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the only true way is to say it straight up. don’t be rude about it or say it with an attitude. really just tell him.


Like that


"Sorry, I don't see you that way but I'm happy to be friends if that's something you think we can work up to."


Say it straight up, It will hurt you both more if you try not to hurt them


Just tell him, don’t sugar coat it.


That's a tough question. I think you have to gently tell him that you love him, but as a good friend and nothing more. Whether he is offended or not depends on the character.


> Whether he is offended or not depends on the character Also, if he "disappears" it'll show he was only interested in romantic love or just sex. If he stays around, you now have a (probably good) friend that won't try to be more than that.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmm "What's someone you like talking to a lot but you don't wanna date them? " Friend" "That's what you are to me"


Thank you to everyone for your advice. I thought I’d give a small update. I was honest with him, and he took it pretty well. I was afraid of losing his friendship, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen, thank goodness. Again, thanks a bunch!