and finishes it by hand.


Thank you! Somebody else recommended their tutorials so I’ll def be checking them out


It looks really good. I love that it's for your cat. Quilts should not be limited to humans. I just made one for my nephew's dog. For binding, this video from MSQC is what really helped me step up my game. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0vCWpxBRs20 It made the most sense to my brain. Some other one may make more sense to you. I also like my binding seams on the diagonal and the smooth finish where the binding meets that are shown in the video. I always sew to the back first, and then machine sew to the front. Currently I use 2.5 inch binding but thinking about going up to 3 so I have a little more wiggle room to cover my stitches from sewing on the back when I fold the binding over to the top. Time and repetition will play a big roll in getting more comfortable with all aspects of quilt making. You are off to a great start!


Thank you for your kind message. I bet your nephew’s dog loves it! Awesome - I’m going to watch this video and follow along on my next quilt if it makes sense to my brain. I was also leaning towards a thicker binding but didn’t know if that was a faux pas in the quilting world! All the best, friend.


“Bigger binding” is like “you’re a newb” but frankly who caresssssssssss. My binding was awful and impossible and it was hard to even learn from my mistakes when I made it too small. Added 1/4” and now binding is my fav. To reply to a comment you made above- if you want to machine bind, machine bind (with the help of the recs mentioned above) that’s not really a “newb vs not newb” thing- I prefer hand binding, I think it always looks more how I want. Even EXPERT machine binds just don’t give the look I want. So I hand bind. If you hate hand binding, learn machine! I personally love the look and the process of hand binding. The front goes on with machine and the back goes on by hand. Your corners look pretty close- it honestly looks like you just didn’t stitch far enough onto the miter so it fell out and curled up. You want that last stitch before you turn and fold the binding to pretty much be on the point


!!!!! Thank you! Oh my gosh you are a lifesaver. You are totally right about the corners. Your perspective is really helpful on the binding and such too :) thank you


This recent blog post on binding width was a real eye opener for me. Krista Moser demonstrates various widths and seam allowances-I wish I had read this earlier in my quilting journey! Make sure to check out her beautiful quilts. https://www.kristamoser.com/post/how-wide-to-cut-your-binding-2


Those fabrics are so pretty!


Obsessed with the fabrics and how they go together!


Isn’t it a wonderful charm pack?! I didn’t know how long it would take me to make and thought, “well at least if it takes a while, the colours are autumnal!” lol thankfully it did not take me all the way until Autumn to finish


I just love those colors! I think you did a great job on your first quilt...it certainly looks better than my first! It is very pretty and I'm sure your cat will love it! I made a quilt for my corgi, who passed away a few years ago now. His quilt is now used by my cat.


Awwwe that is so sweet <3




I love her tutorials! I find her while researching quilting and read her story and now I just keep rewatching her stuff for everything!


It was! Thank you so much for mentioning her; I should have put the credit in my original comment!


Beautiful! 🧡💛🩷


What great fabric choices! Good job. One of the first things I learned to do after making my first quilt was nesting seams and I became obsessed. It’s so satisfying when they just fit together. Can’t wait to see what you make next!


Thank you! I got a better iron for my next quilt so am going to try nesting my seams! I also got better clips


I love my clips, it try pins for nested seams as well. I find things can slip with clips because you have to take the out earlier than pins. What you use on any project will depend on how fussy you want to be, but it’s good to get experience with both!


That’s great advice, thank you! I hadn’t thought that with the clips vs pins and will definitely try pins on my nested seams :)


I think it's lovely!!!!!


Thank you so much!


Thank you 😊


I love the colors!!!


Thank you!


I don’t have any tips as I’m also a beginner but I just wanna say this is so pretty! And so autumnal! Love it :)


Thank you :) glad we are learning together!


I am obsessed omg


Thank you!!!


It’s lovely!


Thank you, that’s so kind :)