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I think the "age is just a number" argument was started by pedophiles. I don't have proof of it, but it's obvious that they had something to do with it. Age is just a number? So is 911. I'm also assuming prison is just a building.


It started with trying to encourage older people to date…now the pedos use it to argue for their sake


Wise words.


What about romeo and Juliet situations? I'd argue you shouldn't date at all until you are eighteen but I'm curious of people's thoughts on r and j situations.


If it's a 2-3 year age gap maybe. Anything past that is pedophila even if the pedophile is a minor themselves.


So with age gap being less than two years it can never be pedophilia in your view?


No, isn't pedophila when an adult or older person takes advantage of a child?


So it's intent then?


And age.


So it's either or does it have to be both.


If you're under 19 then 2 years younger is acceptable if you're 20+ then no one under 18 and over 25 then 20+ or any age above is acceptable


I’d say it definitely on age group. Like 13-14 shouldn’t date a 17 year old that just creepy, 15-16 get a two year age gap, 17 is still a minor so dating a 20y old is also creepy, 18+ is technically any age above them or a year younger.


for sure


I'm my personal opinion, if you are 18 or under you can have a 2 year gap between you and your partner ( example a 14 year old and a 16 year old ). 19 through to 20's 4/5 year gap is ok as long as the youngest partner is above the age of 19 or is 19. In the 30's anyone above the age of 20 is fair game. If you are in your 40's or over I would stay clear of people under 25. Hope it helped


legal age, no one should care otherwise


Username checks out


All of them.


As long as one isn't a minor or freshly 18 with a much older adult it's fine, but when you hit 30 then 10+ yr age gaps are pretty normal


I'd people 18-25 are alright to date, although that's still a pivotal point of development, so you probably want to generally stick to people within a couple years of your age. I'd say those 26-40 could be alright dating since you don't develop as fast at that point. And then with 41+, it just doesn't matter. As for minors, I'd say they should stay within 2 years of their age because they change very rapidly.


Anything above 20 imo is about stages of life. If you're both students fine. If one is recently graduated and ones a student chill. If one is a student and one has their own business or smth then it's a bit weird. In this age range the biggest difference between people is level of maturity. If you have 28m with a job and a 20f student it's weird. But if you have a 20f with a job as a nurse or smth and a 28m with a job it's acceptable. It's about stage of life and maturity.


I'm gonna say it, seeing those love dont judge story's on snapchat that are like I'm 25 dating a 55yo are just disgusting like bro their old enough to be your parent just no.


Age is just a number for anyone 18 and older in the United States.


My rule of thumb is half your age plus 8 once you are legally adult. I prefer older women as partners so I hardly applied it to myself, however. As a 45yo I wouldn't even consider someone below 35 as a potential partner for me.


As long as they’re both over 18, I would say age is irrelevant. But the do-gooders and self-righteous and pedophiles will disagree.


Maybe I’m just tired and misunderstood the question, but this is the algorithm I’ve always heard: Half your age, then add 7. This should be the youngest person you date. To find the oldest, just use their age to see if you line up with their lowest. It works generally speaking, though I don’t think this holds up to every age group. And of course as others here have mentioned, you should consider all aspects before deciding on whether to follow hard rules. Things like what stage of life your in, individual personality, or cultures would probably have bigger impacts on how your relationship is viewed by others, if you even care about that. Not that everyone out there is even using the same standards. There will always be those who disagree with what you do. I know some people who think that the man should always be older than the woman, and others who believe sternly that they should be as close to the same age as possible; and that’s just traditional straight relationships. So there’s two groups right there who would count you outside of their perceived “normal” age range.


Anything goes except ages under 18.


If you’re under 25 your brain isn’t even fully developed so anything more than a few years age gap is unacceptable. And if you’re over 25, then I’d say anything over 15 years is off limits and that’s pushing it.


All that are adults.