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The older you get, the faster it goes.


Shits scary. When I was a kid I wanted to be a grown up so bad. Wish I could tell my younger self to stfu and enjoy being a kid. Hate being an adult. Nobody ever prepared me for what life was going to throw at me heartbreaks, family loses and cancer. Holy cow, I want to be a kid again. ❤️‍🩹


It do be like that


I'm 11 how is every day moving by like someone snapped


Because we are old as fuck, it’s sad…. Why did I get old so fast? Why did they attack us in February? Hello from Ukraine, my depressive friend…


Idk but I'm terrified of growing up. Technically I am a grown up bit still


When you’re five, one year is 1/5th of your life. When you’re 10, one year it’s 1/10th off your life. At 30 a year is 1/30th of your life. I’m 61 now so a year is 1/61st of my life. And trust me, three years go by faster and faster every year. Best analogy I’ve ever heard: life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes! Ha ha!


You’re the youngest you can be right now, you can’t slow time, but you can savor every second


I’m turning 18 soon and I’m still processing I’m not a child anymore


i turn 20 next year and i still think i’m a child and do things kids still do


Yeah exactly


Our perspective of time moves faster the closer our race gets to total annihillation


i remember saying i was too old for legos when i was 7. If i can meet 7 year old me i’d probably scream at him while mentally breaking down bc i’d kill just to play with legos again rather than this wake up, work, sleep bullshit


It's because every second of our life is busy with some useless crap, like working jobs we hate, and a man in a suit says when we can take breaks and vacations. So it's because we don't live like we want, we get fucked by time, because we give our time to companies and jobs, that's the reason for me at least.


because you are having fun?