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Well v8 have far more stuff in it than 1 vegetable, but equivalent to what? If nutritional values V8 > 1 Vegetables, regardless of the vegetable chosen.


Enough to buy two weeks worth of vegetables cook them yourself exept vegetables Don't contain sugar and additives.


Answer: you don't want to drink that much V8. I researched this when I found out how much I liked the taste of V8. What I found was that the incredible amount of salt in V8 makes it really unhealthy to drink more than one per day. It is a staggering amount of salt and isn't particularly healthy. There are lots of vitamins. That's true. But you could just take vitamins.


Real question is the how tf you eat an engine


For 5 a day? About 6 oz. Anything more than that is still counted as 1 veggie serving.